Volcanicus (POTP) - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Volcanicus" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Volcanicus (disambiguation).

Volcanicus is an Autobot Combiner from the Power of the Primes portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.


K ...I ...L ...L

Volcanicus is the fearsome combination of the Dinobots that was 65 million years in the making, and is now ready to deliver the Decepticons a world of pain. Considering the Dinobots' reputations as brainless brutes, Volcanicus is similarly a mindless beast as a result, but given how it hasn't stopped the Dinobots before, it's not much of a problem.

Volcanicus comprises:

He sometimes consists of six Dinobots with an alternative configuration.

  • Grimlock (left leg)
  • Slug (upper torso)
  • Sludge (lower torso)
  • Scarr (left arm)
  • Swoop (right arm)
  • Snarl (right leg)


Prime Wars Trilogy cartoons

Voice actor: Gregg Berger (English)


Let's fossilize 'em!

The Dinobots attacked Megatron and his team in Primal Swamp, believing the Decepticon leader to be behind the recent apocalyptic threat. When all five were forced to the ground, the Dinobots formed Volcanicus to turn the tide of the battle. The Swamp He tussled with the others for a while, being pretty much untouchable, until he was knocked off guard by a surprise attack from the arriving Predaking. Volcanicus He quickly recovered from this and began chasing Predaking, who himself was chasing the others. They both finally stopped their assault as they witnessed Megatron enter a mysterious dome. Without Warning As they waited for Megatron to re-emerge, he started another fight with Predaking, but was knocked to the ground and got stuck in an energon pool. Unable to get back up, Volcanicus split back into the Dinobots to free himself. Primal A later attack on the Dinobots by Overlord and the Unicron-possessed Rodimus Cron led to the death of Sludge, consequently resulting in the loss of the ability to form Volcanicus. Athenaeum Sanctorum

Generations Selects Special Comic

Selects Volcanicus.jpg

When the Quintessons escaped their dimensional prison, they arrived on Dinobot Island in the year 2050, where they spotted and hoped to subdue the Dinobots to use as merchandise. Towards this goal, they summoned Predaking, who had the Dinobots on the ropes till Grimlock was encouraged by telepathic messages from the Oracle of the past universe to use Earth's Angolmois Energy to manifest his heart's strength in reality. With this energy and the lending of an Energon Matrix from Grimmaster, Grimlock and the other four original Dinobots combined into the mighty Volcanicus. Predaking attempted to use Slash as a hostage, but the Magma Blades-armed Volcanicus was nevertheless able to slash Predaking apart into his Predacon components, who quickly retreated, and save his "little sister". Soon after, Volcanicus was contacted by Spike Witwicky about the Selector revolt at Neo Scramble City, so Volcanicus's components split up to go and assist their allies. Volcanicus comic 1

The Dinobots aided the humans against the Cybertron Alliance and Selectors because of their loyalty to Carly. The Technobots were also loyal to their father, Grimlock, and merged with him as a variant of Volcanicus called Volcaticon. The Quintessons intervened on the battle with anti-Transformer gas, and so Volcaticon deconstructed so that Grimlock could reform Volcanicus with the Dinobots while the Technobots assembled separately as Computron. Volcanicus comic 2

Volcanicus and Computron soon realized they were at a disadvantage against the arriving Terrorcons, though. Computron had restored Grimlock's super-intelligence when they merged as Volcaticon, and now lacked the accumulated knowledge necessary to feed his analytics. Meanwhile, the hyper-intelligent Grimlock inside Volcanicus lost his animal ferocity in this "improved" state. Abominus comic 1 Given a reprieve, Computron reabsorbed his intelligence from Volcanicus before engaging the Terrorcons' combiner, Abominus, but to no avail. Megatron infused himself with Angolmois Energy to counter Abominus, only to be driven out of control himself. Volcanicus used the Angolmois in his Magma Blade to deflect the reformatted Megatron Omega's attack, teaming up with Abominus against him. Volcanicus and Abominus could not prevail, but soon a wormhole opened in space, drawing the Primitive warriors back into the past. Abominus comic 2

