Guestbook for the Band WWW pages

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The Band Guestbook, December 2008

Entered at Wed Dec 31 22:59:49 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


I recommend the 1968 predecessor, 'Music from Big Pink'.

Entered at Wed Dec 31 22:54:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: LA
Web: My link

Subject: Band Discography

I have just been scanning the album discography pages for The Band. I didn't realise they have such an extensive back catalogue. The only album I think of when this group's name is mentioned is the "Brown Album", so I guess I need to swat up on the rest of their discography! It sparks of desperation I know but I feel that I may be missing out here; Bob Dylan's definitely an inspiration.

Entered at Wed Dec 31 22:26:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link


Entered at Wed Dec 31 22:13:16 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

JTull Fan

Subject: Happy New Year

Maybe those of you in Europe who get to 2009 first can tell us whether it is any better than 2008 and worth waiting up for :) Good riddance 2008. Although some wonderful things happened to my family this year the last few months have been hell. Time to give a new year a chance.

Entered at Wed Dec 31 21:19:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Scotland

Subject: Roger and all

I'll have a quiet Hogmanay with neighbours to toast in the New Year and the family will come around tomorrow for a meal. Over the years Christmas has become bigger up here. I remember when my dad had to work Christmas day. I would like to be in Edinburgh for the street party tonight, but apart from the traditional music stage and Paolo Nutini, I don't know the bands. But the fireworks will be great.

Highlights of the year for me were Leonard's, John Martyn's 'Grace and Danger', Pentangle and the AWB's concerts. I couldn't get tickets for Neil Young and Tom Waits. But I'm still looking forward to Dylan.

A good new year to you and your family and all the other GBers. Maybe we'll meet up in London this year? Perhaps an evening with Robbie Robertson at the Marquee?

Entered at Wed Dec 31 20:06:19 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Honouring Robbie Robertson

A little jammin'....with Robbie Robertson (Cripple Creek)

2008 Founders Award at EMP|SFM.

Entered at Wed Dec 31 19:26:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

"The Byrds Reunion {1990} Mr.Tamborine Man with Bob Dylan

"I saw this "TRIBUTE" in San Francisco on this 1985 tour and I enjoyed it as a tribute not as a BYRDS Reunion at all. Going into that show at The Stone I remember thinking how great it was going to be to hear those old songs again live and played by Rick Danko of The Band, Rick Roberts of Firefall, and Blondie Chapman of The Beach Boys along with original Byrds members Clark & Clarke. This was at a point in time where Danko was a couple years into The Band' reunion and would next be in SF at the Old Waldorf with Richard Manuel for their last "Duo" show there sadly. The Dinosaurs were formed and playing around town all the time as well. This was a time musicians were forming unique combination's and mixing it up a lot especially in SF. I felt this was the same kind of family feeling tribute music and that is what I enjoyed that night not a take over of the band as it turned out to on paper. Here is a setlist from this tour for more knowledge of this history."

Live if you want to live
Rastaman vibration yeah! Positive
I and I vibration yeah! Positive
I a man iration yeah! Irie ites
Positive vibration yeah! Positive

If you get down and quarrel everyday
You're saying prayers to the devil, I say
Why not help one another on the way
Make it much easier

Say you just can't live that negative way
You know what I mean
Make way for the positive day
Cause it's a new day
New time, new feeling yeah!
Say it's a new sign
Oh what a new day

Picking up,
Are you picking up now
JAH love, JAH love protect us [repeat]

Rastaman vibration yeah! Positive
I and I vibration yeah! Positive
I a man iration yeah! Irie ites
Vibes, got to have a good vibe
Picking up,
Are you picking up now [repeat]

Positive Vibrations for the new year! :-D

Entered at Wed Dec 31 18:55:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

joe j

Web: My link

Subject: This Old Man

Video with Dylan singing the nursery rhyme 'This Old Man (He Played One). Classic.

Happy New Year one and all.

Entered at Wed Dec 31 18:43:04 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: New Year

A Happy and safe New Year to all.

Entered at Wed Dec 31 17:05:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Jan F.

Location: metro DC

Subject: Big Pink

Susan from Big Pink: Thanks for checking in, posting your site, and thanks for letting us take photos all these years!!

Jan F.

Entered at Wed Dec 31 16:02:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Happy New Year

Let's hope that 2009 isn't a case of "Meet the New Year, same as the Old Year"

(apologies to Pete Townshend)

All the best to everyone

Entered at Wed Dec 31 14:40:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:



back to amazon.

I forogt to mention that the sales standings can be misleading to a degree.

A cd might be listed as 82,786 in sales standings. Then it might drop to 6,345. Perusing your sales report you may discover that the sale of a single copy caused that dramatic an advance in the rankings. Over the next few days or 2 weeks you may end up back aroung 60,000, or 100,000. Sell another, or a mp3, you may drop back to 12,000, or 8,000. Sell two, you'll stay there a litlle longer, or maybe drop even lower. \ consistent sales, or very high ranks, like 2 or 76, are a nother story of course.

Peter, I'm sure you noticed "back to" ( back to memphis) and "amazon"(amazon) being from titles of band material.

Westo, I wouldn't want you to think I've been ignoring you. Just been a little too busy to include you in the posts lately. I hope to have more time in the future.

Happy New Year every body.

Entered at Wed Dec 31 13:41:35 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike & Kim Hayward (Plochmann Lane)

Web: My link

Subject: Happy New Year GBrs!

Entered at Wed Dec 31 11:35:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Happy Hogmany Dunc

Have a good time tonight Dunc. I'm too still playing Leonard Cohen pretty frequently. I bought a programme at one of the concerts I went to; the (minimal) text says that the drummer got his big break through JR2... I bought Dylan tickets for April - every time I tell myself this is a mistake...

Entered at Wed Dec 31 04:44:49 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Ari, if you do get to hear that, please let me know.

Entered at Wed Dec 31 00:15:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: There's Actually Eight?

So the old fuck was wrong?

Entered at Tue Dec 30 23:56:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Roz - it seems you just discovered the 8th one:

Judgement without Appearances

Entered at Tue Dec 30 23:44:45 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Seven Blunders of the World

Wealth Without Work

Pleasure Without Conscience

Knowledge Without Character

Commerse Without Morality

Science Without Humanity

Worship Without Sacrifice

Politics Without Principle

~M. Gandhi~

And I thought this cat was just another old fart in a diaper..

Entered at Tue Dec 30 21:47:21 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Freddie Hubbard

Calvin, this is for you,

Entered at Tue Dec 30 21:36:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Web: My link

Subject: Howlin' Hell Do You Get a Copy?

It at least appears the "Howlin' Hill Project" version is available from the Howlin' Hill website linked above.

Entered at Tue Dec 30 21:30:13 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Web: My link

According to Amazon (US) it won't be released here until February 10, 2009 at $16.98 plus shipping. To add even further to the confusion they have it listed as "Hudson & McCoy Helm".

Entered at Tue Dec 30 20:09:04 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

To add to the confusion, Helm, Hudson, McCoy comes up as �11.98 on, but every time I try to buy it (with other stuff in my basket) it adds �22 to the total sum, not �11.98.

Entered at Tue Dec 30 20:01:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: Helm, Hudson, McCoy

They appear to be substantially different albums � very odd. With at least two and possibly three sleeve designs too. I would have thought a royalty was in order, otherwise the 400 sessions Jimmy Page did in 1965 to 1966 would all be sold as "Jimmy Page and (whoever)".

Entered at Tue Dec 30 19:34:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.


Entered at Tue Dec 30 19:02:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: Helm, Hudson & McCoy

I have no idea how the billing arrangement works in the labeling of music releases. However, I would take the position that, if you use Levon & Garth's names prominently to promote a CD, then they should be entitled to a percentage of the sales.

Entered at Tue Dec 30 18:45:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Subject: Completists Beware

For what it is worth it seems there are a few significant differences in the tracklists. The "Angels Serenade" tracklist includes:

1) Ace In The Hole

2) Sentenced To Love

3) You're The Only Thing

4) Angels Serenade

5) I Stood There Like A Stone

6) Hey Now

7) Spanish Moon

8) Blue Water Runs Deep

9) Something 'bout The Smokies

10) Talkin' To Myself

11) Runaway Train

12) I'm Your Toy (Hot Burrito #1)


"The Howlin' Hill Project" tracklist includes the following:


1) You're the Only Thing (Thomas & McCoy)

2) Howlin' Hill (Thomas & McCoy)

3) Something 'Bout the Smokies (Thomas & McCoy)

4) Slow Down and Let Your Soul Catch Up (Thomas & McCoy)

5) Angel Serenade (Thomas, Tricomi & McCoy

6) I Stood There Like a Stone (Thomas & McCoy)

7) She Worships Money (Thomas & McCoy)

8) Belle of Windy Mountain (Thomas & McCoy)

9) Honeysuckle (Thomas & McCoy)

10) Runaway Train (Thomas & McCoy)

11) Feels Like It's Fixin' to Rain (Thomas & McCoy)

Entered at Tue Dec 30 18:29:13 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: BEG/Band Bite

BEG: Thanks for the good wishes. I've kind of reached an ambivalent place about birthdays. I'm glad to be here and having them, but I don't really want to make a big deal out of it.

Carol, What a great Band Bite. I think it is the best yet. I loved the photos. I'm looking forward to their book.

Entered at Tue Dec 30 16:52:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Web: My link

Subject: Helm, Hudson & McCoy

Thanks David. I followed your link which prompted me to go to to order a copy. Ah! (See my link). For the UK, it has been "rebadged" as Angels Serenade by � Helm, Hudson & McCoy � which is a bit odd. Was it with Levon & Garth's say so?

Helm, Hudson, McCoy is in larger letters than the title too.

Entered at Tue Dec 30 16:38:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Web: My link

Subject: McCoy, Helm & Hudson

I tracked down the details on the "Angels Serenade" album. It was recorded by Florida musician Tommy McCoy in 2004 at Levon's studio and features Garth, Levon & Amy Helm. Link above with access to stream the songs. Check out the cover of Gram Parson's "Hot Burrito #1 (I'm Your Toy)" with Amy on background vocals.

Entered at Tue Dec 30 16:10:32 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

I know you're a December baby too Joan so Happy Belated Birthday!

I asked about Sara Dylan because I read this little tidbit on the inet.

"Both of Bob's wives seem to have just faded away into the great unknown. Sara has become a born again Christian, and refuses to talk about her years with Dylan, I think it was just really tough on her. I've tried looking for a while about her, but with no luck. I heard she was a pretty loving mother, as opposed to Dylan's temperment changes now and then, with the kids. And i'm going to correct you Bob only had 4 children with Sara. He had a 5th one with his second wife Carolyn B. dENNIS. Now she is even tougher to track down then Sara I haven't even seen 1 picture of Carolyn B. Dennis. Hopefully this was helpful."

Entered at Tue Dec 30 12:36:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Scotland

Subject: Various

Thanks Jeff. James Carr I didn't know until this guestbook. Although I think the Northern Soul guys would know him well. Northern Soul is still thriving with seemingly many fans keeping it alive. No live music and based on records and linking the Northern English with American soulsters.

We are fighting back with record shops. I can access two HMVs, two FOPPs and three independents.

I don't think the death of Davey Graham was mentioned. I saw him a few times in the early seventies and saw him in concert last year, where I spoke to him. A brilliant guitarist, he'll always be remembered for writing 'Angie' on Simon and Garfunkel's 'Sound of Silence' and obviously influencing bands like Pentangle.

Personally still enthused by Leonard Cohen's concert, I'm still playing his CDs over Christmas.

Entered at Tue Dec 30 05:47:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Great Jazz


Entered at Tue Dec 30 04:45:39 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Backslash \\\\

HI all.

JOAN 8 SEAN: thanks for the info. I told you I was an airhead when it comes to computers. Never knew what and where a backslash was. Don't know what It's used for either.

By jove, I think I got it. I can only ask why?

As was mentioned earlier, "Happy Heavenly Birthday" to our dear angel, RICK DANKO.


Entered at Tue Dec 30 04:45:53 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Freddie Hubbard

I know I'm a bit more of a Jazzhead than most on this board, but any music board worth it's salt should note the passing of Trumpet great Freddie Hubbard. Illness has silenced him, more or less, since the early 90s but his work from 1960-1992 stands among the finest of the Jazzmen who took the trumpet as their primary instrument. Just needed to be said.

Entered at Tue Dec 30 03:24:47 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Location: Down in Old Virginny

Subject: The Beatles' Take on "To Kingdom Come"

BEG: I know webmaster Jan used to have an audio clip of the "Get Back" sessions rough instrumental version of "To Kingdom Come" on his site, but I don't think it's there anymore. There have been dozens of "Get Back" session bootlegs over the years but that particular short track is a fairly rare one.

Entered at Tue Dec 30 01:55:33 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Boy

Subject: Carol's Band Bite

Bravo, Carol ! For me, reading your fine interview (along with listening to DFA this afternoon) really marked the occasion of Rick's 65th. Loved the great Danko photos. Many thanks. (And thanks for the heads-up Jeff. You in no way overstate what a "must read" this is).

Entered at Tue Dec 30 00:35:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Absolutely Essential Band Reading Material

There is an absolutely incredible new BandBite that Carol did with the Scheele Brothers. It's so good that I didn't want to stop reading it, but at the same tine it's so good that I had to stop to tell all you people about it.

Entered at Mon Dec 29 19:28:37 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Madison, Wi.
Web: My link

Subject: Rick's Birthday

Happy Heavenly Birthday Rick. You are missed by thousands of fans.

Entered at Mon Dec 29 18:17:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Rick

Happy 65th Rick.

BEG, not sure about Sara, but Bob went thru his Born again phase. Sara is, as far as I know, an Orthadox Jew.

Entered at Mon Dec 29 16:47:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

For those of you who don't have CD or download of Bob Dylan, Rick Danko (Happy Birthday!) , Neil Young, Levon Helm & Garth Hudson � San Francisco, CA (3/25/1975) November 24, 2008.

Is it true that Sara Dylan became a born again Christian?

Entered at Mon Dec 29 16:39:08 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Nutmeg (seasonal pseudonym)

Location: bey0nd h0pe
Web: My link

Subject: James Carr: The Dark End of The Street

Loved those two James Carr links you posted F(0), especially Dark End which incidentally Van's "Bright Side of the Road" incorporates with the lyric "from the dark end of the street, to the bright side of the road". Anyway, what a true soul classic that tune is, an utter gem. It got me checking out a number of other worhtwhile covers of it: Aretha, Percy Sledge, Eva Cassidy, The Committments (with a zillion more hits than all the others). Carr still comes out on top for me though.

Entered at Mon Dec 29 16:19:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

After listening once through Dylan's "Tell Tale Signs" disc one and two.....I now know why I only downloaded about five songs from disc one.....I'm a Dylan fan of his work from the sixties and seventies.....let alone from 1989 - 2006! Anyway, here are some samples and video....."Dreamin' Of You".

Entered at Mon Dec 29 16:14:45 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Sergeant Nutjob,

Please e mail me. I have some things for you, but am not sure I have the correct address.

Entered at Mon Dec 29 16:00:20 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Web: My link

Subject: R.I.P. Delaney Bramlett

Link to Delaney & Bonnie & Friends video.

Entered at Mon Dec 29 14:38:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike & Kim Hayward (Plochmann Lane)

Web: My link

Subject: Happy b'day Crazy Chester!

Rick Danko would have turned 65 today. Too soon gone!

Entered at Mon Dec 29 14:04:35 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Anyone else feeling the early effects of global warming? We get winds approaching hurricane force winds about once a week it seems.

66mph/110klm per hour winds are the low end of category 1 hurricanes. We've had 100 kilometer per hour winds twice this week. Winds of this force use to be noteworthy, now they're becoming common place.

The global temperature has risen .63C degrees so far but with the amount of co2 we've added to the atmosphere we've already committed ourselves to a 2 to 3C. degrees rise this century. Hold on to your hats!

Entered at Mon Dec 29 09:33:39 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Sorry rosalind. I am still a bit of an airhead on these boards because I don't check it nearly as consistently as I should. That'll change.

Entered at Mon Dec 29 05:28:13 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Serenity - paragraphs

Serenity, my keyboard (new laptop) does not have a backslash (\) key, so what I do is to copy the 'backslash n' from the line above the box you type in, then paste it in where I need it. Of course, if your keyboard does have the backslash character, you can just type it in. Hope this is clear to you. Glad to be of service.

Entered at Mon Dec 29 02:46:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Joni Mitchell

A Q&A from USA Weekend about Joni Mitchell:

I read "Girls Like Us" and now want to know all about Joni Mitchell's current life. Does she still perform? Is she married? And what about the daughter she found? Shelley Hoffman, Danville, Ill. Mitchell continues a relationship with her only child, Kilauren Gibb, whom she had given up for adoption as a baby. After lots of famous men, plus two failed marriages, Mitchell is single at 65. She stopped recording and performing in 2002 to paint but released "Shine" in 2007 on Starbucks' label.

Serenity, re: paragraphs, at the end of the line you are typing put a backslash (not the one above the ?) and then a small letter n. Anything you type after that should be a new paragraph.

Entered at Sun Dec 28 23:17:35 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: For Ari --

As I was referring to Robbie as a cheap sorry ass who enjoyed freakin out his kids I wasn't thinkin' nuthin about the fued. I was just goofin.. That was in your head Ari - Shame on you! ;)

Entered at Sun Dec 28 20:44:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Ouch ?

Ari- I meant that as a joke - I'm what's known around these parts as a "Robertsonian" Ain't you never heard how Robbie was once stopped by a cop for speeding? The cop walks up to Robbie sittin' there behind the wheel with his glasses and beard and looks in in surprise and finally says "Well, I'm goin' let ya off this time but.. take it easy from now on Rabbi.. Okay?"

Entered at Sun Dec 28 20:35:28 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Joe, you been hanging out with The Hawk at The Le Coq D'Or?

Entered at Sun Dec 28 19:49:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: 100 Greatest singers of all time

This was one comment from the list on the above link. I think we all would not agree with it. LEVON is #91. I think the list is not a good one. What surprises me, is that the great Mr. Fricke helped put it together. Don't forget to click on name to read the comments of the singers. ltypd | December 24, 2008 1:44 AM EST to include levon helm and not richard manuel or rick danko is nuts.where is dave matthews? james brown doesnt belong freddie mercury,no way, iggy pop, give me a break Thanks to JOAN and STEVE, [STEVE, you remembered from last years' "The Yukon Quest". Will do my best this year again]. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are enjoying the holidays so far. I tried using the "n" for paragraphs but it didn't work. Can someone explain to this airhead what it means? And how to seperate into paragraphs? Until next time LOVE AND PEACE XOXOXOXO

Entered at Sun Dec 28 19:26:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Subject: rosalind

Ouch! I'll never understand why everybody here hates Robbie, who is by in top most musically talented men to have ever lived.

Entered at Sun Dec 28 19:14:53 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Delaney Bramlett

Brief obit from the AP.

Peter you are right, I've worn contacts since 1968.Started out with "hard lenses" which were difficult to wear for any long period of time. Soft lenses really made it easy. Still using them. It beats having your glasses fog up every time you go inside in winter/

Entered at Sun Dec 28 18:36:39 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Daddy, Your Eyes Look Really Big Through Your Glasses

I did not know that! So evidently Robbie wore those beauties to freak out his kids and keep his cheap sorry ass out of hot water with the police. Sorry Ari.

Thank you, Brown Eyes

Entered at Sun Dec 28 18:01:09 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

joe j

Subject: RIP Delaney

It seems as if Delaney Bramlett has passed on. I was going to attach an obit but it seemed filled with errors. A good reason to give 'On Tour' a spin this afternoon.

There was a comment Bumbles always threw into the discussion that will ever colour my memory of Delaney. I'll wait for someone else to post it because I'm sure I'll get it wrong.

Hope you all are having a great holiday. Santa wasn't great to me music wise. I'm afraid I'm getting the rep of a music snob so my family and friends are reluctant to buy music for me these days. That's what comes of hanging around this joint.

Anyway it's a game of shinny on the pond this afternoon and hot toddies to follow. I've also dug up D & B's 'Home' which doesn't get played a lot at Chez Joe but will certainly get another chance. I can see where the thread will carry me. It'll probably be Layla, Mad Dogs and Englishmen with Leon Russell by bedtime.

Entered at Sun Dec 28 17:41:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: contact lenses

They go back a long way, Ari. I knew a girl who wore them circa 1965, and my sister was wearing them by around 1968.

Entered at Sun Dec 28 16:04:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Thursday September 11th 2008, 6:49 pm
The Band Goes Twang: A When You Awake Mixtape
Filed under: Mixtapes, Twang Series

"For the lastest edition of our Twang Series, we would like to pay homage to the fine men that gave us our namesake (�When You Awake� was a tune that appeared on their self titled second album), The Band. Gene Clark, My Morning Jacket, Steve Young, Aretha Franklin featuring Duane Allman and more ably cover both the songs that they co-wrote with Bob Dylan during the Basement Tape sessions as well as tunes from their solo career after. The one thing that this tape is missing that I couldn�t find for the life of me is a version of the Beatles doing �To Kingdom Come� on the bootleg album The Get Back Journals. Anyone have access to that? I would be eternally grateful! If you missed the last entries in our Twang series, be sure to check out the tapes from Tim Hardin and Townes Van Zandt."

The Band Goes Twang: A When You Awake Mixtape

1. Steve Young- This Wheel�s On Fire (Rick Danko, Bob Dylan)
2. Gene Clark- Tear�s Of Rage (Richard Manuel, Bob Dylan)
3. Aretha Franklin and Duane Allman- The Weight (Robbie Robertson)
4. Richie Havens- The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down (Robbie Robertson)
5. The Byrds- Nothing Was Delivered (Bob Dylan, The Band)
6. Bobby Charles- Small Town Talk (Rick Danko, Bobby Charles)
7. Doris- Whispering Pines (Richard Manuel, Robbie Robertson)
8. My Morning Jacket- It Makes No Difference (Robbie Robertson)
9. Eric Clapton- All Our Past Times (Rick Danko, Eric Clapton)
10. Three Dog Night- Chest Fever (Robbie Robertson)

You can also access a Christmas 2008 mix with The Band and others.

When You Awake�s Christmas Mix 2008

1. Boy Least Likely To- The First Snowflake
2. Stanley Brothers- Christmas Is Near
3. The Band- Christmas Must Be Tonight
4. Johnny Cash- Blue Christmas
5. Louvin Brothers- It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
6. Blitzen Trapper- Christmas Is Coming Soon
7. Brian Hyland- It�s Christmas Time Once Again
8. Arlo Guthrie- The Pause of Mr. Claus
9. Willie Nelson- Please Come Home For Christmas
10. Everly Brothers- Silent Night

Entered at Sun Dec 28 15:20:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Globe and Wernicke barristers, Americana & DVD recorders

While searching the web for DVD recorder reviews, I learned about the beautiful Globe and Wernicke (barrister) bookcases (Peter Viney could have one, I want one too), anyway I came across "the best American music of 2008" (link; with YouTube clips). I like #9 Joe Ely and Joel Guzman's Me and Billy the Kid (good accordionist).

Entered at Sun Dec 28 05:53:27 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

I took that into consideration, but I wasn't sure, because he so often doesn't wear glasses. Aside from specific pictures from 1967-70, he stopped wearing them. He doesn't seem to wear them ever again. And, he didn't wear them all the time. So I figured it was for style rather than vision. If you are right though, well then--i'm an ass.

Entered at Sun Dec 28 01:57:39 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Ari - Your age is showing...
I don't believe contact lenses existed back then, and even if they did Robbie might not have been able to wear them. If you wore glasses you were kind of limited. What did you expect him to wear? He needed glasses. For him they weren't used as jewelry. He would have been blind without them. You can actually tell he has very weak eyes just by looking at the thickness of those glasses he wore. They were made of real glass back then too, not the plastic stuff they make them from now and those babies were heavy on the face. I wore glasses. Mine were those cat-eye deals, BUT when I started 7th grade, I showed up at school with a pair of Janis Joplin Grannies, love beads and an authentic yellow "Mother's Laguna Saloon" tee shirt. I couldn't see worth a shit but man, I looked cool!

Entered at Sun Dec 28 01:54:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Web: My link

OK, found it on the site � (see link) � perhaps listing it as "Helm, Hudson & McCoy" is somewhat dishonest!

Entered at Sun Dec 28 01:50:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: Helm, Hudson & McCoy

OK, just browsing "Record Collector" January 2009 isse. Kemailorder has an advert which includes:

Helm, Hudson & McCoy "Angels serenade" (2004).

This is a new one on me. Is it "our" Helm and Hudson?

Entered at Sun Dec 28 01:28:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Thanks Joan! RIght now, I occasionally wear a black fedora, it's a pretty straight forward hat. I'm looking for the ones Robbie wears, which I love. I think within the Band, the only ones who pulled off the hat were Rick and Robbie. Of course, Levon does have the whole cowboy hat thing going on there, but I find that the hats they were go better with dark hair. The only problem with Robbie is that he tends to wear those god awful UGLY glasses with his hat. I don't know what he was thinking all those years, but he looked like a fool with those glasses. He looked like a real thinker without them.

Entered at Sat Dec 27 23:33:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bayou Sam

Location: NY

I was in Barnes and Noble yesterday and a book on rock and roll photos caught my eye. It was called, "A Dose of Rock and Roll", after a Ringo song of the same name. The author/photog of the book is Nancy Andrews, who dated Ringo for a number of years in the 70's. There are some cool pics, but she lost all credibilty with me when I browsed the section on the Last Waltz and she listed Richard as Richard Emanual - and in another caption she called Ronnie Hawkins, "Charlie Daniels". I guess that while she basked in the spotlight of being a Beatle-girlfriend she didn't bother to remember anyone. And they wanted fifty-bucks for this piece of crap.

Entered at Sat Dec 27 22:40:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Still waiting

I guess these Beatles reissues will come out about the same time "From Bacon Fat to Judgment Day" comes out.

Entered at Sat Dec 27 22:36:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Ari S Hats

Ari, I think they had a lot of different hats (Check Elliot Landy's photos). Not all hats look the best on an individual. The best thing is go to a good store and try them on till you find one you like that suits you. Check the link for info on the J J Hat store. Have fun!

Entered at Sat Dec 27 21:40:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

My parents agreed to get me a Christmas present. I asked for a Days of Heaven criterion disk and a hat. I've always really liked the types of hats Rick and Robbie wore in the Woodstock days of Big Pink. What types of hats did Robbie and Rick usually wear. Fedoras?

Entered at Sat Dec 27 21:23:35 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Eddie Harper


I'd always believed that "The Weight" was the ongoing process of reincarnation until one gets it right. The only version that catches every nuance of the melody and lyrics I've heard is the one by the Staple Singers. Mavis is God.

Entered at Sat Dec 27 18:22:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Fred

Fred, are you are aware of the heavy import of your last post?

Between Steve, myself, and yourself, we probably just saved Westo the 5 to 10 years it woudla taken him to figger out a title.

Entered at Sat Dec 27 10:41:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Norm's Gawd Damn Sea Dee

There's the title right there in Jeff's post (or as seen in the subject title of this one)

Entered at Sat Dec 27 04:41:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Farmer's Insurance

Subject: Peter , Westocaster, Squalls & Balls

Peter, The Amazon program I'm in they charge $29.95 a year, they keep 55 % of the sale price which I set, & they stock. Our e mailed negotiated agreement was they would not order less than 30 at a time. When I have stock, they would attempt to order, 1, 2, 5, 8 at a time. I would turn the order down, and after 5 or 6 e mails, they would order 30. Once they ordered 60. When I am out of stock, as I am at the present, they try to order 30 every week.

BTW, I probably am the closest thing the GB has to a insurance claims expert. For a total of thirty four months I either intitiated and negotiated storm damage claims and ( performed) restoration through completion of work and payment, or I took over the negotiations for people who were getting yantzed by their insurance company, then saw the claim through the entire process, had my crews perform the work, collected for the people and got paid.None of it is easy., not even getting that last check. So yeah, storm damage claims are something I know about. But, lest ye forget, you already knew that. From one type of damage to another many things will change, but the basic manner in which companies operate will not vary all that much that someone with intelligence and experience couldn't adapt.

The point of reminding you about my expertise in that field is that if Norm does ever have major damage to one of his flotillas, he'd be wise to bring me out there.

Gawd Damn it all, I'd negotitate for him with the insurance company, this is specialized, company adjusters are not the insured's buddy, and while I was out there, I'd see that that Gawd Damn Sea Dee of his got done, once and for fucking all. We might even add a few Tugging songs to the sucker.

In all seriousness, I shut down operations of my storm restoration company to make School For Fools(see what I mean? I'm a PH fucking D). Then, after the cd, worked for someone else in regular construction sales, for a year. then, after a trip to OKlahoma city and Minnesota, was on my way from Minnesota to Ohio, right before Memorial day weekend 04.St Lou got hit when I was passing thru racine wisconsin, so I went back to st lou (stopped in Chicago and a Gber there made me a tuna sandwich for lunch).I got my company running, and was doing real good, when 5months later I began shutting down again to make the Johnnie cd. 2 weeks after the sessions I had wrapped up all my work, and after some other things happened, headed to Ny to mix and finish production.Then after that was done, worked a storm in Chicago, then went back to st Lou, was working construction, we got blasted again, and I was up and running hard for a year. Then i got way laid with health stuff, but that's another story. But if Norm got hit with storm damage, i could solve all his problems at once. I'm an old hand at working a little storm damage and and producing records at the same time. One claim and a record, that's smooth sailing.

I'd consider it if Westo asked me very politely.

Steve, there is a Farmer's Insurance,, I've dealt with them a plenty. They have a lot of good looking female adjusters, makesthe work more enjoyable, but harder to focus. It's easy to admire a woman when she's standing on a roof.

Entered at Sat Dec 27 03:29:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Eartha Kitt died too.

Entered at Sat Dec 27 02:55:37 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Scorsese retrospective

showing in NYC stating today

Entered at Fri Dec 26 23:31:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

More Carr Kinda neat too. The Chris Hillman /Rick Roberts version ( with Al Perkins, Michael Clarke, )of the Burritos did a amazing version of this. On Last Of The Red Hot Burritos.

Entered at Fri Dec 26 23:27:20 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: for Dunc

Entered at Fri Dec 26 22:00:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Custom Aquatic

Location: Custom Aquatic
Web: My link

Subject: Nice Site and Great Music

Nice Site and Great Music

Entered at Fri Dec 26 19:28:37 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


A belated Merry Christmas! Happy 40th Birthday to Alexandra!

Entered at Fri Dec 26 18:21:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Mickey Newbury

Thank you Ros. That was truly beautiful.

Entered at Fri Dec 26 17:00:47 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Sean, I always recognize you amongst all those other Shones, Shawns and Chones who post here by your very distinguished accent, never lose it.

Entered at Fri Dec 26 15:59:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Mickey and Townes..Forver Linked

... Like finding a C-Note you didn't know you had.

Entered at Fri Dec 26 13:42:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Subject: Mickey Newbury

Roz, that is a name I had sadly forgotten. He was a huge talent. Thanks for the reminder.

Entered at Fri Dec 26 07:08:19 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

One of the very best..

Entered at Fri Dec 26 05:16:19 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Ireland

Happy Christmas to all the regulars - it's actually St Stephen's Day here!

Hi to Steve - bet you can't wait for the thaw so you can get to picking stones?

Also, hello to Sue & Don from Big Pink - nice site.

Entered at Fri Dec 26 02:16:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Ron Mendez

This guy is terrific! A nice guy too.

Entered at Thu Dec 25 23:14:37 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ron "The Harp" Mendez

Location: Forestville N.Y.
Web: My link

Subject: I would like to Record with You!

I grew up with and Produced Stan Sazlest and was Great Friends with Him. Forgive the Spelling of his Last name. I also Opened for the Original Line Up of THE BAND at the Central Train Terminal in Buffalo N.Y. I mean Every Member. I'm having a Hard Time and I need your Act, Remaining Members to do a CD with me. I'm a Song Writer and Player. We can do some of your New Tunes Also. Don't want to Loose my Home. I've had all kinds of Major Perks. The Last 4 Years have not been kind. I know it's a Wild Shot.Robbie or Levon give me a call if you can. Ph.716-785-4538 I helped many Acts. I need a little help now. I'm A & R for Big 7 Records in Cali. My Boss could come through for us. Sincerely, Ron "The Harp" Mendez Master Harp Man God Bless

Entered at Thu Dec 25 21:35:16 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Frank Burns

Rosalie, It's nice, to be nice, to the nice.

Entered at Thu Dec 25 21:26:34 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike Nomad

Merry Christmas, Bumbles.

Entered at Thu Dec 25 21:13:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bayou Sam

Location: NY

Merry Christmas folks.

Entered at Thu Dec 25 20:38:41 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


I wouldn't go taking any advice from Robin Williams. There's something desperately wrong with that cat! I guess he's sorta like Jerry Lewis. We Americans can't stand their sorry asses. You can have him. Lewis belongs to France! By the way, you can have Richard Lewis and Woody Allan too.

Entered at Thu Dec 25 19:35:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: US Canada relations

The other night, Robin Williams was on Leno. He described US Canada relations as "The nice Canadian family living over the biker bar. We (Canada) have guns too but we don't go off shooting them all the time". I think it works.

Entered at Thu Dec 25 18:44:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: !

Merry Christmas all! And a happy little New Year! P.s. Jumping 15 feet into snow head first never ends well.

Entered at Thu Dec 25 18:28:21 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Serenity

Nice to hear from you. Happy holiday and New Year.

Entered at Thu Dec 25 18:12:08 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: L.A.
Web: My link

Subject: Live On Breeze Hill

I've just listened to Rick Danko Band's 'Live On Breeze Hill' album and I'm mega impressed. One thing that makes the album so special is Rick's inimitable gift for performing music that sparks atmosphere and emotion, whilst his voice boasts a rawness that is unsurpassed. Sadly the album was originally released just a couple months before Rick Danko�s death.

Entered at Thu Dec 25 18:11:15 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


JQ, thought I'd let you know I'm entering the world of Cooder. My daughter gave me The Ry Cooder Anthology, The UFO Has Landed. Haven't had time yet to listen but have read the booklet.

Entered at Thu Dec 25 14:50:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Greetings from Big Pink

Happy Solstice and greetings from Sue and Don at Big Pink.

Entered at Thu Dec 25 13:53:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Season's Greetings

Hope everyone gets to spend time with family and friends. Have a great holiday.

Serenity, good luck in The Yukon Quest this winter, I see you're listed as a pre-race favorite to finish in the top 10 again this year. Treat them puppies well!

Entered at Thu Dec 25 12:02:53 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link


"A Fantastic One of A Kind Item. The tape you are looking at is an Original Master Recording of Bob Dylan done on February 14, 1969 at Columbia Studio A, Nashville, Tenn. The taping session was for Dylan's "Nashville Skyline" album. It is labeled "Bob Dylan # 3. This Original Master contains five never before heard out-takes of "Lay Lady Lay", along with banter between the musicians and Dylan. Also found on this session tape is an impromptu jam session of" Going Back To Chicago" which was also never released by Dylan. Here's your chance to own a piece of American Musical History. For sale here is the tape itself, not the intellectual property. The tape is in excellent condition, has been spliced in several spots (common practice). To hear actual sound bites from this tape and additional information go to Dylan Sound Bites & More. Please turn on ActiveX.

A very reasonable reserve has been set. The item will be shipped free to any location in the US. Outside US, please request quote."

last bit $ 30,000.- .... check the link

Entered at Thu Dec 25 07:49:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Wishes

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you. xoxoxoxo

Entered at Thu Dec 25 06:37:45 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Happy Holidays

Just popping in to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I had a beautiful song, "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby and a message, but somehow it didn't go through. Have no idea why. I miss you all, and check things out every once-in-awhile. Keep safe and again Happy Holidays. Until next time LOVE AND PEACE XOXOXOXO

Entered at Thu Dec 25 06:15:45 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Kitchener,ont.
Web: My link

Subject: Happy Holidays

As we gather together in this season of love and beauty, let us rejoice in the celebration of his birth. Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Until next time LOVE AND PEACE XOXOXOXOXO

Entered at Thu Dec 25 05:42:16 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Best Dylan Albums

In my opinion, Bob Dylan is the best songwriter to walk on planet earth and some of his best work is contained on the following albums. Bringing It All Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited, Blonde On Blonde, John Wesley Harding, Blood On The Tracks and The Basement Tapes. Also, I have had the chance to hear many of the songs from the boxset called A Tree With Roots and can not, for the life of me, understand why Dylan will not allow this to be released, officially? Most of the songs are brilliant! And by the way, Merry Christmas to Jan and all of the intelligent posters on this guestbook!

Entered at Thu Dec 25 05:07:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Hey Tiny, My Friend!

This babe can really sing!

Entered at Thu Dec 25 03:47:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Tiny Monster

Location: Out-There
Web: My link

Subject: ... Christmas ...

... Merry Christmas everyone ...

Entered at Thu Dec 25 03:42:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Boy

Location: The Land of Santa
Web: My link

Check out Levon's Christmas card and what I think are all random Ramble samples. They'll take you back to your own Ramble experience(s). (You just gotta love this version of "I Wanna Know"). Best wishes to you all.

Entered at Thu Dec 25 03:40:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Boy

Location: The Land of Santa
Web: My link

Check out Levon's Christmas card and what I think are all random Ramble samples. They'll take you back to your own Ramble experience(s). (You just gotta love this version of "I Wanna Know"). Best wishes to you all.

Entered at Thu Dec 25 00:40:23 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Wishing everyone a peaceful and joyous holiday.

Entered at Thu Dec 25 00:09:19 CET 2008 from (

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Web: My link

Subject: Concerts

At least someone is doing well in this economy.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 23:01:53 CET 2008 from (

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Web: My link

Happy Christmas Ya'll..

