User talk:Sabrblade - Transformers Wiki

Hey, Sabrblade. We may have disliked some of your edits, but I'm glad to see that you've created an account. It's a lot easier to talk to a screen name than an IP address. ^_^ --Steve-o 14:38, 16 February 2008 (EST)

Nothing wrong with the captions per se, it's just common practice to revert caption changes from new anons. Now that I know it's a regular contributor, I've no objections. --Detour 18:31, 11 February 2010 (EST)


Stillness... then strike!

Please use the Preview button when making numerous small changes to a single page, using "Save page" only after all your changes are made. This way, you don't clutter the Recent Changes page with a ton of tiny little edits.

^ Right, sorry. I'm usually more careful than as of late. I'll try not to be so hasty. --Sabrblade 17:31, 4 February 2011 (EST)

Spelling checks

Hey, in addition to the namechecks I mentioned on my talk page, in the middle of Flobsters on Parade, Chief Burns hands Cody a device he calls a "Comm tab". Can you please check how that's parsed in the captions? Thanks! --abates 05:31, 18 March 2012 (EDT)

Another quick check if you would - in the captions for Operation Bumblebee, is T-cog hyphenated? --abates 21:32, 19 March 2012 (EDT)

Can't check the DVR recordings during the weekdays... but thankfully I made certain to check that one when I watched it. Yes. T-Cog is hyphenated (and because of that, I've been spelling it with a capital C). --Sabrblade 21:36, 19 March 2012 (EDT)
Aha, thanks! --abates 21:55, 19 March 2012 (EDT)


I can't get the captions to show up on the google docs link. How stupid am I, and what am I doing wrong?KrytenKoro 22:17, 15 July 2013 (EDT)

The YouTube video is just the normal raw version of the episode. The subbed version must be dowloded by clicking the downward-pointing arrow.
Though, do note that these particular subs are the first rough draft, made prior to any QC checking. There have since been two updated drafts made in two other subtitle files, so these ones here are far from being the finished product. --Sabrblade 22:28, 15 July 2013 (EDT)
Hey, the lightning blast blew a transformer on the power line! Puns.
I watched it, I put up my thoughts, hopefully that satisfies. And wow this episode makes me sad. I thought that the "dead, emotionless faces" thing was just them making a poor choice for promotional artwork, not...not this. Anything but this...I thought Prime was too stuffy in, y'know, Prime, but wow, they kicked it up a notch.KrytenKoro 22:51, 15 July 2013 (EDT)
Oh, and I spotted a few typos if it helps:
  • Can I ask your name?
  • Henceforth, we will carry on fighting shoulder-to-shoulder for Earth's peace.
  • Actually, who are you?
LOL, yeah, I figured not many would like the no facial expressions. But, I wasn't bothered by it too much since it reminded me of the kind of costumed Tokusatsu characters who have similarly fixed faces. ;P
If you want, I could give you a link to the latest update to the subtitle script. Though, it's in a separate subtitle file that would have to be loaded to the original video file. --Sabrblade 23:17, 15 July 2013 (EDT)
You mean just for typo-checking? I'm honestly not very good at recognizing spoken Japanese unless I replay it several times (though for that matter, my hearing's going for English, too...WTF), so if you had it as a straight text file I could probably check it more efficiently.KrytenKoro 09:40, 16 July 2013 (EDT)
Oh, I just meant if you'd prefer to watch a version with less typos. --Sabrblade 09:53, 16 July 2013 (EDT)
One more thing (if you're still reading this). Would "sacred mirror" need the first letter of each of its words to be capitalized or no? --Sabrblade 01:26, 17 July 2013 (EDT)
They're calling it something like "Seidara Kagami", yeah? Looks like it's based nominally and visually on the Yata no Kagami, one of the imperial regalia of Japan, and that doesn't get capitals. The Go! mirror's importance is restricted to that family, and it doesn't seem like it would be reappearing again, so I would not treat it as requiring termness. Then again, it is the MacGuffin for this episode, could go either way. (With its basis in the Yata no Kagami, which was used to "summon" Amaterasu, I wouldn't be surprised if the big series MacGuffin was the Yata, and it released Dragotron or Unicron or something.)
Also, do we know that it is "Legendisc", not "Regen Disc"?KrytenKoro 11:29, 17 July 2013 (EDT)
I asked since Walruslaw uppercased it and left it uppercased in the revised subs, but he may have done that unintentionally since he originally uppercased a ton of odd words in the first draft, so I was unsure. It's only mentioned once, so I'm not sure it if would need to be capitalized.
As for "Legendisc", there's a discussion on its talk page. --Sabrblade 11:49, 17 July 2013 (EDT)