Volcanicus and the Dinobots were used as pawns by Primus, knowing they could be easily directed against their old enemy and his rival, Primacron. Grimlock assembled Volcanicus to fight Neo Primus, the transformed Blue Planet and the first planet-sized robot Primacron created. Finale Prelude Even Volcanicus could not defeat a planet alone, but Hun-Gurrr and the Terrorcons had followed through the wormhole and chowed down on the Angolmois inside the Blue Planet. Hun-Gurr caught the Magma Blade when Volcanicus was disarmed and charged it with the energy inside him, returning it as the Angolmois Blade. This sword was powerful enough to disrupt Neo Primus, converting it back into the Blue Planet. Finale


Transformers: Earth Wars



'Monster' is a relative term. To a canary, a cat is a monster. We're just used to being the cat.

After Snarl returned from Nebulos and retrieved the plans for the Quintesson Hive Matrix, he stated that the Dinobots would soon be one. Mission Accomplished

Grimlock wanted to form his combined form almost immediately, so he got help from Jetfire to open the Enigma vault and got his hands on the Enigma. But Swoop noticed a cerebro-shell in the back of Jetfire's head! Trying to form Volcanicus, Grimlock ordered the Dinobots to combine, but nothing happened. As it turned out, the Dinobots didn't know how to work the Enigma. Soon, Bruticus and Superion arrived on the scene, and the two duked it out while Grimlock desperately tried to figure out how to use the Enigma.

Learning of the Dinobots' actions, Optimus activated the Enigma, creating Volcanicus and Predaking in the process! Springer retrieved the Enigma, but the Dinobots and Predacons had unfinished business, so they settled on finishing the score later, in their new combined forms.

  • Lowest Star Rating: Requires 3 star or higher bots to combine. You can sub in 5 star bots if you have them available.
  • Class: Combiner
  • Weapons: Volcanicus is surprisingly versatile being the Dinobot Combiner. He attacks by jumping onto things and smashing them with his fists or his sword. He also can use Slug's natural flamethrower ability to set a large area on fire. Volcanicus can also use his sword to send up a beam that rains down as Meteors to heavily damage an area.
  • Abilities:
    • Energo-Sword - Jump and strike with the Energo-Sword! Deals massive damage to the target and anything directly behind it.
    • Fire And Brimstone - Set a wide area on fire dealing an average of 2,280 damage over 8 seconds.
    • Extinction - A shower of meteors bombards a very large area dealing an average damage over 10 seconds. Quadruple damage to walls.

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Volcanicus was created when the Dinobots were exposed to the Enigma of Combination. He carried an enormous, white-hot broadsword capable of slicing through most of his foes. The Enigma of Combination

After Scarr and Slash joined the Dinobots, Wheeljack dubbed a possible seven-bot combiner "Volcanicus Rex". However, the concept remained largely conjectural. Technorganic Secrets


Power of the Primes


  • Dinobot Grimlock (Voyager Class, 2018)
  • Dinobot Slug (Deluxe Class, 2018)
  • Dinobot Snarl (Deluxe Class, 2018)
  • Dinobot Sludge (Deluxe Class, 2018)
  • Dinobot Swoop (Deluxe Class, 2018)
Part of the Power of the Primes subline of Generations, Volcanicus is formed from Voyager Class Dinobot Grimlock and the four Deluxe Class Dinobots. (Slash isn't officially part of the combiner, but it can be done if you're particularly creative.)
As a Scramble City-style combiner, Volcanicus can also utilize any Combiner Wars-style Deluxe as a limb. His Enigma of Combination is dubbed the Dinobot Enigma, and can be installed within Grimlock's dino-head's mouth on Volcanicus's chest, or it can also be stored in any of the fists or feet (and by extension, so can a Prime Master, Enigma, or Matrix core, even an entire Matrix of Leadership). The two extraneous hands can be used to either bulk up the lower torso or peg into the backs of the feet as heels for additional stability.
Due to his very wide shoulders and top-heavy design, Volcanicus is very prone to leaning forward, though not enough to topple over thanks to his long feet. His hips are also formed from Grimlock's thighs with no means of securing them in place, which can lead to some crouching poses collapsing under the weight of his upper body. The shoulders also have the tendency to disconnect from Grimlock's robot wings.
In China, Volcanicus was released in a box set as an exclusive for Hasbro China's T-Mall site. The box set also came with a Volcanicus-themed notepad, and a code for the Earth Wars game.[1]

Generations Selects


I have more paint and cool swords. Buy me again!