Entered at Wed Dec 24 22:52:58 CET 2008 from (

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Web: My link


Entered at Wed Dec 24 22:11:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

JTull Fan

Web: My link

Merry Christmas. Link is to The Pogues' Fairytale of NYC Christmas carol.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 21:58:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Thanks Jeff. Very interesting. We have an �� account where we get a cut if people buy our books via our website, but usually it�s in vouchers which we spend with them. It�s never much because if people hesitate, break contact, then go direct to amazon it�s no longer from our site. With books, and I guess it�s the same with CDs, there�s a different discount rate for 24 hour availability compared to (say) 14 days availability. i.e. they take a larger cut to turn it round fast, i.e. stock it on the shelves rather than order it in. Whichever, it looks like they�re going to be the Joker or Goldfinger of the next few years � the plan for world domination will come to fruition. As you said, they don�t go bankrupt, they pay. They�re getting bad press here since newspapers sent jounalists undercover to work for them, but if you want to sell a record, �They Are The World.�

Note what I said yesterday about the Jeff Buckley �Hallelujah� it made number two in the UK chart solely on downloads without any physical single release. Highly significant.

On �Thought for the Day� on BBC Radio 4 recently the British Chief Rabbi was hailing the success of Hallelujah as a triumph for spirituality, quoting:

Now I've heard there was a secret chord

That David played, and it pleased the Lord


Your faith was strong but you needed proof

He ignored the rest of the verse:

You saw her bathing on the roof

Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you

She tied you

To a kitchen chair

She broke your throne, and she cut your hair

And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

Entered at Wed Dec 24 20:36:03 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


"Ohhh give me a noose I can hang from the tree
I need no excuse to end my misery
This holiday season is all the more reason \
To die!

Oh pull up a stool and an ear to a fool
who once found some solice is the season of Yule
This holiday season is all the more reason
To Cry!

I put on my mittens
One green and one red
And i walk all a-lone where they bury the dead
The snow falls as I breathe
It's Gothic, Death Rock Christmas Eve

The bottle is empty
The sleigh has a flat
The stripper in my bed is ugly and fat
Her tassels are tangled and what's worse than all that is my jingles won't jangle

This time of the year makes me sick in my guts
All this good cheer is a pain in the nuts
When it's your career to be down in the dumps
Tidings of comfort and joy really suck

I feel old St nick has been pulling my leg
This thing we call Christmas is a sorry black plague
This holiday Season is all the more reason
To Die!"

Entered at Wed Dec 24 20:18:32 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: CT

Thanks Jonathan, BEG & Peter for the feedback on Tell Tale Signs. It's mainly the music that I'd be interested in. Sounds like Disc 3 is something I'd like to hear. Think I'll hold out a little longer for either a price drop, or a pared down 3 disc configuration that just has the CDs without the book extras.

Happy Holidays to all!

Entered at Wed Dec 24 20:17:28 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: almost The Netherlands (3 miles)
Web: My link


Just found this little Dutch Dylan story (link), a (fast) translation:


Bob Dylan

Albert Hogeveen, who doesn�t know him? tolled me a while ago a fantastic story about Bob Dylan, th� Bob Dylan visited, during European tours, sometimes the 'state' Groningen (flat empty North- East part of Holland, N). The famous singer\songwriter would bike the neighborhood of Aduarderzijl. The man did this because he liked Groningen so much. This part, this landscape reminded him of the place where he came from (Duluth, Minnesota). Now I didn�t had a reason doubting the words of Hogeveen, but it sounded almost to great to be true.

Till I met an old friend again in caf� 'De Drie Uiltjes' (The Three Owls, N). That friend is a veteran Dylan fan and I tolled him what I had heard from Hogeveen. Hm, he said. Then there came an even greater story. Henk Scholte, our Henk Scholte, walked in a bar in Noordpolderzijl. �how�re ya?', Henk asked the barman. �Quiet', was the answer, �only there�s this strange American at the bar drinking coffee.' So Scholte now looked towards that corner of the bar and was struck by lightning, Bob Dylan! A golden role in Journalism is only to publish after you have had three in depended sources confirming the story.

Now I could have phoned Henk and Albert, to check things, yeh but I�m crazy, presume they deny it. Anyway I know enough, this just has to be true.

By the way the barman\owner, as they tolled me, of that bar in Noordpolderzijl wasn�t really impressed. Henk Scholte: "Do you know who that is??!! That�s Bob Dylan!!!" Barman: "I don�t care, as long as he pays his coffee."

Bob Dylan (continued)

The story about Bob Dylan biking in the North of Groningen, that I did last Jan 4th, gets around fast. Even the VPRO (Dutch radio, N) knows about it and Henk Scholte, who met the American in the bar of the (now late) Siert van Warner in Noordpolderzijl, has to tell it over and over. I couldn�t get lose from it either, just let�s asked it Bob himself. There is an official site, with e-mail address (, why not give it a try?. It took a while but damn, I got an email back:

Dear, Mr. Herman Sandman, The story is correct, though it happened quite a few years ago, in the early nineties maybe. We had a concert in the City of Groningen. Somebody knew I was fond of biking and that the area, which you call highland, was like the landscape around my hometown, Duluth, Minnesota. I remember names like Usquert, Stitswerd, Zandeweer. We drank coffee in a caf�, with a strange owner. He just sat there. But you know, I liked it, because it was the first place where people didn't gaze at me. When paying my coffee I had the funny feeling that he didn't trust me at all, not knowing who I was. And you are right: a white bearded man came in. He looked like a fifty year old Jezus with a hangover. It was a dru�de, I guessed. But the strangest thing happened the next day, when we were in a place called Beecham (is that correct?). We entered a bar and there was David Crosby... Very weird. With respect, Bob.

Dear Mr. Dylan, The white bearded man was Henk Scholte. He is a famous storyteller and folksinger, in a band called T�rf. That is not Beecham, but Veendam, famous fot its Jugendstil-houses. The name of the caf� was �t Aaierdoppie. It doesn't exist anymore. The bartender who looks like a twin brother of David Crosby is B� Wever.

Herman Sandman


Entered at Wed Dec 24 18:56:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Happy

Wishes to all for a merry, happy, joyous and safe holiday.

BEG thanks for the Robbie version, but I think I'll stick with Rick's.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 16:47:09 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike (Plochmann Lane)

Web: My link

Subject: The Band '76 Lenox, MA live tunes.

Check out The Crackers MySpace page for live tunes from The Band's July 18, 1976 Lenox, MA performance. The live tunes included, are Don't Do It, Forbidden Fruit, Ophelia & It Makes No Difference. Very cool!

Entered at Wed Dec 24 16:33:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Never A Lie

Thursday, January 8th - 8:00pm

Bill Graham's Birthday
Jimmy Vivino's Birthday

Prisoners of 2nd Avenue w/ Jimmy Vivino - John Conte - Rich Pagano

AT The Cutting Room - 19 West 24th Street

January 9th
The Black Italians!

Jimmy Vivino - Felix Cabrera - Mike Merritt - James Wormworth - Fred Walcott - Danny Louis - Mike Jacobsen

The Cutting Room

New York City .

Entered at Wed Dec 24 16:28:04 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Still No Lie

What I forgot to tell you Peter, is that when a distributor pitches a small label now, they try to convince you how well they do with amazon,(as if they have a personal relationship) and that they will be able to pay you more for Amazon sales than Amazon does.

One difference I forgot to raise when discussing payment, or possible lack thereof, is that Amazon stays a month behind. Distibutors generally pay quarterly, and again, may be rather difficult to get a fair accounting and check from.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 16:22:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


" My days, they are the highway kind
They only come to leave
But the leavin' I don't mind..
It's the comin' that I crave
Pour the sun upon the ground
Stand to make a shadow
Watch it grow into a night and fill a spinnin'sky

Time among the pine trees
It felt like breath of air
But usually I jut walk these streets and tell myself to care
Sometimes I believe me...
Sometimes I don't hear
And sometimes the shape i'm in
It won't let me go

well I don't know too much for true but my heart knows how to pound
My legs know how to leave someone
My voice knows how to sound
Shame that it's not enough..
Shame that it is a shame
Follow the circle down.. but where would ya go?

You're the one I want now and I've never heard your name
Let's hope we meet someday..
But if we don't it's all the same
I'll just meet the ones between us and be thinkin' 'bout you
And all the places I have seen and why you were not there"


Entered at Wed Dec 24 15:58:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Steve: Do you think those lizards'll ever develop the ability to digest a scientist?

It's nearing year end, so I'll chip (that word again) in by noting two things that surprised me in '08. The big one was of course the election of Barack Obama. The second - and I don't want to be seen as equating this in any way with the first - was seeing someone actually using the baby-changing station in a men's washroom to change a baby!

Best wishes to all - this season and throughout '09.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 15:57:19 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: No Lie

Peter, a small label gets about the same amount of money from amazon that they would through a distirbutor. On a 15 dollar sale I got about 6.75. Right about the same I would if i'd taken any of the distribtion deals I was offered. Amazon gets 55% of the total sale. which is enormous. They get the equivalent of both the distributors and the stores cut.

I miss record stores no end. They were essential to the ability of a person to browse, reads the backs of records, discover artists, connection, band genealogy,etc. As a kid, teenager, young adult, and on, I spent endless time in record stores. I dontl liek ouirchasing anythign ont he internet. I feel buying things should be a hands on, perosnal experience. That said, today, a small label knows Amazon will pay them. At least right now. Distributors may very well not. Small labels are having a hard time getting paid from once reputable indie distributors. So, go & sue them? Also, you have to pay a distributor a set up fee for every record, and also have to pay them to be in their catalogue and other forms of "advertising". A small label can end up owing a distribuotr money. Honest injun. No lie. But, if your record is selling, you may get paid, and may even get a fair shake.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 15:41:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: A Nightmare's Just a Dream Turned Upside Down

I study handwriting. The way Robbie makes his "y" is very revealing. He carried a lot of internal stress and anger at the time he wrote that. He's also telling us to stay out of his business. He's extremely reclusive and angry and burnt out and at any moment could crash. He was living a nightmare.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 15:34:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:



Entered at Wed Dec 24 15:12:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Golden angel voices
ring out tidings
of Joy and Peace and Love to you!
They sing, sing, sing
Merry! Merry! Merry!
May all your dreams come true!

Entered at Wed Dec 24 15:08:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Entered at Wed Dec 24 15:04:19 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal

Subject: Happy Holidays Y'all!

All the best to everyone, regardless of what you choose to celebrate. With this in mind, let me close by leaving you with two maxims I live by: You can tune a piano but you can't tuna fish. And: You don't know what lonesome is, until you get, to herding cattle. Hope these bring a smile.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 14:58:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

For those of you who don't have Robbie Robertson - Christmas Must Be Tonight.mp3 (4.7 MB).

Entered at Wed Dec 24 14:41:25 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Jonathan Katz

Location: Columbia, MD

Subject: TTS #3

Well I am a total sap and will go for almost any Dylan product, so I jumped on the 3 CD version when it was announced. I didn't analyze cost per song, as some have. The book of picture sleeves is nice - once through. After that it is clutter for my already cluttered media room. Also included was a 45 rpm disc with songs also on the CDs. Hard to say what the rationale for that was other than to justify the price hike. Liner notes, disc, picture sleeves - I don't care. It's all about the music, and the music on disc #3 is great. Is it worth the increase in cost? Who knows? When I look at lists of the best music released in 2008, yes. When I put it in the context of Dylan's 45+ years of making music, probably not. When I look at my iPod stats, TTS (including disc 3) is played more often than anything else. Plays of discs or songs have a characteristic time course. It can be most adequately described by two parameters - peak and half-life (time that the peak decreases to half of its value). [For other "things" onset is a parameter, but for plays of discs or songs onset is almost instantaneous so it is of no concern here.] My bet is that TTS #1-3 will have high peaks and long half lifes, and will compare favorably with all of the Bootleg Series releases. Though, longest half lives [and probably highest maximums] are likely those for the original albums, because [as Peter notes] Dylan is an album artist.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 14:26:09 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

peter V

Subject: Multiplication / Evolution

You only need to look at dogs (or cows, I imagine) from 150 to 200 years ago to see how fast evolution takes place with a little selective breeding. An article this week pointed out that Rottweilers were getting rapidly friendlier (destroying their purpose somewhat), while a few years ago vets reported that retrievers and labradors were getting savage, because their reputation for being child-friendly had so increased their popularity that they were being fast bred, i.e. in bred.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 13:58:29 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Roz, you seem to still be dealing with more evidence of evolution. Good for you.

It's just another example of the short time period needed for serious evolutionary changes to occur.

I've recently heard of an example that required about the same short time period, actually even a little less.

Lizards released on a Pacific atoll were able to change their digestive tract within 20 years, or about 3 or 4 generations, to take advantage of a food source that they couldn't digest when first released. The change was so quick the people who first released them were the same scientists who documented the evolutionary adaptation. A freakin miracle.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 13:46:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike & Kim Hayward (Plochmann Lane)

Location: Sunapee, NH.
Web: My link

Subject: Merry Christmas everyone!

Entered at Wed Dec 24 13:04:19 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

joe j

Best of the holiday season to all you GBers. Remember, moderation in all things.

I was going to attach a video of Darlene Love doing 'Please Come Home' or whatever it's called but I lost the connection. Just google Love on Letterman. Apparently it's a Christmas tradition for that show.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 12:32:25 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Pre-Christmas shopping. The aura of the dance band on the Titanic hangs heavily in the streets. Driving home the radio announced that the Zavvi record store chain had gone into administration. Zavvi is the new name for what was Virgin before Branson sold it to the managers. It�s the second biggest UK retailer after HMV. It seems that they relied on the Woolworth�s owned distribution system for CDs and DVDs. When Woolworths UK went totally bust a couple of weeks back, the CD distribution arm was solvent, but no one would supply it. Zavvi couldn�t refresh its stock of new material.

Another retail chain gone? No, far worse than that. Since the MVC and Fopp chains went bust a few years ago, British record retailing was dominated by Zavvi and HMV. In recent months, Zavvi�s stock range declined sharply. Country, Folk, Jazz, Rock & roll, World and Easy listening were combined in one section labelled �Specialist Music�. HMV, due to less competition no doubt, improved its range.

Most British towns have at least a large HMV and a large Zavvi. But take Bath. They used to have two Fopps, an MVC and an HMV in the centre. Fopp and MVC collapsed so now there is only HMV. No change then. But then take Salisbury � it used to have a large MVC and a Virgin, i.e. Zavvi. MVC went. The independents went under. Now Zavvi�s going. So a small but important city will have no specialist record retailer at all. Woolworths used to stock Top 50 and back catalogue and budget. They�re going this week. W.H. Smith has cut its records to Top 20. So all that�s left is supermarkets selling the Top 40 CDs. No back catalogue. That�s a major regional shopping centre without a single record store.

Fortunately, Bournemouth & Poole where I live, are HMV territory and we have a Borders too (with fast declining stock and range, but Stage Fright at a mere �3.99). But Zavvi is in the large out of town strip mall. Gone. No competition. You see what this means for the record industry � a handful of surviving good independents with stock; outside the Top 40 just the one major customer, HMV. Amazon achieve total domination. So for a small label, you either give them their huge cut for 24 hour turn round or go under. Not a good time to be in the music industry.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 11:49:35 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Merry Christmas all...

Be peaceful, joyful, and friendful... See you all on Boxing Day or later...

Entered at Wed Dec 24 11:11:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: Danko single

I forgot to mention this a week or so ago � I found a British release of Rick Danko's "What A Town?" on Arista. This wasn't listed on the site, and so I've sent a scan to Jan. I didn't know it had ever been released here, but it's good to have a Rick Danko single.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 11:06:04 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: Tell Tale Signs

Todd, I actually handled the three volume Tell Tale Signs in a store, and bought the 2 disc one. This is the first Dylan official release I haven't bought in full since John Wesley Harding. I bought Times They Are A-Changing immediately on release, carried on from there, and inexplicably the one I didn't buy new the first week was the best of all. Blonde on Blonde. I was heavily into soul in 1966, and a girlfriend had it and I was broke.

The price difference for the third disc is outrageous. But what you do get is a thick, beautifully produced book of 7 inch sleeves from around the world at the correct size too. There are some great sleeves, but as a keen 7 inch collector, I have to say Dylan 7 inch singles have never been a priority because he is and always was an album artist. Dylan singles are collectable, but never in the realms of rare soul or psychedelia. By the time he got around to singles he was already famous and well-loved, so there aren't single rarities. The early EPs with Joan Baez and (cough) Pete Seeger are worth a bit though. So how much do you want a picture sleeve of Subterranean Homesick Blues from The Phillipines and Argentina?

There ARE desirable Dylan singles and I have most of them � George Jackson for the two versions, and Rita May because it wasn't on an album, but I don't know how many Like A Rolling Stone picture sleeves I want to see, especially as in the 60s all countries operated independently on sleeves, so usually there would be zero artist input on the choice of pictures.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 09:24:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Subject: Last Waltz Funny Thing

I was watching The Last Waltz yet again today and I noticed during the interview with the entire Band where Richard talks about women on the road, Robbie winks very funnily at Levon. It made me smile. Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah

Entered at Wed Dec 24 07:06:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Peter, I made those last two posts just for you. See, I�m not gonna let anybody, except myself, call you a liar. And unless you are able to convince the members of Jan�s GB that you can�t count to three, you are in dangerous peril of some other poster waking up andcalling you a liar. Bear in mind, you made more than one allusion to me answering every post of wetso�s with a series of three posts directed right at westoe..

Allow me to demonstrate.

The following is the third post in a series of three.posts that I made at the beginning of the thread in question, the entire thread to which you alluded that I made three rapid fire responding posts each time Westo Jones posted.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 18:36:47 CET 2008 from (
Posted by:
Happy Chanukah to the Yehudim here.

Maybe before I declare that a non Norm directed post, well, shee-it, it; s real unlikely, but I�ll ask anyhow, Wetso, did you convert to Judaism?

Now, Peter, keep paying close attention.

The following is the second post in a series of two posts

Entered at Mon Dec 22 06:25:47 CET 2008 from (
Posted by:
Web: My link
Subject: Black Crowes In Hawk's Nest
Link Above, relevant info a few paragraphs down

The final series of three post s I made prior to your final assertion on the subject of three responding posts was the only series of 3 posts that all dealt with Westo prior to your last assertion. Like I said Peter, I�ll be GAWD DAMNED if I let anyone besides myself call you a liar, so, I made those most recent last two posts to Westo to try to cover your tracks.

Maybe your deleting finger is to blame. Count on your other hand Gawd Damn it! I think what\�s happening is when you get to that deleting finger you might be subtracting, or Gawd only knows how bent out of shape you might get, stuttering and all. If you�re counting on your fingers, well stuttering, that�ll make two seem like three every time.

Gawd Damn it all to hell Peter, I�m telling you, Moderator�s Anonymous, Bungee Jumping, amputation, you might need a combination of all three. Good luck with that.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 06:33:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Westo, I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that the point of this post by me to you is to help out a friend of yours.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 06:29:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Gawd Damn Westoe,

I done forgot what the hell it was I wanted to type to ya.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 06:27:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Westo

Gawd Damn Westocaster, you done did it. Gave me another idea for a tugging song. And it' a winner. Somehow I doubt I'll be writing this any time soon though. Have a couple of full plates I'm juggling right now, and of course, wouldn't want to cut into my GB time with you and Peter.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 04:44:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Daryl Hall and John Oates perform "Christmas Must Be Tonight" and Interview.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 04:35:28 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

"Both the standard and expanded versions of Tell Tale Signs include unusually illuminating, engaging liner notes by Larry "Ratso" Sloman, who wrote a book about Dylan's 1975 Rolling Thunder tour and has happily survived turning up dead in Kinky Friedman's 1993 mystery Elvis, Jesus & Coca-Cola; the deluxe edition packages Sloman's commentary in an illustrated book and adds an art book collecting sleeves from Dylan singles from Columbia outlets far and wide to go with the extra third disc. And though it emerges far more completely across three CDs, the story told is of a piece."

The Bootleg Series Vol. 8: Tell Tale Signs - Rare and Unreleased
Reviewed by Greil Marcus

I couldn't find the two disc recording used so I bought it this week new. I'm not opening it for awhile just in case I find a used one. I'm tired of being disappointed and ripped off with "gems" from the past. If they were so good back then why weren't they released then? Still being a Dylan fan I did buy this one without the third disc and book.

Comrade Stevon Farm....Were you trying to just say thank you?

rozzz....There was a time when I'd listen to DR and was haunted by all of it. I'm in a different space now so I can listen with some detachment now.

Thanks Carol for the very sweet and lovely email. :-D

Entered at Wed Dec 24 03:53:27 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: CT

Subject: Dylan Tell Tale Signs

Speaking of Dylan, I was wondering which version of Tell Tale Signs to get. The 2 Disc version is selling for about $18.00, and the 3 disc version is selling for approx. $110.00!! That seems like an awful lot for just one more disc, and is the reason that I haven't bought any of the versions yet. I have all of the other Bootleg Series Dylan releases, but I'm really on the fence about this one. Has anyone here shelled out for the 3 Disc version, and if so, is it worth it?

I'll probably wait a little longer and probably settle on the 2 disc version, but I know that I'll feel like I'm missing out. But still....$90.00 more for one more disc. Seems kind of steep.

Entered at Wed Dec 24 02:41:10 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


I want you all to put yourselves back in 1966, as a parent of a Bob Dylan fan. This kid brings home this "stuff" and from then on you hear the words that Brown Eyed Girl has posted below. Every damned morning, noon and night your child, the precious loving child that used to call you mama and dadda is upstairs listening to these ..these... words... these words... all lined up in a row. I am positive that it would take everything in you to keep your hands from involuntarily dialing the state mental institution and begging them to please come and strap your child to a leather bed, put a rubber tongue depressor into his mouth and give him some electro shock cause the fucking kid has gone stark raving mad!

You know, those parents were really tough people. Not like the shit heeled, candy-assed parents their kids turned out to be!

Entered at Wed Dec 24 02:11:16 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Pacific Northwest

Subject: Safe in the Rockin' Chair

Hello Dunc; Thank you for your kind words, and the best of the season to you and your family. It's always hard to hear of such mishaps as you described. Particularly this time of year.

Near Joe Jennings place out in Newfoundland, there was a house fir e a few days ago. All got out except two small children who parished. These tragedies at Christmas time make you count your blessings even more. I am keeping my time ashore with friends and family close to my heart.

The place where I had my wrestling match with my barge is very notorious. right off the North west corner of Vancouver Island, Scott Channel is about 3 miles wide. On the outer west side are Scott Island, a small chain of islands. Cox Island, the closest to Vancouver Island is the biggest. The winter of '70 or '71 I forget which it was a horrible winter.

A few miles out the inlet from where I now live, was a logging camp, with a crew of about 100 men. I was the foreman looking after the logs once they were dumped in the water. Huge barges with two big cranes on would come in and load the logs aboard and take them to the places where they were processed to end up at whic ever mill they were destined to. One night while we were in the process of loading the "Island Forester" the biggest of our barges on this coast, I stood on the bridge talking with the ship's captain of the Island King, the tug that towed this barge.

That night outside the inlet up at Scott Channel, 25 miles from the mouth of the inlet, the winds reached 80 knots. The "Rivtow Lion" had just come around Cape Scott towing the "Rivtow Norseman" which was the second biggest barge, and only about a year old. Cliff, the captain I was standing talking to became engaged in conversation with the captain on the Rivtow Lion, (who was sounding very stressed and worried.) He said, "I've stopped, I'm making no headway." Cliff said, "Can't you slack back on the throttle, hold 'er straight and let the wind take you back around the other side?"

Just them the captain on the Lion said, "It's too late for that, my towline just broke." The Norseman was empty, and sitting high in the water, with those big cranes like a sail. He turned about and that old Lion was a fast ship opened up on the throttle, did better than 18 knots. He turned about and chased his barge, but couldn't catch it.

To this day, that barge sits aboard Cox Island, now a big pile of rust. I've been by there many times in my life, and don't matter how many times I go by. On a calm clear day, (which ain't often) I swing close and look at that barge.

When you see how high up on that island that barge sits, you got to think of how high the waves were that put her there. I shudder every time I look at it, and it keeps your respect, and keeps you aware of what can happen. Now back to Dylan........I guess I'll always look to "My Back Pages", and wonder for the rest of my life what in fuck it's all about. But for a great groove song, Leon Russel's job on "Hard Rain" does it for me.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 23:50:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Au contraire other BEG. Tis not me obsessed with scarfs. I've never worn one, they're far too dangerous. I draw your attention to the sad case of Isadora Duncan, strangled by her flowing foulard.

How many more reckless scarf wearers have suffered a similar, easily avoidable, tragic end? No, Steve has no truck with frivolous yet possibly deadly accoutrements of any color. I've never thought that wrapping something 6 feet long around your neck then going about about your business was a wise thing to do.

I don't even trust ties, well maybe a bow tie.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 23:24:27 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Theyre selling postcards of the hanging
Theyre painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor is filled with sailors
The circus is in town
Here comes the blind commissioner
Theyve got him in a trance
One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker
The other is in his pants
And the riot squad theyre restless
They need somewhere to go
As lady and I look out tonight
From desolation row

Cinderella, she seems so easy
It takes one to know one, she smiles
And puts her hands in her back pockets
Bette davis style
And in comes romeo, hes moaning
You belong to me I believe
And someone says, youre in the wrong place, my friend
You better leave
And the only sound thats left
After the ambulances go
Is cinderella sweeping up
On desolation row

Now the moon is almost hidden
The stars are beginning to hide
The fortunetelling lady
Has even taken all her things inside
All except for cain and abel
And the hunchback of notre dame
Everybody is making love
Or else expecting rain
And the good samaritan, hes dressing
Hes getting ready for the show
Hes going to the carnival tonight
On desolation row

Now ophelia, shes neath the window
For her I feel so afraid
On her twenty-second birthday
She already is an old maid

To her, death is quite romantic
She wears an iron vest
Her professions her religion
Her sin is her lifelessness
And though her eyes are fixed upon
Noahs great rainbow
She spends her time peeking
Into desolation row

Einstein, disguised as robin hood
With his memories in a trunk
Passed this way an hour ago
With his friend, a jealous monk
He looked so immaculately frightful
As he bummed a cigarette
Then he went off sniffing drainpipes
And reciting the alphabet
Now you would not think to look at him
But he was famous long ago
For playing the electric violin
On desolation row

Dr. filth, he keeps his world
Inside of a leather cup
But all his sexless patients
Theyre trying to blow it up
Now his nurse, some local loser
Shes in charge of the cyanide hole
And she also keeps the cards that read
Have mercy on his soul
They all play on penny whistles
You can hear them blow
If you lean your head out far enough
From desolation row

Across the street theyve nailed the curtains
Theyre getting ready for the feast
The phantom of the opera
A perfect image of a priest
Theyre spoonfeeding casanova
To get him to feel more assured
Then theyll kill him with self-confidence
After poisoning him with words

And the phantoms shouting to skinny girls
Get outa here if you dont know
Casanova is just being punished for going
To desolation row

Now at midnight all the agents
And the superhuman crew
Come out and round up everyone
That knows more than they do
Then they bring them to the factory
Where the heart-attack machine
Is strapped across their shoulders
And then the kerosene
Is brought down from the castles
By insurance men who go
Check to see that nobody is escaping
To desolation row

Praise be to neros neptune
The titanic sails at dawn
And everybodys shouting
Which side are you on?
And ezra pound and t. s. eliot
Fighting in the captains tower
While calypso singers laugh at them
And fishermen hold flowers
Between the windows of the sea
Where lovely mermaids flow
And nobody has to think too much
About desolation row

Yes, I received your letter yesterday
(about the time the door knob broke)
When you asked how I was doing
Was that some kind of joke?
All these people that you mention
Yes, I know them, theyre quite lame
I had to rearrange their faces
And give them all another name
Right now I cant read too good
Dont send me no more letters no
Not unless you mail them

From desolation row

Yes Comrade Stevon Farm....Although you're absolutely obsessed with pink scarves and Robbie Robertson...the song was for you and your family. I even have _The Super Human Crew_ which is a book with the single CD of "Desolation Row" and paintings by James Ensor. I finally heard Dylan sing this one when "pretty little girl" and I saw Dylan with Paul James (one song...I think "Highway 61") at Air Canada Centre. We met via of this site and we both don't go to the washroom/bathroom when Neil Diamond sings, sings, sings!

Also tell him to check out �Bob Dylan Lyrics 1962 - 1985_ which also includes all of writings and drawings plus 120 new writings. I have this one and then imagezulu bought for me _Bob Dylan Lyrics 1962 - 2001_. Also, for amazing poetry I'd also include the one Louuuu turned me onto of his...."Foot Of Pride".

Well, there ain't no goin' back when your foot of pride come down
Ain't no goin' back

Well they'll choose a man for you to meet tonight
You'll play the fool and learn how to walk through doors
How to enter into the gates of paradise --
No -- how to carry a burden too heavy to be yours
Yeah, from the stage they'll be tryin' to get water outta rocks
A whore will pass the hat, collect a hundred grand and say thanks
They like to take all this money from sin, build big universities to study in
Sing "Amazing Grace" all the way to the Swiss banks

Well, there ain't no goin' back when the foot of pride come down
Ain't no goin' back

They got some beautiful people out there, man
They can be a terror to your mind and show you how to hold your tongue
They got mystery written all over their forehead
They kill babies in the crib and say only the good die young
They don't believe in mercy
Judgment on them is something that you'll never see
They can exalt you up or bring you down bankrupt
Turn you into anything that they want you to be

Well, there ain't no goin' back when your foot of pride come down
Ain't no goin' back

Entered at Tue Dec 23 22:57:32 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

JTull Fan

Subject: Jacques Levy

That's who co-wrote most of Desire.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 22:56:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

JTull Fan

Subject: Desire

acually, didn't Dylan farm out a lot of the lyrics on that album to that guy I can't remember? As much as I like Hurricane, the lyrics are very awkward in spots, such as 'don't forget that you are white!'. Cringe.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 22:08:56 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Blind Willie McTell

This is in my top 5 for sure. It's more literal than most of Blonde on Blonde, but still it's terrific writing and I think he got the musical arrangement just right too.

He also chose the right blues guy to honor. Blind Willie McTell's whole catalog is exceptional & unique too in a genre that's been done to death.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 21:50:15 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Dylan

'Stuck inside of mobile with the memphis blues again'

Entered at Tue Dec 23 21:36:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Every track on Blonde on Blonde, Street Legal, Highway 61 Revisited and John Wesley Harding. Most of Blood on The Tracks and Desire.

Visions of Johanna is number one. But I have a special place for JTullFan�s suggestion of Changing of The Guard, and also If You See Her say Hello. If you want one off the �usual suspects� list, I�d go for Sara off Desire. I�ll even forgive the forced clumsiness of �Their buckets to fill�

I laid on a dune, I looked at the sky,

When the children were babies and played on the beach. ,

You came up behind me, I saw you go by, ,

You were always so close and still within reach. ,

Sara, Sara, ,

Whatever made you want to change your mind? ,

Sara, Sara, ,

So easy to look at, so hard to define. ,

I can still see them playin' with their pails in the sand, ,

They run to the water their buckets to fill. ,

I can still see the shells fallin' out of their hands ,

As they follow each other back up the hill. ,

Sara, Sara, ,

Sweet virgin angel, sweet love of my life, ,

Sara, Sara,,

Radiant jewel, mystical wife.,

Sleepin' in the woods by a fire in the night,,

Drinkin' white rum in a Portugal bar,

Them playin' leapfrog and hearin' about Snow White,,

You in the marketplace in Savanna-la-Mar.,

Sara, Sara,,

It's all so clear, I could never forget,,

Sara, Sara,,

Lovin' you is the one thing I'll never regret.,

I can still hear the sounds of those Methodist bells,,

I'd taken the cure and had just gotten through,,

Stayin' up for days in the Chelsea Hotel,,

Writin' "Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands" for you,

Entered at Tue Dec 23 21:29:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Scotland

Subject: Westcoaster

Glad you made it Westcoaster. As you'll probably know, three tug men were killed last year on the 20th December on the Clyde, when their tugboat ran aground then went under, when they were one of three boats pulling a massive cargo boat into Glasgow. I think a broken tow line was involved. It is very sad when it is so near to you and I see these tugs quite often when on the lower Clyde. I feel so sorry for the families left behind.

Great you made it. Have a nice Christmas.

Hope everybody else is well and it's great that 'Hallelujah' is playing everywhere I go instead of the normal tosh at this time of year.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 21:22:39 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

In my opinion, one of Dylan's best vocals was his cover of "Corrina Corrina", one of his earliest electric tracks which was included on the Freewheelin' album.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 21:20:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: dylan!

Oh man a dylan discussion and i almost missed it!....Love minus zero/no limit...she belongs to me,desolation road,Oh sister, isis, ballad in plain d, frankee lee and judas priest....dear landlord...

Entered at Tue Dec 23 20:21:15 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Mucho Thankos a Tous

Great, I know most people here love Dylan and would have favorites that fit the bill.( pun intended)

The only one mentioned that I had on my "for sure" list was BEG"S Desolation Row, though I don't think she intended it for my project. It was the song that got me thinking about Bill's remark that Dylan couldn't sing.

I was listening to it(Highway 61 version) while skiing last week and it reminded me of our Dylan talk at Thanksgiving and I thought it was the perfect song to illustrate the importance of Dylan's delivery of his words.

It's the song that got me to email him and get him to promise a minimum of 3 listens per song to a 10 song CD. I'll be sure to list the 10 chosen when I get it sorted out.

Peter, if only you hadn't included the etc.etc. Damn.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 19:28:37 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Pacific Northwest

Subject: Outsiders

On returning home the other day, along with my excitement on the high seas, I mentioned, what I have always felt was kind of an important movie.

Outsiders spawned a litter of quite important actors that have endured;

Patric Swazey

Tom Cruise

Ralph Macchio

Rob Lowe

Emillio Estevez

Matt Dillon

and others.. Also the connective music to much of the discussion here. Real Wild child ....... Jerry Lee

Gloria ........ Them

Dylan's song .....Tomorrow is a Long Time, by Elvis

Mistery Train ........ Elvis

Lend me Your Comb ....... Carl Perkins

Teen Beat ........The Ventures

Stay Gold .........Stevie Wonder

Not a bad flick back in the day too.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 19:26:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

joe j

Subject: Dylan

If it's vocals we're looking for may I suggest "It Ain't Me Babe' and 'Tears of Rage'. 'If Not For You' may be a trifle of a song but I love Dylan's vocal.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 18:40:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Dylan

Girl From North Country

Just Like Tom thumbs Blues

Forever Young

Jan F, Thank you for brokering that Christmas truce. Perhaps it will last into the new year. To quote President Elect Obama, "Yes we can".

Entered at Tue Dec 23 18:24:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal

Then again Jan, I think that they are celebrating Festivus! First, the airing of grievances followed up by feats of strength.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 18:24:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

One of my all time favourite collaborations to honour all in Eid/Hanukah/Chirstmas/Kwanzaa/Holiday Season Celebrations

You may write me down in history
With your bitter twisted lies
You may trod me down in the very dirt
And still like the dust, I'll rise
Does my happiness upset you
Why are you best with gloom
Cause I laugh like I've got an oil well
Pumpin' in my living room

So you may shoot me with your words
You may cut me with your eyes
And I'll rise - I'll rise - I'll rise - rise - rise
Out of the shacks of history's shame
Up from a past rooted in pain
I'll rise - I'll rise - I'll rise - rise - rise

Now did you want to see me broken
Bowed head and lowered eyes
Shoulders fallen down like teardrops
Weakened by my soulful cries
Does my confidence upset you
Don't you take it awful hard
Cause I walk like I've got a diamond mine
Breakin' up in my front yard

So you may shoot me with your words
You may cut me with your eyes
And I'll rise - I'll rise - I'll rise - rise - rise
Out of the shacks of history's shame
Up from a past rooted in pain
I'll rise - I'll rise - I'll rise - rise - rise

So you may write me down in history
With your bitter twisted lies
You may trod me down in the very dirt
And still like the dust, I'll rise
Does my happiness upset you
Why are you best with gloom
Cause I laugh like I've got a goldmine
Diggin' up in my living room

You may shoot me with your words
You may cut me with your eyes
And I'll rise - I'll rise - I'll rise - rise - rise
Out of the shacks of history's shame
Up from a past rooted in pain
I'll rise - I'll rise - I'll rise - yes I'll rise

You may shoot me with your words
You may cut me with your eyes
And I'll rise - I'll rise - I'll rise - rise - rise
Out of the shacks of history's shame
Up from a past rooted in pain
I'll rise - I'll rise - I'll rise - rise - rise
I'm gonna rise - I'll rise - I'll rise - rise - rise
I'll rise - I'll rise - I'll rise - rise - rise

Words by Maya Angelouuuu
Music by Ben Harper

Entered at Tue Dec 23 18:18:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Roz summed it up. Leave it, as I�d love to, and you leave a falsehood. Any �behind the scenes emailing scheme to attach your name to posts� is either paranoid delusion or a straight lie. I don�t know which and I don�t care either. But let us indeed finish it there. God Bless You, Bob. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas etc etc.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 17:32:25 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Jan F.

Location: metro DC

Subject: Star Wars

Bob W. - promise? Then can we have a Christmas - Hanukkah - Kwanzaa truce?



Entered at Tue Dec 23 17:24:45 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Sooooo it was like this.. Bob sets Peter up for a retort and then goes out of his way to make Peter look bad if he gives in. Ho Ho Ho

Does anyone know anything about those new "lyrics" John Lennon so drunkely applied to that song on that casette tape that sold for a fortune yesterday?

Kristie - I like Bukowski too..

Entered at Tue Dec 23 16:42:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Out of respect for Jan this is the last time I will post in Mr. Viney's direction. I would expect he will take the same path. Peter, you do recall a time not so long ago when certain posters were allowed to say practically anything as long as it jived with your stance? You do recall deleting some posts while leaving yours to create a misconception of how and why certain things were being said? You do recall your little behind the scenes emailing scheme to somehow attach my name to posts with which I had nothing to do? You behaved with unchecked arrogance and now you can't seem to understand why some of us take exception?

Welcome home.

You are no longer in charge. You do not dictate to anyone here. You are not an expert on anything and your opinion is only that. Volume does not equal validity. My posts toward you have nothing to do with Norm, Robbie Robertson or BFB. Sadly, your calling anyone or anything "snide" is the funniest thing you have ever managed to post here. A good look in the mirror is necessary. You carry some of the responsibility whether you care to admit it or not.