Optimus Exprime

Do we have a primary source for this romanization now?--BraveMax (talk) 00:39, 1 December 2013 (EST)

It's a guess based on the name being spelled as オプティマスエクスプライム (as the "エクス" comes out as "Ex" or "X") and a portmanteau between "Express" and "Prime" (as at least one or two previous listings had the toy labeled as "Optimus Express"). "EX" gives off the connotation of it sounding like "ee ex" instead of just "ex", and some have taken to misreferring to the toy as such based on the "EX" spelling.
Granted, it could be any of the following: "Exprime", "ExPrime", "Ex-Prime", "Ex-prime", "Ex Prime", "Xprime", "XPrime", "X-Prime", "X-prime", "X Prime", etc. But "Exprime" seems to resemble the assumed "Express/Prime" pun the most.
This, along with the similarly-guessed "Go Prime", is one name that we desperately need Takara to tell us how to properly spell in English. --Sabrblade (talk) 06:21, 1 December 2013 (EST)
So... You have no proof, you just prefer your romanization? I mean, I agree that "EX Prime" is probably not accurate... But it wouldn't be the first time TakTom has pulled a fast one on us, so shouldn't we hold off on making changes willy-nilly until we have more info?--BraveMax (talk) 00:30, 2 December 2013 (EST)
Technically, the "Exprime" spelling was on the Go! toyline page well before the other pages were created, so I was just uniforming the other pages based on that. But if you'd like to recommend a better spelling (preferably one that doesn't use the misleading "EX"), I'm open to suggestions. --Sabrblade (talk) 00:40, 2 December 2013 (EST)
No. Just my usual "Let's leave it alone until we know for sure". Like I say - I don't disagree, I just think we don't have much proof either way. We will soon, though :)--BraveMax (talk) 01:03, 2 December 2013 (EST)

The Riders of Midwinter and Chief Woodrow

Do you know if and when the Hub Network will air the two missing Transformers: Rescue Bots episodes? Please let me know. This is important. Thank you. AdamDeanHall (talk) 12:53, 31 July 2014 (EDT)

No one knows. Be patient. --Sabrblade (talk) 15:44, 31 July 2014 (EDT)
I'd not be shocked if "The Riders of Midwinter" aired in December. --abates (talk) 16:44, 31 July 2014 (EDT)

Pop-Up Inferno and Sunstreaker

So back during the discussion about the characters in the The Ultimate Pop-up Universe, you stated that the designs for Inferno and Sunstreaker (as can be seen here and here) looked to be Binder of Revelation designs, therefore making them Aligned/Uniend characters. Do you know where I could find these BoR designs? I moved Pop-Inferno's info to the G1 page, but in retrospect I can see that I might have made a mistake in that regard. I would like to rectify this if I did indeed make a mistake in getting the Aligned Inferno page deleted. And if not, then I would like to get Aligned Sunstreaker moved to "Sunstreaker (Prime)" as opposed to its current labeling. S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent 47 (talk) 06:38, 18 November 2015 (EST)

The Pop-Up book is the first place that these designs of Inferno and Sunstreaker have appeared. As for Sunstreaker's disambig, since he first appeared in the Pop-Up book, he gets the "(Pop-Up)" disambig as was decided on the book's talk page. --Sabrblade (talk) 09:39, 18 November 2015 (EST)
Although, hold off on the Pop-Up stuff for a moment since I'm needing to update that character list on the talk page. There are some on that list that I'm no longer fully certain of after new info has come to light since my last updating the list. --Sabrblade (talk) 10:03, 18 November 2015 (EST)
Hmmm. If you say that Pop-Up Inferno and Sunstreaker are original designs, not BoR-inspired, then doesn't that point to them being Primax guys, inspired by the traditional G1 designs? S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent 47 (talk) 10:11, 18 November 2015 (EST)
I'm saying that the Pop-Up book is the first place that the Inferno and Sunstreaker designs have publicly appeared in, but are in the same style as the Binder designs of other characters that we've seen outside of the pop-up book. --Sabrblade (talk) 10:17, 18 November 2015 (EST)

