Zori (Prime) - Transformers Wiki
This article is about the Aligned character. For the Generation 1 character, see Zori (G1).
- Zori is a Decepticon Mini-Con from the Prime portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Zori (ゾリ) is Soundwave's Arms Micron. Like his partner, he doesn't say a whole lot and can usually be found lurking in the background.
Prime cartoon
Zori only appears as an actual character in the Arms Micron Theater segments of the Japanese broadcast of Prime. Technically, he appears in the main cartoon any time Soundwave uses his tentacle(s), but we're not going to bother with that and just focus on his individual exploits.
Zori appears in black in these segments, as if infected by Dark Energon himself, though he lacks the "smokey" effect R.A. and B.B. had when they were infected. Given his toy's Energon Crystal type is "Dark" (see below)...
Zori was silently crawling around on a wall when Arc chastised R.A. and B.B. for their Dark Energon-induced laziness. Infiltration Transformation! Battleship Nemesis He was still hanging around there by the time they got over it. Explosive Transformation! Spacebridge Battle He was among the rest of the Decepticon Arms Microns when Gora led them in a failed attack on Arc. Phantom Transformation! Skyquake Returns When Gora then attempted to impress Arc instead, Zori and the other Decepticon Microns joined him in showing off various Combo Weapon configurations until they all ended up in a big tangled pile. Strategy Transformation! Unravel the Sinister Thread!
Zori and Guru were hiding behind the door to the Arms Micron Theater set when the Dark Matter Calibur trio suddenly cut it in half, causing them to run away. Adhesive Transformation!? Magnetic Tag Match He later snuck into the Autobot Microns' 20th episode celebration party, but nobody seemed to notice. Duel Transformation! Quell Cliffjumper's Regrets He was climbing a wall of the Arms Micron-style Weapon Link Dojo while B.H. and Wuji were training there, but fell off once Wuji began telling jokes because they were just so bad. Explosive Sword Transformation! Wheeljack and Dreadwing After recruiting Terrorcon Zori and Shining Gura for an attempt at helping Ida rescue Airachnid from Autobot captivity, Guru gave Zori the title of "Knight of Skill" and combined with him and Gura to form the Solar Ion Arrow. Infinite Transformation! Multiplying Enemies
Zori later appeared among the Autobot Arms Microns on a couple of illustrations of a mobile base design thought up by O.P. Freezing Transformation! Obtain the Invincible Body! A white Zori was part of the Gravity Planet Bowgun when Gora used it for a new year's battle with O.P.'s Advanced Star Saber. He was also hiding in a bamboo stem when Guru and R.A. wished the viewers a happy new year. Sonic Transformation! Ratchet's Recipe He played the role of persimmon tree during the Arms Microns' retelling of The Crab and the Monkey. Combustible Transformation! Struggle over the Omega Key Zori did very well in a viewer-based Arms Micron popularity poll, coming in fourth place. Good job, Zori! Sky Dance Transformation! The Suicidal Skydive
When Guru tried to overthrow Gora's leadership of the Decepticon Arms Microns, it was pointed out to him that Gora was no longer in charge, leaving him confused. On inquiring who had replaced Gora, he was met with silence from the rest of the Microns, causing him to assume it was in fact Zori. When the scorpion then transformed into his weapon mode, Guru was terrified and ran off while asking for forgiveness from "Lord Zori", causing the rest of the Decepticon Microns to have a good laugh about how gullible he was: of course Gora was still their leader. Blackest Transformation! The Shadow of Treachery During the final showdown between the Matrix Saber and Dark Energon Saber, Terrorcon Zori helped his Decepticon comrades out as part of the Solar Ion Arrow. Resurrection Transformation! The Reviving of Planet Cybertron On the final episode of Arms Micron Theater, the whole cast got together to say goodbye to their audience, with Zori hanging out on the wall as usual. Ultimate Transformation! Fight! Transformers
Arms Micron toy bios
Knock Out planted the Dark Energon-infected Terrorcon Zori at an excavation site as a trap for any inquisitive Autobots. When Bumblebee stumbled across the seemingly-harmless glowing purple Soundwave tentacle, he approached too closely, and was stung, transforming him into a rampaging, rage-fueled monster! Arms Micron Terrorcon Bumblebee's packaging bio
- Soundwave (Deluxe, 2012)
- Set ID number: AM-09
- Micron ID number: M-09
- Release date: April 28, 2012
- Energon Crystal: SP Dark
- Part of the first wave of TakaraTomy Prime toys, Zori transforms from a robot scorpion into a tentacle/claw weapon modeled after Soundwave's data-link tentacle/claws. He has numerous 5 mm posts and holes that allow him to combine with other Arms Microns to form any number of "Combo Weapons" and "Super Combo Weapons".
- He was only available packed in with the Deluxe Soundwave toy, coming out of the package as a bunch of unpainted parts on runners, like a model kit. His extra deco is provided by customer-applied foil stickers on a sheet he shares with Soundwave.
- Terrorcon Bumblebee (Deluxe, 2012)
- Release date: August 10, 2012
- Energon Crystal: SP Ion
- "Terrorcon Zori" is a clear-purple version of Zori, available only with the Deluxe-sized Terrorcon Bumblebee, an AEON stores exclusive.
- You see, in Japan, "ion" (イオン), his Energon Crystal type, is pronounced the same as "AEON" (イオン), the name of the store at which he was available.
- Zori M (AMW Micron, 2012)
- ID number: AMW-10
- Release date: September 29, 2012
- Energon Crystal: SP Dark
- Zori M (possibly standing for "Monochrome") is a gunmetal-gray version of Zori, part of the fourth (and final) wave of single-packed "AMW" Arms Micron kits. He comes in an individual sealed bag. For some reason, this version lacks the quartet of stickers on his "stinger".
- His weapon mode cardback photo shows him being used by Unicron.
- Early solicitation photos showed this version of Zori in a brighter blue than the original Soundwave pack-in.
- Arms Micron Ultimate 5 Piece Set D - Gravity Planet Bowgun (Multi-pack, 2012)
- ID number: AMW-14
- Release date: December 28, 2012
- Energon Crystal: SP Dark
- A colorless-clear version of Zori, dubbed Zori CS (probably standing for "clear silver"), was part of a five-piece gift set of Decepticon-allied Arms Microns, which also included Gora II E, Guru B, Ida B, and Noji B. All five can combine to form the Gravity Planet Bowgun.
- Early solicitation photos showed this version of Zori to be medium-gray
- Zori's name is a shortening of sasori (サソリ), the Japanese word for scorpion, with the first consonant changed to a voiced form.
- According to Andrew Hall, the Terrorcon Zori toy was originally to be a new character called Suko (スコ), presumably based on "scorpion".
Zori Combinations
Named combination weapons including Zori:
- Arms Up Modes featuring Zori