Apologies to Jan and the regulars here. Wishing everyone the happiest of holiday seasons.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 15:28:39 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Rehearsals to begin in Belgium 4.20...more details to follow

4.24 Espoo Jazz Festival�Helsinki, Finland
4.26 Modernes�Bremen, Germany
4.27 Fabrik�Hamburg, Germany
4.28 Wendelsteiner Festival�Wendelstein, Germany
4.30 Capitol�Mannheim, Germany
5.03�Paris, France�TBC
5.05�Trier, Germany�TBC
5.06�Muenster, Germany�TBC
5.07�Berlin, Germany�TBC

Garland Jeffreys....New York Skyline

I was up on the twin towers two months before they were hit. My photos remind me how close it could have been......very eerie feeeeeeling.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 15:22:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

For JH

Entered at Tue Dec 23 15:18:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

"This tape was recorded in a hotel room in Denver by Robert Shelton who also can be heard on the tape. It's Dylan and Robbie Robertson trying out new songs, two of which are Just Like a Woman ("best song I ever wrote", says Bob) and Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands. The other three songs have never been released, and one of them is easily up to the standards of Blonde on Blonde. This is a song which has no title but I prefer to think of as Most Definitely Not Van Gogh (Some people have taken up the habit of calling it Positively Van Gogh, but I doubt Bob would have recycled such a similar song title when he had so many other adjectives to exhaust first). The tape is loose and there are lots of starts and stops throughout as they work out arrangements and modify tempos. At one point Bob can be heard telling Shelton he doesn't have to hang around if he doesn't want to. Sound quality is poor, but entirely reasonable considering the unusual nature of the material: two future masterpieces and one unknown major work in the process of being born but busy dyin'."

Dylan's Desolation Row

Yes, I received your letter yesterday
(about the time the door knob broke)
When you asked how I was doing
Was that some kind of joke?
All these people that you mention
Yes, I know them, they're quite lame
I had to rearrange their faces
And give them all another name
Right now I can't read too good
Dont send me no more letters no
Not unless you mail them
From desolation row

Entered at Tue Dec 23 15:16:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Steve: couldn't he just get the Dylan stuff from his daughter? Or is her selection of Dylan very limited (like mine is)?

Entered at Tue Dec 23 15:14:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Location: Down in Old Virginny

Subject: The Crickets

What's the big deal? Buddy Holly sang with Crickets a half century ago...

Entered at Tue Dec 23 15:12:27 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

The Three Stooges or The Three Muskateers?

Entered at Tue Dec 23 15:08:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: 'When The Ship Comes In'

Oh the time will come up
When the winds will stop
And the breeze will cease to be breathin'.
Like the stillness in the wind
'Fore the hurricane begins,
The hour when the ship comes in.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 15:05:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Picture this...."Souix opera singer Bonnie Jo Hunt with Robbie Robertson and Red Road joining in with the Cricket People.")

Entered at Tue Dec 23 15:03:41 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: This Dylan guy is pretty good

'Love Minus Zero/No Limit' is another must have.

My love she speaks like silence,
Without ideals or violence,
She doesn't have to say she's faithful,
Yet she's true, like ice, like fire.
People carry roses,
Make promises by the hours,
My love she laughs like the flowers,
Valentines can't buy her.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 14:54:53 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: More Bob

It may be too obvious, but 'Mr. Tambourine Man' needs to go on the disc. Beautiful lyrics combined with Dylan's expert phrasing.

Though you might hear laughin', spinnin', swingin' madly across the sun,
It's not aimed at anyone, it's just escapin' on the run
And but for the sky there are no fences facin'.
And if you hear vague traces of skippin' reels of rhyme
To your tambourine in time, it's just a ragged clown behind,
I wouldn't pay it any mind, it's just a shadow you're Seein' that he's chasing.

and this:

Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free,
Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands,
With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves,
Let me forget about today until tomorrow.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 14:49:41 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

JTull Fan

Subject: Dylan lyrics

Steve, my recommendations are Changing of the Guard and Senior off of Street Legal, and Mississippi from Love and Theft. I'm also partial to Dignity and Things Have Changed but those benefit from Dylan's vocals so they may not fit your 'project'.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 14:43:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: CT

Subject: Bob Sings

Steve, I don't know if it classifies as great poetry on the level of 'Visions of Johanna', but I've always thought that Dylan's vocals phrasing is what makes a lot of 'Highway 61 Revisited' successful. Who else could sing the following but Dylan?

Well Mack the Finger said to Louie the King
I got forty red white and blue shoe strings
And a thousand telephones that don't ring
Do you know where I can get rid of these things
And Louie the King said let me think for a minute son
And he said yes I think it can be easily done
Just take everything down to Highway 61

Entered at Tue Dec 23 14:21:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

I'm sure the older contingent is going to load up on some of the classics that are always worth their due but Sweet Heart Like You off of Infidels has always been a favorite - Jokerman is the other gem in their off the same record. Gotta Serve Somebody - love those words. And, Simple Twist of Fate from Blood on the Tracks. Those would be my suggestion for your editing process.., Good Luck, sounds like an exciting challenge.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 14:07:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


I had a US Thanksgiving experience I was saving for a time when changing the flow in the GB might be a good idea.

Marge's father has the kind of memory that the computer your sitting in front of has. He grew up poor, rejected son of a wealthy, married Italian Providence business man and his Irish house maid. Bill has loved to read his whole life and as a young kid only had access to the Encyclopedia Brit. which he actually read in it's entirety before he was 16 and I swear he still remembers most of it. He's never lost a game of Trivial Pursuit.

When we were there at Thanksgiving some of his sons and I were talking about music and someone mentioned Dylan.

Bill, who is 87 is the furthest thing from a rock and roll fan. Actually he's a serious Frank Sinatra fan but only Frank's early career, he doesn't consider anything by Frank after the mid 60's as being worthy. So you can imagine our reaction when he joined in on the Dylan discussion.

Actually what he joined the conversation with was," Dylan, great poet, but the guy can't sing". I can't listen to him. We all started laughing. His oldest son Bill said dad you've never listened to Dylan. At this point Bill senior recites Visions of Johanna not missing a beat.

We all stood there in silent amazement. He said about a year ago he was "trapped" in the car with Marge's sister Maureen, a Dylan fan, who was playing Dylan music when he heard, " The ghost of electricity howls in the bones of her face". He said anyone who could write that was worth "reading".

He's been scanning Dylan lyrics on his laptop occasionally looking for more poetic jewels as he calls them.

We were unable to convince him that Dylan's singing is incredibly important to getting the full impact of his words. I'm selecting 10 songs to put on a cd to send to him to convince him. It won't be easy, but he has agreed to listen to each song 3 times before chucking it in the waste bin.

Anyone got a suggestion for songs that could save the CD from the bin?

Entered at Tue Dec 23 12:03:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Wishing everyone here a safe and happy holiday season.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 10:27:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: Season's Greetings

Bonk: they say in Constantine a proverbial expression for similar situations, [translate]

"We know each other's asshole as veteran hammam masseurs"

now The Band GB is becomining really what it really is

God how the music is good

allez, cette fois ci c'est pour de vrai : Season's Greetings, every good and bad The Band fan

Entered at Tue Dec 23 08:37:25 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Westcoaster posts. True to form, three Friend0 responses. Bob Wigo repeats his snide comment. Does anything ever change? You two really poison the atmosphere continually.

BTW, now Friend0 has become our world-wide insurance expert, including maritime insurance, Most of us realize that you never get paid the full value, and it takes months, let alone the hassle of replacement. I'm into a full year of trying to get a tiny insurance drain repair done.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 02:46:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: SaltSpring Island

Subject: Hmm

Wow. Some of you people really like to piss on each other. That's OK. Some times it's fun. But you all sound like you might have known each other for a long time and you're getting back at each other for some past slight that may have taken place. A lot of you come across as common cunning linguists ( Sorry Roz, had to get that in there.) But would it be so if you were all together face to face. Me thinks not. But you know what. You all sound like good people. Fuck. What the hell do I know. Been sick and snowed in for ten days. Love the site and the musical info. Merry Christmas to all...Carl

Entered at Tue Dec 23 01:31:49 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Farmer's Insurance

Forogt to mention, back when i read that first post of yours Wetsie, I said to myself, of course West0 has insurance, but I bet the deductible is a motherfucker!

Of course, all that said, it's good that you, Snuffy, and the ship, cargo, are all okay. I don't have to like ya, but that don't mean that i'd want to see ya injured, crippled or dead. And defintiely don't want to see ya have a reason not to finish that GAWD DAMN recording.

Of course, for theladies, let's clarify about that environmental catastrophe you warded off. You were not carrying a cargo of oil. You were carrying machinery, that runs engines that cycle oil. Kinda like a car. So there was oil, but let's not confuse what might have happened with a Valdez, or even a small Valdez.

I respect the environment Wetsie, personally I think the universe woulda been a lot more better off without industrialization. But it's here, plain & simple. You, are the anti tree hugger, not I.

If we could vote on the entire world giving up everything from the industrail age, and go back to pre gun times, I;d vote for it.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 01:17:15 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Subject: Like I Said Earlier....

Petey, you should really stick to assembling other folks' hard work, interviews, ACTUAL experiences, etc., adding a few of your own nonsensical opinions and putting your name on the piece while purporting to be some sort of expert on The Band. It is what you do best. Much funnier reading than that weak effort.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 01:16:08 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Bukowski

Anyone read "the post office?" Like Modest mouse said in that song "Bukowski,"... "It makes for a good read, but god, who would want to be such an asshole....who would want to be such a control freak?" A great book though.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 01:15:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Environmental Protection Agency

Was just about to shut down and head out when I realized that i'd be Gawd Damn if Westo's latest reason to save the equipment didn't all of a sudden make him sound like one of then Gawd Damn tree huggers that hang out on Sechelt with Joni Mitchell.

Lawdi, Lawd, Lawd, i was sure onto something when I thought of the Joni /Westie collaboration.

Tree Huggers & Tuggers. Gonna GAWD DAMN happen yet. If Joni read what you wrote about risking yours & Snuffy's life to keep the oil out of the water, she may just propose to ya. At the very least, perform a vocal track on your cd.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 01:04:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Farmer's Insurance

See Angie, Westo is back. I knew he'd be returning, that was insured.

Self employed more than half my life Westo, i never doubted you have insurance of all kinds. You wouldn't get hired otherwise and you wouldn't risk your investment. But you sure told the story as if you woulda lost your investment. And the 3 million dollars worth of equipment woulda been lost too. That's how you told it the first time Westo. I never doubted you were insured, for your equiopment etc, and the cargo, and your own self, never doubted that the companies that hire you have insurance too. But I intentionally responded to how YOU told the story. You said you weren't about to let your investment & the 3 mil of cargo go.

Snuffy may not have insurance, or you may have him comped and covered to the eyeballs. Hopefully that is the case. Even so, his family would miss him as much as yours would miss you. That is my point. And it ainlt even his boat.

I ain't never run from nothing my entire life, and I ain't about to start now. Mine clang loud & clear.

You told the story a little differently today, of course. Probably didn't scare the ladies as much this way.

BTW, there is another lesson to learn from your escapade. That is it'd be a GAWD DAMN shame if you were to perish in a storm and that Cd still ain't done. After 35 years of chasing & encouraging ya, Fast Eddie would be heartbroken

Entered at Tue Dec 23 00:22:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Pacific Northwest

Subject: Mutt & Jeff

Steve; I see you are in your usual form, seeing yourself as a real comedian, getting your bones made here so you can write for Saturday Night Live, (don't quit your day job.)

Insurance? Jeez what a great idea, I never would of thought to entertain such a thought. Of course the people I move equipment for would never think to inquire about it. If your pissant partner Jeff made any reference to that thought I wouldn't know. I quit bothering to look at any display from that character quite a ways back.

However, if things got a little tough it wouldn't surprise me to see either of you bail out, turn tail and run. I could never see your little buddy with any kind of balls. I doubt that he knows what the term even means. You stick to shovelling shit in the barn Steve. That's as much excitement as you could handle I'm sure.

My old pal Snuffy has "balls". So we idled around pitching to and fro making our plan. When the time was right and Snuff was comfortable with what he was doing, we went to work. Executed our plan, it all went well and we, with a little luck dodged the bullet.

The alternative, to be on the evening news, another catastrophy, and soiling the waters and environment with diesel fuel from machinery etc, is not something we look forward to. "Dumping" on an insurance company, and (my rates are extremely low from years of reliable work) is not something we do.

Lars! The concept you are envisioning from those much bigger ships you were used to working on is quite different. As you will recall, our tugs are surrounded by rubber fendering. The bow of my tug, is about the same height as the deck of my barge. When we were into a low enough swell, I eased the bow up to amidship of the barge. As soon as I had my bow hard against the barge pushing, Snuffy was able to climb over the bow onto the barge. I backed away while he made the hook ups. When he was ready, I eased up again, got hard onto the barge, and he got back aboard with the temporary soft towline in his hands. He made it fast to the line we had prepared on the winch. I backed away, turned dowm the swell and came tight on the line. I gave it easy power ahead, and we went back with the sea in retreat and made our way back to regroup.

Incidently Lars, all big sea going barges like the huge log barges, and the American container barges that travel between Seattle and Alaska are fitted with extra towline for this type of eventuality. Inside the hull of the barge is another towline on a spool. The outside end is strung down the side of the barge and held in place with small welded steel straps. If pulled on with the power of the tug, these straps break away, freeing the line.

The outer end of the line is held in place at the stern, and attached to a soft line that drags in the water with a bladder attached to it, (a bright coloured bouy).

If the tug breaks or looses it's towline, they go after this (trailing, or retrieving) line. They haul it aboard, fasten the end of the (hard line or steel line to the winch). The line pulls free from where it is attached to the hull, and they are back in business. This of course isn't done by the "faint of heart".

Lets of course hope that in the new year Jan Hioberg doesn't have to stress himself whether or not to bail out on this site where some people enjoy the music and some interesting discussion. It would be nice for a buring the hatchet. We all pretty well know how every one else feels, as concerns the members of the Band, in whatever way.

Does it seem to be necessary to relive it all and keep up the crap. It all seems pretty juvenile. Still I hope everyone enjoys a safe and happy holiday season, in what ever capacity you may celebrate it.

Entered at Tue Dec 23 00:22:32 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Joe J

Gawd Damn Joe!

Did you continue interviewing other applicants?

What would a happened if the next male applicant arrived wearing a pink scarf? Then, insticntively you asked him if he knew who Robbie Robertson was, & he stuck his left hand up in the air, and trilled? You'd a had a Gawd Damn dilemma!

Entered at Tue Dec 23 00:02:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Peter, a Seinfeld Moment.

George; Hey Newman, what do you do for a living?

Newman: I'm a postal worker.

George: Aren't you the guys who go crazy and shoot people?

Newman: Sometimes!

Peter, there was a lot of freakin slithering and sliming in that last post. Yuck. As far as Robbie goes, I'm still on the fence. I take a long time to come to a conclusion on people but then never waver.

Joan, I'd be happy to drop something in there but I'm not quite sure what, yet. That may require some deep thought.

Nice story Joe.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 23:55:04 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: A secret chord �

On a musical note, �Hallelujah� is at number one AND number two in the UK charts, the first song to have the top two places since Singing the Blues in 1957 (Guy Mitchell / Tommy Steele). Number one is the version by X Factor winner Alexandra Burke. It sold 576,000 copies + downloads in a week, the fastest selling record by a solo female singer ever. Number two is the Jeff Buckley version, as the result of an internet campaign to persuade people to download this 1994 version instead. Leonard Cohen has said it�s his favourite version of the song. Just to cap off a good week for Len, his own original has just entered the chart at number 36. It�s his first UK singles chart entry.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 23:52:03 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Hey Peter Viney, In case no one told you, you aren't the moderator here. Jan is not bashful. If he wishes to discuss something with Bob or myself, he knows our email addresses. In my case, Jan can call me on the phone, or ask me to call him.I imagine the same might apply for you as well.

I bet your old deleting finger must be purple right about now.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 23:37:15 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Bob W, I don�t know how you think you come across to the world, but it�s as �disgruntled postal worker with a pious bent.� You relentlessly post the same snide stuff. It�s why, in the end after several requests to desist, we eventually barred you from Little Pink, which is a particular grudge you�re never going to let go of. Back then, we asked you to contribute to musical discussion, not to continually crawl out of Book Faded Brown, make a nasty remark, then slither back. Between you and Friend0, many people are getting sick and tired of the same endless remarks relating to the chips on your shoulders.

Wescoaster can�t post the most innocent remark (�the sky is blue today�) without Jeff posting three times in quick succession with the same sort of dumb, unpleasant remarks he�s been making for months. Can�t the two of you confine your loathing of me, Norm and anyone who likes Robbie to personal e-mails between you? Show some respect for the forum and the fact that your personal hang-ups about personalities are not of general interest. There are a lot of people on Book Faded Brown who don�t particularly like some of us. I�m well aware of that. But you are the only one of them who feels the compulsion to slime over here with a nasty remark two or three times a day. The rest may not like some of us, but respect the differences and let it lie. I have just two words to say to you, and the second one is "off."

Entered at Mon Dec 22 21:24:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: John D./Ben F.-T./Bob D.

From Knockin' on Dylan's Door:

'In Toronto, before the first of the two shows there, I call on CHUM and find a Dylan freak named John Donebie (sic), who remembers that Dylan's been in town three times before, twice as a solo artist, around '62 and '63, and, in 1966, with the Hawks, who got huffily dismissed by one local critic as "a third-rate Toronto rock & roll band." In fact, the Hawks--and it's well-known--came up as the backup band for Ronnie Hawkins, the Arkansas rockabilly singer who'd moved to Canada in 1960. (His hits were in '59--"Forty Days" and "Mary Lou.") The Hawks, all from Canada, except drummer/Arkansas native Levon Helm, got tired of the roads they traveled, mostly in Southern states and along a short stretch of drink joints on Yonge Street in Toronto. Away from Hawkins, they continued to work Canada, were found by Hammond, sat in with him on a couple of albums, and met Dylan.'

Also, see John's own comments here.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 21:20:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Good Riddance Day

From the NY Times:

Shred, Then Start Fresh Sunday, 1 p.m. One wishes many things as the New Year approaches, though surely first among them is a clean slate. Now you can do away with the past year�s painful memories in the finest New York fashion: by watching them being masticated in a large industrial shredder on a traffic island in the middle of Times Square. This would be Good Riddance Day, a chance to throw your disappointing work evaluation or a photo of the stripper who broke your heart into the jaws of a machine. Last year�s items included a 30-year mortgage note, a picture of a recently removed appendix and a cactus plant given by an ex. Do not underestimate the convalescent powers of wanton destruction. Duffy Square, Broadway and Seventh Avenue between 45th and 47th Streets, Manhattan.

Anyone want to tell what they would shred? Mine would probably start with doctor bills and appointments.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 21:16:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz


Entered at Mon Dec 22 21:13:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

joe j

Subject: It's Who You Know

I spent the afternoon interviewing applicants for an I.T. job. The final interviewee was a personable young man with the requisite skills and experience. His resume also noted he was a music grad specializing in pipe organ and button accordion. I asked him if he was familiar with Garth Hudson. "As in 'Chest Fever'?", he replied. He got the job.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 20:55:23 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Jeff0, I'm sticking with the Scrooge and Cratchit angle. Maybe Norm/Scrooge, seeing a better deal in putting the insurance on Snuffy than on the cargo and barge,pitches heavily insured Snuffy overboard in the general direction of the wayward barge on Christmas Eve. Swim Snuffy, SWIM!

What's this Tweedy, J2Rs nonsense about? Doesn't Tweedy sing and with the mike on,to boot?

Brien, I got to tell you I love watching your team especially when they lose or calls go against them, just to watch your coach cry. He's pro bowl material in that department.

He and Eli are at the opposite ends of the scale on that account which is why young Manning is quickly becoming my favorite QB. Great attitude, never gets too high or low.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 19:45:33 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

brown eyed girl: As I recall, Ben Fong-Torres included comments from John Donabie in a Rolling Stone article reporting on the Dylan/Band tour in 1974. I believe Jan H. has a link here in the Library section.

This is not a fictional post :-)

Entered at Mon Dec 22 18:48:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Web: My link

NB: The good thing about balin' is that it was done by machines, even back in your day. Stookin', on the other hand, was real work! (Plus it's a useful word to this day, especially if you find yourself in a situation where rural people seem unwilling to accept you as worthwhile.)

Anyway, there's nothing like "Tinderbox" in the Fred Eaglesmith catalogue that I know of, but I don't know much of his stuff. I have just that, "Drive-In Movie" (which I'd encourage you to get for its several brilliant songs, none of which would fit "Tinderbox") and "50-Odd Dollars".

All in all, if you have time on your hands and a faster internet connection, you might try tracking down Peter Boyd's fabulous "Beulah Land" indie CD, as so nicely reviewed in the following TorStar article by Greg Quill (who was also covering one by Rob Lutes):

"Irritating as it might seem, it would be unfair to these two brilliant and all but unknown artists to end the year without sending roots music fans on a hunt for their recent respective contributions to the Canadian folk/blues canon, despite the fact that they apparently both lack the ego / fiscal wherewithal / personal management required to get onto the independent music trade's cluttered radar screen. [...]

"And Toronto-born Boyd, who spent a couple of decades on the blues/folk music trail before, legend has it, taking a severe left turn to become a respected sommelier, restaurateur, wine critic and writer, has no website at all, nothing, in fact, to promote the release of the stunning and powerful blues-rooted original songs and astonishing guitar wizardry on 'Beulah Land', save a couple of breathless reviews in esoteric blues magazines and a frustratingly mysterious and self-deprecating biography -- no contact information - that pops up obliquely on numerous sites when you Google his name.

"These albums are among the best of the year's roots/blues crop, and evidence of the presence among us of two fine, grounded, mature and distinctive artists who should both be thriving in the service or the music they so clearly love, not lost in the great: noise of modern roots music. Track them down. Buy their albums. Buy a ticket to a performance if, by some remote chance, you see their names. You won't regret it." Trouble is, eBay's about your only bet now that Sam's on Yonge has closed.

You might ask BEG to flip through the Americana? section at Pandemonium, as on Saturday the had a CD by the Tarbox Ramblers, who I saw just once but who "Tinderbox" made me think of. (And BEG could also pick up the Cromatix CD with Garth in the same bin.)

One final suggestion, from perhaps even farther out in leftfield, is Harrison Kennedy's "Voice + Story". Folkish bluesish personal music recorded by a Canadian veteran of the HDH machine in Motown - in the Netherlands backed by a Dutch accordionist, percussionist and guitarist.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 17:55:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Jan F.

Subject: Checking In/Checking Out

To Peter & Deb:

Re: posts Sat Dec 20 11:25:17 & Sat Dec 20 15:05:09 -

Add deadly boring and you've got it covered.

Apologies to David P.(don't fall off your chair!) regarding Ted the record store guy in Atlanta - bass player vs drummer in the Black Crowes. Thought for sure he was their first drummer. He was so gaga over Levon I thought for sure he was a drummer.


Entered at Mon Dec 22 17:46:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

n0rthern b0y

Location: bey0nd h0pe

Subject: Other Eaglesmith Suggestions ?

Bill M. : Me and the Missus were wondering if there are other Fred Eaglesmith albums you'd recommend, and if there are any more along the lines of his stellar "Tinderbox". I suspect that's the only one done in that "alternate gospel" direction . Now that we've ditched dial-up in favour of high-Def, I've sampled "Dusty", "Milly's Cafe" and the bluegrass CD "Balin". My preference so far is "Balin" (though all of his stuff takes me back to my days as a Pickering hick and to summers working on a farm north of Barrie, ON.). I'll be sampling my way through more of his CD's over Christmas, but there are quite a number of them. Thanks for any thoughts you may throw my way, and for your earlier response to my Robbie Lane & The Disciples/ Hawks post. Have a Merry one !

Entered at Mon Dec 22 17:31:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: Fred Neil

I remember how Fred Neil's 1965 Elektra album, "Bleeker & MacDougal", really knocked me out the first time I heard it. It included "Little Bit Of Rain", "Blues On The Ceiling", "Other Side Of This Life", "Candy Man" and other great original songs. Among the featured back up musicians on the album were John Sebastian and Felix Pappalardi.

Roy Orbison had covered "Candy Man" in 1961 on the B-side of "Crying". Judy Henske covered both "Little Bit Of Rain" and "Other Side Of This Life" in 1965. The later of course is probably Mr. Neil's best known song after "Everybody's Talkin'". Although it wasn't a hit, Linda Ronstadt also covered "Little Bit Of Rain" in 1967 with the Stone Poneys.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 15:45:10 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Why are there still apes? Maybe to give humans something to aspire to?

Joe J: I think the story at the time was that Bruce Cockburn didn't want to see the songs he wrote for "Goin' Down the Road" released because they didn't represent what he saw as his art at the time. I'd like to think that he wouldn't be so stuffy if he were doing it today. And it is a great movie, or at least I thought it was the one time I saw it - in the highschool gym shortly after release. Like Northern Boy was in the audience too.

BEG: I too have seen Cockburn in the wild just once - in a Mac's Milk on Harbord one night in '83, I believe.

When I flipped on CBC radio this morning Tom Allen was chatting about songwriting with Stephen Fearing and Murray McLauchlan. Allen was asking them about what their time spent abroad brought to their songwriting (Fearing haven spent much of his childhood in Ireland and McL having been born in Scotland) and Fearing said he'd just been reading Hoskyn's "Across the Great Divide" and how it stressed the importance of Robertson's point of view as a foreigner in the US. A couple songs later, Allen played the original version of "The Weight".

Interesting that Madonna's come up again. To many, the word Madonna conjures up images of Mary Immaculata, to others, apparently, Mary Imasculata.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 15:44:29 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Ben Fong-Torres' Backstage Gallery KFRC Classic Hits
Take a tour of Ben's Backstage photo collection.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 15:41:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Petey, you should really stick to assembling other folks' hard work, interviews, ACTUAL experiences, etc., adding a few of your own nonsensical opinions and putting your name on the piece while purporting to be some sort of expert on The Band. It is what you do best. Much funnier reading than that weak effort.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 15:37:41 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:



This was a natural opportunity for consolidating the stories. I was giving you the opportunity to describe the Captain's epiphany / rehabilitation, where he went out and got insurance, unionized the Canadian tugboat industry and gave Snuffy early retirement.

This guy describes Robbie as the frontman for The Band? When was Robbie ever a Master of Ceremonies before the beginning of The En?d. Again, having only seen the first incarnation onc e in a stadium, I wouldn't know about them having a frontman firsthand. But from the videos, sure doesn't appear like Robbie was behaving like a Master Of Ceremonies till the beginning of The End.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 15:23:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

I'm not a big Will Ferrell guy but Elf is a solid fun holiday movie that can make you smile, laugh and feel good. But I would vote for Love Actually over Elf. For whatever reason Christmas Story is only ok in my book - I was never bowled over by that movie. Of course It's a Wonderful Life is up there as an all-time classic.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 15:04:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


"Two monkey hookers and a racist dwarf! You fuckin' short ass!

I'm watching "In Bruges" again! I simply cannot get enough.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 15:01:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

2007 Canada Tour including Toronto's Hard Rock Cafe with The Band and Dylan memorabilia and other Toronto sights. First time I heard Springsteen's "The River" was in the Hard Rock before it became upscaled.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 14:53:49 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

...another Robbie caricature.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 14:53:37 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal

I vote for "A Christmas Story". I never get tired of Ralphie and his quest for the elusive Red Ryder B.B. gun. Special mention over the past few years goes to "Love Actually". I hate any Christmas movie with a hint of maudliness to it. Which effectively eliminates 98% of the field. Special congrats to the New York Giants for wrapping up home field advantage for the playoffs. Go Big Blue!

Entered at Mon Dec 22 14:51:19 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Wilco - the Band of our time?
Written by: Stephen McNulty

"It happened halfway through last Wilco's first ever headlining gig in Sydney last night . The band were ripping through Walken from their imminent release, Sky Blue Sky. I was sat by the sound desk, in a leg brace - long story. My good friend Fergal, enjoying his virgin Wilco experience, turned to me and took a Robbie-Robertson-a-la-Last-Waltz stance, wide-legged, jerking back and forth, guitar swinging from side to side. I looked back to the stage and realised just how much Jeff Tweedy resembled the former Band front man. Right down to the ear to ear grin. Yep, this was not the grumpy Jeff I'd experienced in the past - this was a happy Jeff. Jeff, the raconteur, taking the piss out of Steak 'n' Kidney (Sydney) and describing Tasmania as "the two-headed state".

Entered at Mon Dec 22 13:58:25 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Friend0, I'm not sure about Snuffy as Santa. Santa usually captains the sleigh\tug. The name Snuffy has elf written all over it.

Actually this seems like more of an Ebenezer Scrooge and Bob Cratchit story.

Anyone out there who hasn't seen ELF yet? Now our favorite Christmas movie, at least as far as comedies go. Maybe best Christmas movie period. Will Ferrell is priceless.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 06:25:47 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Black Crowes In Hawk's Nest

Link Above, relevant info a few paragraphs down.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 02:56:20 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Snuffy The Santa


It looks like we are gonna have to do most of the work. Mayeb Norm will just steer the tug to the port.

I'm thinking the 3 million dollars worth of logging equipment becomes 3 million dollars worth of Christmas presents. Snuffy was moonlighting as Santa cause the Scrooge Tugboat cpatain didn't pay him enough to keepo the family well fed. And well, because he enjoyed it too. Norm was delivering Snuffy The Santa and the christmas presents to some rather large island for some reason, i dunno, maybe all the pilots were drunk or something. well, there's a storyline, songline.

But things became complicated when they hit hard weather. Snuffy has just changed in to his Snata's outfit. Snuffy / Santa had to risk his life to save the presents, cause the Scrooge Tugboat captain was too tight to have no insurance, on the barge, or on the cargo. The Scrooge tossed Snuffy from one ship to the other, Snuffy The Santa manned up, tied up the barge to the main ship, saved Scrooge's investment, and saved Christmas for all the kids who never woulda had presents otherwise.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 02:04:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Warner and Youtube

OK I certainly can live without Metallica and Madonna

Entered at Mon Dec 22 01:39:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

JTull Fan

Glad you enjoyed it Peter. In case you are wondering what happened to the annual cd, you haven't dropped from our list. I just don't have the time anymore to give it the proper effort to do it right.

Entered at Mon Dec 22 01:24:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Norm, there sounds like a song buried somewhere in that tale of the sea, maybe a shanty or possibly a, Home For Christmas Yuletide Number with a moral for the kiddies tucked neatly in the telling.

Putt Em Up suggested a lesson to take from the incident at sea; " Children, always insure your cargo and barge so you won't have to risk Snuffy's life". Why not go with that, it seems like an obvious lesson learned. If you're not sure maybe sample Snuffy's opinion.

Hell, if you turn it into a Yuletide Sea Shanty why not stick it on the Sea Dee and be done with the Gawd Damn thing. Putt Em Up, sorry for borrowing your Gawd Damn as well as your suggestion as the moral for the Yuletide Sea Shanty but if Norm uses it I'm sure there'll be room for both of us in the credits. Now for a title.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 21:27:21 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Happy Saturnalia � loved the Jethro Tull �Bells of Solstice� video with the Lord of Misrule contemplating his codpiece. This is the central religious observation, from which the others derive. We�re all celebrating the solstice in our different ways.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 20:52:15 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Empty Now

Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 20:40:15 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

JTull Fan

Web: My link

Subject: Happy Solstice

Enjoy the link

Entered at Sun Dec 21 19:36:21 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Misc

First, Happy Chanukah to all who celebrate.

Norm, so glad you are safe. Maybe Lars is right. Stay by the fire and be safe.

Joe J thanks for the Dylan.

BEG nice Bruce Coburn

Entered at Sun Dec 21 19:27:23 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Subject: S. M.

i am sure you offended nobody

Entered at Sun Dec 21 19:18:29 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Cave quid dicis quando et cui

I am sorry. I apologize to all who were offended.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 19:09:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal
Web: My link

And of course, My favourite Christmas parody tune.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 19:09:20 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Snow Dope

Jeff0 -

There's a cartoon (graphic novel?) here about a snowy night in Brooklyn.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 19:07:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal
Web: My link

Yeah Channukah! And a special thanks to Shaun Bridgmohan and Steve Asmussen for putting plenty of gelt in my pocket this week. Here's one a friend sent me. I posted a jazzier version last year but I like this one. Enjoy!

Entered at Sun Dec 21 19:00:25 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now


Entered at Sun Dec 21 18:59:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

linked, a short history of "Productions Via the World" (Montream) and a biography of Daniel Bertolino

worth reading, impressing, ...the meaning of success in the media world

Entered at Sun Dec 21 18:36:47 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Happy Chanukah to the Yehudim here.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 18:14:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Angelina. Don't go missing Westo just yet. Yes, he did declare that this was his last post of the year.

But it's at least 50 - 50 odds that he breaks his vow when he remembers that Christmas is coming and he didn't remember to tell us all how much he gave to charity and to whom he gave it to.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 17:13:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Lifelong Friends

Westocaster Jones!

\ I'm betting Snuffy would sure be happy, and probably live a lot longer, if you would just go get some Gawd Damn insurance on your rig and cargo.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 16:21:15 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Ulster Co, NY

Subject: In peril on the sea

NORM- That was some wild ride you went through. I still can't figure out how you got your deck hand on the barge without crushing him. I guess he figured he was safer on the barge than being on your tug and refusing to make the move over. He was tied off before he went over the side, right? We used to have tankers come up next to us for re-fueling and the water between our two vessels would be twice as wild as the ocean around us. You've definitely got the nerve. Just be glad it didn't happen in the North Atlantic where the waters are really rough (that ought to get you to come to NY, if only to throw a punch).

Time to buy a rocking chair and watch the storms from land.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 16:04:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Thank you joe j!

Here's one of my fave Cocburn songs since it mentions Yonge Street and Scarberia. Too bad the photos aren't of Toronto!

"This was about 1978 or 1979. My husband was a grad student at University of Toronto and was out walking home -- from a bar -- with a friend. The next morning the radio announced it was the coldest night on record in Toronto! Thanks Bruce."

The only time I saw Bruce hang in Toronto was in the late seventies I think when we had our hair punked. I saw him at the Metropolitan (restaurant at the time at Yonge/Bloor) with someone who worked at Vidal Sasoon's or another hair salon in Yorkville area.

Westcoaster: I'm glad someone worries and loves you. Do you ever wonder about those who don't have this in their lives? It shows in some of their posts......time and time again. Gotta go....imagezulu just made some french toast with panatone.....mmmmmm.....I can smell the sweet bread, vanilla and bananas and dried fruit.....

Entered at Sun Dec 21 15:26:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

joe j

Web: My link

Subject: The Night Before Christmas

Audio clip of Dylan doing the Christmas classic. Priceless.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 14:21:56 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Bruce didn't release the music because it was music he was hired to write and it wasn't really sentiments that were his own. Bruce is very particular as to what gets released with his name on it.

Inspector Clouseau, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here because as the song says, in your case, " The Old Gray Matter She Ain't What She Used To Be! While looking for a reason to release SM back into the wild you could have simply brought your 16 word French vocab into play and accepted "J2Rs penchant" as "J2Rs leaning" to the past. OK, move along!, Nothing here to see.

Kevin I've been concerned about having the wrong "Beatles Best Ever Song" tattoo, but given time even Steve can see the obvious solution to small problems.

Look at the song titles; A Day In The Life and In My Life. Can you see where I'm going with this yet?

I was a youth when I had In My Life tattooed on my teenage boycept. Over the last several decades it's developed into a gigundus man-muscle so there is now plenty of room to add "A Day" to the In My Life on my mancept making the greatest Beatles song EVER "A Day In My Life".

What say you? I'm hoping this works for you, I'm not looking forward to a skin graft.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 12:54:25 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

joe j

Subject: Goin Down The Road

Been a while since I saw that film but it's one of a handful of Canadian classics. Seems to me 'Mon Oncle Antoine' came out around the same time. Don Shebib made the film on a tight budget, less than a hundred thousand. Much of the film was made in a semi-documentary style, filmed on the streets (and nightclubs) of Toronto with real people (as opposed to non-real people?).

The story cut pretty close to the bone with me. The act of 'goin down the road' was, and is, a rite of passage for young Maritimers. Today you can substitute the tar sands of Alberta for the factories of Ontario but the theme remains the same. Personally, I thumbed my way to Ontario in 1979. That old Impala from the film would've been good. Worked for minimum wage in a warehouse underneath the 401 for a year before I wised up and returned to home and to school.

There's a story somewhere about Bruce Cockburn's contribution to the soundtrack. I believe he refused to licence his music for anything other than the film which might explain why you never hear it anywhere else. Like I say, it's been a while. I'll have to check to see if it's available on DVD.

Norm, you had a close one. Rough weather out your way these days? Until a couple days ago it was still golf weather down here though when it turned it did so with a vengeance.

It's Sunday morning. I'm going to dig out my ladder and string some lights. The boys are due home tonight and we're all playing hockey tomorrow in a fund raiser for the school choir.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 12:15:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

S.M. : I specially enjoy this place for the reason that i don�t mind about looks of who post here, i find all the people here tremendously and equally interesting, i learnt a lot from everybody, and it�s widely sufficient
I guess Hercule Poirot looks refers to Peter Ustinov, pass me the rear view mirror please, no I don't share Hercule Poirot's looks
talking current thread on favorite Band name, I like the name of the character played by Ustinov in Spartacus � Lentulus Batiatus � it sounds nice

J2R was in Seville to promote Storyville, Period. quelle question, It is not forbidden to sell ones soul to the devil, it is stupid not to negotiate the right price

Entered at Sun Dec 21 12:00:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Thanks for the sense of perspective, Norm � I was feeling worn out because I had a 200 mile drive on motorways in a warm dry and safe car in torrential rain last week! Your story put it way into perspective!

Entered at Sun Dec 21 08:30:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


westcoaster - Calling the kettle black, ain't'cha?

Entered at Sun Dec 21 05:57:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Pacific Northwest

Subject: Count your blessings

This place has become increasingly more and more less interesting, with the sinical, snide and ignorant posts here. However I will make this last post this year to acknowledge some of the interesting and musical, and humourous posts. Also compationate, and especially from some of the ladies here.

The subject count your blessings, arises from the last trip we just got off yesterday. The worst of my life. The load of equipment I contracted to move from Winter Harbour, at the mouth of Quatsino Sound, (outside where I live in Port Alice) went awriye.