Kamen Rider vs Masked Rider

Toei specifically uses "Masked Rider" for series titles and the Riders themselves up until Kamen Rider W when. The toys use it (including SH Figuarts of pre-W Riders to this day), the DVDs and Blurays of those series use it, it's used in Shin, and the teaser trailers for ZO and J, and the series logos for Agito-Blade and Kabuto-Decade. There's even an episode of Masked Rider Black where an American scientist calls Black "Masked Rider". --FortMax (talk) 15:04, 23 April 2016 (EDT)

It was decided on's TFWiki thread to keep the "Kamen Rider" name as it's the most widespread and commonly understood name of the franchise (and what it is still verbally called 99% of the time, even by the English-speaking world) with using "Masked Rider" to refer to said franchise (and not the admittedly horrid 90's Saban adaptation) being needlessly pedantic and obfuscating information, which is the opposite of what this Wiki strives to do. --Sabrblade (talk) 02:33, 24 April 2016 (EDT)
I'm with Sabrblade. How many people know about "Kamen Rider" compared to "Masked Rider"? S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent 47 (talk) 13:18, 24 April 2016 (EDT)
And I'm not sure how leaping out of nowhere to insist on unilaterally changing the most minor thing ever is helpful in any way. Saix (talk) 13:22, 24 April 2016 (EDT)
"Kamen Rider" for the framchise is just fine, and is what TOei uses. But "Masked Rider" really should be used for the specific shows and characters that Toei and Bandai use "Masked Rider" for. So you have, day, Masked Rider Kaixa, from the show Masked Rider Blade, which is part of the Kamen Rider Franchise. Also, going with "Kamen Rider" for everything just because Wikipedia does is a bad idea considering Ryulong rules the toku pages there with an iron fist. --FortMax (talk) 13:39, 26 April 2016 (EDT)
I guess admin action stands paramount, but I disagree with this reasoning. Also, I'm unaware of the full context, but a check of Wikipedia shows that this "Ryulong" guy has been banned since last year. S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent 47 (talk) 13:47, 26 April 2016 (EDT)
Saying "Masked Rider Blahblahblah is a character from the Masked Rider Blahblahblah show in the Kamen Rider franchise" is the very kind of needless pedantry and confusion that this Wiki aims to avoid, especially when it's for material that is completely ancillary to Transformers and outside of what this Wiki chooses to cover at length. --Sabrblade (talk) 16:16, 26 April 2016 (EDT)
Yeah, we're not a Kamen Rider wiki, and thus do not have any obligation to use what Toei uses. Kamen Rider is what it's most commonly known as amongst English-speakers and fans, and what casual readers of the wiki are most likely to recognise and/or search for. --Riptide (talk) 17:37, 26 April 2016 (EDT)
I've seen "Kamen Rider" in English discussions since at least as far back as 2000 so it probably predates Wikipedia's use. And nobody on the internet could even find the official English versions with "Masked" for most of the shows, anyway. Item42 (talk) 18:47, 26 April 2016 (EDT)

BWU Cybertronix

If you have time can you copy over and format the text of the Predacon Manifesto and Unity Through Tyranny into the source material pages I have created? I myself don't have the right amount of time and concentration right now. S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent 47 (talk) 07:06, 26 January 2017 (EST)

I suppose I could. Though, you are aware that it's all here as well, right? --Sabrblade (talk) 12:23, 26 January 2017 (EST)
I really have to stop thinking about such things when I haven't gotten sleep. S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent 47 (talk) 12:49, 26 January 2017 (EST)

Look I asked MSipher like I said never got an answer maybe you know

What does it take for a character to be considered “Major” in a continuity? Just asking because there’s a bunch of characters I feel should be listed as Major but aren’t. T9ol-Fun3e (talk) 20:23, 26 October 2024 (EDT)

I'm trying to find that out for myself, as presently there doesn't seem to be any formal criteria besides "vibes". But even with that said, I'd hold off doing anything until some kind of proper discussion about this can be had, as there might be one forthcoming. --Sabrblade (talk) 00:32, 27 October 2024 (EDT)