  • Hasbro ID number: TT-GS11
  • Accessories: 2 guns, 2 swords, 2 "Magma Blades", 2 arm-mounted "Volca-Vulcan" cannons, twin 'stunner' laser rifle, 2 foot-plates, left & right fists
Generations Selects Volcanicus is a redeco of his earlier Power of the Primes self, but with a cartoon-inspired deco taking cues from Generation 1 and Volcanicus's appearance in the Prime Wars Trilogy cartoon. Every member is now generously coated in silver paint and some plastics have been swapped around for further Generation 1 cartoon-accuracy. He also comes with new parts such as the gestalt feet, a pair of guns based on Grimlock's original handgun, two "Volca-Vulcan" cannons meant to fill in gaps in Volcanicus's chest, and a huge pair of "Magma Blades" (based on the sword he wields in Transformers: Earth Wars, itself based on that of Fall of Cybertron Grimlock).
He also reuses several combiner parts from Generations Selects King Poseidon, most obviously the fists. Furthermore, the combiner joint ratchets throughout have been strengthened (including Grimlock's leg joints), which makes this Volcanicus more stable than his predecessor, although it is slightly difficult to flip the joints out of the Dinobots' chests.
Volcanicus was released as a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive, also made available from Hasbro Pulse in the USA.




A multi-wave undertaking in Legacy: Evolution, Volcanicus is formed from six Core Class toys. Slug and Sludge form the upper and lower torso, with Grimlock as the left leg, Scarr and Swoop as the arms, and Snarl as the right leg. This formation is completely different from the original Power of the Primes figure, but it is a dead-ringer for Dinoking; which this figure was eventually retooled into.
Volcanicus's limbs are not designed to swap with each other, as the ports for Swoop and Scarr's fist guns are different, while Grimlock and Snarl's combiner knee joints are differently positioned.
Volcanicus is capable of wielding Snarl's sword in either hand, though it's relatively tiny compared to his body.
  • Design notes on Legacy Volcanicus from Evan Brooks on Instagram:


Transformers Trading Card Game


One of the titular combiners from the Transformers Trading Card Game Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners, Volcanicus, Fiery Champion can be formed by playing the Action card Dinobot Enigma while the Character cards for all five Dinobots are in Bot Mode while on the battlefield and/or the KO area.
Volcanicus, Fiery Champion's artwork is reused from the Power of the Primes Volcanicus packaging art.


  • Volcanicus's sword in Earth Wars is based on the one used by Fall of Cybertron Grimlock. The Power of the Primes toy does not include this sword, whereas the Generations Selects toy includes two.
  • The Earth Wars design, the NYCC 2017 prototype, the packaging art, and the Power of the Primes cartoon depict Volcanicus with Sludge's head facing down, but the instructions show his head pointing upwards. Similarly, Slug's head points outwards in Earth Wars and the packaging art, but upwards in the cartoon and on the toy itself.
  • Back in 1990, four of the original five Dinobot designs served as the templates for the "Geisters", recurring villainous henchmen on the Takara/Sunrise co-production Brave Exkaiser. In what might be called a vision of things to come, the four were once briefly fused into a single robot called "Mad Geister" (マッドガイスター Maddo Gaisutā). However, because each Geister controlled a portion of the combined body—and they had the accumulated brain power of a Froot Loop—this ended rather badly for them. In a more successful (if not also prescient) later development, the Geisters learned to merge in groups of two, with Ptera Geist and Thunder Geist forming the centaur-esque "Pteder" (プテダー Putedā) and Horn Geist and Armor Geist forming "Hormor" (ホーマー Hōmā).

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Volcanicus (ボルカニカス Borukanikasu)
  • Mandarin: Bàohuǒ Zhànshì (China, 暴火战士, "Blazing Soldier"), Lóngyàn Wáng (China, 龍焱王, "Dragonflame King")

See also