We came around Cape Scott, and down into Winter Harbour, Tuesday last. By 15:00 hrs we were loaded and ready to leave. As we idiled out the inlet, the weather channel came out with "Storm Warning" 40 to 50 knot Norht East wind. So we turned and tied up at the log booming ground.

22:00 hrs Wednesday evening they reduced to "gale warning". The local weathers at Cape Scott, Quatsino light, and Pine Island all gave favourable wind conditions of not more than 10 knots. The Seaspan Corsair had come out of Port Alice with a pulp barge in tow, and was headed up for Cape Scott. I called him and asked for a weather report. He gave 10 to 15 NE out flow and a low swell, so we got under way at 23:30 hrs.

At 12:00 hrs Wednesday at Cape Scott, as we entered Scott Channel, (one of the worst places on this coast) the light house at Cape Scott was still giving their local weather as 5 knot NE. As I came up to Cape Scott, the wind was 35 - 40 NE. In the tide rip at Cape Scott tho' still making a reasonable speed of 3.5 knots, my towline broke, and my barge was loose, with about 3 milliom bucks of logging equipment aboard, and my own investment of 500,000 in the barge. I wasn't about to let it go, and as that barge twisted and tossed in the trough of that swell, being even sick in my stomach, I stood by and prayed. Eventually the wind won, and slid my barge around, down below the Cape. I keep a spare, "soft" towline aboard, and we have lines at the ready on the barge. I was able to put "Snuffy", my life long buddy and deck hand aboard the barge. Snuffy quickly joined the lines together. I came back around and picked him off. He had the loose line end in his hand. We had readied the spare line on the boat, and he joined them up and we were again hooked up. My barge was heading fairly close to the rocks below Cape Scott, but I came up tight on the line, and eased it away. We gently pulled ourselves back down into Winter Harbour, ( most of the night).

In conclusion, the barge and it's cargo are safe, Snuffy and I gave each other a hug. I came into the big booming ground here at home, and Susan was waiting for me in her Blazer. I felt bad to see the tears on her cheeks, but very humble to know some one cares that much.

I noticed a few remarks on some great old movies, and would like to add these few remarks for people who were around to know. As Susan and I were just discussing this evening.

The best performance by Katherine Hepburn..."African Queen" with Humpfrey Bogart, (and maybe his best.) Also a movie, as I recall, and just looked up on Wikepiedia, (very underrated)."The Outsiders". This also always reminded me of the band by that name, in '66 a song that we played, "at every dance".........TIME WON'T LET ME.

As Wikepedia declares, one of the most under rated bands ever, the "Outsiders".

Best of the Season to all.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 05:33:58 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Sergeant Nutjob always gets his man, sounds a little, well, questionable, to say the least.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 03:39:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Sargeant Northern of The Royal Canadian Mounted Grammar Police

Location: beyond the Hope Detachment

Subject: SM: Pull Over And Stand Back From The Keyboard !

SM: In the spirit of Christmas I'll be letting you off with just a warning this time, that is of course unless I find out you've been drinking (anything other than Guinness). Now I gotta tell you that was some pretty reckless typing and\or a total lack of proofreading I observed just now in that last post of yours. "PENCHANT FOR THE PAST !". I think if you check your F**k'n Wagnall when you get home, you'll see the word is spelled "pension", not "penchant". Embarrassingly simple, isn't it, once someone points it out to you ?

Furthermore, while you're at the dictionary entry for "pension", have a quick look at the definition. Pretty sure you'll find that pensions aren't "for the past", as you so recklessly wrote, but are clearly for the future. Unless you're trying set the Guinness record for being the first person ta ever retire in the past ! ! Har, Har, Har, Har ! (Ah man, you gotta love that cop humour, huh ?). OK, we're done here. You can be on your way now.

Keeping our highways semantically safe over the holiday season,

Sargeant Northern (Poster Boy for our Don't Drink And Post Campaign (nb.jh))

Entered at Sun Dec 21 02:39:46 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal

Yes Kristie, I've seen everal times and pick up other things I didn't notice. previously. I would think that Newfoundland's very own gift to the GB Joe J. may have the best analysis of all. Good to hear from you Fredo.

Entered at Sun Dec 21 02:13:11 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Kristie: yes that is Bruce Cockburn you heard while watching Goin' Down The Road.

SCTV did a great spoof of this film.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 23:57:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Steve & Rosalind

That was my point! I guess I wasn't facetious enough.

I thought everyone on the GB would be well acquainted with his penchant for the past.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 21:14:33 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: "Goin' down the road"

I watched this Canadian movie (from 1970) last night and was very impressed! Outside of films from Quebec I have not enjoyed very many Canadian movies. It also has an amazing soundtrack with what sounds like Bruce Cockburn(early Bruce), but I can't make out what the other music is so I am going to look it up now. If anyone else has seen the movie or has the soundtrack let me know what you think! ...Bill M- Have you seen this movie?

Entered at Sat Dec 20 21:02:25 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: the old world
Web: My link

Subject: Will Athens' Christmas Tree make it till Christmas?

link (should work some later?): Police cordon protects Athens' Christmas Tree to get it through till Christmas.

Play the screen thing, quite bizzare (must become a YouTube hit when it gets there).

have a good weekend all!

Entered at Sat Dec 20 19:17:27 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


SM, is that why his main projects recently have been reissues of his work with The Band in the form of AMH followed by more of AMH? Much of " his" writing seemed to be about the past as was his solo work. Who can forget that One Man Band thingy? If that's not a shot at the past what is?

When you come right down to it wasn't just about the whole J2Rs album a look back at the past.

Certainly the Music For Native Americans was in part a look back at the aftermath of the happenings of 1492. The guy seems to have a rear-view mirror attached to his shoulder at least when it comes to writing music.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 18:31:42 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


How oft has he quoted that, SM? I would say 1991 ..he was still looking back. Still wishing. Still hoping agaisnt the inevitable. Your past, as some of us already know, can be so awful, so painful, that we will make all the effort in the world NOT to look back. I have found that not looking back makes a stone of you. Stone is good. It might not sound like it's good.. but it is.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 17:40:47 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Empty Now

By the bye, you're right, I'm sure RR did not see Seville Expo 92 as the 500 year celebration of the expulsion of the Jews (one half of his heritage)and the beginning of the genocide of the other half.

He doesn't like "looking back"- he " lives in the moment " as he is oft quoted.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 16:38:53 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: But . . .

It was only a joke.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 16:31:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Sorry Steve if you did not decipher my meaning or maybe it was poor communication on my part - maybe I should have written, That particular notion of evolution...,

Entered at Sat Dec 20 16:27:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Web: My link

Roz - The Teaching Company produces some high quality lectures on a host of topics. The link above is to one on Darwinian thought and the evolution of that theory. Because, as it seems few people know, there is a fair portion of Darwins theories that are no longer accepted but were needed as stepping stones to better understanding Evolutionary thought. The lecture above is a more comprehensive one than the one I borrowed from our local library. If your library offers any of these lectures in cd form, I'd highly reccomend getting them. The professor's who give these lectures are terrific in their delivery. They don't garble up the lecture with jargon and high-mindedness. They are quite refreshing to listen to.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 16:24:42 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Roz, let me put it Band terms for you. Remember when it was Ronnie Hawkins and The Hawks. The Hawks then split off and evolved into a different form of music that was quite different from Ronnie's, they even traveled the world and spread their music far and wide. Ronnie,The Hawk, remained covered in hair and kept aping around in Toronto. Ronnie, though he never evolved any further still exists and is quite happy in Toronto. Everything, even evolution, can be linked back to The Band.

Brien I'm assuming by "that notion" of evolution you mean about apes to man. Evolution I think remains a strong scientific understanding.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 15:59:16 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Roz - Humans did not evolve from apes but rather we share a common ancestory that goes back millions of years. That notion of evolution has long been eradicated from the scientific community but still looms large in the collective pysche of our culture - that there needs to be a "missing link". Even the concept of missing link has been looked at incorrectly by the public for a very long time.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 15:46:47 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: I have one of those questions

If humans evolved from apes, then why are there still apes?

Entered at Sat Dec 20 15:20:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


OF COURSE, my term for Peter's withdrawing finger has been the "deleting finger." Peter, as usual, doesn't get things straight, and I intentionally used the term he used. If Peter stays true to form, we'll have some more fun later. Of course, he may decide to do the internet a favor and return to Moderator's Anonymous.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 15:20:09 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Empty Now

P.S.: I hope you don't share Hercule Poirot's looks.

I enjoy picturing you as a young Omar Sharif living in a beautiful old apartment in Paris on the Boulevard Saint-Germaine. Oo La La!

Entered at Sat Dec 20 15:05:09 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Peter, you pretty much summed up the last few months of the Guestbook.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 15:01:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

"Greatest" Christmas songs.....

"Christmas Must Be Tonight" by the Band, it was originally on their album Islands -- Rick Danko sings it beautifully in the role as a shepherd --I was surprised Robbie wrote such a traditional Christmas song -- it's got everything-- Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Wise Men, Shephards, the manger, a band of Angels, the Star that shines on high, and he sings "Praise the Newborn King"..

Food alert: Make French toast with Panatone. :-D

Nomadic Mike: Glad to see you still get out of Storybook Gardens sometimes.

Yesterday we had another school breakfast in honour of every festival of lights. A couple of highlights were the kindergarten class singing Armstrong's "Wonderful World" and then rocked out with the Ramones' version. Long live Punk Rock! We led the school in "The 12 Cats of Christmas". I have no idea why I didn't choose CMBT. I should be banned from this GB!!! In anycase, although I like Rick singing "CMBT", I also like Robbie's faster tempo of it as well.

My latest scarf is from Nepal. It's made from recycled saris in many colours and some beads dangling at the ends. I like wearing it with my black wool coat. Scarf Power! It's all in the way you wear it. Some people wear it well. Scarf!! Scarf! Scarffffffff!!

daena: JH is usually good about posting Band related stuff you send him or lifts from sites but if it's Robbie's latest photos from EMP......not sure why they wouldn't be on his site as Robbie's playing Live and new news!....maybe it's because he's not wearing a scarf here?!

Peter: Happy Christmas!!

Entered at Sat Dec 20 14:59:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


steve, I didn't think anything could be worse than Peter's moderating, but GAWD DAMN if his comedy writing ain't.

Peter, Gawd Damn, the cortisone cream didn't work. And I know you ain't going bungee jumping (pussy cat with a bone).I tried to save ya but it looks like the only thing gonna calm that moderating finger down is amputation at the the shoulder.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 14:57:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Humans are a despicable species? Compared to what?

Entered at Sat Dec 20 14:55:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


spray under the tongue, hold for five seconds and swallow,

Entered at Sat Dec 20 14:52:45 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Please pass the absinthe... you pretentious twats

Entered at Sat Dec 20 14:26:28 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Empty Now

Who on this planet is not " full of cultural conceits "?

Was it not the tit we all suckled?

Humans are a despicable species.

Certainly not worthy of our elevated position on this planet.

An accidental elevation caused by calamity - but - Here we are... for the moment.

Band connection: Livin' In A Dream

Entered at Sat Dec 20 14:04:49 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Bacon fat To Judgement Day

Katie, if I'm not mistaken, the release date is right there in the title, or possibly Norm and Fast Eddie are involved in which case the release date could be a "little" later.

Charlie, J2Rs is probably having a hard time finding someone who will help write his "autobiography", someone who won't insist on a co- credit. "Ah, it's not like the old days"..

I picked up a second DVD version of TLW in the bargain bin at HMV for 6 bucks yesterday.

Peter, didn't you write for a living back in the day?

Hey, that's something we have in common, I used to be on Norbert's payroll.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 13:44:15 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: best band name

Yours truly "played" bass in local punk quintet Fulle Fem in his teens. This is a Norwegian expression meaning something like "to be clear-headed," i.e having all your five ("fem") senses working fully ("fulle"). But, it can also be interpreted as "five drunkards". Everybody loved our band name, nobody liked the music... :-)

Entered at Sat Dec 20 11:32:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: Steve / S.M. / MCDXCII

Steve: funny, I have to reconsider with a new light all the posts of the thread, �I share with Hercule Poirot his conceit

S.M. thanks, allow me to jump on your post to confect this supreb composition

time to kill on 31 March 1492, Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, issued the Alhambra Decree which expelled the Jews from Spain, the stones I throw, starting the inquisition
this wheel's on fire �in the same month they gave me the order to undertake my expedition of discovery to the Indies�, Christopher Columbus begins his diary
out of the blue Columbus refers to the beginning of the most massive act of genocide in the history of the world, Aboriginals, First Nation, to kingdom come
someone must explain slowly to J2R, this simple Rock songwriter guitarist full of cultural conceits, and preferably before his upcoming autobiography is published, what was the actual load of the Guitar Legend concert, Seville Expo 1992, where he once was. Wind as well as J2R does not read the signs-that is left to us � unfortunately. For sure by that time of relegate ancestry matters he was honoring Art
Robbie �We Can Talk� Robertson played later half-Mohawk ancestry for publicity, and as far as I know, only diehard fans played for him half-Jewish ancestry up to date, don�t do it

Entered at Sat Dec 20 11:25:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

From the Google / index point of view, it�s hard to beat The Band as an annoying name. I thought that ? and The Mysterians doesn�t help much either, but Google gets it instantly. Just to save time on a Saturday I�ve done the next few posts for you.

Bob W: (sneer) So you�re an expert on everything, Petey (sneer).

David P: Mr Rudy Martinez was the lead singer of ? and the Mysterians. These Mexican �American musicians hailed from Saginaw, Michigan, an area made famous by Mr Lefty Frizzell, who first recorded �Long Black Veil� which The Band recorded on their epochal Music From Big Pink album.

Steve: ? and the Mysterians remind me that Robertson wore a pink scarf at the Last Waltz.

Bob W: (sneer, slime) 96 Tears! That�s from someone who likes Madonna! (weasel, sneer)

Friend0: So, yor moderratin finnger getting the ittch? I sore Rudy one nite when I wa& with Rick Danko and9G Garth H6dson at the Botom$Lyne. Sore him many tym5s.

Steve: Thanks, Friend0. Your post made me think about the Last Waltz where Robertson wore a pink scarf! And was full of himself.

Bob W: (slither) Madonna would have worn a pink scarf, eh, Petey?


Entered at Sat Dec 20 08:58:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Levon And The Hawks

Does anybody have any information on the new boxset From Bacon Fat To Judgement Day? Will it ever be released and if so, when?

Entered at Sat Dec 20 08:48:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: best band name

Far canal. couldn't get airplay though.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 06:45:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

daena gallant

Location: florida

Subject: stuff stuff , and more stuff ..hahahaha... times 2..

thank's for your help , and happy holliday's to you and yours bye bye ..daena was here today..

Entered at Sat Dec 20 05:03:25 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Subject: "Little Bit of Rain"

Joe: a woman named Karen Dalton recorded that Fred Neil song back in 1969 and then British folkie Sandy Denny covered it four years after that. Rick Danko's buddy Eric Anderson also put out a much more recent version just four years ago. Fred Neil was a wonderful songwriter and most of his stuff stands up to the test of time.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 03:25:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

joe j

Subject: fred neil

Went over to the pub for supper a couple evenings ago. Ada Jenkins was doing a couple sets and sang a song I recognized as Fred Neil's 'Little Bit Of Rain'. During the intermission I asked her about the song. She didn't even know it was a Neil song; said it was a song her older brothers sang back in the day.

My question. Wasn't there someone else who had a minor hit with the song? I've never had a Fred Neil album. Maybe I just remember my own brothers who almost certainly sang it.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 03:14:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

joe j

Web: My link

Subject: Seasons In The Sun

Fascinating video of Nirvana covering one of their favourites. That's Cobain on drums.

The missus is home and all is well. It took an all night (12 hr.) drive to the airport and back but it was sure worth it. Do airline schedules mean anything anymore?

Anyway we have a tree up, the f**king geraniums survived, and I received a cheque for a couple grand that I already had written off as a bad debt. Yes Virginia.

Whisky, Whiskey, Nancy Whisk(e)y; Whisky, Whiskey, Nancy Oh.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 02:24:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: names

The Band, The Flying Burrito Brothers, Broken Social Scene, Camera Obscura, Gogol Bordello, The Libertines, The Traveling Wilburies, Modest Mouse, The Talking vote for worst name goes to Nickleback, who also get my vote for worst band ever. Damn you Canada!

Entered at Sat Dec 20 01:42:16 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Daena, there's a link to the webmaster (Jan) at the bottom of this page.

Entered at Sat Dec 20 01:42:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


B2Ds, digitalism has you fucked up beyond repair. The expression would be "that took balls."

Entered at Sat Dec 20 01:39:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

daena gallant

Location: florida

Subject: stuff stuff , and more stuff ..hahahaha...

does anyone here know if people can still send pictures,drawing,painting, ect.. of the band,bob dylan,ect.. to this webpage , and if so how would someone go about it ? because i have some drawing's i did of cd covers , and other cd pictures of both bob dylan , the band that if possable i would like to put on the bands webpage , well if anyone can help me i'd really appreciate it , and thank's , and i hope all who read here , work here , ect.. have a great holliday and a happy new year , well bye bye for now .. daena was here today..

Entered at Sat Dec 20 00:36:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Subject: Band Names

Best Band Names: Haircut 100, Sex Pistols

Worst Band Names: Toad the Wet Sprocket, Tragically Hip

Entered at Fri Dec 19 23:57:08 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: band names

Wasn't there a group called The Dead Kennedys? I always thought that was awful

Entered at Fri Dec 19 23:55:23 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Group names: Midnight Oil, Crash Test Dummies, Big Head Todd and the Monsters. There was punk band in the early 80's called Sons of Nuns - i thought that had balls.

Entered at Fri Dec 19 23:52:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Charlie, you hit two of mine. Buffalo Springfield, & The Band. The Flying Burrito Brothers would be another. The Mothers of Invention deserves honorable mention.

Entered at Fri Dec 19 23:07:08 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Location: Down in Old Virginny

Subject: Meeting Fans...and Great Band Names

I just read that Paul McCartney will be signing his new "Fireman" CD in London on Sunday morning. Good for Sir Paul. I wonder if Robbie Roberston might do an actual booksigning tour someday if he releases his autobiography.

It struck me today that one of my all-time favorite band names--besides The Band--is another group with Canadian bloodlines, Buffalo Springfield. It was really a departure at the time, naming a rock band after a steam roller. It seemed like a move against fashion at the time, though not so much as The Band's name a few years later. Does anyone else have a favorite band name?

Entered at Fri Dec 19 21:18:45 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal

I don't think so Steve. Lest we forget, the motto for the city of Toronto is: Thank god it's Monday!

Entered at Fri Dec 19 20:52:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Sorry Bob, I was in a hurry, as usual, and didn't explain what I was looking for clearly enough.

It was a song written in response to another song that, one that was at odds with the sentiment of the first.

David I was sure you would have fired off a couple of Band connections to the Mother In Law song, written by Alain Toussant, or the Blossoms' connections to almost everyone in the recording industry. I only had a quick look at their CV, but they seemed to have been everywhere under many different names.

Landy, Bill is probably busy looking for his "galoshes".

Entered at Fri Dec 19 20:03:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike Nomad

Angie, you wudda enjoyed Little Feat in Hamilton a couple summers ago. A nice small venue, too. I was hovering near a bank of speakers, scant inches from the drummer. My hearing, fortunately, wasn't permanently impaired. (Also, thanx to David P. for that Festival Express info. I did not know that.)

Entered at Fri Dec 19 19:25:20 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Heaven and Hell

If you want to go through that book, it's featured in Google Books. If you have an IGoogle or something. The damned Band should have thought ahead and named themselves something easier to look up! The group's impossible to search for! I even did an individual search for all the guy's names. I don't think they're mentioned in there. I did appreciate Felder's memories of his youth..

Entered at Fri Dec 19 19:07:16 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Don Felder

I read this a while ago. It is not great but worth a read. I borrowed it from the local library system thereby eliminating the money expenditure problem (if you don't count my outrageous property taxes that pay for it). It is filled with some interesting stories, the expected bitterness, and you walk away not liking Glenn Frey and Don Henley too much. I'm trying to remember if the Band was mentioned. I think maybe once or twice, but I don't recall in what context.

Entered at Fri Dec 19 18:27:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal

Seeing that it's almost 2 hours since I issued the alert, it seems to me Steve, that our Mr. M. has "turtled" and has taken a snow day

Entered at Fri Dec 19 17:47:04 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Wisconsin

Subject: Memories


Your post brought back my days as a singer in a country band. It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels was one of my solos.

Luckily I kept my day job.

Entered at Fri Dec 19 17:46:29 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Web: My link

Steve, I'm not sure I'd call it a "battle song" but this one seems to fit in there somewhere.

Who could have predicted last year's online "Rickroll" craze?

Entered at Fri Dec 19 17:17:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Subject: Annie over Fannie just don't mention Freddie

Robbie Robertson on the fuss over lyrics:

"I have a funny attitude to words though. I grew up on rock �n� roll music and there were no words on the back of the album. I learned the words to all of Little Richard�s songs the best I could, and what I couldn�t figure out didn�t matter."

I always thought it was Annie until I sat down and learned to play the song in the late 80's. I still think of her as Annie in some ways.

Entered at Fri Dec 19 17:13:10 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Steve: Kitty Wells recorded "It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels", an answer to Hank Thompson's "The Wild Side Of Life". You could call it a role reversal of cheating songs, part of the lifeblood of country music.

Entered at Fri Dec 19 16:48:04 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Battle Of The Bands

Landy I was going to launch one in Bill's direction but forgot. Glad you were on the ball.

Mother in law, sung by Ernie K Doe was responded to by the Blossoms with Son In Law. Then there was Neil, vs Skynard is anyone aware of other battle songs

Entered at Fri Dec 19 16:36:20 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal


Bill, has the Premier called the army as of yet?

Entered at Fri Dec 19 15:52:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: Another Little Feat Link

dlew919: Another Band link is that both Kenny Gradney & Sam Clayton of Little Feat were part of the Festival Express tour in 1970. They were playing with Delaney & Bonnie & Friends at the time.

Entered at Fri Dec 19 14:53:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Empty Now

Whatever was,is,and will be is always in the wind.

The wind does not read the signs-that is left to us-unfortunately.

Band connection (titles only):

Time To Kill

The Stones I Throw

Out Of The Blue

To Kingdom Come

This Wheel's On Fire

As a postscript I will add:

Don't Do It

We Can Talk

Entered at Fri Dec 19 14:34:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Empty , I'd expect someone such as yourself that follows leads with the dogged determination of Hercules Poirot would see the link.

SUV= Axles OF Evil,\\\ Iraq, Iran, North Korea= Axis of Evil, Don, Dick and Georgie= Axis of Evil Idiots. The Axis of Evil Idiots invade one of The Axis Of Evil, looking for nukes but find OIL for their Axles Of Evil instead. Like a Poirot mystery it has some evil doers, a little murder, much intrigue and a happy ending.

Entered at Fri Dec 19 14:06:33 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Entered at Fri Dec 19 13:25:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Always enjoy watching you backpedal, Petey.

Entered at Fri Dec 19 13:00:29 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

luke m

Location: recycled material
Web: My link

Subject: band in top five finish! sort of

Band make no. 4 in top 100! Producer du jour Mark Ronson's top 100 bands, see link. Well, kind of. They are at number four. It isn't supposed to be in order, but the first few are non-alphabetical and then it goes alphabetical, so who knows. I'll take a top 5 finish after all the low scores.

Entered at Fri Dec 19 12:23:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ilkka Jauramo

Location: Nordic Countries

Subject: Security issue: fake Swedish domain descriptions and fake Swedish biographies

Swedish .se domains (inclusive mine) have been hijacked and false descriptions are now filling Google (and Yahoo etc.) with junk. Also hundreds of false biographies have been created (inclusive mine). Pages, including the cache, are pointing to the pages with IP number instead of a domain name. False descriptions are containing key words in my gb posting. Read more about this security issue in "SPAMHUNTRESS" 29th November 2008 and 14th August 2008.

I'd like to wish you a very good holiday season!

Entered at Fri Dec 19 10:27:08 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: Farthest place on Earth

(correct in my previous post, by farest, I meant farthest) - this music has got some hidden codes of magic ....

Steve: thanks for your echo and interest, and for keeping the discussion at a level which makes The Band GB still worthy.
With all due respect with your quick research, it is well established that the �scholar� in question never was in contact with refugee Jews from Spain who, is true, gathered the same year 1492 to North-Africa, as true as it is well established that the Tuat tribe settled in the region by the second century, coming straight line from Jerusalem via Cyrenaica.
And echoing Bill M question, and according to my own quick research, it seems that this Maghili scholar�s brotherhood (zaouia) is still followed today from Mali to Nigeria. Ilkka Jauramo, keep Martti Ahtisaari informed
Before Friend0 thinks this insistence is targeting him, let me remind that I just encyclopedially crossed a subject of interest of mine, namely Gnawa music, meanwhile I was following a thread you Steve initiated in The Band GB, and I still don�t see where the hell is the SUV connection with atomic bomb
Leo Africanus evokes in his book some kind of curse related to the region, since his father died when he arrived there. The other claim for fame of Tuat, 13 underground nuclear tests were conducted between 1960 and 1967, the largest being detonated on February 27, 1965 with a yield of 127 kilotons. (4 times Hiroshima+Nagazaki). The test sites at Reggane and In Ecker was returned to the Algerian government on the 1st and 15th of January 1967. A spiral shaped tunnel was drilled into the mountain for the shot. This design intended for the shock wave of the explosion to naturally seal the tunnel before the lava could reach the entrance. It didn�t work The explosion's radioactive products escaped in the form of lava, aerosols and gas. Lava streams escaped from the entrance to the tunnel. The area was fenced off with warning signs prohibiting any access to it.

I have some problem, S.M., to figure if winds read the warning signs

Entered at Fri Dec 19 09:35:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Doesn't anyone remember Levon saying that one of his favorite songs to play was "Short Fat Fanny" back when The Hawks were goin; strong? Cathy Smith even made mention of it in her book, saying that Levon used to tease her with that song by dedicating to her. The Wieght was a nostalgic look back there to those days. I always believed Robbie using the name "Fanny" was exactly what he meant to use. After all, the song wasn't called Short Fat Annie, was it?

Entered at Fri Dec 19 08:30:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Not wanting to do the dog with a bone (we have three who do that well enough already), but what would be the idea behind changing Fanny to Annie? "Fix you right" might be an improvement, but the rest sound accidental. It wasn't a criticism, just a comment. I don't see Little Feat assembling and having a discussion with anyone on the words. I'd assume it was "we all know this by heart" and doing it. And repeating what they "heard" forty years back.

Entered at Fri Dec 19 05:34:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bashful Bill

Location: Minoa, NY

Subject: Eagles(since they came up afew posts ago)

Has anyone read Don Felder's autobio? I thumbed through it in the bookstore the other day but forgot my usual checking the glossary for Band references. I bought(vastly encheapened- the only way I can afford buying books anymore)) Take It To The Limit afew years ago & one of these days will read this. I'd like to hear his side of the story......

Entered at Fri Dec 19 03:38:35 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

postedbychiidang "Small Town Talk" Live...Rick Danko

December 09, 2008
Date: 12/15/77
Location: Roslyn, NY My Father's Place

Entered at Fri Dec 19 03:21:09 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

For fans of Little Feat...

09.27.08 - Little Feat plays for the Radio Margaritaville radio show at the Sirius Broadcast Studios in NYC, NY.

Listen to the whole performance and interviews at the Little Feat Podcast site:

Ari: Robbie connection was with the part Native character of Tommy in film.....that's all. :-D

Sanctuary...J Geils Band 1978. I've sold a lot of CDS this year but so far this one is still in my collection....could change in the new year....maybe not.

Entered at Fri Dec 19 02:43:16 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Actually, Rob M's comment regarding Butch's connection with LF and The Band made me think of those family tree books which link bands together, through changing personnel etc... /n Anyway, we can now see the link between 1 great American musician (Levon), and another (Frank Zappa) - Lowell George played in the Zappa band in the earlier period...

Peter Wolf, in the Zappa band, is NOT the Peter Wolf from J. Geils Band... I have to keep reminding myself of that...

Entered at Fri Dec 19 02:06:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter M.

Subject: Feat

The liberty that the Feat took with the lyrics... my vote is "probably deliberate", as they have a Band connection. Levon's & The Band's (former?/present?)stage manager, Butch, is Little Feat's former manager. He would be aware of any discrepancy, and the guys in Little Feat are Band fans themselves. I would doubt that the lyrics change was unintentional. By the way, when they perform The Weight on stage lately, they seem to skip Rick's "Crazy Chester" verse completely.

Entered at Fri Dec 19 01:53:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Bill M

The album I found was "Lipstick, lies and Gasoline," which I have been enjoying very much. I asked for "Tinderbox" for Christmas but this year my family and I have decided to give money to local charities instead of give presents so I may have to wait until after the New Year to justify buying it.

Entered at Fri Dec 19 00:58:28 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Dave Hopkins

The Band occasionally took small liberties with the lyrics of the songs they covered. I'm pretty sure the original version of "Rock 'n' Roll Shoes" doesn't contain the word "shit."

Entered at Fri Dec 19 00:01:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

The Little Feat alteration doesn't bother me at all and it's taken me weeks to notice it having listened many times � but it's pretty absurd � well, bollocks � to suggest that it would be a deliberate alteration. Why on Earth would they bother? It's not better, nor ironic, nor even any much worse. I'd guess they knew it so well they didn't bother to look it up, but their knowledge as so often is a tad selective, and they'd probably "remembered" the words like that for years. Much as i admire Little feat, I doubt it was an artistic choice to change the words.

Ned Flanders � don't you ever get bored with yourself?

Entered at Thu Dec 18 23:33:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

I'm NOT surprised to read such a presumptuous statement.

Entered at Thu Dec 18 23:15:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: The Weight

I'll bet that the members of Little Feat are well aware of the original lyrics. Altering them doesn't involve changing some sort of sacred text set in stone. After all, it's just rock 'n roll and fun song to begin with. Certainly not as egregious as Ms. Baez's interpretation of TNTDODD, a song loosely based on historical facts and expressing more serious sentiments.

Entered at Thu Dec 18 22:00:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Steve: ..., which begs the question, How does one get to be recognised by history as a 'scholar'? (Don't say anything about writing a preface - that'd just wake up the Tall Guy.)

Kristi: I think most Fannies were really Annies (like most Ned and Teds are really Eds), so everybody's right in a sense. By the way, what was the Fred Eaglesmith album you said you'd picked up in the absence of "Tinderbox"? Was it "Drive-In Movie", which I think was the first? I just got that one and it's got some phenomenal stuff on it. No wonder a wordsmith like Stephen Fearing would be bowled over by the opening verse (as he notes on BARK's "Kings of Love": "Sixteen miles from Arkedelphia, right near the Texas border / Traffic was stopped at a railway crossing, so I took it to the shoulder / I stoked the kettle, I put it to the metal and I shook the gravel loose / I missed the train but I was happy with a glimpse of the caboose / 'cause I like trains ...

Entered at Thu Dec 18 21:46:19 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: "The Weight"

I always thought it was Annie until my lyrics book corrected me...I think I prefer Annie. That is what I used to sing when I was a kid.

Entered at Thu Dec 18 21:25:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: Little Feet's "The Wait"

Little Feat�s �The Weight�. Listening to their great 2008 version in the car several times today. For a change my brain drifted off the piano part to the lyrics. They didn�t take a lot of trouble researching those. The Annie v Fanny debate closed years ago, but they�re firmly �Annie� (Miss Annie, too) and �Crazy Chester called to me� and said �I will fix you right.� OK, that makes more sense than the original, but nevertheless I�m surprised they never checked out the lyrics.

Entered at Thu Dec 18 21:11:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Empty, according to Steve's quick research it was just the Jews, actually refugee Jews from Spain that were massacred. Their death was ordered by an Islamic scholar.

While we're in the region, Marge made a remarkably tasty Moroccan Lentil Stew/soup for supper on the weekend. I thought of you.

Entered at Thu Dec 18 19:51:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link


Entered at Thu Dec 18 19:50:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: Ahellil

Sahara is the land of sung words that no obstacle can stop

the farest place on Earth, formed by the oasis group �ksour� of Gourara, Timimoun, Adrar, and Reggane, where since AD 150 the Tuat tribes settled
Over the centuries, Tuat became the privilegied rendez-vous of the great caravans, at the crossroads of the Spice Road (East-West) and the Salt Road (North-South)
The region knew a radical change in 1492, when Muhammad Al-Maghili, cherif from Tlemcen, orderred the massacre of the whole Tuat population, coincidently the same year a farer place on Earth has been known
Ahellil is a series of collective chants performed at social gatherings and celebrations in the Gourara region
Anthropologist Mouloud Mammeri : �a genre too much anchored in the customs and hearts of the populations�, whereas he recognizes the difficulty to set an exact etymology of the name, Ahellil may have the root �Ahl Al Lil� (gathering by night), or �Azeli� Berber for (sung words), or simply Halleluia � The main song known as �Salamo� (Peace) is related according to alternate source to King Solomon

Band Connection : Reggane [still in the farest place on Earth] is not an unknown place to The Band fans

Entered at Thu Dec 18 19:13:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: Neon Rainbow

Just about any song with Wayne Carson Thompson's name on it is top notch -- "The Letter", "Soul Deep", "Always On My Mind", "She's Actin' Single (I'm Drinkin' Doubles)", (Don't Let The Sun Set On You In) Tulsa", etc.

Entered at Thu Dec 18 18:24:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Landmark: Good songs all. Another of my favourites is "Mad John". The "aye diddely aye di diddely aye di" bits always strike me as a forerunner of the belated but significant efforts by Fairport, Steeleye Span, etc to inject some of Britain's celtic heritage into its rock and roll. (And THAT unfairly reminds me of "Spinal Tap".)

Entered at Thu Dec 18 18:09:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal

Put me down as a fan of "Tin Soldier". However my vote for favourite Small Faces tune has to be "Afterglow Of Your Love". Even like "The Universal" and "Itchykoo Park" of course. My song of the past few days is definitely "Neon Rainbow" by the Box Tops. Can't shake that tune out of my head.

Entered at Thu Dec 18 16:14:09 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Web: My link

Subject: new BARK - with Band songs and maybe Garth too

Certainly Richard Bell's on all of it, and maybe one or two numbers with Garth. Snippets of all the songs can be heard at the link above.

Entered at Thu Dec 18 16:09:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: Eagles Nest Egg

Former Eagles Randy Meisner and Bernie Leadon are both laughing all the way to the bank from the mailbox, after the royalty checks arrive. As original members, their contributions to the Eagles' "Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975" alone, one the the biggest selling albums in history, is the "gift that keeps on giving". Mr. Meisner sang & co-wrote (along with Henley & Frey) the track "Take It To The Limit" and Mr. Leadon co-wrote "Witchy Woman" with Henley.

Entered at Thu Dec 18 16:00:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Joe J: Good of you to mention Robert Parker. I finally got to hear his original version of "Barefootin'" yesterday, when Robbie Lane played it on CHUM. The version I'm most familiar with is Jackie Shane's, but Larry Lee and the Leesures (a Toronto-based sub-Hawks group who went Vegas in the mid '60s) recorded it too.

Oh yes, I went to see the guitarist of the Shane version (Roly Simmonds) play a few songs a week or so ago, and the drummer turned out to be from the very original Mynah Birds (pre Young and Palmer, but with Rick James, Goldy McJohn and Nick St Nicholas). A 60ish aging bassist friend told me that his musical cohorts, the guys you'd find watching our guys at the Concord from the chips-and-coke side of the room, were generally of the view that THE drummers in town were this guy, Rick Cameron, and Sonny Milne from Robbie Lane's band. Levon was too old and not as exciting to watch!

RtO again: I agree that "Tin Soldier" is one of the finest records ever made. Especially the live version that Immediate released on 45.

Entered at Thu Dec 18 15:29:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

RtO: Are you sayin' that Tim Schmidt's thinking of joining the Stones?

Entered at Thu Dec 18 04:34:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Far Fucking Out! All it took was a left click here and there. Thank you Joan and Brown Eyes!

This is my favorite movie theme of all time!

Entered at Thu Dec 18 04:01:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Ros

Ok, I will try to give you easy instructions for linking a site. First thing is to copy the url address. This at the top of the page. with your cursor,highlight it , then hit Ctrl C at the same time. Go to the place you want to put the link,put your cursor there and hit Ctrl V.(That is "Web page"). The only time you need Tinyurl is if the link is very long. If so, go to, put your link in the space. Highlight the result and do Ctrl C, and then at Web page, Ctrl V. It should work.

Entered at Thu Dec 18 03:39:09 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: like arguing with my brother....

Ari- I respect how passionate you are about your opinions(even if the are a bit biased) I am going to leave it at that..Congrats on NYU!

Entered at Thu Dec 18 03:12:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Crow Jane

Rosalind would like to know why RTO is shouting? Why is he or she hanging out on an internet website with so much to do and so many people to meet this holiday? If he or she is drinking, why are he not missing any letters or spellink words backards?

Oh I'm just pissed because O'reilly won't be back til the 29th of December and I won't see "Miller Time" till at least then!

... plus DEXTER's new season don't start for 9 months

.... and I'm too stupid to follow Brown Eyed Girl's directions to be able to link stuff from Youtube into the Gb. I keep getting sent to some website called TinyUrl...I know, I know that's probably suppose to happen but..why is everything so fucking complicated?
I wanted to post some noir stuff, some old blues stuff, comedy stuff ... movie soundtrack stuff. Shit!

Entered at Thu Dec 18 03:03:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Web: My link

Subject: Kristie and Brown Eyed Girl

Kristie - The mafia in the Godfather felt like a giant enterprise. It worked MUCH better. Brown Eyed Girl - I loved Eliza's Horoscope, I actually posted a video Richard in it a while back. I attached the link. Also, what's the connection with Robbie?

Entered at Thu Dec 18 01:13:46 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

RTO (At Christmas, I have a lot of people to meet and drink with, so I've been drinking again)

Subject: Today's routine slagging: Could T.B.S. do NOTHING for himself?

