User:AzimuthAcolyte - Transformers Wiki

If you're reading this and own any Masterpiece or MPG toys you don't see in the MP and MPG archives, please add scans!


The scrapped Microman playset to Diaclone Logo Guy to The One pipeline is probably the most extensive confluence of TakaraTomy preproduction lore to actual Transformers mythology to date. So much research went into this one graphic you guys.
The curious can click through for a proper explanation of what I'm on about with annotations, citations, etc etc.

The one what does the toy design credits.

Low level staff. Not a dude.

Usually working on squirrely older Takara stuff, fiction wise.

My specialties in no particular order:

If you need help with something Japanese I probably at least know a guy.

Anyway stream Go! Go!


Crash Courses

Where to go for primary sources


Out of house

  • TFRaw is pretty much the premiere archive for hard to find Transformers media full stop.
  • for toy bios
  • Soundwaves Oblivion for translated Japanese bios and interviews

A Beginner's Guide to Machine Translation


I will be talking in terms of Japanese-to-English translation, as that's what I'm usually doing, but these tools work with most any language, including English!

Getting around the internet in other languages

The long story short for this one is browser extensions.

I use the "Translate Web Page" open-source extension for Firefox. It allows you to feed plain text on any web page through Google Translate and convert it into any other language in Google's library. While you should NEVER rely on a single algorithm for translation, this should provide more than enough information to get around parts of the internet in languages for which you aren't fluent.

For those curious about the guts of the thing, the extension's github can be found here.

Transcription software

Translation software

Cleaning up your translation

Never take the algorithm's word for it! After you get your text into the desired language, read it back. As a human being with a real thinking brain and working knowledge of Transformers lore, you will almost certainly find basic errors it is within your power to correct. If parts of the text don't make sense at all, there are a couple things you can do:

  • First, run the source text through more algorithms. You should be using more than one machine translator in the first place, but if you compare how multiple models stumble over the same phrase, you can glean more clues into what's being said.
  • If that doesn't work, break up the problem phrase and try feeding the individual words into a dictionary for better context. Wiktionary is reliable all-purpose starting point. For translating from Japanese to English specifically, I favor Jisho.
  • If all else fails, the most reliable solution is to consult another person who actually speaks the language. The quickest way to do this is to stop by the official TFWiki Discord server where we generally always have one or two translators on call. A permanent invite link to the Discord can be found on the Main Page.

For my own reference

Translation Reference Index

Precursor World (Primus Vanguard and so forth)

Spin Off comics Generations Selects Special Comic


Spacetime World: Guardians of Time

(machine translated by me)



The Selects Primus Masterplan

Collating dialogue from, to, and about Primus in the Generations Selects Special Comic in an attempt to nail down a motive for porting in each new toy G1 World warrior to the Precursor World in the greater context of his plot to destroy the universe.

Optimus Prime

Star Convoy comic

Page 1 panels 4-7

PRIMUS: O children of the stars... This world is on the brink of crisis...
GALVATRON: The hell is that?!
CONVOY: The Earth!
(Primus gives the pair his command as he charges Convoy’s MATRIX with a new power.)
PRIMUS: Return history to its proper flow with the power of the Silver Matrix!

Optimus is mistaken, that's the Blue Planet, not the Earth.

Seacons comic 2

Page 1 panels 1, 2

PRIMUS: Gather the Star Power within this Silver Matrix...
PRIMUS: Once gathered, it will hold power that rivals the very forces of creation.
PRIMUS: With that power defend this world... your future...
PRIMUS: Bring light... to this world...!
NARRATION: A mysterious entity has charged Convoy with a great mission! What's more, his waiting fate has been revealed...

Super Megatron comic 1

Page 1 panels 5, 6

CONVOY: Primus?!
PRIMUS: Use the power of the Silver Matrix to return history to its proper flow!

Super Megatron comic 2

Page 4 panel 7

PRIMUS: Now, o Convoy of another world.

Page 5 panels 1, 2

PRIMUS: This world is the universe that predated your own.
PRIMUS: It is the proper destruction of this world that will lead to the birth of yours.
PRIMUS: The Vok attacked this universe in order to reset the failed experiment they conducted in yours.
PRIMUS: O Convoy, in order to protect your future, you must thus protect this world.

