Transformers Comic issue 4.14 - Transformers Wiki

Just how is Fowler keeping the Autobots under wraps?

It's a Knock Out

It's the middle of a jungle, and a brave explorer is venturing across a rope bridge when a huge log swings into view, knocking him off the bridge and into the water. All is not as it seems though, as the hapless Tod is in actuality a contestant on Chuck Chuckles's gameshow Down and Out. As Chuck begins to introduce the next contestant, the lights abruptly go out and when he demands the lights be put back on, he's confronted by Knock Out.

Sometime later, three Autobots head into the city as Agent Fowler briefs them by radio—Optimus and Bulkhead are to act as negotiators, and Arcee is along for backup. Hauling up to the studio, they realise there's a crowd gathered and nip around the back so they can enter unseen. While Arcee goes for a more stealthy approach, the other two walk in and immediately give away their position when Bulkhead is startled by a giant teddy bear. The pair stand among the remains of the bear as Knock Out and Breakdown reveal themselves. The pair have the studio audience in a box ready to be dropped into a spiked pit if Optimus and Bulkhead don't take part in their Decepticon TV gameshow Down and Knocked Out.

With no other choice, the two Autobots start to cross the wooden bridge and narrowly avoid the swinging log. Though Bulkhead believes he knows all the traps from having watched the game show with Miko, the bridge unexpectedly drops him into the drink, and Knock Out informs him that the two Decepticons have made some changes. After Optimus fishes Bulkhead out, the Autobots have an encounter with a falling wall which Prime deals with, and then four mummies stagger into view. The mummies are, in fact, Vehicons in disguise.

While Bulkhead takes on the Vehicons, Optimus climbs up and retrieves the box containing the studio audience. Knock Out reveals his backup plan—he's wired the place to blow when he hits the button on his remote. Thankfully, Arcee picks this moment to act, blasting the floor and sending the two Decepticons plummeting while saving Chuck Chuckles. The studio audience are under the impression it was all a show, and Arcee steals all the camera footage just to be sure. The footage in question unfortunately gets played repeatedly back at Autobot HQ by the three kids, who enjoy watching Bulkhead fall down.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"Haha! It's funny because he's wet!"

Breakdown and later Raf (It's funny, you see, because Bulkhead is wet.)

"Sometimes humans confuse me. This is clearly supposed to be an Aztec setting but these inscriptions are Egyptian hieroglyphs instead of Nahuatl pictograms..."

Optimus Prime is annoyed by the inaccurate set.

"You're rubbish! I've seen more life-like robots on a Saturday morning cartoon!"

—An audience member on seeing the Autobots.


  • Bulkhead's vehicle mode is drawn with his wrecking ball weapon mounted on the back, like his First Edition toy.


  • Given the TV game show theme, this story evidently takes its title from the classic UK game show, It's a Knockout.
  • Knock Out and Breakdown sure are close. I mean, they're treating this mission almost like a date!
  • On the Etherington Brothers blog, Robin Etherington acknowledged Breakdown was a bit dead in the show and said this strip happened before that.


Articles and features

The issue manages to have the now-usual bunch of puzzles, AND a surprisingly large number of actual features, just like in the old days.

  • Kre-O Transformers Conundrums
  • Soundwave's Stumpers
  • Down and Out! -more puzzles
  • Super Cybertronian Seach!
  • Prime Targets game (used with the free gift)
  • Knock Out profile
  • The Trans Files: Trypticon (fact file on the Decepticon spaceship)
  • Smackdown: Starscream vs. Soundwave (Soundwave wins)
  • "Prime Time" poster of the Autobots posing.
  • Mega-Mouth: Megatron and Arcee answer letters and critique art again.
  • Competition: Win a Transformers: Prime: Dangerous Ground DVD or a Prime deluxe figure ("styles may vary").
  • It's Prime Time: Final part of TF:Prime Season 2. Manages to be spoiler-free by only showing small screen-grabs with very brief captions telling you how exciting it all is.

Free Gift!


"Your efforts of late have been mightily impressive, mouth-breathers. More artwork of this calibre and I may even consider sparing your puny excuse for a planet."


"You Autobots are a joke. You call him Bumblebee and yet the pathetic dustkicker can't even fly! I grow tired of your stupidity. More artwork, I say!"




  • The Trans Files claim the Nemesis is in constant orbit around the Earth, something even the pictures is includes contradict.



  • What time is it? Adventure Time! An advert for another comic from Titan.
  • Totally Fruit Ninja magazine -another advert for another comic from Titan.
  • Completely Cut the Rope magazine -another advert for another comic from Titan. I don't understand kids these days.
  • Subscribe today!
  • Transformers Comic issue 4.15 — promises this will contain Giant-sized Transformers: Prime goodness! with a Massive poster to transform your wall! which apparently makes next issue a POSTER SPECIAL. With a Free!! Fantastic Frisbee! On sale 13 June.

External links