If I were Randy Meisner I would have given up playing bass and put out a statement to the effect that I have invented a variety act/turn that involved self-mutilation, violent non-consenting incest and public incontinence JUST TO SEE IF TIMOTHY B. SCHMIDT WAS LURKING ANYWHERE, SCRIBBLING INTO A NOTEBOOK, THEN WENT AHEAD AND ACTUALLY DID IT!!!!!!!!!

Entered at Thu Dec 18 01:10:23 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Bob Rivers Show Audio: almost 10 minutes (see bottom of article)

Rock Legend Robbie Robertson Tuesday, November 18, 2008 re EMP Awards

Entered at Thu Dec 18 00:32:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Congrats Ari! I'm sure you've seen all these photos for sale from "Eliza's Horoscope" with Richard Manuel and Tommy Leeeee Jones (connection with his buddy Leeeeevon Helm). As well as a connection with Robbie....."She also meets Tommy, a part Indian construction worker, who's involved in a Red Power plot to blow up a bridge on the nearby Mohawk Indian reserve."

Entered at Wed Dec 17 22:39:58 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: ?

Was the cast of the "Godfather" movies big? "Familia' come to mind.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 22:21:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

ari s.

Subject: brian sz

True, but it was a bad movie in general.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 22:16:20 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: Film Links

More film links: One of the stars of Scorsese's "The Departed", Mark Wahlberg, appeared with Levon in his next film "The Shooter". The later was directed by Antoine Fuqua, who also directed the concert documentary "Lightning In A Bottle", another link to Levon.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 21:52:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

�I shot a man in Reno/Just to watch him die� Oh gross. Relax Tipper�..we have a new generation of young critics coming your way that will criticize what they don�t understand rather than question it! God help us all. Condemned to 40 more years of idiotic commentary and reality shows.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 21:49:42 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Little Feat w/Emmylou++: "Dixie Chicken"

It doesn't get much better than this (except for the video quality...), see link above. _Waitin' for Columbus_ is #2 on my list of live albums, after youknowwhoandwhat.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 21:37:45 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Ari - I think you are missing the point of Eastern Promises. Any mafia is huge, but in the case of this movie, it was a segment of a family that the plot centers around. There are allusions to the bigger whole but you don't need to see it to know it. Personally, I didn't need to see a chain of thugs meandering about to know it was big. As an old college professor told me in a writing class - you don't have to show every hair on a dog to know it's a dog.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 20:45:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Subject: Steve

When did I say I didn't like movies with a lot of characters. I actually like movies with less characters. If you are referring to my comment on lack of Russian mafia, I was just confused because when I think of "mafia" I think of an immense system of crooks of the same ethnicity. To undermine the vast members of the Russian Mafia in Eastern Promises, well, there was no mafia. Not in the least a formidable mafia in my opinion. A case of bad direction again.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 18:49:19 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Steve, both he and his brother are about as dry as it gets when it comes to humor. By the way, they are, in fact, sons of a comedian, Harry Parke, who dropped dead at a Friar's Roast in 1958.

Talk about timing.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 18:26:29 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


No Bob I haven't, we don't get HBO. Is that the Larry David program? Super Dave has been on CBC quite a bit recently pushing his DVD release of Super Dave hits.

He was on the radio program Q which is broadcast live. he was supposed to be on for about 10 minutes but stayed for over half an hour, he wouldn't leave.

He started out by insulting Norwegian pop star Sandre Lerche, who was the in-studio musical guest.

Sandre didn't know what hit him or how to respond. Super Dave kept calling him Sandra and asking him if his parents wanted a girl or did they think he was a girl and did they ever discover he wasn't. Sandre tried to play along but Super Dave would tell him he was a big sissy and to be quiet or he'd check to see if he was male or female.

Super Dave then sat in while the next guest was interviewed answering questions asked by the host on behalf of the guest. He then insisted on telling a joke before he left the studio, here it is.

A young boy wakes up during the night and hears noise coming from his parents room. He walks down the hall to see what's happening and finds his parents involved in a wild sex scene, the father dressed only in leather chaps and his mother dressed as a cheerleader. The father tells him every thing's under control , nothing to worry about they 're just having some "FUN", to go back to sleep.

The son goes back to his room. Later during the night the father wakes up when he hears noises coming from the son's room. He gets up to investigate.

When he gets to the room he opens the door and sees the son and his grandmother having sex.

The father flips out and starts yelling, " what the hell's going on here!". The son looks at the father and says," Oh, I see it's not so funny when it's your mother!" is it?"

Like most jokes it's better when delivered verbally, try it out, there's always silence for a second and then you usually get the" I didn't see that coming", response.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 16:25:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

You would know, Pete.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 16:16:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

I heard they were hoping to get Madonna to duet on it, Bob. But there's an issue over her request to use a computer drum track which is holding things up.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 16:13:58 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike (Plochmann Lane)

Web: My link

Subject: Happy b'day Paul Butterfield!

Paul would have been 66 today. He left us 21-yrs ago.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 15:59:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Steve, have you seen Bob Einstein play Marty Funkhouser in HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm"? Great character.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 15:50:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Subject: Doug Sahm Tribute

Does anyone know if Levon has cut �She�s About a Mover� yet and, if so, who played (or will play) with him on the recording?

The release is scheduled for March '09.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 15:22:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

The Departed was way over-rated. If you like movies where people get shot in the head, then you'll like it. It certainly has it's entertaining moments and it is watchable but it is far from a good Scorcese film. Goodfellas, The Aviator (which was more deserving of Best Picture than The Departed and I believe is the reason Departed won), Raging Bull are all far better films than The Departed, which I believe was given out of respect to Martin and his body of work than out of it deserving it. Casino is the other example of violence for just being violent sake.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 15:00:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

I'm hoping the Coen Brothers make a film about the pathological fear of Madonna.

That would be something.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 14:52:23 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Hey Brien did you know Albert Brooks' name, before he changed it, was Albert Einstein? I guess with parents like that we know where his brother, Bob Einstein, AKA Super Dave Osborne got that wacky side.

Ari, if you like lots of characters don't read The Road, also by Kormac McCarthy, or watch the movie.

While I haven't seen the movie, the book had only a couple of characters and no one even gets a name. Great book, though.Unlike No Country, More gray than black, the violence is more Hitchcockian, it's there, actually it's everywhere but just off the page or screen, not really in your face. At least that's how I remember the book, it's been a while.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 14:38:20 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: No country for old men

I'm a fan of the Coens: my least favourite of their films (The Ladykillers) is still pretty good.

I loved NCFOM. Why? Yes, it's grim. Yes, it's violence is pointless. Yes, it is prima facie nihilistic. But, it has, or at least to me, it had, a strong moral message: what is it that drives the hero into the trouble he gets into? Greed. Pure and simple. Yes, it's for humanitarian reasons he goes back, but had he not been greedy at first, he would n't have had those adventures. And that's why the violence is pointless: he made a choice (the wrong choice), and could have avoided everything.

Peter: it's not exactly underplotted, but the main plot often happens off-screen. As in real life, we are all, in the words of Ian Anderson 'sitting in the audience' - we might think we're on stage, but life goes on. It was, in my view, a brilliant way of expressing real life.

Their next film Burn After Reading, was the best spy film of the year - in a tough year for 'best spy film'...

Entered at Wed Dec 17 14:28:46 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

No Country For Old Men � on the DVD rental site I hire from, the customer reviews are pretty polarized � either 5 stars or 1 star. I�m in the second group. Either people love it or think it�s dire. I could argue for hours that the world would be a better place if it didn�t exist. I don't think anyone questioned the cinematic brilliance etc. That's a given. It's the "Why?" question, not the "How?" question.

I thought it was seriously underplotted. The one review that took my attention compared it to The Wire / The Sopranos / 24, and said that in 2008 the �DVD Box Set� had taken over the lead position from theatrical releases in terms of interest. They reckoned we were getting used to the amount of plot detail and characterization building over many many episodes. THE WORD this month asked if anyone had ever ploughed right through these serials as broadcast pieces. In the UK at least they are always seen as DVD box sets, watched over days rather than weeks. Or in the case of 24, watching it in one sitting at the right time slots is a popular activity.

All three serials are violent, with 24 getting the criticism for torture. We just watched �24 Redemption� with the attached Series 7 teaser �it starts off with Jack Bauer on trial before a senate hearing for torture. But even in 24 or The Sopranos violence is an intrinsic part of the plot. In the ones I�ve been knocking (The Departed, No Country For Old Men) it seems the violence IS the plot. The Wire has plenty of violence, but I never thought it gratuitous. An aside, in the WORD end of year Wire review is that James Gandolfini�s fee for one series of The Sopranos is more than the entire series budget for a season of The Wire.

There is something seriously sick about how the Coens linger lovingly over wounds and punctures. Let�s say, I wouldn�t invite the Coens or Scorsese into my home as people.

Brien: I watched �I Am Legend� a couple of weeks ago. It has the classic scifi problem � the plot sounds fantastic condensed into a paragraph because the basic idea is good. The edifice built on it was on the poor side of average for me.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 14:07:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Subject: By the way

Last night, before having to edit a project, I got caught up watching 'I Am Legend'. I liked the concept but the overall movie was average at best in my eyes.

Speaking of good movies with little fanfare, Dark City is a really solid film - Jennifer Connolly, William Hurt, Kiefer Sutherland (though his portrayal of his character can be a little annoying in its one trick pony delivery) and it also has the guy from a TV show called, the 11th hour.

other good movie - Reign of Fire with Christian Bale and Matthew McConaughey, it won't ever make a Top 100 list but I thought it was entertaining.

Defending Your Life with Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep - this is a Top 25 movie in my book, witty and smart as all get out.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 13:02:04 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

....and thanks to dutchhellraiser here's the original......I doubt there will ever be another Bob Marley, Bob Dylan or Van Morrison...or The Band as a group. All have have been the soundtrack to my life since the seventies. Thank you!

Until the philosophy which hold one race superior
And another
Is finally
And permanently
And abandoned -
Everywhere is war -
Me say war.

That until there no longer
First class and second class citizens of any nation
Until the colour of a wo/man's skin
Is of no more significance than the colour of his/her eyes -
Me say war.

That until the basic human rights
Are equally guaranteed to all,
Without regard to race -
Dis a war.

That until that day
The dream of lasting peace,
World citizenship
Rule of international morality
Will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued,
But never attained -
Now everywhere is war - war.

And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes
That hold our brothers and sisters in angola,
In mozambique,
South africa
Sub-human bondage
Have been toppled,
Utterly destroyed -
Well, everywhere is war -
Me say war.

War in the east,
War in the west,
War up north,
War down south -
War - war -
Rumours of war.
And until that day,
The african continent
Will not know peace,
We africans will fight - we find it necessary -
And we know we shall win
As we are confident
In the victory

Of good over evil -
Good over evil, yeah!
Good over evil -
Good over evil, yeah!
Good over evil -
Good over evil, yeah! /fadeout/

Inclusionary language added by brown eyed girl.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 12:49:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

dlewsional the down=underhanded perceptive one...

Location: where I've always been: right here. Still the same old dlew919, but with better typing skills

Subject: Hey NB: It was ME all along!

Just so you know ;-)

Entered at Wed Dec 17 12:40:33 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

the singer of GNAWA DIFFUSION (AMAZIGH KATEB) featuring NATTY ROOTS & ARESKI DRIES = the song "WAR" of BOB MARLEY AT the bar LIVE Roubaix 10 Feb 2007

From Wikipedia: " "War" is a song recorded and made popular by Bob Marley. The lyrics are derived from a speech made by Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I before the United Nations General Assembly in 1963. The song is credited to Alan Cole and late Wailers percussionist Carlton 'Carly' Barrett as song writers, and not to Bob Marley. It first appeared on the Wailers' 1976 album, Rastaman Vibration. Barrett's brother and collaborator, former Wailer musician Aston 'Family Man' Barrett has since brought law suits against the Marley estate for unpaid royalties and credit for songs such as 'War' that were either written by others and not by Bob Marley, or in collaboration with Marley. One such suit resulted in a $500,000 settlement in 1994. A later suit filed in the UK was dismissed."

Try when links are too long for web page. Other times when the url won't paste in the web page box I paste it into the comments box and repaste into the web page.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 12:22:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Web: My link

Niel Young played Madison Square Garden in NYC last night, the link is to the review.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 12:06:39 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

crow jane

Subject: Desperate Town

If there are folks here who loved the feel of "No Country For Old Men".. there's a movie from the late 90s called "American Perfekt". This film was a straight to DVD release probably because it was just a little too quirky and strange to be palatable for the late 90s audience or it just got lost in the scramble. It's got the same coin toss life and death deal goin' on. Main characters that up and disappear mid film. It takes place in a border town and on strange roads leading to nowhere. It's got Robert Forester, Amanda Plummer and that chick who played Sam Shepard's son's girlfriend in "Don't Come Knocking". It's a definate cool movie with a great feel and you'd swear that the Coens are fans of this film. Both films are based on books... not the same book.. but you'd swear it was some kind of trilogy goin' on. It must be some kind of coincidence or something. It's uncanny.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 09:51:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: Ya Laymi (translation)

8 incredibly gifted Grenoblois
I once linked this song with a comment �this song is beautiful that it hurts�, the text was for a big part, evidently it depends on which side you are to hurt, nevertheless no man alive can object the perfection of the music and sound quality, the reading of Amaghiz Kateb with regards to events of local concern �Ya Laymi� translate �Oh Criticizer� from album �Souk System� (2003), Gnawa-Diffusion at their best,

Gnawia tuned letter, for me has been sent
In the land of sighing verses and forgotten hearts
Among exotic perfumes and Chaabi tunes
As soon as I opened my eyes I started lurking
And I envisaged a stand

Tell me why often powerful people raise a flag on the rifle
Strong faces and Clean shirts
Dusty neighborhood waiting for the boat
It�s a desert, wolves and snakes grind in the surroundings
Hidden gangs, reddish cups of misery
Cold, drunk, and drugged, let me be drugged, let me vomit

Red streams undeleted, there�s no more innocence and no tender skin
High Algeria, my relatives fell down, and I buried my parents
High Algeria, graves will be filled again, death is around yet
In the name of Freedom, and Republic, they cheated
In the name of GIA they buried our civil rights

Chorus : Oh criticizer, Oh criticizer, Oh criticizer

Wal wali ah ya Sidi Ben Abbes

degdegdamdegdaem digedadam dadem brrrrrrrrrr edadem dadem deedidadem endadem dadedadem

Entered at Wed Dec 17 08:29:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


I was just sitting in the bathtub and those foxes started to sing tonite on the Conan O'Brian show and I started picking out their influences. They wear their influences on their sleeve. First I heard America, Then Neil Young, CSN, Buffalo Springfield... on and on. Like The Felice brothers. I like The Felice Brothers. They're are too obvious and ..well

I sure wish Brown Eyes would have mercy and tell me how to link stuff on this website. I've tried putting the code and all in but.. Please tell me.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 08:23:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

crow jane

Subject: Ari ..

roz Digs Skip James too...

Irreversible .. you don't really watch the actors...they don't matter. It's the content that matters. The camera work is.. the nine minute rape scene is where people walked out. The movie's backwards like Memento sort of. It shows us just how fragile life is and how delicate and how with one move, one seemingly normal average non-thinking move, can destroy your whole life! It's hideous to watch that beating where it looks like the guy holding the camera helps out beating this one guy up.. who ultimately ends up.. being.. the.. The picture is ... actually necessary.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 07:41:34 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Subject: Stupid Article Bashing "The Band"

The comments trashed the reviewer. Anybody think Fleet Foxes is similar to The Band?

Entered at Wed Dec 17 07:10:04 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

The film with Vincent Cassel? No I haven't, but I've heard about it. I also don't care for Larry Clark either, but the dialogue of that film is like no other. P.S. I really like Skip James

Entered at Wed Dec 17 07:05:10 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: kids

"Kids" was actually directed by Larry Clark, and written by harmony. I actually have a hard time stomaching Larry Clark's movies. I mean at some point you have to make a movie that isn't about pre teens/teens having sex and committing violent acts right? Can he not find any other subject matter that interests him? And he dated one of his actresses who was 15 while he was in his thirties! Seems like the man is just living out his fantasies on film.He makes powerful movies but I feel Gus Van Sant deals with these subjects in a more tasteful and realistic manner.........I do agree with you about Malick though...He is my favorite director and all his movies are masterpieces.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 06:56:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

crow jane

Ari - Did you see Irreversible?

Entered at Wed Dec 17 06:44:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Subject: Film

Harmony Korine director of possibly the most graphic scenes in recent cinema (Kids, Gummo) those are terribly hard movies to watch, yet terribly rewarding in their entirety. The young wunderkind Harmony said in the commentary of Gummo "There should be no censorship in film, everything should be seen." In many ways I agree with that, but there is a difference between what is necessary and what is gratuitous. That being said, I am certainly not offended at all by violence or sex scenes - not in the least, but the difference between a sex scene and pornography should be apparent to any astute filmgoer. As for Kubrick, I've seen Paths and Dr. Strangelove numerous times, I've seen all his work (the only film I didn't like was Spartacus). While on the subject of film here, I think it would be telling if I mentioned that my favorite films are the ones of Terrence Malick. If The Brown Album was the score to any film it would be to a Terrence Malick picture. Pastoralism intrigues me. AND...Days of Heaven was filmed in Canada (another Band connection.)

Entered at Wed Dec 17 06:10:25 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

n0rthern b0y

Location: bey0nd h0pe

Subject: Who is "Dlew the Perceptive" ?

Is this "Dlew the Perceptive" dude who posted earlier any relation to "His DownUnder-Handedness", the GB's "Dlewsional 919" ? For a brief moment I thought it might even be dlew, but then I thought to myself (being the usual recipient of my own cogitations) that no, the concept of a "perceptive dlewsional" would be too oxymoronic for even dlew to come up with. Besides had it been dlew posting, with his funky typing style it would've come out as "Dlew Teh Preceptive". Still, the resemblance to our dlew's name was a bit startling at first glance.

Hey dlew, how 'bout some more of those posts of yours with those location lines that are like thirty words long, whereas the comment box contains oh say, a measely six or seven words, max. Of all your posts, I really think those are your best (especially if the reader just skips over that tediously long location line). So keep more of those puppies coming our way, will ya ?

Entered at Wed Dec 17 05:03:49 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Tiny Monster

Location: Out-There
Web: My link

Subject: ... City, Country, City ...

... I find it interesting how few people get the "point" or, if you will, the "moral" of No Country For Old Men. First off I'm sure it makes a HUGE difference where you're from. Folks from The Good Ole USA take that kind of violence for granted. It really is hard to shock an American. Then you throw in the Border Town mentality with the drug trade and the inherent cut throat lifestyle and ALL that goes with it ...

... Getting on to "Middle Age" myself, I see it all around me here in the USA. The shoot first, kill for the hell of it and just move on ... I can't tell you how many people have been shot here in San Francisco just over a traffic altercation. ... It really is NO PLACE FOR OLD MEN ...

... Yes I thought it was a good film. It made it's point to me as only one American can make to another ...

Entered at Wed Dec 17 05:02:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter M.

Friend0, I don't know if it's the same guy in Nils' band, but a fellow named Reverend Patrick Henderson played keyboards in Leon Russell's band in the latter part of the 1970's.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 04:56:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

crow jane

Subject: While on the Subject of Movies..

See "In Bruges" You maufuggas! My pick for Best film and Colin Farrell for best male lead. Plus they play Townes' "st. john The Gambler".. If I had to choose a favorite among TVZ's best, that one would be in the top two

Entered at Wed Dec 17 02:59:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Crow Jane

Subject: Tarantino

Gratuitous enough for the bastard, I wonder? I watched The Honeymoon Killers not too far back. Scorsese's so one-dimensional in his sickness that he doesn't even bother making it interesting. At least Hitchcock made his sadistic fantasies interesting!

Entered at Wed Dec 17 02:51:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Rob, i gots to tell ya, once upon a time, Nils was bad. His early solo career, he had a tight killer band, Sonic Prince ( possibly named wornell J0nes), his brother, one other guy, The Rev Patrick something I think, and maybe he was the guy named Sonic Prince), and himself, and they were bad. It was before he had those very commercial large hits.

Miami Steve singing the horn parts to the Breckers, well, you know when you know the parts you want, and the players you hire ain't envisioning them on their own, then you sing em to em. They'll get em. Same for vocalists, sometime you got to teach them the song. Other times, you shut the fuck up, and let them go to work. Both ways work, but the best way is to let em try it their own way to start, they may work their way in to genius. vocalists, musicians , the same. and of course, you have to stay cool, like you barely have a heart beat the whole fucking time. I aint saying nothing you don't know.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 02:41:29 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

JTull Fan

Subject: Bruce is Boss

And I'm making no apologies for saying that. Did somebody say 'Marilyn Chambers'? Ahh, when porn stars were actually sexy.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 02:24:58 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: BEG

Great link, a spirited version. Now that the wife has gone to bed and cannot bask in it, I must admit I think the Boss is great. He really feels it...hell, even if he's done a few patchy LPs that nobody else can feel, HE feels it. Credit to him.

As another example of a truly genuine band, try THE GOURDS. Yes, they sell a record or two these days but they're no bigger in their heads than the kind of bar/club act that a few of us here might play in. Just regular guys that still do it because they love it.

Here, to continue the Bruce theme, they attempt Glory Days which falls flat on its ass/arse (whichever you prefer)in no time at all... but no matter; they just pick up and Kevin Russell sings Darlington County (one of his favourite songs) and that too starts off real shaky but they don't give a hoot and just bring it home.

There's a proper Austin band for you - hope they make a fortune with each new CD. I love them!

Entered at Wed Dec 17 02:16:13 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Somewhere out there Al Edge is suffering a very itchy nose.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 02:01:11 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

The first time Springsteen performed this song live, apparently about his sister and brother-in-law?....I was trying to locate someone in Freehold, New Jersey one summer and then realized this was where Bruce grew up. It didn't take long to see why he wrote so much about driving, driving, driving away in his songs. I could always relate to the working class background challenges we faced on a daily basis.....tentative confidence, misplaced shame, dreams of another world and existence.......

"I got a job working construction for the johnstown company
But lately there aint been much work on account of the economy
Now all them things that seemed so important
Well mister they vanished right into the air
Now I just act like I dont remember,
mary acts like she dont care
But I remember us riding in my brothers car
Her body tan and wet down at the reservoir
At night on them banks Id lie awake
And pull her close just to feel each breath shed take
Now those memories come back to haunt me, they haunt me like a curse

Is a dream a lie if it dont come true

Or is it something worse

that sends me Down to the river though I know the river is dry
Down to the river, my baby and i
Oh down to the river we ride"

Entered at Wed Dec 17 01:32:41 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

"Veteran director MARTIN SCORSESE refuses to accept onscreen violence can ever be gratuitous, because it forms an integral part of the human experience. The 61-year-old legend, who has captured some of cinema's most graphic violence in movie classics including GOODFELLAS, TAXI DRIVER and CASINO, says blood is an essential ingredient of daily reality. Scorsese says, "There is no such thing as pointless violence. CITY OF GOD, is that pointless violence? It's reality, it's real life, it has to do with the human condition. "Being involved in Christianity and Catholicism when I was very young, you have that innocence, the teachings of Christ. Deep down you want to think that people are really good - but the reality outweighs that."

10/10/2004 21:28

Martin Scorsese makes violence an art �The Departed� filmmaker takes action to an operatic yet visceral level
Dave Allocca / AP

Entered at Wed Dec 17 01:31:33 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

RTO (on the cusp but the guest ale not so good tonight so only had a couple)

Location: planet RTO
Web: My link

Subject: Bruce Springsteen

I'm going to be NICE to everybody tonight and will make a concerted effort not to slag anybody off cheaply. My main aim is to stand up for Bruce, who was GREAT for at least most of 1973. It seems he is considered a bit of a joke by some folks here. Which is a bit rich for a bunch of Steely "elevator music" Dan and Lou "not even that" Reed fans.

The first Springsteen album is a mess, to be fair... but that bit of film of Thundercrack (composition unreleased until the "Tracks" box; which is criminal as it would have livened up either of the first two Bruce LPs no end) that is linked here (Peter, please overlook your justified intolerance of the site as this is essential music footage) almost justifies the oft-quoted "future of Rock & Roll" tag by Jon "It doesn't matter that I f*cked up producing the first Geils LP and have no friends, Bruce..the main thing is that I'm not Mike Appel and you should go with me because I can f*ck up your chances of recording a fourth album for years JUST as you hit big and need to record desperately" Landau.

But let's hear it for one of my favourite organ players, the late Danny Federici who passed away this year. His little intro here is good solid organ playing for the SONG not for Danny's ego. Class. RIP Danny - a true great and a sad loss.

Hope all enjoy this early truncated combo that are almost the E-Street Band in waiting, less David Sanctimonious and Steve Van Zandt. Little "Sopranos" Steven is a hell of a talent, famously singing the horn parts of Tenth Avenue Freezeout to the sniffy, jazz-snob Brecker Brothers and getting it spot on.

Now show me a stunted little midget with a trampoline and a business card that says "I'm a mate of Neil Young" who could do that..... know what Nils really needed to go with his junior-sized trampoline? That's right..A PINK SCARF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entered at Wed Dec 17 00:22:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: violence

The movie is called "A history of Violence!" If this seems like subject matter that you may have a problem with...don't watch it! Read the pg ratings before you watch anything because sometimes they sneak stuff in on ya when you least expect it. And like I wrote in my last post, for all of those directors their movies often parallel their own lives.

Entered at Wed Dec 17 00:05:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

I think Ari has a good point and we need a few more people doing film criticism courses who step up and question sadistic violence on screen. Scorsese and the Coen Brothers step forward. Highly acclaimed stuff, but what (e.g.) does No Country For Old Men tell us about the human condition? What is entertaining about it if you're not into detailed violence and long close ups of injuries? I find it desperately sad that film makers as talented as Scorsese and the Coen Brothers waste it on their sadistic personal hang-ups.

There will be a counter-trend to detailed violence. Can you imagine a make up person going home and saying "I spent four hours doing a bone sticking out of a person's leg. I found it artistically satisfying." Really? What sort of sicko thinks that way? Marty and the Coens for starters.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 23:51:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

"Every festival has its highs and lows. I think I hit the wall when I stumbled late into Twentynine Palms, knocked someone's drink onto my seat, and then sat in a sticky puddle while watching two lovers humping in the desert like rabid dogs(imagine Zabriskie Point meets Deliverance). One of the great highs was watching The Band's Robbie Robertson and Garth Hudson reel in the years at the premiere of Festival Express. The film was distilled from a 90-hour treasure trove of footage documenting a unique rock festival that toured Canada by train in 1970. It includes intimate performances by Janis Joplin, captured just a month before her death, that are pure heaven. And there's a hilarious scene of Joplin, Jerry Garcia and The Band's Rick Danko -- all now dead -- playing a sweetly drunken jam in the bar car. Afterwards, Hudson marvelled at this glimpse of Danko in his prime. "He's more himself there than I've ever seen him," he told me softly. "He had so much fun -- it was just pouring out of him."

Toronto's festival midway was lit by famous faces and must-see films
BRIAN D. JOHNSON | Sep 22, 2003

For those of you who liked the video with Garth (two solos) and the BNL....You're welcome!

Entered at Tue Dec 16 23:45:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Ari S. - I didn't realize I needed to have a certain head count to make a realistic mafia film. It was a seedy kind of film and some of the subject matter was, I guess, gross. But I thought in a day where overly graphic violence is thought of as 'cool', I thought it was done well and with relative restraint. It was in your face but without it having to resort to all sorts of blood gushing everywhere.

Since I don't want to give away the twist, I really can't get into it much further, suffice to say that the essence of duality is played nice in its subtlties.

Ari - If you plan to attend film critique classes at NYU and Eastern Promises grosses you out because of the subject matter...,skip that class.

But for some fine film work check out the Kubrick canon - start off with Paths of Glory, then move on to Dr. Strangelove. These are two absolute classics that deal deal with themes in a much more sophisticated fashion. Paths is an Anti-war film expressed during events in WWI. And Dr. Strangelove is a dark comedic masterpiece.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 23:05:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: As Nelson in the Simpsons said about Naked Lunch

There's at least two things wrong about that title...

Entered at Tue Dec 16 23:03:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Mr. Burke's novel was entitled "In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead".

Entered at Tue Dec 16 23:00:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: In The Electric Mist

Joe J.: Levon plays the role of Confederate General John Bell Hood in the film, based on James Lee Burke's novel. It has not been released yet. Tommy Lee Jones, who appeared in "Coal Miner's Daughter" with Levon, plays the title role. John Goodman and Mary Steenburgen also appear. Ms. Steenburgen also previously acted with Levon, portraying his wife in "End of the Line" in 1987. That film featured Wilford Brimley and Kevin Bacon, further narrowing the degrees of separation.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 22:50:28 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Ari

Ari-in your last post you wrote it is not because of the violence and then quoted his "overuse" of it(?) as a reason you did not like the film. I don't doubt you understood it, I just doubt that these opinions you have are your own. It seems like a few different opinions jumbled together. But NYU has a great film program, with,I am sure, a necessary focus on critical thinking......And if you have ever seen David Cronenberg in an interview, or read about him as a person, you would find he is a family man and the characters and narratives he portrays in his films are indeed a complete 360 from how he lives his own life. There is nothing "sadistic" about the man.....and I would just like to add that Viggo Mortenson is a fine actor and I found his performance to be very simple(which could be seen as "bad" acting), but honest in it's message.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 22:48:13 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Scotland

Subject: What's In a Name

Jeff:I always liked PEU(Wallace)

Bill M:I googled and another origin of Ure in addition to Old Scots is Old Norse, which would tie in with the Vikings and Yorkshire.

I'm playing this week 'Mad Dogs and Englishmen', 'Let's Frolic', 'Comes a Time', 'Goin' Home'(I think Robbie finds something different), 'Whispering Pines' and 'Rebecca Drive' by the Willy Clay Band, featuring Garth. I wouldn't have been playing three of them, if I hadn't found this site. So thanks everybody.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 22:35:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Eastern Promises was gross. It looked bad, tasted bad, smelt bad, was bad. Did we see the same film? It was about the Russian mafia and yet there were like six people in the entire film. Yet again, his films are good ideas, just badly directed.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 22:31:32 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

joe j

Subject: Joan / Tapply

Joan, I meant to respond to your shout out to William Tapply. I've read and enjoyed several of his books. It's been a while though. I get the idea he's not very prolific unlike say, Robert Parker, who works the same geographic area.

I remember another similiar offhand reference to The Band in another thriller. It might have been from a book by the Burke guy of "Confederate Mist", you know, the Dave Robichaud series from the bayou country.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 22:07:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:



Sure seems to me that Rob's latest adaptation of several of my names at once was his way of telling you, anywhere, anytime, as long as the beverage has alcohol in it, I'll drink it. The more flammable the better. Me, I'm just gonna be the scorekeeper. Steve, you can still referee if need be.

Ari, that's a good film program. I'm glad it ain't the business school.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 21:44:49 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Subject: Over the Head

Ari: You didn�t find �This is Spinal Tap� too loud by any chance did you? Anyhow, check out an early Cronenberg flick called �Rabid� starring porn star Marilyn Chambers � this was the 70�s and long before porn stars became role models. You might want to apply the �horribly acted� tag to a few of the performances in this one. �Eastern Promises� was also an excellent film. Just when every other filmmaker would have gone one way with the story and film, Cronenberg went the other way. Jarring, I�m sure for the majority, but the sort of decision that differentiates great artists from merely the good ones.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 21:36:53 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Subject: Cronenberg

Kristie - I understood History of Violence quite well, I even wrote an article on Cronenberg as to why I tend to be dissapointed by his films. It's not that they are violent, it's just because he doesn't know how to tell a story, or rather how to convey a realistic one. I always feel very alieniated during his films because I don't feel that I've seen the entire picture. He seems to be more impressed with his cheap effects and such. In his overuse of violence (history of violence) and sex (Crash, which was more or less a masochistic soft core porno) I get the feeling he is a lonely sadist with a weak vision. That said, I have not seen Naked Lunch and have heard very good things about it (I always trust Criterion) but I don't feel like giving Cronenberg another chance. -- Also, Tisch is the film program at NYU.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 20:47:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Bruce

Kristie, I am also a Springsteen fan, but I am required to be. I grew up a "Jersey Girl" It is bestowed upon you as soon as you cross the George Washington Bridge.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 20:40:46 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Joan

I agree! Very funny. Even for a Springsteen fan.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 20:36:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: RTO

Thank you for a good afternoon laugh. I'm still smiling.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 20:30:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: JoeJ-Ari

Joe J-I have seen the Fleet foxes and although I have no idea what those beards are singing about they sure sound good well doing it! It is all about the harmonies. ....Ari-the violence is never really glorified though is it. Isn't that the whole purpose of the movie? To make us think about what we consider "violent," and then think about the consequences of said violence? . The story is really simple actually. I find the people who did not like "history of violence" were the ones who simply did not understand it. "History of violence" is actually a step away from the usual Cronenberg though, so I don't really think you can compare it to his past efforts. It is actually one of his most mainstream.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 19:15:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Just like Petey said, "a very knowledgeable guy about music..."

No argument here.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 19:10:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Sober

Peter - thanks I was expecting a lynching.

Nothing is sacred to me after I was rubbished for not liking Steely Dan, even challenged as to whether I was really qualified to like The Band given that fact!

The Lou thing all came from one of those great pub table discussions by a bunch of music fans. One of us (not I) challenged each to think of the most eligible MAJOR name from recorded music that we could quite happily have lived without and whose legacy never happening wouldn't have changed decent music one iota. The prize for the best suggestion being the inevitable task of getting the next round of beers in. At this point I said "Shall we just get our own and save time?" to which the poser of the question raised an eyebrow. "Well, come on" I continued, "do any of us NOT think Lou Reed?" and scored a full house as we all gave our answer. Still, glad I remembered a good word for Sterling Morrison last night.

So there. Rob slags off Lou Reed done and dusted for a while - thanks Jfriend)e(Put)f('Em)f(Up)(0)for pitching in with the sponge vs iron or bronze sweetbreads. Available on a Podcast soon entitled "Drunken Rants - The Pink Scarf Sessions" with a bonus selection "10 reasons why Steve Van Zandt is a genius and Nils Lofgren is a t*sser"

My wife is a huge Springsteen fan (and I mean huge; she's six foot...boom boom!) and the other day I was playing a fairly lightweight piece of organ led sixties pop - I think it was The Casuals "When Jesamine Goes". "I don't know why you bother with all this second division dross when you always say that Tin Soldier by the Small Faces is the best pop 45 ever recorded" said Mrs RTO.

At this point I calmly half pulled out her Springsteen records from the rack and nodded appreciatively at them, before moving on to her Mellencamp platters and wincing. I think the irony was lost on her.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 17:54:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Testing...


Entered at Tue Dec 16 16:38:37 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Joe, Fleet Foxes gets a lot of airplay here on WFUV, from up in Da Bronx. I've heard at least 4 songs a plenty. Like I told the recovering moderator, when he was still moderator, Fleet Foxes sounds like a 2 celled french fried fuel engine hybrid of the Eagles & Yes. To me anyway.

Speaking of Da Bronx, I ate lunch up there with friends yesterday. We went to a neighborhood Italian Restaurant that had a Cambodian or Vietanmese cook who was amazing. We used to eat there 28 & 29 years ago steadily. My friends Ron & Marianne been eating there all these years. Anyway, new owners took over recently, and The cook just got fired, after working there all these years. i was pissed off.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 16:09:28 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

RtO: Good of you to elevate me to the subject line of your post. But please note that I was referring to just the one song; this being the season of good will, I wouldn't want to see a battle flaring up around the man's entire oeuvre, personality, usefulness to the world, etc.

Dunc: Couldn't Ure be an old Yorkshire name as well, seeing as that's where you find at least one of the rivers Ure? (I wonder if the word means 'river', like I understand 'avon' does?)

Entered at Tue Dec 16 16:07:37 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

joe j

Web: My link

Subject: I Shall Be Released

Video of 'I Shall Be Released' featuring Wilco (ONE great album: 'Being There') and Fleet Foxes whose harmonies seem to be very much in vogue these days. Anyone actually played an album by them or seen them in concert?

Missus still at large and I'm hosting a poker game tonight that I hope will deteriorate into a jam session. Tomorrow will be shipshape day.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 15:39:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


ari, congratualtions as well. I went to NYU also. They accpeted me at 16 without a high school diploma. NYU was a excellent college, and it was a great place to go to school for a while. I imagine it still is. Have fun, get an education.

Steve, i think Tisch was the name for the liberal arts school. If i'm wrong, then i'm real wrong and it's the busines school.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 15:12:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Good one, Petey.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 15:00:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Bob, you will know the old Winston Churchill story:

Woman: Mr Churchill! You are drunk!

Churchill: Yes, madam. And you are ugly. But tomorrow morning, I shall be sober.

Rob is a friend and a very knowledgeable guy about music, posting on Lou Reed whilst happily inebriated. This morning he will be sober. Then there�s you on the other hand �

Much more interesting to me is why certain males have this pathological fear of Madonna. Why? I don�t know. But I could hazard a guess.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 14:29:56 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Subject: RtO

RtO, you do realize you are trashing one of the expert's very favorite rhythm guitarists?

Let's hope this stops before we get to Madonna.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 14:16:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Thanks rozzzz.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 14:15:25 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

The Cronenberg canon does not garner a whole lot of interest from me but I thought Eastern Promises was a well done film. Wonderfully acted, layered, a solid pace of intrique and mild suspense - it was actually more intense and gripping than suspenseful. It has a twist ending that you don't expect. It is a pretty good picture overall and not so self important that it needed to be long.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 14:01:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Good for you Ari, what does Tisch stand for?

After that post about The Spelndiferous Garth, by Rob de L'Orge, AKA Barley Bob, I'm questioning the accepted wisdom that J2R was self speaking when he refers to the One Man Band.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 13:27:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Crow Jane

Subject: Thank you Kevin...

.... roz

Entered at Tue Dec 16 13:24:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Brown Eyes - Was it you who mentioned the Lou Reed/Elvis Costello thing on Sundance? I watched and loved it! I'm sure not everyone here has heard the song that his director friend uttered last nite and I know it would be unacceptable to quote those lyrics here..
I had heard that song now and again, off and on, once in a while but... hearing it spoken while the side view of Lou was in the frame.. crushing.