Finale Prelude

Page 1 panel 4

NARRATION: Convoy would be granted the Silver Matrix by Primus, and was evolved into his ultimate form, Star Convoy, defeating the Vok in the process.
NARRATION: He was then bestowed with a mission from Primus: to gather the seven Star Powers and complete the Silver Matrix in order to protect the universe.

Page 14 panels 5-9

STAR CONVOY: Right now my mission is to delay the creation of Primacron's universe, even for a little while.
STAR CONVOY: This isn't just for sentient life. I will defend the freedom of life itself.
STAR CONVOY: That's what it is to defend the universe, the world, and everything in it.
STAR CONVOY: That is what I’ve learned here.
PRIMUS: That's what I thought, Star Convoy! That's the kind of thing men like you do.
PRIMUS: Which is exactly why I used you.
PRIMUS: That's why I had you defeat the Vok.


Star Convoy comic

Page 1 panels 4-7

PRIMUS: O children of the stars... This world is on the brink of crisis...
GALVATRON: The hell is that?!
CONVOY: The Earth!
(Primus gives the pair his command as he charges Convoy’s MATRIX with a new power.)
PRIMUS: Return history to its proper flow with the power of the Silver Matrix!

Optimus is mistaken, that's the Blue Planet, not the Earth.

God Neptune comic 1

Page 3 panels 4-6

STAR CONVOY: The Blue Warriors have suffered great losses...
PRIMUS: It's alright Convoy.
PRIMUS: These lives... Their sparks shall all come aboard my Ark...
PRIMUS: They shall be led to the next world....
PRIMUS: It's why I led Megatron to this world, you see.
STAR CONVOY: What on Earth are you talking about?!

Finale Prelude

Page 1 panels 2-3

NARRATION: The higher beings known as the Vok, who failed during the Beast Wars-
NARRATION: Arrived to destroy the universe.
NARRATION: In order to stop them-
NARRATION: Convoy, who held the power to defeat the Vok-
NARRATION: And Megatron, who held the power to merge with them, were summoned to the universe by Primus.


Seacons comic 3

Page 1 panels 6, 7

TURTLER: Come on you Gulfs! Seacon Combination!

Page 2 (all)

KING POSEIDON: King Poseidon!!
(Halfshell watches the battle as mechanical arms work on his body.)
HALFSHELL: Hoho. Not bad, moldmate. I'd say the Clone Seacon Combination Experiment was a rousin’ success... All accordin’ to plan.
HALFSHELL: We’re one step closer.
(Halfshell looks upon his pirate crew contained in glowing tubes.)
HALFSHELL: Closer to the future He desires!

God Neptune comic 1

Page 12 panels (all)

HALFSHELL: I’ve got the White Matrix!
(The Seacon pirates come together, carrying their stolen Matrixes.)
HALFSHELL: And me ‘n me crew-
HALFSHELL-just like Gigastorm-
HALFSHELL-are restored and refitted!
HALFSHELL: All hands on deck, lads! Let’s bring it together!
(The Seacons transform into their combiner limb modes and join with Halfshell’s torso mode.)
(God Neptune stands, now equipped with the various Matrixes of the Primus Vanguard.)
GOD NEPTUNE: God Neptune!!
GOD NEPTUNE: This universe’s ultimate treasure, Star Power, is ours!
GOD NEPTUNE: With this power, I’ll become a god! And my creation will be just as He wished it!
STAR CONVOY: What did he mean… “He”...?

God Neptune comic 2

Page 5 panels 7-10

HALFSHELL: And Lawbhammer...
HALFSHELL: Even though ye’re just a swab, ye protected me all the same.
(A shadowy figure appears before Halfshell, who cradles Lawbhammer’s body.)
SHADOWY FIGURE: Would you like him revived?
HALFSHELL: Who goes there!
SHADOWY FIGURE: Just call me “someone’s servant”, if you please.
SHADOWY FIGURE: If you do exactly what I say, him and the rest will be reborn.
(Lawbhammer’s body is sucked into a spaceship as Halfshell watches.)
SHADOWY FIGURE: But I'll be taking this one as collateral.
SHADOWY FIGURE: Now go, Halfshell! First to the year 2020!

