Transformers: Beast Wars: The Ascending - Transformers Wiki


Trade paperback cover

Transformers: Beast Wars: The Ascending is a comic book miniseries originally published in from October 2007 to January 2008 by IDW Publishing. It is a sequel to Transformers, Beast Wars: The Gathering.

« Transformers: Beast Wars: The Ascending issues:


Magmatron's plot to raise a Predacon army has been foiled. But trouble brews anew, both on prehistoric Earth and present-day Cybertron. On Earth, the Predacons, now led by Ravage, are desperate to get off-planet before Optimus Primal's crew leaves forever, and assault the Maximal forces with increasing ferocity. On Cybertron, Shokaract's impending ascendancy to godhood threatens the entire planet. Both conflicts intertwine when the Pack travels back in time to retrieve the stragglers on Earth, only to be met by Shokaract's minions. Both Maximals and Predacons join forces to tackle the threat of apocalyptic proportions and are ultimately victorious, though not without casualties on both sides. Ultimately, Shokaract is defeated, but Cybertron is left vulnerable in the battle's wake.


  • Like its predecessor, the miniseries was reprinted in Titan's UK Transformers comic.
  • The story is quite vague about who Shokaract is and where he and Angolmois came from, which is a problem as they're the plot! Titan's "Previously" summaries would, in two issues, call Shokaract "the ghost of Unicron" to help kids out.
  • North American direct market sales were 14,223 for #1, descending to 11,493 for #4 - half the sales of Gathering #4. Ouch. Sales on the Titan reprint were higher, ensuring an extra 20,000 readers saw the story.

Creative team

The Ascending, like its predecessor, was penned by Simon Furman, pencils & inks by Don Figueroa and colours by Josh Burcham. However, due to Figueroa's hiatus from the Transformers franchise, Guido Guidi filled in on penciling duties for the final issue. Additionally, Mark Bristow, Andrew Elder, Jeong Joo Park, Liam Shalloo and Josh Perez filled in for Burcham for pages throughout The Ascending.


  • Collects issues 1–4.
  • Bonus content includes alternate covers from all issues.
  • Collects The Ascending and material from the Beast Wars Sourcebook.
  • Bonus content includes the normal Furman introduction and cover gallery, a 7-page Beast Wars Glossary (from the Sourcebook trade), and a 5-page Behind the Scenes proposal of Furman's planned third Beast Wars miniseries to be titled The Revisiting.
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    Beast Wars Omnibus; cover art by Don Figueroa and Josh Burcham

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    Definitive G1 Collection Volume 94: Beast Wars: The Ascending; cover art by Don Figueroa