Ari - Just keep in mind that the guy you evidently try to "enjoy" is impossible to enjoy unless you're "like him". That guy's an endurance test. It's like " Wonder just how much of this guy's shit can I stand?! With a directorial debut called NAKED LUNCH? Hey, drop some acid.
He didn't do too bad with that either. I've had worse hallucinations than the guy in the movie (or the scardy-cat in the book!) So hey... bugs'n'stuff, I can take, It's the giant dancing goats and the speaking fog people who get to me!

"Paralyzed by hatred and a piss ugly soul
If he murdered his father,
He thought he'd become whole
While listening at night to an old radio
Where they danced to the rock minuet.."

Entered at Tue Dec 16 09:49:08 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

dlew the perceptive

Subject: REading closely

I think RTO and Jeff0ajdk;f0 like Lou Reed, and Ari S is the first in line at Cronenberg films. I might be wrong...

Ari: congratulations, old son. What course is it?

Entered at Tue Dec 16 07:46:58 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

History of Violence was horribly directed, horribly acted, and above all unnecessarily graphic. Cronenberg has these interesting ideas but fails to put it to the test of celluloid.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 07:34:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Nutjob, I knew you couldn't resist.

Guinness Guestbook Gladiator you say.

No moderators. Steve can referee.

Gots to call it a night. Manana.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 07:02:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Boy

Location: beyond Hope.

Subject: Tossing Down The Gauntlet (ie.The Alleged Outnutsieing of Nutjob)

Attention Alexander The Jeff:

Normally when the gauntlet gets tossed down I merely consider it littering and report it to the authorities. But in this case I'm almost marginally intrigued. I need more details though, like does Rob drink Guinness or not ? If he does, then game on. Otherwise, don't waste my time.

Unless of course you're up for a threesome, (not that kind dumbass !) By that I mean I'll put my top ten permutations of Stevie Ray Farm's name up against your top ten permutations of Worstposter's name (ie. Norm), and also up against Rob The Origami (who on paper at least, is the odds-on-favourite) and his top ten permutations of your name, Fiend0. Think of it as a ten-name event, a decathanom, if you will. Clear as McKinley Morganfield, right ? Good. Now, does this Rob the Origami guy drink Guinness or not ? And when do we drop the puck ? NB

Entered at Tue Dec 16 04:16:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bashful Bill

Location: Minoa, NY

Subject: fave song

I'm with the ladies on this one: Cripple Creek. "Now that just gave my heart a throb, to the bottom of my feet...."

Entered at Tue Dec 16 03:46:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Spongeballbob Squareloupants

Jeff, my friend: I do know that you meant it in sympathy with the original post and appreciate that: thanks. We're just waiting for Bill M to confirm that he was getting at the same point before we make a move or say ANYTHING out of order.

Then the tuneless, best-forgotten, can't-sing-for-sh*t, waste of air and water that should have been grateful to even take a pee next to such an original guitarist as VU "token saving grace" Sterling Morrison can be rubbished at will.

Sponge is a good call. Paper mache is maybe another suggestion; ie really lightweight that gives the impression of being more durable than it actually is. Sponge is a little open and honest, if I may say so - not nearly phoney and fake enough!!!

Right it's 2.30 am and I've finished all the prep I have to do for a management meeting at work tomorrow. I must now go to bed.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 03:02:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Holy Smokes Rob,

Your adaptation of my name, well, hell, you just out- nutsied Nutjob.

Nothing personal NB, I know you are up to the challenge.

Rob, your posts are always fine by Friend0. I trust you know I wasn't indicating otherwise, just giving your love for Lou post my endorsement.

So , what would you say about Lou. Surely not iron, not brass, not bronze. Sponge?

Entered at Tue Dec 16 02:14:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

RTO (influenced)

Subject: Wet & Dry


You are too kind - but alas this year of home recording - juggled with wrapping up sessions in enough time to get over the road to our local for last orders - has resulted in an inevitable outcome of putting on lots of weight and failing to give up the ciggies. Both of which are to be recified next year.

That in itself, on the other hand, might result in just the sentiment when posting to give you better value anyway!!

Entered at Tue Dec 16 02:02:58 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Rob, if you promise to drink before you post more frequently, I bet there are quite a few of us here whom would gladly kick in, and subsidize your visits to the pub.

Entered at Tue Dec 16 01:31:29 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


There's definitely no problem in identifying my husband's posts that occur BEFORE he's been to the pub and those AFTER a beer, is there?

Entered at Tue Dec 16 01:28:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: anywhere that Lou Reed never goes

Subject: Bill M

"Take Lou's Sad Song - please" Priceless, my friend! Bill, if you're instigating a thinly-veiled attack on Lou Reed, count me in. I won't say any more until you confirm for fear of being shot down in flames by those that like the miserable, dispensible, non-essential soul-free little weirdo that might have got laid more in his teens and cheered up if he wasn't obsessed with tranny/junky/weird demographic folk who don't know how to enjoy themselves.

Great American Whale? "ALBATROSS!"

Entered at Mon Dec 15 23:34:49 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Steve, bronze balls clunk, iron balls clang.

I imagine you recall the true story I told a while back about a Bronx cop named Iron Balls Badilla.

Anyway, having spent enough time with Garth and Levon, knowing Rick, i can safely surmise they all have iron balls. Levon may even have an extra pair.

And no, I can't imagine J2Rs ruining a good pair of Gucci shoes way back then, or Prada these days.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 23:09:29 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Dunc/Bill M

Dunc - ahoy there shipmate! And a Merry Christmas to you...

Bill M - You're not kidding. Even these days, Lowrey have a stigma about them. When I told some organ buddies of mine I was after one, they said "Really?" as if I'd broken wind under their noses. (Which I hadn't, before anybody tries to get an easy funny in!!!)

Entered at Mon Dec 15 23:06:53 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: Northern Quebec

Steve: Still have no clue about the origin of that title. Do know that the one concert the Flying Burrito Brothers played in Canada on the Festival Express tour came right after Chris Hillman kicked Gram Parsons out of the group.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 22:57:11 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Scotland

Subject: RtO, BEG, Luke, Joan

Rto:I'll drink to that. Nice to hear from you.

BEG:Ure is an old Scottish name. Midge(Mij) is Jim backwards.

Luke:Nice to hear from you.

Joan:I enjoyed the story.

I've got tickets for Dylan.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 22:45:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Ari S

Congratulations!! I know how competitive NYU is. You did good, but I wouldn't expect anything less of an ardent Band fan. Good luck!

Entered at Mon Dec 15 22:42:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Neil Diamond for The Playboy Music Hall of Fame

One of the candidates for the vote: "Having 'Sweet Caroline'as the seventh inning stretch sing-a-long at Fenway Park is enough to justify his entry into any Hall of Fame. But Diamond's career highlights also include writing the 1967 song of the year ('I'm a Believer'for the Monkees), having his works wonderfully covered by everyone from UB40 to Urge Overkill, and this year, making a breathtakingly beautiful, largely acoustic album with Rick Rubin"

The other nominees were Billy Idol, N.W.A., Rush, Smashing Pumpkins.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 22:37:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.


Entered at Mon Dec 15 22:32:58 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

RtO: Good of you to shine a spotlight on the oft-overlooked Augie Meyers. As for Tex-Mex, my favourite British example is "Baby Come Back" by Los Equals. Based on that, anyone would be justified in being shocked by the evolution of Eddie Grant.

Thanks also for your words re Garth's skill and sound. A SW Ontario organist contemporary of Garth's telling me how he (and others) first wondered what techno tricks Garth was using to get the sound he got on a lowly Lowery - but then came to the important realisation that Garth's 'secret' was simple - he really knew how to play really well.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 22:13:08 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: BEG (Re; Garth & Richard); Favourite Band song

BEG: That quote was well chosen and spot on - Richard played piano like a good rhythm guitarist plays guitar; solid, simple, never faltering. To cap that off with my favourite voice in music PERIOD (yes, even including Sam Cooke - no, maybe not, YES damn it - including Sam Cooke) you have arguably the best front man ever. That's why I like Festival Express.

But Garth Hudson..well. There is NOBODY like him. There's a whole lot of great Hammond B3 players, some alive, some gone - Billy Preston was my man for that stuff, God rest his soul. Garth danced to his own tune from day one - picking the Lowrey organ was the first masterstroke as they are considered cheesy and plush home organs by most folk. I bet people laughed when the Hawks turned up and a Lowrey organ was wheeled in. They must have shut up pretty quick when he started to develop a style borne of untaught disciplines that a Hammond organ wouldn't even be able to facilitate. Never has there been such a maverick character behind an electric organ. Billy Preston could whup any jazz/blues player's ass off the organ stool with ease..then go to any black gospel church or meeting and do the self same thing there. Then the theatre..then..and so on. But it was all immaculately executed "proper" Hammond playing, with a flourish and definitely a masterclass for any that watched. Garth is the opposite; wild and mercurial in his approach and remains absolutely peerless.

Next in line for me after Garth would probably be someone like the late Doug Sahm's long time buddy Augie Meyers; he wouldn't play a Hammond either because his cheesy little Vox Continental (think "House of the Rising Sun" for those that have never heard SDQ) was brighter and cut through the mix better like an accordion. For that whole Tex-Mex vibe, he is quite right and still carts his battered old Vox organ around to this day. I'd LOVE to see Augie play.

Favourite Band song? That changes every once in a while. It used to be "We Can Talk". At the moment it is "Sleeping".

Entered at Mon Dec 15 22:04:11 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Hey David did you ever come across why Gram named those songs Cash On The Barellhead and Hickory Wind; Medley Live From Northern Quebec?

Entered at Mon Dec 15 21:56:39 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

I suspect that Westcoaster will be the only GB regular who'll remember Mock Duck, a revered Vancouver band of the late '60s and early '70s. Leader Joe Mock went on to be a third of Pied Pumpkin, which became Pied Pear when Shari Ulrich left. Anyway, Mock eventually moved to Japan, where he recorded a less-than-great CD that I've had for a number of years. Thought I'd give it one last listen before donating it to Goodwill, and was surprised to notice that one song is basically TNTDODD with different lyrics (by a Jack Stamm). But they're pretty Bandish too, so I suppose Mock picked up on that so grabbed a tune that worked. For what it's worth, the song is titled "Jimmy Bring The Candles In"; sample verse: "Oh Jimmy bring your candles in / and chain up brother Bill / Give him a sock to chew on / And ask him to be still / The harvest moon is coming up ...

By the way, Mock Duck's keyboardist/saxist, Ross Barrett, went on to write "Madeleine", the only single released - on the Hawk label - by the Travelling Medicine Show, which was what Ronnie Hawkins called the amorphous Foster, Atkinson, Danko, Ford, Hilton, Brockie et al lineup. Mock told me 30 years ago that it was likely Barrett singing it; Brockie's view was that it was David Foster.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 21:10:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: now this has me wondering...

If the songs they choose as singles and actually play on the radio...are in fact a bands best songs? In The Bands case, most people only know "The weight" would it then be their best song because it is the most known? I would agree with Greil Marcus and say"King Harvest" is their best song. Not my favorite(although I love it), but their best song. Aside from Bob's radio show I don't listen to the radio so I am not exposed to peoples opinions usually of what the best song on an album is. So I listen for the first time without Bias/opinions, and without knowing what the singles were. I think I have to look into this further........

Entered at Mon Dec 15 21:09:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Kurt Cobain once described how he really felt like blowing his head off after realizing that the same kind of guys who picked on him in high school were now attending his shows and buying his music. To date, I have yet to meet a Band fan that I dislike. Same goes for Leonard Cohen, The Kinks and The Replacements. At the opposite end of the spectrum, I have only ever met two Springsteen fans that I like. Al Edge could push that total to three but that would be about it��.I can relate to Joan�s feeling of already liking someone and having that feeling enhanced by finding out that they like The Band����.I remember playing �The Weight� for a date years ago and she blurted out �Oh Kevin�.I never thought of you as a Country guy��..She was a beauty though����

Entered at Mon Dec 15 21:02:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: song

What do you think is their "best song." But favorites are welcome too. It is looking like "The weight" is at the top of the list after all, with dixie coming in at a close second.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 20:30:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Joan: Steve's right insofar as there are definitional issues - is it a sad song because it sounds sad, or because it's about sad stuff, or because it makes you/me/whoever sad, or just because it's a sad excuse for a song? Take Lou's "Sad Song" - please.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 19:56:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: I swear by the mud...

Speaking of Nostalgie De La Boue, "Hot Burritos: The True Story Of The Flying Burrito Brothers" by John Einarson, along with Chris Hillman, certainly fits the description. This book deflates the myths surrounding Gram Parsons, in an attempt to set the record straight. Depressing at times and filled with many nagging errors that somehow got past the editing process, it is nevertheless filled with new insights from many of those involved with the legendary group and the music scene of that era.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 19:35:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Joan, I think you might want to reserve judgment on this Tappley guy til you check back and see if Bill removed IMND from the sad song category first. That sentence comes attached with the first BIG HOMER in this GB.



Kevin Thanks for the Beatles best song, for decades now I was suffering under the delusion it was "In My Life". Now I guess I'll have to have the tattoo removed. Damn!

Entered at Mon Dec 15 19:22:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Nostalgie De Boue: Excellent article by Carol Caffin as referenced in the What�s New section of the website. Sometimes it is just in the voice that one can hear a pain that no marketer could ever put into Vogue magazine. You can take Amy Winehouse�s look or do a show on her convict boyfriend but that feeling you get when you hear that voice is either understood or it isn�t.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 19:08:53 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: The Band in literature/ Bare Naked Ladies

Last night I was reading a book "Out Cold" by William G Tapply, a mystery writer I like a lot. I've followed his character Brady Coyne, a Boston lawyer and an avid fly fisherman through a number of books. In this book he is driving to New Hampshire and I quote "Somewhere around Franconia, while The Band and I were singing 'It makes No Difference', history's saddest and most beautiful song of lost love..." Now I like this writer even more. He has great taste in music.

BEG Thanks for the Bare Naked Ladies clip. I like them a lot and Garth was icing on the cupcake.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 18:42:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Subject: One more thing............

Brian Sz: Meant tho say thanks for posting that picture of your wedding last week. Not sure exactly why but just seeing Rick in that sharp suit and knowing the story behind the whole day as you have explained in the past made me smile.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 18:24:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Subject: Best Song, Ari, Haircuts & Meat hooks

Best Band Song: A distinction has to be made between �best� and �favourite�. �A Day in the Life� is the obvious best Beatles song but far from being my favourite. TNTDODD is probably the best Band song and, at least for me, also ranks as a favourite but not the favourite.

Ari: Saying that Cronenberg is �the worst� and lumping him in with the likes of Bergman and Altman may rank as the most positive negative review of all time! For what it is worth, I believe �The History of Violence� to be a minor masterpiece.

Governor of Illinois: I remember Sherlock Holmes telling Watson of the violence that lurks behind the calm of all countryside�s�..whenever I am in an airport and see a man wearing as absurd a haircut as the Governor sports�I always think immediately that there is something very very off about them.

Roz: Your �Canada�s Secret� post was a classic.

.Nick Drake: Great little doc on TV Ontario last night on his story. Finished watching that, had a beer, and then flipped upon the absurdity of Celebrity Rehab. �Hey Dr Drew�.ratings are slipping�.let�s have a crackhead from last season jump up on the roof. Oh, and while we are at it, let�s widen the net a bit �.have him abuse a few hampsers to bring in the relatively straight PETA crowd�.they are always good for a few howls. Save your meat hooks for those that truly deserve it Roz����.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 16:48:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

BEG: I'll echo Charlie Y's thanks for posting that clip. I think it's also worth noting that we also get Garth playing on an unfortunately amputated version of "Silent Night". I wonder if he got to do another solo?

JQ: Interesting that Frum would tut tut the Republicans over their stances, when the Canuckistani versions of those same stances were part of the several dozen 'theses' (his pretentious word; I'd've used the Mad Magazine term 'feces' myself) that he espoused in the early days of the hard-right Reform Party up here (a somewhat evolved version of which is now in power). Frum's Canadian list included howlers like recognising the sanctity of real estate deals right next to halting all First Nations land claims, which are all based on Canada's abrogation of our early real estate deals.

Kristie: You mean best song, best performance or best record?

jh: You might appreciate that a newspaper photo on the weekend showed a Toronto university prof standing in front of his blackboard with the word 'prosperity' written in a bunch of different languages, with the name of the language in brackets underneath. Underneath 'Framgang', someone had crossed out 'Norwegian' and printed 'Swedish'; I suspect the first Dane in the room would change it again.

Also, the need to kill time in the mall caused me to flip through the Blackie and the Rodeo Kings section of HMV. There's a new Best-of, apparently, I'm sure with some bonus tracks. Tracks include "Remedy" and "Caves Of Jericho". Don't know if any of Garth's tracks are included.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 14:59:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Location: Down in Old Virginny

Subject: "Gord" Hudson

BEG: I am always amazed at the stuff you find out there on what George W. (watch out for that shoe!) Bush called "the internets." That clip of Garth with BNL is pretty remarkable, the kind of moment that used to go unrecorded in the days before cellphone video and You Tube. Thanks for passing it along. The song certainly never sounded better!

Entered at Mon Dec 15 14:02:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:



Joe, did you know you only have to use half of the recommended dose of that liquid to get the clothes clean? This is true even for farm dirty clothes which are in a league of their own when it comes to dirt.

Put EM Up Jeffo, I take it you don't buy the ONE MAN BAND ON SMOKEY MOUNTAIN bronzed balls bragging, then. Man, what would it take to convince you? You're a hard case! Testify! Testify! I will tell the truth! "I've walked a crooked mile in these shoes." Ya don't say!

Entered at Mon Dec 15 13:57:58 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

I always thought it was Van who said that....

Barenaked Ladies If I had a Million Dollars w/ Garth Hudson on Accordian December 7, 2008.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 13:16:46 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: Detergent

Phew! Doesn't it leak through the cardboard packet?

Entered at Mon Dec 15 12:46:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

joe j

Subject: The Hold Steady

The Hold Steady do an excellent version of 'Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window' on the 'I'm Not There' soundtrack. See same for great covers by Calexico and Yo La Tengo.

The missus still being on the loose, I tried my hand at laundry yesterday. Did you know that detergent now comes in liquid form?

Entered at Mon Dec 15 12:28:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


It was so far back I forget who asked for best song, I think it was Kristie, best is probably The Weight but I like the feeling I get when I hear, Cripple Creek, especially the kick-off.

BEG as PRODUCER, it's rumoured that the guitar wasn't the only thing he had bronzed leading up to TLW, the other objects weren't visible during the show but if his mike had really been on you might have heard them clunking together during some of his more aggressive conductor-like moves.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 11:29:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: I probably shouldn't share this, but it made me laugh...

Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she' ll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll make you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of sh*t!"

Entered at Mon Dec 15 09:20:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Ari S; Kristie

I always thought it wa Robbie who said 'it's always better live..." It's certainly Rick who chuckles, and definitely, unmistakably Garth who calls the end 'Speck ... tacular'

Best Band Song: The Weight; TNTODD; King Harvest; then about 20 others ;-)

Entered at Mon Dec 15 08:48:04 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Broken Bicycles

Roz - That whole soundtrack is a great one that I go back to all the time. But I never saw the movie.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 06:18:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: CT/Southern New England (Northeast of Northern South Brooklyn)

Subject: Best Band Song / Robbie's Guitar

'Daniel and the Sacred Harp'. It's got everything in there. The essence of the Band and their ability to play together and off of one other is distilled into one song. I would imagine hearing that song/performance would have been a humbling experience for many other musicians of the day.....But, as always, the best Band song of today could be different tomorrow.

Robbie's guitar work in the live version of 'Rocking Chair' from Festival express is pretty impressive. Maybe RTO was hoping for a bit more of that approach at TLW. Although the later crunchy tone worked very well on TLW version of 'Who Do You Love'. The Hawk even had to cool down the guitar by fanning it with his hat! Now that's hot!

Entered at Mon Dec 15 06:11:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Boy

Location: beyond Hope.

Subject: Friend(Zero)

So that's not an O after Friend you say, but rather an 0 . Well I suppose TECHNICALLY you're right Jeff, having all the facts and such completely on your side and all, but nonetheless I still prefer my theory to your mere facts. As for the other deal, are you saying you prefer "everything in moderation, but especially moderation in moderation" ? If so, then in that same spirit maybe we won't send the entire Canadian Army down your way, maybe just one division from Paul Shaffer's hometown of Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 06:04:35 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Songs by The Band

My favorite song by The Band would have to be Up On Cripple Creek. Without a doubt, it is Levon's best lead vocal, Robbie's best songwriting effort and they get into the groove of the music like only The Band can! My favorite cover by The Band would have to be Don't Do It. In my opinion, as vocalists, Levon and Rick are at the top of their game, here. If anyone questions Robbie's ability to play guitar solos, listen to this and you will get your answer. It is his best solo, ever! And last, but not least, Rick's funky bass intro sets the mood for the entire song. Though this song was originally recorded by Marvin Gaye, The Band makes it their own.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 05:52:21 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Location: Down in Old Virginny

Subject: The Hold Steady

Brent: thanks for introducing me to the band called The Hold Steady. I just read their Wikipedia page and there's a great question which came from Hold Steady co-founder Craig Finn while watching "The Last Waltz" in 2003: "Dude, why aren't there any bands like this anymore?" Good question!

Entered at Mon Dec 15 05:19:33 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Southern Canada

That's a 0, zero at the end. I used to post as PutEmUp(Jeff). Typoed, hit the 0 instead of the shift to make a ). Bumbles noticed and asked if I changed my name to Jeffo. So, I started using PutEmUp(Jeff0. But is a zero, not a OH.

my B3, Best Buddy In Blues,as he referss to himself and myself , Bumbles, continued to refer to me as Jeffo. Eventually rosz baby called me Jeff0 Friend0, as we have noted. /n I submit this information as proof of the necessity of the typo to the creative evolutionary process of any irrefutably healthy Guestbook. And having hands off, or minimal moderation is also a big fucking plus.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 03:58:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Friend0 stole that from a post of mine and I stole it from "No Country For Old Men" Everything comes from somewhere.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 03:52:32 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Boy

Location: beyond Hope.

Subject: What's In A Name ?

Friendo: Let's start with what's in your name. Capital F at the front and a capital O at the end. Equals the subliminal message "F.O." Or will you claim it's just a coinkydink ?

Now as for getting names all screwed up (ie. South Brooklyn for North Brooklyn etc.), my theory is that it's just an American thing (no offense). The one that REALLY IRKS us Canuckleheads though, is how you guys south of the border insist on NOT calling The Late Show by its proper name: THE PAUL SHAFFER SHOW.


Entered at Mon Dec 15 03:37:13 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Jay McShann and His Orchestra Blues from Kansas City (Charlie Parker here for the first time.) is now playing via imagezulu's music.

Picking a bone with RTO: AC: "Being a piano man, do you prefer [Garth] Hudson or [Richard] Manuel on the keys?

AV: Personally, I prefer Manuel, though I like them both. Garth really does a lot with countermelodies, and he goes all over the place. He does a lot of classically based stuff that's very intricate. But I think I prefer Richard Manuel, because as much as I love all that, having the solid piano rhythm is my favorite. That's kind of what I would love to be: a solid rhythm piano player. A lot of people use it as a lead instrument, and really, I think it works best as a rhythm, to lock in tight with the drums and the bass."


Across the Great Divide
Hacienda's Abraham Villanueva is with 'The Band'

Hei Ilkka: I always thought of myself as more of a bag lady....but I kinda like "cleaning lady" as well. ;-D

NB: Louuu's Linger on your.... "Pale Blue Eyes" gives it a whole new meaning and "Those Bright Baby Blues" by Jackson Browne.

I can see it in your eyes
You've got those bright baby blues
You don't see what you've got to gain
But you don't like to lose
You watch yourself from the sidelines
Like your life is a game you don't mind playing
To keep yourself amused
I don't mean to be cruel baby
But you're looking confused

Or the male posters of The Band Website fave Joan Baez' "Diamonds and Rust"

As I remember your eyes
Were bluer than robin's eggs
My poetry was lousy you said
Where are you calling from?
A booth in the Midwest
Ten years ago I bought you some cufflinks
You brought me something
We both know what memories can bring
They bring diamonds and rust

Entered at Mon Dec 15 03:16:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

daena gallant

Location: florida

Subject: whatever i

does anyone know if this site still exsepts pictures , and drawing's of the band ect..? , and also do you know how one would get it to them would you have to upload it , or something ? i have some drawings of cd covers , ect. of the band , and also of bob dylan , and other artist i like , so i was was curius about the possibility of being able to put those picture on here , and that's about all for now , so bye bye to all ... daena was here today..

Entered at Mon Dec 15 02:49:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Twenty-Two Minutes Till Dexter's Season Finale..

I have to fill it up somehow.

"Broken bicycles, old busted chains
Somebody must have an orphanage for all these things
All these things that nobody wants any more
September's reminding July
It's time to say Good-bye
Summer is gone, but our love remains
Like old broken bicycles out in the rain
Broken bicycles, don't tell my folks
There's all these playing cards pinned to the spokes
Laid down like skeletons out on the lawn
The wheels won't turn when the other has gone
The seasons can turn on a dime
Somehow I forgot every time
For all the things that you've given me
Will always stay broken
But I'll never throw them away"

~Tom Waits~

"My Mother groaned
My Father wept
Into this dangerous world I leapt
Piping loud
Like a fiend
Within a cloud"

~William Blake~

Entered at Mon Dec 15 02:33:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


NB, Maria is a Italian broad from what is erroneously called South Brooklyn. Carrol Gardens or Cobble Hill, is the neighborhood she is from, both near the Battery Tunnel. South Brooklyn, is actually North Brooklyn. I hail from & live in the southern end of Brooklyn, and we get called Brooklyn North. Never understood how that works.

Anyways, Maria was married to Geoff, and that is when she got anglocized via the last name.

You are good Rozs (take your pick, s or z). I was going nuts trying to remember what song was getting invoked.

NB, if you are successful, you are in for a third cut too. Rosz originated Friend0, well the o in Friend0, from my Jeff0, which was a typo on (Jeff). So she gets a third. You are the player now, so you get a third. And of course, my third. Its called the fairness factor.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 02:11:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Boy

Location: beyond Hope
Web: My link

Subject: Brown-Eyed vs. Blue-Eyed Girls

Beg: Oh I could've told you that brown eyes are AT LEAST as favourable as blue eyes, unless you're Sinatra or something. Case in point ? : check out the young lady's brown eyes in this video, which I believe is entitled "Midnight at The Bodacious" (or something to that effect).

Entered at Mon Dec 15 02:03:39 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Brown Eyed Girl

A fair point made! No, generally not. I just like to throw the old tired arguments (that aren't even proper arguments just personal opinions) back into the pot every so often to see what it stirs up, get people groaning, just as light relief when it all gets a bit intense. Thanks for rising to the bait!!

No, BEG, in all seriousness: when I first started posting on the GB I was immediately struck by the polarisation between Levon-ites and Robbie-ites, and the sense of mischief in me cannot resist playing one off against the other. Obviously the organist in me tends towards Garth as a personal favourite - Peter V will tell you that he had to pick my jaw up off the floor a few times when we saw Garth together (with my dear wife and Roger Woods) so I can stay out of either of the two big factions.

I've said before that, once I'd seen earlier concerts on film, I ceased to find the Last Waltz quite so compelling. Yes, I could watch Van, Dr John and Muddy all day. But for me..that Festival Express movie of the OQ playing Slippin' & Slidin'...a band in their prime, hungry for the same goal and still brothers-in-arms..Richard very much the confident frontman looking, playing and singing good..that's The Band how I like them.

Yet that's the beauty of The Band, isn't it? There's so many different facets that we can all home in on a different element and find something we like. That's probably why this forum gets so spirited whereas others I have seen merely talk anoraks or whinge about quality of a CD booklet (or similar) on a given reissue of a piece of back catalogue. That's why I could rap with you guys all day (and frequently do, so I have to disappear for weeks at a time to get chores done!).

PS Having been out of the picture for a bit, was the LW guitar auctioned and how much did it realise if so?

Entered at Mon Dec 15 01:17:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

RTO with a bone: I guess his guitar was over the top, huh? It sounded fine to me. If I was one of the producers....yeah, I'd have my guitar bronzed too. Are you as generous with your commentary with other Band members as well? I'd love to learn from you.

Thank you NB. Today we were at imagezulu's Ma's for an early belated birthday dinner as she's 83. Yesterday Mr. Maximus and his partner in life treated at one of our charming restaurants in my hood. Anyway, his Ma shared a great story. I mentioned the teddy bear that imagezulu has still kept in our home and that started her Simcoe story! I had no idea that when she arrived in Canada at around 19 years old she was tying tobacco leaves for three years in Simcoe. One of the other workers was attracted to her and gave her this teddy bear because she was going to marry someone else in Toronto. It's too bad that we don't have our hospital for stuffed animals anymore in our hood as he needs some attending to but now that I know the whole story.....He will be revered even more. Also, it's true that I gave myself the cyber name of "brown eyed girl" because when I first heard this song I began to appreciate the colour of my eyes....previous to this point it always seemed the "blue eyed girls" were more favoured.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 00:36:10 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Did somebody go and put Farm-aid to Copperhead Road or what?

Entered at Mon Dec 15 00:23:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


That "Orleans" record cover is soooo gay. It's just fabulous!

I was just reading something last night on the Stumbleupon thingy that I would have loved to have linked here. It's about the new breed of A&R boys that are being sent out to recruit new bands. These poor bands. Basically, if you sell a half million records on your first time out, each one of the members in your band get an average of $4,550.39. I don't know if I can link it. Will someone PLEASE tell me how to do so. Apparently my Bettie Page video with the Jerry Lee Lewis song diidn't work.

Entered at Mon Dec 15 00:03:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: favorites

We just turned a friend on to the Band via The Last Waltz and Greatest Hits. The first number that grabbed him was Cripple Creek. I wouldn't argue.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 23:59:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Boy

Location: beyond Hope.

Subject: While I'm Just As Canuck As Doug and Bob...... I don't want to push the Anglo-Irish background overly much, one of my cherished memories of boyhood is that of my grandfather whistling Tura-Lura-Lural while raking his driving at the cottage. That's what he always whistled and that's how I usually remember him: whistling while he worked. So when Van comes along and does that T.L.L. intro thing at T.L.W. , well it's always had that extra little association for me.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 23:38:47 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Boy

Location: beyond Hope, BC

Subject: Ari: 4% Pantomine

My AMH is loaned out so I can't play that track to check it out. On "The Band:The Collection" the post-track banter's been dropped out and I don't think it's on any other CD.

I've heard Van speak a few times, and have spent some time in Ireland (both Irelands) as my dad's ancestors were from Inniskillen in the North. I still have to go with Van. "Wire" pronounced "wayer" isn't Canadian in my books and I grew up in S. Ontario, as did Richard. Perhaps it's said like that in Newfoundland, but they're of Irish and Scottish descent down there. An Irishman would say he's "Irish" but to our ear it would sound like "Oyrish", and I think "wire" would similarly become "woyer", or "wayer" as you've pointed out. But definitely not "why-er", as I (eye) would say it up here in the Great White North, eh. Anyway Ari, that's my take on it for what it's worth and I could certainly be wrong. Fun to discuss though. Thanks.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 23:38:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Nutjob, if you have more influence than I, maybe you could get You Tube to correct the spelling. If that works we go to work on the song's publishers. Ros, if we succeed, you are rich. Right now, thirty three and a third percent of nothing is nothing.

Kristie, the first Band song I ever heard was The Weight. When it first hit the airwaves. I GAWD DAMN love that song.I probably love twenty to thirty other Band songs equally. The sounds of The Band have molecular identity.

The first Band album I owned was The Brown album. even as a 12 year old kid, I used to look at the writing credits and wonder. No joke. And no BS. And even with other albums. I used to wonder about it. But i really wondered about it with The Band. But it just seemed odd to me tha the guy who wasn't singing, and was only playing one instrument, was gettign the lion's share of the songwriting credits. And I began wondering about songwriting., There were other records,I'd look at the writing credits and the band meembrs names, what they played, what they sang, and think about it too. And like I said, way back when i s when I first wondered abotu just what the scopes of and defintions of songwriting were. I didn't necessarily formulate what I was wondering about in those terms, but it is when I first stared thinkign about all this. I looked at CSN& Y, The Dead, The Band, The Allmans, Poco, looked at the ways songwritigncredits got set about. But even back then I was thinking there had to be more to this than just one person, or two peopel being responsible for a song in the manner we were being presented with it. And I started thinking and wondering about all of this then.

Joan, I was in Port Washington today. At the Marina on Shore.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 23:27:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Location: Down in Old Virginny

As usual, I have no clue on that song from Jan's annual quiz--but it has a promising beginning!

As for Kristie's question about best songs by The Band, I'd have to go with "The Weight" myself as it has transcended mere popular song to become sort of a folk classic. I agree with Kristie on "Sleeping" and "In a Station," but there are so many other great songs I don't know where to begin. I loved that YouTube live version of "Look Out Cleveland" by that young band playing with one of the Drive by Truckers. I think my favorite song has been nearly each track from the first three records at some point, though "Acadian Driftwood" and even "Jupiter Hollow" have really grabbed me at other times. I still remember the first time I heard "The Weight," myself, Kristie--and it was the same place you heard it. That's a good legacy for Peter Fonda right there...

Entered at Sun Dec 14 23:18:42 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: ?

I know it is subjective and in the end is just a matter of personal opinion, but what does everyone think is The Band's "best song?" Greil Marcus says "King Harvest" right?

Entered at Sun Dec 14 23:16:25 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: "The weight"

I tried to get one of my friends into The Band and although he likes them he doesn't think anything they did "comes close to The weight." I thought about this for awhile, and although I love the song..I just don't agree. I think "the weight" evokes some sort of nostalgic feeling in people that contributes to it being thought of as their best song. Like when you listen to it brings you back to the first times you heard it(in my case watching "easy rider" and thinking it couldn't have been a better match for Laszlo Kovacs cinematography). "The weight" is a nice introduction, but it is not what made me get lost in The Bands music....current favorites are "In a station, sleeping, Bessie smith, and Get up jake."

Entered at Sun Dec 14 23:01:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Another come nobody has ever asked Garth Hudson to compose a film score? I woulda thought Dario Argento would jump all over that. Even Garth is better than Mark Mothersbaugh for Wes Anderson movies. Astounding.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 22:40:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Ideal christmas gifts..look no further

Entered at Sun Dec 14 22:35:33 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

RTO with a bone

Location: Thames Ditton, today

Subject: PV/Jeff/Steve

Now come on Peter, it wasn't just the pink scarf. It was the posh haircut and the shiny Stratocaster with permanent Last Waltz fuzz-tone that really grated.

Oh, must dash, someones got a camera. I'd better set up a mic stand tonight...

Entered at Sun Dec 14 22:27:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Subject: Northern Boy

I would have said it was either Van, an engineer, or Richard, but I leaned towards Richard says it was a joke (I don't get the joke either..."closer to the wire"??) . Anyways, it might be Van, but I've never really heard his speaking voice (except once and I seem to remember him having a strong Gaelic accent). This voice sounds very Canadian (note the emphasis on the word wire "AYER")

Entered at Sun Dec 14 21:51:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Boy

Location: The Great White North, eh

Subject: Fornicating Upwards

Ari. I always assumed it was Van who says that but now you've really got me thinking. Note well (nb.) Van's major F. U. at the start of the BEG video I posted today.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 21:20:46 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Who says "It's always better live...closer to the wire" on the alternate version of 4% Pantomime after Van Morrison fucks up. I think it's Richard. Not sure.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 19:42:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Boy

Subject: The Big VM

Joan. It's a little less so if you've seen several VM videos like this one (as I have) but you're right; it still remains intrusive and on the overkill end of the spectrum. The glib side of me thinks that maybe VM stands for "Victim Mentality" but who am I to say how much Van's been ripped off before. Plenty by the sound of it. It's certainly a recurring theme in his music, eg. "Copy cats ripped off my words, Copy cats ripped of my melodies" etc. Nonetheless, we're still getting our money's worth. BTW, I thought he was positively smokin' on that St. Dominic's Preview vid. I posted earlier. Almost as soulful (though not as electrifying) as Caravan from TLW in many ways.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 19:03:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Out of it

Subject: Spelling my name wrong


Entered at Sun Dec 14 19:02:37 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Van videos

OK, I appreciate that Van has posted all these videos. I understand the necessity of protecting his performance rights, but does it have to be such a large, dark, intrusive VM? Kind of distracting. Oh well, better than not at all.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 18:06:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: just beyond Hope, BC
Web: My link

Subject: Van's BEG to Mark Our BEG's B-Day, (Albeit Belatedly)

Happy Birthday BEG.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 17:28:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Boy

Location: just beyond Hope, BC
Web: My link

Subject: With A Little Help From My Friendoes

And with a little help from MY cyber-friendoes Joan, Steve, Dlewsional, Jeff and Ros, I may finally be capable of GB linking. (I might even know how to tinyhurl now !) Thanks to you all !

Amish-shamed to be so absoluditely uncomputerish,


Entered at Sun Dec 14 16:09:42 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Peter, I coulda sworn that someone told me that Moderators Anonymous teaches that the more Mussolini like Moderators, and ex Moderators must find less invasive thrills to replace the rush they gained when using excessive moderating force. Peter, I get the feeling you've been missing your meetings again. I imagine your group , or your sponsor might suggest surrogate activities for deleting & banning, but let me propose Bungee Jumping to you.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 15:18:23 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Hi Daenish (pronounced Danish). Whatever you say is really funny.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 15:16:11 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Various

Steve, I'm trying out the other method of linking, sans tinyurl. If the link works, and people scroll down to the Oak Ridge Boys, there is a rather odd, but not impossible semi allegation myth told about Levon. On the right night, under the right circumstances, ya never know.

Peter, try a little cortisone cream. For those of you who don�t understand, I can tell by Peter�s post that the old delete finger is itching like a motha fucka.

Peter, a great topic of conversation, will always be a great topic of conversation. Well, maybe I should say a great source of amusement, will always be a great source of amusement. Or maybe I should say I'm just just promoting the hell out of the gawd damn thing for old Norm. Shit, he'll be too old to do it himself by the time he's done. But I do know he's s been talking about it since he arrived in whichever GB he arrived in. I'm just helping, and my parents raised me to help old folks. Guess it's just good breeding.