Abominus comic 2

Page 11 (all)

(PRIMUS and his golden entourage step through a portal!)
PRIMUS: The complete Silver Matrix... With this, there's no longer a need for senseless conflict.
STARSCREAM: As for the future you envisioned, Lord Primus...
PRIMUS: Yes... I am the He you spoke of... and all has proceeded according to my grand design.

Finale Prelude

Page 2 panel 2

(An image of Turtler and Halfshell)
NARRATION: When Primus summoned Convoy and Galvatron from the Known World, a new enemy appeared to face them.
NARRATION: A being known only as “He” summoned Transformers to the Precursor Universe in order to create the future he desired.

Page 12 panels 5-7

(Lawbhammer forcibly combines with God Neptune, taking control of him.)
GOD NEPTUNE: W-what are you doing?!
GOD NEPTUNE: I can't control myself!
STARSCREAM: With this, five of the Star Powers are now ours!
STARSCREAM: We’re one step closer!
STARSCREAM: To the future He envisioned!


God Neptune comic 2

Page 8 panels 3-7

PRIMUS: You asked me what I'm planning, Primacron.
PRIMUS: Only the destruction-
PRIMUS: -of your ambition!
(Primus shouts, creating a wormhole.)
PRIMUS: With this power!
PRIMUS: To me!
PRIMUS: My Primitives!
PRIMUS: To me!

Volcanicus comic 1

Page 1 panel 1

(Primus rejoices as the Dinobots arrive on the Blue Planet from a time portal, to the surprise of Star Convoy and Turtler.)
PRIMUS: To me, my Primitives! My Dinobots!

Finale Prelude

Page 2 panels 3-4

NARRATION: But another inhabitant of the Precursor World had the same plan! He who would create Unicron in the Known World: the scientist, Primacron.
NARRATION: Using the “Divine Power” he developed, Angolmois Energy, he planned to become god of the new world.
(Primus summons his Primitives: the Dinobots.)
NARRATION: In order to stop him, Primus once again summoned new warriors from the Known World.

Page 4 panels 5-7

PRIMUS: Primacron's getting away!
PRIMUS: Grimlock, stop him!
GRIMLOCK: Me Grimlock, and you Oracle! Primacron up to old tricks again?
PRIMUS: Yes! Though the one you defeated was from the far future!
GRIMLOCK: Me Grimlock no get it! But me Grimlock get Primacron!

Page 15 panel 7

PRIMUS: My Primitives, stop Primacron!

Page 16 panels 3-5

(The Dinobots combine.)
GRIMLOCK: Combine! Form Volcanicus!
(Volcanicus fires a chest laser right at Neo Primus.)

Page 17 panel 1

PRIMUS: Excellent work, my Primitives!
PRIMUS: This is exactly why I called you here!


Honestly not sure Primus meant to summon these guys, they hitchhiked through the Dinobots' portal and share no scenes with him so far that I can find.

Vector Sigma disclaimer

  • Primus's mellow future self Vector Sigma closing time loops is distinct from the young Primus's hare-brained scheme so the gifting of the Magma Blades to Grimlock in Volcanicus 1 and the deployment of Lio Convoy to 2050 in Finale are purposefully excluded here.

I just really like how this template turned out

Primus Vanguard

Leader: Primus | Matrix: Silver Matrix | Headquarters: Ivory Towers | Fleet: Sentinel Armada | Related Group: Golden Age | Energy Sources: Star Power | Golden Power


Leader: Red Sentinel Prime
Matrix: Matrix Buster
Base: Red Planet


Leader: Yellow Splendid Convoy
Matrix: Matrix Gauntlet
Base: Yellow Planet


Leader: Green Tender Convoy | Megatron
Matrix: Creation Matrix
Base: Green Planet


Leader: Blue Brightes Convoy | Blue Big Convoy | Magna Convoy
Matrix: α Matrix | Matrix Sword
Base: Blue Planet


Leader: Purple Wicked Convoy
Matrix: Purple Matrix
Base: Purple Planet


Leader: Black Go Prime | Deadlock
Matrix: Black Legendisc
Base: Black Planet


Leader: White Gallant Convoy
Matrix: Matrix Saber
Base: White Planet