I must confess one deep regret though Peter. I only wish I had encountered Norm 35 years ago, I could a been promoting this CD of his for 35 years. Woulda been one helluva buzz by now. They�d been talking about the Westocaster Jones cd in the Golan Heights, Bed Stuy, East St Louis, Illinois, Chesterfield and St Louis, MO, Harlem, Woodstock, Kingston, Palenville, Tel Aviv, on & on.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 15:03:39 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Ok posters from Britland: Was this in response to "We Are The World" or was this recorded first?

Hey Dunc: I always thought the Scottish Midge Ure has a cool name.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 14:52:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Highlights from this blast from the past for me would be Ray Charles, Dylan at the time of recording and James Ingram and Steve Perry.....Bruuuuuce....I don't know....maybe too much effort here.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 14:48:19 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

History Of Festivals 11: Watkins Glen:

"Garth Hudson�s organ-playing is mighty fine.The Allman Brothers played last and turned in a superb performance, the highlight of which was �In Memory Of Elizabeth Reid�. Afterwards, Robbie Robertson, Jerry Garcia and others joined for a jam featuring �Not Fade Away� and ending in a barnstorming version of �Johnny B. Goode�."

Entered at Sun Dec 14 14:41:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

"For us, client accommodation is paramount," Greenberg continues. "From the 1978 renovation of Studio 'D' for Fleetwood Mac's legendary recording of 'Tusk,' to Robbie Robertson's highly acclaimed first solo album, The Village prides itself on offering a wide variety of creative environments." (Robbie Robertson tracked in not only Studio "A" and his on-site private office fitted out as a 16-track studio, but also the facility's cavernous 1920s Masonic auditorium, "which," Greenberg recalls, "provided the warehouse-like environment to suit some of [his] musical moods.)"

Facility Profile: The Village Recording Studios, West Los Angeles.
Written by Mel Lambert in May 2004

Entered at Sun Dec 14 14:34:37 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: Pink scarves and CDs

Sorry, by Jeffo, I meant "Jeffo and Steve."

Entered at Sun Dec 14 13:52:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Maybe next Year?

Peter are you saying, I should scratch The Westcoaster Jones CD off my Christmas list again this year?

Entered at Sun Dec 14 13:49:56 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Hopefully "HIS" musicians weren't some guys with names like Rick, Richard,.....

Entered at Sun Dec 14 11:58:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Been busy for a few days. I see that Jeffo's "dog with a bone" persistence with a worn out point that no one else is interested in, is now directed at Norm rather than me. Well, it makes a change.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 07:19:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Sane? Ya call this Sane?

Entered at Sun Dec 14 06:08:20 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: The Rumor

Subject: The Hold Steady perform "Lookout Cleveland"

I'm not sure if this has been posted here already but I saw The Hold Steady and members of The Drive-By Truckers bust out this rare nugget recently and it knocked my socks off. Check it out:

Entered at Sun Dec 14 05:02:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: (THough I suspect, like most men, even if Westie HAD finished his cd, I'd've taken the deal which meant I didnt' hear his music... (nothing personal, Norm, but the business is the business...)

Subject: Drives past Jeff's proposition - looks at it, thinks better of answering... moves to Joan...

Joan: Birthdays aren't about what is economically 'right': look at where economics has put us!

Spoil yourself. Prt of existence is having (some) stuff you don't need...

It keeps us sane!

Entered at Sun Dec 14 03:56:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


I just got back too JTull - I just got back from spending 9 hours packing boxes with donated canned goods. We even packed some candy canes into those boxes. A couple of friends and I got together and made 40 pounds of colored rock candy along with about 500 candy canes. Hard candies hold up alot better than any other kind of candy. I haven't master the technique of ribbon candy yet. we did manage to make the canes hollow enough to pipe chocolate into them tho. I caught a cold too. Felt so crummy I came home and made milk and toast for supper. Milk and toast is the white trash cure-all. Kinda works like chicken soup.

Entered at Sun Dec 14 00:58:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

daena gallant

Location: florida

Subject: whatever i say.....

happy holliday's to all who read here's funny laugh.. happy holliday's to you all happy holliday's to you all happy holliday's to you all , and a happy new year .. daena was here today..

Entered at Sat Dec 13 21:52:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

JTull Fan

Subject: recession proof sure-hit idea

Just got back from L.A. with my annual holiday chest and head cold. While looking at the candy-canes on my tree, I thought, 'gee, if only one of those were made from mentholated cough drops'. Anyone want to go into business? Just think of all the sick people at Christmas who could just grab a candy cane-shaped cough drop off their tree. Where are all the marketing people?

Entered at Sat Dec 13 19:02:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Surrey UK

Subject: Nick Drake

Original "pink label" Island vinyls of those three proper ND albums are almost in the "name your price" category now over here. I sold a really scuffed-up charity shop copy of Five Leaves Left for �25 once. Bryter Later is the one out of all of them for me as some of Nick's work is just a little too fragile and hard-going for my tastes. But "Northern Sky" with sundry Fairporters trying to liven it up a little is a lovely song. Great that Brad Pitt wanted to be involved, though. That's a nice heads up.

Entered at Sat Dec 13 18:53:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: The Myth of Sisyphus

John Wood former owner and technician of Sound Techniques Studio in Chelsea worked with Syd Barrett, Nick Drake, Fairport Convention, Sandy Denny� The drummer of Fairport ones said to him in the studio: �I want to sound like the drummer of The Band�. Wood answered: �Then go join The Band, here you sound like the drummer of drummer of Fairport�.

John Wood on Nick Drake �The biggest talent that I ever had the pleasure to work with�.

Wiki: Nick Drake (Birma 1948) talented singer songwriter but never knew success, sank in a depression and died 1974 at home in Far Leys on an overdose of amitriptyline. Next to his bed they found Albert Camus� The Myth of Sisyphus. During his short life Nick didn�t knew success and didn�t sell much albums, after his death he becomes very popular and his albums a success. Musicians mention him as their inspiration source. Nick Drake is regarded as one of the most important songwriters of the 20th century. He died on the brink of fame.

Entered at Sat Dec 13 18:23:46 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: That Damned Afgan

Ok you have convinced me. The Band Afgan is necessary. I have a birthday coming up, so even though I wasn't going to ask for any tangible presents (I prefer people just give the money to charity), I decided I could have this one. Besides, it will keep me warm when I can't afford to heat the house because I'm buying Band Afgans. I rationalize so well. Thank you RTO and Jersey Girl for the encouragement..

Jersey Girl: Good to hear from you. Its been a while.

Entered at Sat Dec 13 15:34:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Remembering Richard Bell

Entered at Sat Dec 13 15:32:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: the London suburbs

Subject: Fred/Jeff

Maybe that's why I got confused over who the casting list for Body of Evidence was, exactly. Shannon Tweed might have had her heyday years and years ago...that's clearly the reason why I confused her with Madonna!!!!

Entered at Sat Dec 13 15:28:47 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Thanks Joan and Nomadic Mike. I'll be still celebrating this weekend with friends and family. One student gave me a complimentary breakfast at Starbucks on my birthday and another gave me chocolate truffles and many cards. Those of you who have your own kidzzz would understand what a treat they can be.

"Greenberg can regale you with Village tales for hours, starting with the time Dylan wrote �Forever Young� in an office there during the �Planet Waves� sessions.

"It was the Village�s colorful history and unorthodox layout that initially attracted Billy Corgan, whose band the Smashing Pumpkins recorded both �Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness� and �Adore� in Studio B.

�The way studio B is set up is really undesirable,� says Robbie Robertson, the former member of the Band who has been using the Village since 1974. �The control room faces a wall, so you can�t see the musicians in the studio, and there�s an elevator for the piano for no reason whatsoever. But that�s why Billy Corgan liked it.

�When I recorded in there, I set up some of my musicians in the bathroom, and we came up with some great stuff. Why it works is a bit of a mystery to everyone. The Village just has a lot of soul.�

Welcome to Studio City By Marc Weingarten
September 27, 1998

"But more immediate than the legacy of the scores of gold and platinum records that line the walls of Village is the physical presence of artists who have literally made the studio their home. The brilliant, reclusive Robbie Robertson has for years - no one's really sure how many - maintained a personal recording studio on the third floor, whose anteroom walls are lined with his guitars dating back to the Band and where much of his hypnotic "Robbie Robertson" album was conceived and fleshed out on a vintage Neve 8021 console and an array of gear and instruments as eclectic as their owner."


Entered at Sat Dec 13 14:43:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Fred, let's try to put this in perspective. Start back in 1973. If, in 1973, someone said to you , thirty five years from now you can have sex with Shannon Tweed every time she is agreeable, or thirty five years from now you might be able to listen all you want to the CD Westocaster Jones just started recording with Fast Eddie producing. But, you must choose one or the other. Which would you choose?

Entered at Sat Dec 13 14:42:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Jewboy, Cowboy ; Boys will be boys

Anybody know what J2Rs might have been recording at Village Recorder this year?

I just listened to an interview with Serena Rider, that talented young woman from Toronto who did the Buddy Holly set, as an 8 year old, at the Motor Lodge near her home in Toronto, and she mentioned passing J2Rs in the halls frequently at Village Recorder where she was recording her most recent album this spring.

She said he has a studio there and was recording something as well. It was at the same time that Lucinda Williams was recording her most recent album at the Village.

Entered at Sat Dec 13 14:32:35 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Relative Time

Jeff: remember we're talking "Playboy Playmate Time" here... : )

Entered at Sat Dec 13 14:31:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Fred, forgive me. Time is relative, and relatives are important. It was the last Friday in October 04. So it actually lengthens the time a little.

Also, if you would ask Fast Eddie, or maybe it's Fast Eddy Molyeski, , he'd probably tell you that thirty five years is a VERY, VERY long time. Probably would say VERY F**KING long time.

But Fred, back to Tweed. Not the sportjacket kind of tweed. Short time, long time, some things you never forget.

Which, At least by virtue of the time involved recording it, is also the ctaegory Wetso Jone's cd will fall in.

Entered at Sat Dec 13 14:18:39 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:



I wasn't very surprised Illka confused you & I. Westocaster is always foaming at the mouth yelling at both you & I, it's enough to steer anyone anyone off course.

But notice that Illka did not confuse me with Wetsocaster. Even though he's always copying how I type "GAWD DAMN". Confusing us, well, it wouldnlt make no sense.

The first record I made, well, there's two songs on it I recorded the music to in April 01, and then I hunkered down on began sessions specifically for that project in Jan 02. The cd was shrinkwrapped in Aug 02. My second project I first discussed with the artist the last day of Oct, 2004. It was released in April, 2005. SO, no Illka woulsn't confuse me with Wetsie. Which is also the answer to Fred. Fred, a very long time is 35 years. Time is relative of course, So thirty five years may not be a Very long time, as in say, the life of sequoia tree. But to understand when thirty five years is a very long time, reference "to make a sound recording of cover tunes begun thirty five years ago" or "waiting for your singing voice to improve".

Entered at Sat Dec 13 08:57:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


I've always wondered what percentage the bands (as in The Band, et al.) get from merchandise sales at Wolfgang's Vault?

Jeff: Shannon Tweed's popularity----wasn't a long time ago, rather a it was a VERY long time ago!! Or so it seems : )

Entered at Sat Dec 13 06:31:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Jersey Girl

Subject: Joan's Band afghan

Of course you have to get one, Joan. Claire and I got ours ages ago when they first became available from the Vault. I can recommend the matching coffee mug, too. The economy may be in the tank, but if we don't buy tasteless Band merchandise who will? Moreover, the afghans will be the required lap covering for each of us when we're in our rockers on the porch of Claire's Big Pink Rest Home.

Entered at Sat Dec 13 02:53:34 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Long time ago, Shannon Tweed was hot stuff Rob. If i still have those Playboys socked away, they could be worth a small fortune now.

Entered at Sat Dec 13 02:34:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Hatchet-Face Covering Clam

Body of Evidence has to be seen to be believed! Madonna and Willem Defoe. I watched it because it had one of my favorite actors in it. The greatly under-rated German actor, Jurgen Prochnow. He had a small part. Madonna had a big part but even that was shaved down, making it almost invisible in the unlighted parking garage,

Entered at Sat Dec 13 02:29:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: westcoaster re Wall Street SOB

Exactly. A lot of my customers - I run a storage business in Wimbledon (yep, the swanky Tennis-fuelled town), London - where a lot of money wallahs live because you can be in the city in 15 minutes but it's got lots of parks, a common and some pretty greenery, and you can get a nice Victorian 4 bed house for 1.2 million GBP. These guys are all coming in a little less cocksure than usual and ashen faced. I can't say I don't enjoy every single goddamn minute!

Entered at Sat Dec 13 02:18:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: roz

Body of Evidence - wasn't that one your average Shannon Tweed tits/guns movies? Exactly the kind of post gig band coffee/spl**f background Channel 4/5 movie I was describing in the post about Crash. After the initial testosterone-fuelled appreciation of a bit of flesh, you realise it's crap. I gather the lovely former Hefner babe Ms Tweed is now Mrs Gene Simmons. Now THAT IS a rock and roll girl!

Entered at Sat Dec 13 02:16:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Pass the Hotdogs

Speakin' of chauvinistic pigs, That Canadian guy, Paul Anka, has definitely been living in the past when it comes to his attitudes about women. He found out the hard way that the crap women used to take from men like him is no longer acceptable! He was married for a long time to a lady he kept forever pregnant, (apparently as a reminder that he himself had actual working testicles), a woman who learned how to take his bullshit. Unfortunatley for him, he divorced her on the grounds that she got OLD and LOOSE. Now he's got another one. She's younger, firmer and more beautiful. Too bad he didn't stop long enough to check her temperament because as this wanker was laying into her with one of his many "I'm the man around here" speeches, she wound up her pitching arm and Grand Slammed the sonofabitch right between the eyes .. with an ice cube! It literally stuck in his head! He had to rush to the hospital for to have his head stapled shut! He had her arrested for spouse abuse.

Entered at Sat Dec 13 01:09:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Pacific Northwest

Subject: Cold on the Shoulder

Just back from a trip hauling construction equipment & materials to the Gilford Island native village for a new 24 lot subdivison.

I can hopefully get in this one more trip before Christmas. I got to get out to Winter Harbour, (quite ironic in December eh?) There's a load of logging equipment out there these guys need back. Winter Harbour is as west as you can get. On the outside of the island here, where you get the Southeast of the whole Pacific Ocean coming at you.

Today there is 8 meter seas out there.....think I'll just stay here thanks. Anyway, I noticed a few of you had a go at old Lightfoot here a while back. Great stuff! I've played Gordon's music forever, and at this time, and what is going on out here, and where I got to go. Well it reminds me of one of my favourite Lightfoot albums.

"Cold On The Shoulder" is a great album, and reminds me of a good few years. Lightfoot was at the top of his game, and at a time when the world seemed like a little bit nicer place. There was great expectations for great things to come.

Hopefully we can all look forward to that again. Lets hope that the new year becomes brighter than all the doom and gloom being portrayed right now. On the news this morning I see some old Wall Street SOB they've arrested for scamming, 50 billion!.........and they have financial problems?

I'll be feeling a little more comfortable when I get back across the Nawhitti Bar with that load on my barge, and get home and light the fire for Christmas. Y'all be safe and play nicely now.

Entered at Sat Dec 13 00:50:46 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


RTO - Well.. I was comparing notes on Whispers in the Dark and Body of Evidence and I did explain in detail the similarities of the two femme fatales and their mutual fondness for being ahh.. ...ahh.. in parking garages.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 23:53:19 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Rosalind's post/Geraniums

Maybe Peter put it outside with his Geraniums. If Joan's Economic Angel was sent out to join them it might be an efficient end all around...

Geraniums: I once played in a band (in fact Dai the bassist is still one of my closest mates and musical partners in crime) whose website featured a link to "Dai's Dad's Geranium Page" after Mr Stanton Snr. won prizes for his efforts in growing them. They were quite the talk of Port Talbot in their day.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 23:47:13 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


I made a post this morning that seemed to vanish in mid-air. I think maybe the pootahs got it.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 23:40:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Economic Angel

Joan, just go through a low doorway or something and see if you can't knock the little f**ker off your shoulder. I have managed it quite successfully of late.

When the pound hadn't plummetted quite so lamentably, I got away with murder in the third quarter of this year: I have purchased three vintage Harmony guitars and a Farfisa chord organ all in the name of investment.

Now, my wife reads the Economist and is financially astute. I read Viz and have whatever the financial equivalent of double incontinence is. There was absolutely no argument from "she who holds the purse strings" having heard my proposal.

Then again, it could all be a front, this Economist lark. She managed to find it in her heart to agree to me buying a Lowrey Lincolnwood organ (see Garth pics circa 1970) and having it crated and shipped all the way from Illinois to Heathrow Airport.

Buy that Afghan and be proud...

Entered at Fri Dec 12 23:29:53 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Surrey UK

Subject: Joan's Afghan (Any other takers?)

You bet!

Entered at Fri Dec 12 21:56:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Broke City
Web: My link

Subject: Band Afgan

OK it cost $79 bucks and I have no use for it. But I WANT it. Right now the economic angel on my shoulder is winning and says NO! Catch me back in a few days when the spend devil says YES.

Any other takers?

Entered at Fri Dec 12 21:16:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: Geraniums

Very bad plants indeed, Joe J. Exterminate them. I never had severe plant allergies until I was eighteen. I was working in a museum and was sent in to the conservatory to clean some statues. It was full of geraniums and under the glass roof about 110 fahrenheit. I got sensitized to geraniums and ever since sneeze uncontrollably instantly in their presence. At this time of year, simply placing them outside should do the trick. The vegetable bastards will wither and die.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 19:07:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


IIKKa, you have me confused with Friendo, Jeffo, I think. I'm a freckled nosed, tuque-wearing cowboy.

Bill I haven't seen Eagle Eye, but I would just bring you up to speed on the new Canucklehead term that has replaced " pull the plug".

In new Canucklehead Speak if you want to say, "The doctor pulled the plug on the brain dead patient", you now say, The doctor "Harpered" the brain dead patient.

I'm sure ,as with most language, it will be modified over time down to "Harp it".

Entered at Fri Dec 12 19:04:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: Marti Ahtisaari

Ilkka Jauramo: as if I was concerned

my casual interventions are motivated by instantaneous need to temperate in_The_Band_GB_opinions of who give themselves good-consciousness about a 60-years-unjuste fact

Here�s an excerpt from Marti Ahtisaari's Nobel peace speech

"Many in the vein of Empty Now in The Band GB have come to believe that the Middle East knot can never be untied. I do not share this belief. All crises, including the one in the Middle East, can be resolved. The solution would require a contribution from all the parties involved as well as the international community as a whole."

Entered at Fri Dec 12 18:32:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ilkka J.

Location: Nordic Countries

Subject: Banned? / Nobel Prize Ceremony in Oslo Norway

Mr. Jan Hoiberg has made it clear in an email that I am not wanted in this gb. I wonder if it is because:

- racism and other forms of bigotry; I referred to BEG as "a cleaning lady," to Norbert as "quota hire" and to D Lil as "a big old lesbo." I called Steve a "boner-nosed... beanie-wearing Jewboy," referred to Empty Now as "the cripple," and to Indian and Australian posters as "Gunga Din and Sambo." And in my words, the gbers are "chest-thumping pimps."

Empty Now, hope you listened to Martti Ahtisaari's speech in the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. He is bound to make the peace between the state of Israel and the Palestinians! - Btw sorry for the old man who had to travel to Norway, though.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 18:04:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Jan F.

Location: metro DC

Joe J - at least the cards got mailed!! If I left Mr. Steve with that chore the cards would probably still be sitting on the table by the door . . . The plants would be OK (w/Mr. Steve) -- I'm the one who neglects what few plants we have.

JQ - I heard the Scott Simon interview on NPR also but when Frum came on, I popped in a CD . . . pretty bad when news/talk radio is more tragic than Townes Van Zandt, but I opted for Townes anyway.

Hey Pat B - What polictical flavor is the Chicago Sun-Times? It was too much trouble to get on the Tribune site this morning, so I'm reading the Sun-Times. Just curious. Thanks!


Entered at Fri Dec 12 17:56:28 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Shy-town & the axis of evil

NPR was good this morning. Chicago native Scott Simon was interviewed about the Gov and Chicago pols in general; he's a clever guy and it was informative & funny too.

David Frum, Bush's speechwriter, was on too. I've heard a ton of speculation from the GOP as to why they failed but I think his was best: That the GOP has become the party of: anti-intellectualism, anti-environment, anti-non white, anti-youth & anti-effective foreign policy, etc. So he posits the GOP as a thoroughly dead and well out-of-step party and he should know.

It's available on line.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 17:49:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: BEG/Blago

BEG Belated Happy Birthday.

RE: impeaching Blago. Even if they start today it would take several months to get him out that way. What an incredible mess!

Entered at Fri Dec 12 17:45:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

joe j

The missus left for FLA ten days ago with just two instructions taped to the fridge: send Christmas cards and water the plants. Well this morning I received calls from two friends who had received cards with neither signature nor return address. What made them assume it was me? Now, as to those fuckin plants, you know I don't like geraniums anyway.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 17:36:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

biffalo bull

Subject: lost and found

found an a detroit paper clipping of "sixto rodriguez", from about 2 years ago. an interesting story of a folk rocker from detroit, who has languished in obscurity since the seventies, but interestingly enough has an album/cd from that time that is very popular in south africa and europe to this day. today his daughter manages his "new found" second comming. samplings of his music and lyrics are of course on you tube. while some are self annointed to pick and choose, the rest of us snooze

Entered at Fri Dec 12 17:32:41 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Steve: Did you see "Eagle Eye"? At least I think that was the name of the recent movie where a 21-century HAL was monitored the entire wired world and had the ability to override anything (change traffic lights, control bridges, phones, etc) if need be. Apparently HAL+ was programmed to make its decisions by following a cascading set of laws, regulations, treaties, etc, with the US Constitution at the very top. So it was planning to take out the president, VP and the top dozen or so other lawmakers because they were all knowingly abrogating the constitution (by doing Bushian things). Plug was pulled in the nick of time.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 17:05:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Thanks Pat. I hadn't heard of the guy until two days ago, but he certainly seems like the kind of person who would stoop to appointing himself. A bit odd, though in this case a relief to Illinoisiers no doubt, that the Senate gets to accept / reject. Hopefully that's the case just when somebody's been named rather than voted in.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 17:01:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Just one qualification on Buress. I would add "Dangerous" to idiot. Carrying a loaded handgun into a bar where I assume he was planning on consuming alcohol makes him both dangerous and an idiot.

Brien, good to see you calling for the removal from office of people who break the law, too bad you're limiting your scorn to financial crimes or political crimes involving cash. If war crimes or crimes against humanity, or even crimes against your country's constitution raised your hackles you could have been on this horse for the last 8 years.

What's all these references to savages and tasting steel about? Anyway, Pugna!

Entered at Fri Dec 12 16:52:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Pat B

Brien and Bill M, the deluded Illinois Governor can name himself as Obama's replacement, but the US Senate would also vote whether to accept the decision.

If Blaggo doesn't resign, he'll be impeached next week.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 16:50:11 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Germany

Subject: Great

Really great site. Thank you for the mass on informations. Greetings from germany, melli

Entered at Fri Dec 12 16:18:04 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

The Illinois Gov, Jackson and anyone who were thinking of playing ball in this extortion scam should all be forced to resign and/or face the fullest penalty of the law and have it as strictly enforced as it could. Bill M I hope you were kidding about naming himself Senator - that would go over well and serve the country at its best.

The same goes for the scum bag Madoff on Wall St who was arrested today for frauding out more than 50billion dollars. Another example of stripping everything that he has down to the point of being penniless and then thrown in with the savages and see how that goes over.

Here in the NY area much ado is being made about making Plaxico Buress an example. He's an idiot and is going to pay due to his own stupidity on how much money he is going to lose already but these other savages need to pay a higher price. Set a real example! See how they like the taste of steel.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 16:14:35 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Web: My link

Subject: Elvis, Elton & Louuu

Elvis Costello's "Spectacle" program on the Sundance channel presents an interesting mix of interviews & performances. Elton John, who mentioned the influence The Band had on his music, was featured last week. The house band for that episode included Allen Toussaint & James Burton. This week spotlighted Lou Reed, with Larry Campbell & Dylan bassist Tony Garnier performing with Mr. Costello.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 15:17:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Subject: an admittedly feeble attempt to draw Pat B back to the fray

Would Blagojevich have the legal / constititional ability to name himself to the vacant senate seat (even if just seconds before leaving the governorship)?

Entered at Fri Dec 12 15:14:03 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Amy Winehouse and Linda Ronstadt

Entered at Fri Dec 12 15:12:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Garth & Maud Hudson w. Donovan

Uploaded on November 2, 2008 by SOUNDS OF OUR TIMES

I just turned a year older yesterday so please take over NB! Please! Please! Please!

Entered at Fri Dec 12 12:55:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Wrong Accident

Crash, 2004, also directed by a Canadian, Paul Haggis, was splendid. I haven't seen Cronenberg's version ( 1996) but it must be a different movie since Haggis's movie is based on a car jacking incident that happened to him, Haggis, in 1991.

Roz, you mean she really uncorked on him ?

Entered at Fri Dec 12 10:16:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link


Entered at Fri Dec 12 10:01:42 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Bettie Page died today .. I adored her.

En-Be I don't know anything about no leakage, Bettie taught me ways to have fun without any transference of bodily fluids. You be a good boy now, ya'he'ah?

Entered at Fri Dec 12 08:08:19 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Ludite Valley

Subject: Testing My Linkage/Ros

How ya doin' Ros ? Thanks (I guess). Is "testing one's linkage" even an appropriate topic to be discussing in mixed company ? I defer to you (of coarse), in all matters of etiquette. Actually that's the first link I've posted in my whole, entire (redundandant) life so I'm still in disbelief that it even worked. Look out BEG, there's a new linkster on the block !

Entered at Fri Dec 12 07:41:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: :Error: :Error: :Error:

En-Bee - You can "test your linkage" before submitting. All you have to do is press the "preview button" and test it yourself before submission.

It's pretty obvious that this website has another way of getting links to work.


Entered at Fri Dec 12 07:36:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: L.A.
Web: My link

Subject: St. Dominic's Preview/ Irish Bling

Hopefully this is a video of Van doing an extremely soulful version of St. Dominic's Preview. As we all know from TLW Van is often noted for his garb, but nothing comes even close to the freakin' incredibly large VM pendant he's got pasted to his chest throughout this performance! Check it out ! Man, now that's garish. Makes what the bro's in the hood are wearing look downright understated! Enjoy. And do Turn Up Your Radio/Computer, Cause Ya Know It's Got Soul ! Van may even have cracked a smile at about 4:30 in, probably not though. NB

Entered at Fri Dec 12 07:00:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: L.A.
Web: My link

Subject: Don't Pay Me No Never Mind This Time Either (just testing)

I think I got'er now (Robbie).

Entered at Fri Dec 12 06:52:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: L.A.
Web: My link

Subject: Don't Pay Me No Never Mind (just testing)

Let's see.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 06:33:42 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: L.A. (Ludite's Anonymous)
Web: My link

Subject: Testing My Linkage

This can't possibly work, but here goes anyway. NB.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 06:19:11 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Subject: Cronenberg is awful

Crash was among the worst movies I've ever seen (except for Elias Koteas). It's a shame that Cronenberg always disappoints me. His stories seem interesting (History of Violence, Videodrome) but they always dissapoint. I have this to with Ingmar Bergman and Robert Altman. It's surely not a question of restlessness or boredom because I am a huge fan of Rohmer, who in fact makes a film on the study of boredom.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 02:57:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


There's a dyke bounty out on her!

Entered at Fri Dec 12 02:31:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Surrey UK

Subject: Deborah Unger

Rosalind..wait! Deborah Unger! Yes, I remember that name. Quite right, very yummy looking gal, beautifuly sinister on screen too. I remember where I saw her now: she was in that really weird film "Crash" where she played a character that would become turned on by car crashes and feel the need for some sex at the scene of the accident, there and then. Weird. James Spader was in it - it was on UK Channel 4 a few years back - one of those questionable movies that always seems to be on after the pub/when you get back from playing a gig. Picture the moment: Five guys in a band having a post gig coffee/smoke and the telly goes on. At first we were quite delighted at the sight of Ms Unger in very little, but after a while it was just too WEIRD! One of us blamed the coffee, another the smokes..but it was definitely the movie.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 02:17:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Surrey UK

Subject: Whispers In The Dark

Jesus - and all we ever got was On The Buses

Entered at Fri Dec 12 02:02:20 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Canada's Secret

I was playing with the remote last night and stumbled upon a movie called "Whispers in the Dark". Didn't have nothin' else to do, so I watched it. There was this chick in the movie who looked alot like Ava Gardner. She's beautiful and very erotic looking. Her name is Deborah Unger. I did a search on her and found that she's from Vancouver and she's well-known in her home country. I watched the movie! I'm glad I did. Not only did I discover this really good actress who's also neat to look at, but at the very end of the film there's this twist.. Oh my, it was a fun twist! Alan Alda staggers into the ocean with what looked to me like a hook embedded in his head! I LAUGHED OUT LOUD FOR A LONG,LONG TIME! I have always wanted to kill that she-man bitch myself. I only wish that it had been one of those " Twin" movies. You know, like that one that came out of Canada years ago about those identical twins who lived together in Montreal. The other twin in the movie I saw last night should have been Phil Donahue! Alan Alda and Phil Donahue both die! One with a cleaver through the skull and one with a hook in his head. Also Alan Alda goes nuts and smashes Jill Clayburgh on the head with a newly uncorked red wine bottle ! That was great too!

Entered at Fri Dec 12 01:57:10 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter M.

Location: by the turtle Pond

Subject: accordion lessions

There is a web site for Floyd's Record Shop (google it) in Louisiana. I get much of my zydeco related material from them. They sell instructional DVDs, and slant heavily to cajun music. Just look for one featuring the type of accordion you want to play (cajun single note, double note, triple note, piano note, the one with levers, etc.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 01:35:34 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Web: My link

Subject: Woodstock Kids

I don't know if you've seen this, it ame out awhile ago but it's an interview with Delphine Robertson and Grace Slick's kid. It's got some great pictures of Dylan and Alexandra Robertson and Robbie, Dominique and Delphine.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 00:24:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

RTO (Rob the Organ)

Location: Surrey UK
Web: My link

Subject: Melodeons and the like

Dlew, yes it was me and good to chew the cud. The simple answer is - I don't know. YET. There are some good cajun accordion clips on (sorry Peter) Y**T**e but it's funny you mention this because I am looking into the very subject myself. I have just bought a Pianorgan - basically a posh version of an old Magnus/Estey home chord organ but a Farfisa product with proper organ reeds and 60 buttons. It sounds like an accordion (in fact I'd swear the intro to Daniel & The S H is a Pianorgan). I am therefore researching cajun/zydeco music at the mment so you caught me at a good time. Email me direct - I am sure Peter V will pass my address on.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 00:17:29 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Was that Rob te Organ?; Question for everyone...


On an unrelated note, bought a melodeon: an accordion, except with buttons, and works like a harmonica - different notes are played depending on whether the bellows are in or out...

Anyway, does anyone know of a good web resource which might show me how ot play it properly? There's a couple of good sites, but they concentrate on two-row melodeons - mine's a mini...

And, yes, what's the definition of perfect pitch? when you throw an accordion into a bin, and it breaks the banjo already in there! ;-)

Entered at Fri Dec 12 00:11:42 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Rob the Organ

Subject: Luke! Is that you?

You must be psychic - I don't post that often either now but was writing a Christmas card to Peter, which reminded me to..blah...anyway you get the gist. I've still got that Leslie cabinet for email me.

Entered at Fri Dec 12 00:08:58 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Rob the Organ

Location: Surrey UK

Subject: Hiatt (Abby)

Which album was it?

Entered at Fri Dec 12 00:08:20 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

luke m

Location: london

Subject: coincidences

This is just to say hi to everyone, I haven't posted for a while but it's good to see everyone here. My life seems to have coincidences lately, you know, the sun rising in the morning and setting in the evening, no in fact stranger than that. I was listening a lot to the Band today, and recommending Stage Fright and Moondog to an old friend, and I wound up listening to some 30 sec iTunes snatches of Otis Redding. I don't know why I haven't got any Otis. A truly amazing singer, nature and art in perfect harmony. I always just miss the sad anniversaries. Cryin' Heart Blues just started up right now.

Entered at Thu Dec 11 23:11:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Just a little below INdy

Subject: best bargain EVER!

I bought my first John Hiatt CD at a yard sale last summer for a quarter. I said a QUARTER! So I figured, this must not be much to listen to for a I just now got around to listening. Why oH why did I wait so long to give a listen to John Hiatt? He is WONDERFUL! Well, that word doesn't do him justice. I knew when I started listening to him that he HAD to be Catholic.....I know one when I see one....

Entered at Thu Dec 11 22:09:21 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: Oxford American Music Issue

As usual, there's plenty of excellent writing about the artists, complimenting the music selections. Peter Guralnick's fine profile of Jerry Lee Lewis mentions The Killer's cover of "Twilight". Another article on Bobby Charles notes The Band's (minus Robbie) participation on the Bearsville sessions.

More Band connections: "Tremblin'", recorded by The York Brothers, is featured. This single, originally released on the King label, was written & produced by Henry Glover. Neko Case, who Garth has worked with, is featured, along with her song "Hold On, Hold On".

Entered at Thu Dec 11 20:15:33 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

wild bill

Location: florida

Subject: rick danko

i am remembering rick today. "too soon gone" but more than that, he was here!! because he was here we are blessed

Entered at Thu Dec 11 19:17:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Oxford American

David P - Thanks loads for that info, I just ordered it.

Entered at Thu Dec 11 19:16:27 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Subject: best of '08

Not surprisingly, my #1 of '08 is Fred Eaglesmith's "Tinderbox". I thought that #2 was going to be BARK's "Frolicons encore", but it says 2007 right on the box. So, #2 will have to be "Bob Geddins' Big Town Records Story", an impressive three-disc compilation by Acrobat in the UK.

Entered at Thu Dec 11 18:33:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Bill M

Thank you for the article on Molly Johnson. It was me who asked. They had used her on a commercial for tourism.

That is so odd that the Daily Show is blocked. from Canada. I can't imagine why they would do that. I know once I sent something to DLEW from the Daily Show and it went through.

Entered at Thu Dec 11 18:12:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Location: Down in Old Virginny

Subject: Oxford American...Winchester Canadian

David: I thank you for the tip about that new issue of Oxford American. It's a good magazine which surprised me last year when they published a letter I wrote about the reculsive Jesse Winchester.

Speaking of Mr. Winchester, it's interesting to see on his website that of three concerts he has scheduled for next year, two are in Canada. He may have moved back down here but his heart is still in the "cool, blue North."

Entered at Thu Dec 11 17:45:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Web: My link

Joan: Belated thanks for link to the Jon Stewart show. Unfortunately you can't get there from Canada (the internet is smart as well as nosy), and the alternative that presents itself seems to offer up only the current day's show. (I tried yesterday, a day late.)

Was it you who noted a liking for the singing of Molly Johnson? If so, here's a newspaper article. I feel the same as she does about "Strange Fruit".

Entered at Thu Dec 11 15:28:46 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Web: My link

The 10th anniversary music edition of OXFORD AMERICAN magazine is out, with Jerry Lee Lewis, resplendent in a baby blue plaid suit, on the cover (link above). This year's issue comes with two CD's containing an eclectic selection of 55 songs! Band connections: Bobby Charles' "Street People", from his Bearsvile album, is included, along with "Going Away" from The Staple Singers, Dale Hawkins' cover of John Lee Hooker's "Boogie Children" and Blind Willie McTell's "Travelin' Blues".

Entered at Thu Dec 11 15:05:47 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike (Plochmann Lane)

Subject: Remembering the late great Sam Cooke today....

Slain in '64 @ the age of 33.

Entered at Thu Dec 11 14:26:42 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Joan

Joan, I watched a documentary a month or so ago about some of the British kidnap victims who'd been released from Gitmo. Every form of torture that is being used there is exactly the same methods that were used in the Spanish Inquisition, loud music and strobe lights being all we've been creative enough to come up with in the last 600 years, but to be honest, how can you improve on hanging people by their arms till their shoulder joints dislocate?

Of the app. 1,000 victims of Gitmo less than 25 will be ever be charged with anything.

I guess we should take some solace from the fact The Band's music hasn't been associated with this brutality.

Lars you might remember Prick Cheney describing the accommodations at Gitmo as being somewhat equivalent to a Caribbean resort, that the kidnap victims were living in better conditions than when they were kidnapped.

I remember exactly where I was when I heard Rick had died. I was putting up gyprock in my daughter's room. I think it was a Friday but I might be wrong. It felt like Friday, anyway.

Bill, if it ain't F Troop, it's the Monkees. Several times this week I've come face to face with, I'm a Believer.

Last night Marge and I pulled out one of our favorite animated movies, Chicken Run. There was a trailer for Shrek before Chicken Run and there it was, I'm A Believer.

Entered at Thu Dec 11 13:36:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Web: My link

Subject: dlew

Good work.

Entered at Thu Dec 11 10:27:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: Joan / S.M.

Joan : a Nobel Laureate parent, that�s wonderful

S.M � thanks, insightful comment, followed by short and right question

it�s Steve who started and directs the atomic bomb debate, my stick on the subject is just by mental discipline aiming to sustain the level of activity of spirit constantly high, and collecting links of good music and rock references meanwhile

ceci dit, �everybody have their logics, the logic which prevails is on the side of the heaviest artillery� (Napoleon) - it�s the common cleverness of politicians, the history logic belief, overexploited lately and know as �cowboy mentality� - isn�t a lot of civilized behavior required to build the most destructive weapons ?
whereas alternative history logic belief is �nature always corrected the mistakes of politicians�
�the paranoiac Russo-Ukrainian settlers who set up a state with a ghetto mentality and will continue to manage their contradictions even with nuke weapons� are undeniably the civilized ones, their poor of spirit hosts and neighbors are the evil ones � say with or without conflict, I am on the opposite civilized side, and everybody in the world is concerned via civilized Hilary darling

I had to answer the right question too though I am not Fulcanelli � it takes a given delay to bring fallouts from anywhere to everywhere

Entered at Thu Dec 11 09:09:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Cher'in stuff

I was just sittin here listenin' to Dean Martin on the box and I'll be damned if I didn't find Cher's main influence as a singer !

Musgrove Hillbillies is playin now.. I'll be back when The Kinks remind me of somebody else.

Entered at Thu Dec 11 07:06:32 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Thanks Jan H for posting Carol's article from Crawdaddy on your News and Updates.

Nostalgie De La Boue: Longing for the Gutter
by Carol Caffin

Hi Carol. I hope you don't mind me rambling on here...I'm here wound up as tomorrow my kidzzz will be singing to me for my special day. I also finally talked with a friend who I hadn't heard from in awhile from one of the wasteland's you mentioned....and I just keep nodding my head as I'm reading your well written article (as always...those English Literature classes are great, aren't they?) about life imitating art or art imitating life and the human condition for some of us. I wondered also about the autobiography of Marianne Faithfull and her addiction to suffering as well as to smack....Were some of us more prone to this condition as we witnessed it in our families or was there a chemical imbalance or were there still unresolved issues, or was it simply that we had a creative edge or...Did we feeeeel too much as Richard did?

Anyway, I was/am very similar in that in school I'd be drawn to Louuu....probably because he was so different and wrote about people that I didn't even encounter until I moved from a small city to a very multi-cultural and less homophobic city. Louuu's "Heroin" intrigued me very much as I learned about addiction...."It's my wife. It's my life." I could live vicariously through his music without needing to experiment with this drug in particular. On the other hand, when we saw "Reefer Madness" in school.....When everyone was sitting in a circle and sharing the joint.....Well, that came years later and it passed too. I didn't even know until my gay friends told me that James Dean also apparently went both ways and that their nickname for him...."ash tray".....I was so naive then so I asked......I was told he would burn himself with cigarettes as he hated that he led a double life. How can you live authentically when you're not completely open about who you really are?

Like yourself I was more drawn to "I Wish It Would Rain" than to Lighthouse's "Sunny Day". In highschool when we had to analyze "I Am Rock" resonated with me more than songs that weren't about alienation. It was no accident that Dylan's "Like A Rolling Stone" hit me fast and hard!
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?

In relation to art I suppose we're different as I was drawn to artists that to me appeared very child like but of course were very deeeeeep.....Picasso, Miro, Klee, etc. It's not surprising that the very first print I bought was Pablo's "The Three Musicians."

Thanks Jan H for posting the photo of the new headstone of Rick on your "pictures" site that I posted by Michael from "A Tribute To Rick Danko and Richard Manuel". It would also be great to see Robbie's latest photos that were previously posted from Robbie's latest live gig at the EMP awards on your "Pictures" site as well! Wouldn't it? ;-D

Entered at Thu Dec 11 05:11:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Great site! I'm a big fan of your group.

Entered at Thu Dec 11 04:20:35 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Upstate NY

I remember the day of Rick Danko's Memorial Service in Bearsville. I was hauling a small dumptruck of bluestone "flagstone" that I had bought up in Shady. It was a rainy day and stonedust and dirty water covered my workpants in a sort of slime. I knew I wasn't going to be stopping in Bearsville, so it didn't matter. I slowed down when I got to the Bearsville Theatre and I caught a glimpse of a lot of people waiting out in the rain. It looked so crowded that I no longer felt guilty about not attending the service.

Going even further back to 1969, I read the comments about "Gitmo" and I recall spending a lot of time there during the winter of 1969-70. I was on a US Navy ship that used Gitmo for a home port while we were the flagship for the Second Fleet. We patrolled all over the Caribbean, especially when there was trouble on an island in that area. I remember swimming in an outdoor pool at Gitmo, the day after Christmas, 1969.

Guantanamo Bay is a small, barren part of southern Cuba. The Americans cut down almost every tree and poured concrete and installed lights all over their side of the island. The only thing to do at night is take in a movie. There is no town or sign of civilian life. The Cubans who work at the Naval Station are bussed in every morning and returned to the border at night. Some days you could smell the sugar being burnt on Castro's Side.

The idea of keeping prisoners in open cells (providing there is shade) probably is better than being inside some hot jailhouse. The idea of torturing these prisoners is reprehensible. The whole situation sounds consistent with the policies adopted by George W. Bush.

Entered at Thu Dec 11 03:51:10 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal

But 90 years ago, my father was born and I'm happy to say he's doing well mentally and physically!

Entered at Thu Dec 11 03:46:25 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


and.... Forty years ago today, we lost Otis...

Entered at Thu Dec 11 02:44:41 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: bob w.; Ari; Rick's Friends

The best connecion I can make is that 'Little Feat' (or at least Lowell George and some others - I can't quite remember) appeared as guests on F-Troop as a beatnik (!) band, in one of Agarn's 'get-rich-quick' scams. Actually, he described it as a 'get rich slow' scam.

Ari: I've known of him for not much longer- and it's incredibly sad still

Thoughts to people like Glen, Carol, Lil and the others (I've undoubtedly missed many) who knew him.

Entered at Thu Dec 11 01:25:58 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: RIP Rick

You're still loved down here.

Entered at Thu Dec 11 01:25:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Oh Death

Speaking of torture, has anyone ever been inside the LaLaurie mansion on Royal Street in New Orleans?

Forgive me, Charlie Patton always does weird stuff to me.

Entered at Thu Dec 11 01:23:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Empty Now

"Civilizations in conflict" should be a contradiction in terms!

Canada exists in a valley between "the mountain peaks".

How long before the winds bring fallout from India/Pakistan or some other "civilized" country?

Entered at Thu Dec 11 01:04:49 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Steve

Obviously, I'm not in favor of torture of any kind. I do find their choice of music a bit odd. But anything at high decibel is awful.

Entered at Thu Dec 11 00:31:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Joan, I know you wouldn't really agree with any of it, really. Playing loud music sounds almost like torture light. If you add in the rest of the picture it's not quite as benign.

Picture someone blindfoled and chained to a cold tiled floor in a bone and muscle stressing position then showered with cold water on a regular basis as the temperature is lowered to close to the freezing point. The person is kept in this situation for 12 to 18 hours, with the music you mentioned being played at 11 for the whole time.

Sometimes the blindfold is removed and the torture continues with strobe lights to make the person more disoriented.

By doing this to people for as short a period as two consecutive days you can literally destroy people's grasp on reality.

This procedure is usually done in conjunction with the controlled drowning torture called waterboarding. There are many innocent people in Gitmo who are now so psychologically damaged they can't be released back into the societies they were abducted from. This is a war crime or crime against humanity, both describe what is still going on there and at similar sites around the globe.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 23:15:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Sesame Street? Torture

I might agree with some of it but Springsteen and Sesame Street??

U.S. military interrogators have often blasted music at detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay. According to the British law group Reprieve, these are among the songs they have used most frequently: �"Enter Sandman," Metallica. �"Bodies," Drowning Pool. �"Shoot to Thrill," AC/DC. �"Hell's Bells," AC/DC. �"I Love You," from the "Barney and Friends" children's TV show. �"Born in the USA," Bruce Springsteen. �"Babylon," David Gray. �"White America," Eminem. �"Sesame Street," theme song from the children's TV show. Other bands and artists whose music has been frequently played at U.S. detention sites: Aerosmith, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Don McLean, Lil' Kim, Limp Bizkit, Meat Loaf, Rage Against the Machine, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Tupac Shakur.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 23:06:53 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Kristie, keep on the lookout. You may get to see Norm perform at the next Bumbershoot.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 22:47:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

C.I. bass player of SlipAway

Location: Sweden
Web: My link

Just wanna say Thanks for keeping this great site running!

Entered at Wed Dec 10 22:11:45 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Thanks dlew. Sad about Rick being gone 9 years already. I've only known of him for almost 2 years.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 20:34:58 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Rick-JT

R.I.P. this is an "It makes no difference" day for me..... Jt-those are all also on the top of my list! I saw the fleet foxes and they had some of the most beautiful harmonies(not Band quality, but great)...Seattle is quickly becoming another hotbed of musical activity. The new "Beard rock" scene is going to make Seattle the hottest music scene in North America again....and all those guys love The Band...Fleet Foxes even thank them in their liner notes....If you have not heard The Cave Singers I really recommend them.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 19:52:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Jan F/ Empty

I love that ! Illinois is the new Louisiana. Actually, I think 3 of the last 6 Governors have done jail time. Our boy (NY) Spitzer was an ass, but at least it was personal.

Empty, thank you for that info on the Manhattan project. I did'nt know that. I actually have a cousin who worked on the project. We jokingly call him "The Spook".

Entered at Wed Dec 10 19:23:46 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Jeff, AKA, FriendO, the guy hardly needs to add some color or spark to his name. If you say it quickly, it sounds like one of those 4th of July, minor league explosives that Levon heaved into a car where a fellow Hawk was napping.

Jian Ghomeshi, my favorite entertainment guy on CBC radio played Christmas Must Be Tonight on his program "Q" this morning. He introduced the song as one of the few Christmas songs that is solid enough to stand on its own and be played year round.

Now if he'd only take my suggestion and get Garth into the studio as his musical/interview guest.

Brien, I'm doing some of the legwork on this Easter assignment I've requested of you. I've tracked Ronnie Ray Gun's burial site to the Reagan Library grounds. Ronnie seems to even have anticipated the need for a Christ like return. In a nod to that Easter Sunday a couple of K's ago, The Ray Gunner had a large round cement disk placed over his grave. I always thought The Ray Gunner lacked foresight, shows how little I knew about the guy.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 19:23:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Jan F.

Location: metro DC

Subject: Pictures/Politicians

BEG, pic of Levon looks like circa 1975 or 76/maybe one of the last concerts in California? Well, before TLW, of course.

Re: Politics - Illinois is the new Lousiana. Isn't the republican gov, last in office before this guy, in jail?


Entered at Wed Dec 10 19:15:53 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: Inspirational relationship

Thanks Steve for your reply and interest
�I'd rather be burned in Canada than to freeze here in the South� interesting about Amir, just watch to keep the Persian demography below the threshold to prevent a pretext that wide Quebec be wiped by nuke.
I was rather pondering on the easiness of communication, I should say complicity, which always prevailed between members from the elites belonging to civilizations in conflict, the practice was particularly visible among scientists from miscellaneous European countries in war by the 18th century.
there is an Arab proverbial for such situations : �mountains peaks see each other�
it applies on Friend0 and me in The Band GB context too
as for Mario Dumont, he is a well known in Constantine, see proverb above
German were the first in race for the Atomic bomb, if ever realized their one was intended to wipe London first. Writing my morning post, I had in mind Fulcanelli (1839 � still alive) master of alchemists, the one after which Zappa named the solo "But Who Was Fulcanelli?" album �Guitar�. The alchemists quest for the philosopher's stone is led by spiritual discipline, to sustain the level of activity of the spirit constantly high, for only aim no more.
There was 21 Nobel Laureates in the Manhattan Project. Fulcanelli appeared in June 1937 in a laboratory of the Gas Board in Paris, to tell French atomic physicist Andr� Hellbronner that the secret of the atomic bomb was known since ages by alchemist, and indeed to warn him of man's impending use of nuclear weapons :
"You're on the brink of success, as indeed are several other scientists today. Please, allow me, be very very careful. I warn you, The liberation of atomic energy is easier than you think and the radioactivity artificially produced can poison the atmosphere of our planet in a very short time�
meanwhile the Gestapo did a more expeditive warning, as they assassinated A Hellbronner, and a whole list of French physicists in 1945, no one can deny at the Nazi's their innate sense of action

Entered at Wed Dec 10 18:38:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Steve: You're right. We did. I was confusing it with BFB. I should pay more attention to where I'm playing, I guess.

What is it about "F Troop" this week? First it gets a nod on "Boston Legal" moments before Jim Spader accepts Bill Shatner's proposal of marriage, then we have dlew mentioning Larry Storch.

I can imagine Larry taking Bill's place in "Star Trek", but not Jim's in "Sex, Lies and Videotape".

NB: The Disciples would be the first to admit to not being the Hawks, but they were a very good goup, despite the need for smarm once they got the TV show. Hawkins knew our guys were going to bail on him, so he hired the Disciples as insurance, and had them play on one floor while Levon etc played on the other floor - and he commuted up and down for alternating sets. When Milne and Troiano left they were replaced by Kirk Shearer and Terry Bush, who'd been playing in a little group with Richard Bell.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 18:33:09 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Missing Rick

9 years gone. RIP Rick. We miss you.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 17:47:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

linked, Jeremy Baum band gig dates in Piermont NY, just above NYc, tomorrow, Middletown NY, very soon, and Kingston NY, in January.

Nutjob and Steve will appreciate the nameplay in Baum's calendar page heading

And for those of you who rememebr the Dicey Ross Blues Band, Robert Ross is gigging all over the NY New jersey area. He has Mark Dann on bass and Steve Holly on drums. Holly is one mothafucka drummer, and Dann is a great bassist, and a recording engineer. He moved his studio from NY to woodstock a few years back. Garth has recorded there plenty. Dann, however, has put his 2" machine away, and when I spoke to him a few years back, wasn't breaking it back out then.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 17:14:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

You'll have to scroll down the page a little to see the pics.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 17:11:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Web: My link

Subject: Pics of Rick

I was Christmas shopping when I heard the news of Rick's passing. It was a dreary rainy day like it is today in the tri-state area of NY, NJ, CT. I was stunned. I really can't recall much of that day except hearing a Band song on the radio while I sat in traffic on Rt. 1 and being quite sad.

The pic of Rick, Garth and Aaron is from 6 weeks before Rick passed. It was the last time I saw Rick. The pic below it is from a month earlier at our wedding.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 16:53:45 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

My favorite guitar album of the year is Brad Paisley's "Play", featuring guest appearances by Buck Owens, B.B. King, James Burton, Vince Gill, Albert Lee, John Jorgenson, Brent Mason, Redd Volkaert, Steve Wariner, Keith Urban and Andy Griffith. This album smokes!

Comeback album of the year goes to Donnie Fritts' "One Foot In The Groove", produced by Dan Penn.

A few more faovrites include Randall Bramblett's "Now It's Tomorrow", Alejandro Escovedo's "Real Animal" and Patty Loveless' "Sleepless Nights".

Entered at Wed Dec 10 16:24:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Wisconsin

Subject: Responses

BEG....thanks. ROZ....Many of us in Wisconsin call the interesting politics in Illnois TRADITION. And every election we say (with a smirk) "Vote Early and Vote Often".

Entered at Wed Dec 10 16:19:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: 2008 CDs - my list of what shone.

Not necessarily in this order.... 1. Dear Science, by TV On The Radio 2. Fleet Foxes by Fleet Foxes 3. Dig!!! Lazarus Dig!!! by Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds 4. Sugar Mountain: Live At Canterbury House 1968 by Neil Young 5. Stay Positive by The Hold Steady.

Tell Tale Signs and Hank Williams Lost Radio Shows are also highly recommended.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 15:42:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Can you connect the recently mentioned Larry Storch to the Band?

Entered at Wed Dec 10 14:58:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Ari

I think it's Richard with Robbie. (Though I often get Richard and Rick confused...)

Having said that, I think the similarities between Rick and Richard's help create teh vocal blend: you then throw in Levon's different tone, and WHAM! Best vocal blend.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 14:56:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: NB: NB

Actually, though Jeff's correct, in Jan's GB, you don't need to tinyurl it (or at least I havent' yet).

So, copy, and paste into Webpage.

It comes up 'My Link': which I think is actually very clever.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 14:29:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Hey Spice Nut, if Jeff's directions seem a little too complicated for "U who" shall remain brainless, U can just open the page U want to post, hi-lite the address, then click cut(under edit), then go to the GB posting page, click on Web page ( the yellow box, U Who) and then click copy ( also under Edit, U Who). Of course, I'm assuming, U Who, knows how to hi-lite.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 14:16:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: After a point it's not where you are from, it;s where you are going. Or is it all too closely related to know the GAWD Damn difference?
Web: My link

Subject: Hellbilly / What would Hank think?

Apparently Hank Williams the Third holds philosphical and theological beliefs very different from Brien's.

Scroll Down to Straight To Hell.

It's a video of Young Hank The Third performing the title cut from his album Straight To Hell. The posted lyrics talk about fucking the sheriff's wife.Apparently the song is in a medley that begins with the Louvin brother composition, Satan Is Real.

Brien, if you and your wife ever revow your vows, I suggest you do not hire Hank The Third to perform at your reception. But just in case you meet him in your travels, Hank does appear ot be someone that might enjoy discussing the existence of Satan with you.

His band does sound pretty Gawd Damn Good.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 14:14:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Keeping Track of The Immigrants In The South North Pilgrimage

Empty, there's something Levon/J2Rs in the inspirational relationship between Leo and Yeats. Hard to put the finger on exactly but there's something there.

One of the people who took the Quran quote to heart about the earth being wide, got elected to our National Assembly here in Quebec on Monday.

Amir Khadir, a doctor born in Iran, is the co leader and co-founder of Quebec Solidaire, a left wing, feminist, ecologist, socialist leaning party that is only 2 years old.

Mr. Kadhir is the first member of his party to get elected to the National Assembly.

A right wing, anti immigrant, pro catholic party that has been gaining in popularity over the last decade was almost completely rejected in this election, losing half their support. Their divide and conquer leader, Mario Dumont, resigned the night of the election and since he was the face of and the most popular member of the party it may mean the end of Quebec's flirtation with hate politics of anti immigration. Good riddance.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 13:57:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Step 1

NB, I'll be a chum and contribute the first step.

Step #1.

Turn ON the Computer.

Okay, you copy the damn link. Go to www.tinyurl. Create your link by pasting it into the appropriate spot, etc. Then check it, copy it,paste it into Jan's Web Page box.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 13:47:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike (Plochmann Lane)

Web: My link

Subject: Also remembering Otis Redding.

Otis passed away in '67 @ the age of 26 from a plane crash.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 13:25:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike (Plochmann Lane)

Web: My link

Subject: Remembering Rick Danko today.......

Entered at Wed Dec 10 13:24:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

The Starlites!a young Rick Danko,Junior and the Glenster on drums
Added June 19, 2007

Added by Rebecca from a Tribute to Rick Danko and Richard Manuel

Entered at Wed Dec 10 13:13:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Remembering Rick Danko today and always....

Archive for Saturday, December 11, 1999

Rick Danko; Canadian Musician and Key Member of Rock Group the Band
By Richard Cromelin
December 11, 1999 in print edition A-30

On December 11, 1999 I was at my brother's place to have my birthday dinner and it was here that he told me of Rick's passing (Richard Clare Danko, Dec. 29 1942 - Dec. 10 1999) as he read about it in the paper. Or was it a week later? He knew I was a Band fan.....I simply thought he was putting me on that day 'cause it didn't make sense that it could be true. The news at the time really made me feel very sad on a day that I was supposed to celebrate my day. I think what I dig the most about his voice is the innocence and the pain that he is able to share with all of us and the way he tried to reach those notes that came out of his soul. It must be so sweet to have so many fans and friends and family always speak so lovingly about you Rick.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 13:00:09 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Levon Photo...Where is it from?

Entered at Wed Dec 10 10:47:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

�This tireless traveler, this Leo of Africa, he is me�
� W. B. Yeats in �The Wanderings of Oisin� (1889) � pronounce Usheen [like Obama and Saddam]

William Butler Yeats (1865 � 1939) Irish poet and dramatist, Nobel Prize of Literature 1923 "for his always inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation"
Notice that Yeats cited Leo in 1889, whereas he encountered him for the first time in 1912

Leo Africanus (1488 � 1554) was born Al Hassan Ibn Muhammad Al Wazzan Al Fasi, in Granada, he traveled the world since he recorded the details in his book �A Description of Africa� Fez, Western Africa (Timbuktu, The Kingdom of Songhay in his heyday, Kano, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Yemen, Arabia, Egypt, Istanbul, Persia, the tour of the Caspian Sea. Upon his return trip in 1518, his ship was captured by pirates near the island of Jerba. He was taken first to Rhodes, headquarters for the Knights of St. John, and then sold as slave to Pope Leo X. The Pope adopted him advisor. He converted to Christianity in 1520, and baptized Giovanni Leone de Medicis.

On 9 May 1912, William Butler Yeats was attending a seance in London when a mysterious voice emerged from the end of a tin trumpet placed in the middle of the table around which the participants sat. Addressing itself to "Mr. Gates," the voice declared that it belonged to a spirit that had been with the poet since his birth. In what Yeats later noted to be a stagy Irish accent, this spirit ultimately named itself as "Leo the writer and explorer" (A, 19). Subsequent research by Yeats turned up the figure of Leo Africanus, born al-Hasan ibn Mohammed al-Wezaz, al-Fasi. What followed was a six-year esoteric dialogue between Yeats and his imagined Africanus through various psychic media such as seances, card readings, and automatic writing sessions. Though skeptical, Yeats began to write a series of letters to Africanus, (as well as their replies)
Brad Steiger wrote �He won the Nobel Prize for literature by taking rhymes from the spirit world�

What bothers me the most, is that Leo�s mentality was at the opposite side of poetry, how could he become mentor and inspirer of such a monument as Yeats?
Those experiences of encounter with men from another time, did anybody here in The Band GB ever feel the need to chat a bit with somebody from the past (preferably a non VIP historic, though if the question was asked me i would think first St-Agustine, Mungo Park, Che Gevara, priority order) in moments of loneliness ?
here is a thread for The Band GB

Entered at Wed Dec 10 10:25:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: Metal Mickey

Produced by Micky Dolenz, aka Corky the Circus Boy. My kids loved it.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 07:36:33 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: it always changes when I leave home, so I don't anymore.

Subject: Reconciling Robbie Lane (and the Disciples) With Ronnie

I remember Robbie Lane had kind of a teeny-bopper TV show when I was allegedly growing up in Toronto in the '60's. As I recall it was kind of shmarmy and he mugged the camera a lot, but hey not knowing any better and what was even worse, not knowing we didn't know any better, as kids we lapped it up anyway. Yet Robbie Lane was a Hawk, wasn't he ? I find these two things hard to reconcile. (But then again, I find it hard to reconcile calling any beer made by Bud, "Bud Light". Kinda redundant isn't it ? At least by alcohol content standards in Canucklehead beer. Not that I drink that crap either, just Guinness). Peter, when are you doing your baker's dozen or baker's top-ten albums of '08 list ? Liked the #5 spot on your top ten tracks list. NB

Entered at Wed Dec 10 07:00:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Boy

Location: Is Everything !

Subject: ... And It Makes No Diffidence

Now that I've ditched dial-up and gone all super- techno with Hi-Def internet, anyone mind telling me how to do one of those Link thingies ? Keep in mind my barely-Amish, Ludite level of computer expertise. In fact if it involves more that two steps, better write it down for me, Ok ? Thanks

Entered at Wed Dec 10 04:43:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Subject: this is killing me.

For the life of me I cannot tell who is actually singing along with Robbie on "To Kingdom Come". Is it Rick or Richard? Is Levon in there also? I guess I'm thinking it's Richard because sources say so but it sounds more like Rick to me. It really bothers me because whoever it is, it's really a great vocal. Also...I thought there used to be some arguement over who sang Holy Cow. It's clearly Rick, how was there any doubt in that? What year was Rick born? 42 or 43?

Entered at Wed Dec 10 03:08:16 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Take Your Partner By The Hand

Entered at Wed Dec 10 03:06:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Go Back To Your Woods

Entered at Wed Dec 10 01:54:46 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Bill, didn't we just spend the last 5 years in Little Pink? Now you've got me thinking TWILIGHT ZONE.

Brien, I'm assigning you a task. Now, there's no hurry to get on with this so relax, you got all winter to prepare.

With the US, the Capitol of Capital and Capitalism now turning to failed Ruskie ideology complete with Car Czars and state control of banking and housing, I think you should make plans to stake out Ronnie Ray Guns burial site on Easter Sunday. The guy's got to be doing 360's in the grave, and you know you can't keep a good man down when action is required.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 01:48:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Hey Dlew. much more Storch than Nicholson. Maybe a combo of the two & etc, with a little Nicholson thrown in.

I was in the men's room at the same time as Dolenz at the cutting Room Donovan show that Garth participated in. Dolenz looks a lot more beat up, small and aged in person than in that pic. None of that makes him a bad guy.

I loved The Monkees when i was a little kid. (I'm a 58 edition. And The Beatles, Animals, Stones......

Entered at Wed Dec 10 01:22:21 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Any show which has Frank Zappa as a guest star is all right by me

And the Monkees used slapstick at a time when it was neither popular nor profitable...

So I'm a fan

But, is it just me, or has Mickey Dolenz morphed into Jack Nicholson? (I also see Larry Storch)...

Entered at Wed Dec 10 01:03:37 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Where's Pat Brennan? P A T ? Love that Governer of yours

Entered at Wed Dec 10 00:34:09 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Subject: Jenny Lewis

Kristie: I left Jenny Lewis off my favorite CDs of 2008 only because I haven't heard her whole new solo CD. My daughter first told me about Rilo Kiley and their lead singer, Jenny Lewis, a couple of years ago and I've liked everything I've heard from them (and her). I remember hearing her on Bob Dylan's radio show, too.

Entered at Wed Dec 10 00:30:08 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Joan: my 7-year-old neice loves the Monkees thanks to her father owning the entire series on DVD. Better them than Madonna.

Entered at Tue Dec 9 22:50:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Mickey Dolenz

Am I really getting this old?

Jean I recall you saying Mickey was your favorite.

Entered at Tue Dec 9 21:42:47 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Steve: You mean that himself is now hanging his hat over there? And they let him in? That's gotta be more shocking than any discussion of Anais Nin.

Entered at Tue Dec 9 21:39:19 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Bill, in Little Pink, that comment about Levon writing the forward would bring the tallest man on the face of the planet in with a jab about the first ghost written forward in book publishing. Maybe Stretch is suffering a little bout of Spice Boy's diffidence disease.

Entered at Tue Dec 9 21:35:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: The new laurel canyon scene

I was happy to see Jenny Lewis is at the head of the pack in terms of new music coming out of Laurel canyon. She is the best of the new songwriters, and although the critic's darling, unknown outside of the"indie" scene. I have seen her live four times(twice with her band Rilo Kiley and twice solo) and I think those were some of the best shows I have ever been to. Her new one"Acid tongue" Is at the top of my list for 2008. And did I mention Zimmy and Elvis Costello(who enlisted her and boyfriend Jonathan Rice to sing on "Momofuku" and in turn sang on "Acid tongue" and even used her band for awhile) are big fans? She has been featured on Theme time twice(once for Rilo Kiley and once for her solo record"Rabbit for coat").

Entered at Tue Dec 9 21:19:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Ari S: Thanks for the Corky Laing link. A couple of interest links between the Band and "Mississippi Queen". Not only is there Corky's contribution, but another of the co-writers of the song was guitarist David Rea, see yesterday's post. Levon, as noted previously, wrote the preface to Corky's autobiog.

BEG: Thanks for the links, especially the photo of the Hawks and the Disciples. That's Robbie Lane behind Freddy McNulty, Bill Cudmore on harmonica, Sonny Milne on drums, Gene Trach on bass. The guy in the white shirt at the right must be saxman Bert Hermiston. Domenic Troiano was the Disciples' guitarist at the time though I didn't see him in the photo.

Entered at Tue Dec 9 18:37:47 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: For our Canadian posters from the Daily Show

A link to a segment of last night's Daily Show with John Stewart.

Entered at Tue Dec 9 16:22:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Jan F.

When I was "home" for Thanksgiving in Alabama, I heard Buddy Buie's health is deteriorating. He, John Rainey Atkins, and Bobby Goldsboro are my hometown's "claim to R & R fame. . . "


Entered at Tue Dec 9 15:48:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: The Eagles

Tickets go on sale tomorrow morning for The Eagles next July. Birmingham, Manchester and Glasgow. The Observer's music mag did a ranking of the best UK gigs this year. Leonard Cohen no 2, Neil Young no 5. I was there for both. GO Canada. My son was there for both and for No 9 - Tom Waits. More usually, I look at such lists and don't recognise the names of the bands...

Entered at Tue Dec 9 15:27:16 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: Spooky

In 1967 saxophonist Mike (Shapiro) Sharpe recorded a catchy instrumental he'd written with Harry Middlebrooks entitled "Spooky" at LeFevre Sound Studio in Atlanta. Released on the Liberty label, it became a regional hit here, but also caught the attention of some other musicians recording for Bill Lowery in Atlanta. Buddy Buie & J.R. Cobb added some lyrics to the song and it was recorded by the Classics IV, becoming their first hit record in 1968.

Local Atlanta musicians, bassist Emory Gordy, Jr. and drummer Dennis St. John played on both versions of the song. Mike Sharpe also played sax on the Classics IV version. Gordy and St. John later became members of Neil Diamond's band. Dennis St. John also accompanied Diamond on "Dry Your Eyes" at The Last Waltz with The Band.

Entered at Tue Dec 9 14:16:13 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Robbie Video: Mahk Jchi: Heartbeat Drum Song 1994 (One of Robbie's daughters Delphine is also here.)

Entered at Tue Dec 9 14:06:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Robbie 1991...What About Now Video

Entered at Tue Dec 9 14:04:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link re previous photo

September 14, 2006

"I'm tired of all these Band - Robbie Robertson-Ronnie - Hawkins sites. Jan Haust of Other People's Music interviewed me 2 weeks ago for an article on the Suedes(Robbie,Scott,Pete T.Gene M.and myself). When Jan first contacted me about 2 years ago he said he was doing a history of Toronto bands and musicians.This conversation inspired the creation of my website,Toronto's Secret.

When I visited his Other People's Music website the Band seemed his central focus.

When I speak to Jan again, I'll have to express my disappointment that he says little about how Toronto and its musicians contributed to the success of the Hawk, and the Band."

Entered at Tue Dec 9 14:01:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Robbie and The Disciples with The Hawks

Entered at Tue Dec 9 12:51:27 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: I see there is no, only all

Thanks Steve, for the Johanna�s vision

Hubris, is a term used in modern English for overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance: ancient GreekHubris, was considered a crime in Athens. It was also considered the greatest sin of the ancient Greek world. That was so because every excessive pride resulted in violent acts with fatal retribution by or to those involved
The word was also used to describe actions of those who challenged the gods
In proverbial terms, hubris is thus the pride that comes before a fall.

OZYMANDIAS - Percy Bysshe Shelley (1818.)
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away

� Ozymandias was another name of Ramesses the Great, Pharaoh of the 19th dynasty of ancient Egypt, in the Western imaginary, one of those described as �none of them can stop the time�

Keith Reid wasn't writing poetry; he was writing rock lyrics � clip linked above �Conquistador �, Procul Harum

Entered at Tue Dec 9 12:21:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Roz, Mark David Chapman, was detained or something. His identical twin brother, Mark Lindsay Chapman, was his stand in for the role.

Entered at Tue Dec 9 12:16:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Roz, his identical twin brother, Mark Lindsay Chapman, got the role. Mark David Chapman couldn't make it, he was detained or something.

Entered at Tue Dec 9 04:15:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Ari,Great link. Corky shoud drink more coffee. Everybody's a drummer!

Kind a looks like like a healthy younger keith Richards.

Entered at Tue Dec 9 03:49:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Good dig!

Ari - Thanks for that one, a good dig for sure.

Entered at Tue Dec 9 03:39:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Web: My link

Subject: Corky Laing

Corky Laing, who talks about his writing Mississippi Queen, credits his drumming on Mississippi Queen as being influenced by Levon's drumming on Cripple Creek. P.S. Corky also does a really funny impression of Levon

Entered at Tue Dec 9 02:52:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Charlie Y

To be fair to Townshend, he did describe advertising as the great art of the 20th century,so it's not as if he was a REAL sell -out (;-)). He also, in an interview I saw once about lifeHouse, say something along the lines of not doing the lifehouse project for the money - when he needs money, he can sell another song to Jerry Bruckheimer (or CSI))...

Entered at Tue Dec 9 02:20:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Weird and Creepy Vibes aka Instant Karma

Steve - Mark David Chapman played John Lennon in Chapter 27? Far-out! No wonder Yoko was pissed and tried her damndest to stop the release of this thing.

Very creepy about the Dakota being the place where Rosemary's Baby had been made

J.D. Salinger - Weird creepy vibe
Roman Polanski - Weird creepy vibe
Charles Manson - Weird creepy vibe
John Lennon - Weird creepy vibe
Mark David Chapman - Weird creepy vibe

From Holden Caulfield to Holden Caulfield...equals circle with five points inside

Entered at Tue Dec 9 01:12:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Auburn Burrell and Tom Robb, also from Mylon's band, also appeared on one of David Rea's solo albums (produced by Pappalardi, naturally). Rea, from Ohio, I believe, moved in the early '60s to Toronto, where he taught Neil Young a valuable tuning trick (see "Shakey"), became Lightfoot's guitarist (1st album at least), then Ian and Sylvia's guitarist (which is likely where he met Pappalardi, who was session bassist on some I&S records) just prior to Amos Garrett, and was employed by Robbie Robertson to play lead guitar on Jesse Winchester's first. In the '70s he spent some time in England, occupying the Richard Thompson lead guitar chair in Fairport during one of their bleak periods (no recordings). I saw him in clubs a couple times in the late '70s when he was back in Toronto - living with, for a while, the woman who introduced me to Levon backstage at a Cates Brothers gig at the Le Coq D'Or. It all connects.

Entered at Tue Dec 9 00:42:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Auburn Burrell and Barry Bailey also worked with Allen Toussaint on some other projects, including Frankie Miller's 1974 album "Highlife". Mylon LeFevre first achieved success as a songwriter, while still in his teens, when Elvis recorded one of his songs on his huge hit gospel album.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 23:32:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: That kiss

Charlie Y, you asked for it Streisand and W.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 23:22:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Joe J: To add a bit to David P's post, Bobby Goldsboro was also in the Candymen for a time - before "Honey" of course. Burrell (and Bailey too, I think) stuck around with Mylon at least as long as his second album (for Felix Pappalardi's Windfall Productions - Felix produced it) and the ensuing tour by Mylon's Holy Smoke Band. I saw them opening for ELP - the Tarkus tour - at the NAC in Ottawa in '71. They were exceptionally wasted - though not enough to make them stab the organ (as did E) or play the gong with the mouth (as did P). Holy Smoke even had two Canuckistanis among the southerners - Marty Simon, who soon moved to England to be in the great Sharks with Chris Spedding and Andy Fraser, and JP Lauzon, who soon returned to Montreal to join the Wackers.

David P: Did I mention a couple of weeks ago that I passed up the chance to buy three or four LeFevre family gospel LPs from the '60s. No Mylon - just some older brothers, parents and maybe an uncle.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 22:58:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Rodney Justo, Robert Nix and Dean Daughtry were members of the Candymen, who backed Roy Orbison on the road for many years. They joined J.R. Cobb, who was a member of the Classics IV, and local Atlanta musicians Barry Bailey & Paul Goddard to form the Atlanta Rhythm Section. Daughtry had also worked with the Classics IV. Producer/songwriter/manager Buddy Buie worked with all three groups.

Bailey, Daughtry & Goddard, along with former Classics IV members Auburn Burrell & Kim Venable, played on Mylon LeFevre's 1970 debut album on Cotillion (the same label that Ronnie Hawkins was signed to at the time). Allen Toussaint produced that fine Mylon album.

Auburn Burrell later played on David Blue's 1976 Asylum album "Cupid's Arrow, along with Levon, David Lindley and Jesse Edwin Davis.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 22:45:20 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Subject: Bill M

They say "Ah Uh...I should have more"

Entered at Mon Dec 8 22:38:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Subject: The Who Sell Out

Thanks for the article on the Kennedy Center Honors, Joan. I guess the Kennedy Center Honor makes The Who officially accepted by "the Establishment" after all these years. Townshend may have sold out years ago by letting his songs turn up as TV ads and theme songs, but I'm still a fan of The Who.

I'm hoping that kiss between Barbra Streisand and George W. Bush makes it to the TV broadcast on the 30th. They deserve each other.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 22:13:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

joe j

Location: Southside

Subject: Classics IV

When I think Classics IV I get Dennis Yost's voice and sax solos. 'Traces', 'Spooky' and 'Stormy'. I believe there's a link to Roy Orbison but I don't know it. I'm sure one of the regulars can make a link with our boys.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 21:44:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Kennedy Center Honors

Pete Townsend and Roger Daltrey among others are honored.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 21:22:32 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Kevin J: Good thing you're okay with it, 'cause being Canadian I save my "your welcomes" for the bank machine. I wonder what Americans say?

David P: Did Dennis Yost (RIP) do anything with that great voice of his after the Classics Ivy? (I don't think he was ARS.)

Entered at Mon Dec 8 21:13:15 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: Welcome to The Valley of (Out Come The Freaks)

All I'll say is check out my first two choices, The Webb Sisters and Was (Not Was). Both great. If I have to choose one album for the year (which I will) I reckon it's Was (Not Was) with "Boo".

Entered at Mon Dec 8 21:05:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Subject: Bill M

Gee Bill �..Thanks. It was a tough choice. I was going to call Peter names � then thought �no that�s been done�. I was going to go Carol on him and tell him how he doesn�t impress me much but the fact is, he does � very much � most of the time. If only we could straighten him out on Cher, John Ford, Peter Seeger, SUV�s and Jeff Beck, life would be grand.

Oh, and no need to say �you�re welcome� that would be too Canadian. Just grunt and say �uh ha�.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 21:04:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Empty, of course it lives in their heads. Don't we all live in our heads. On a more important note, Bob Dylan mentioned your name to me on the weekend.

I opened Bob Dylan Anthology 2 and came face to face with your name, well sort of.

Bob mentions you in Peter's perfect song, Visions of Johanna.

When you come to the end of the first verse the book gives you the first couple of words to each of the next verses which are back on the first page of the song so when you come to the end of verse #1 it looks like this.

2. In the EMPTY

3. NOW,

Bill that's a new name to me.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 19:57:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: R.I.P. Dennis Yost

"Faded photograph
Covered now with lines and creases
Tickets torn in half
Memories in bits and pieces
Traces of love long ago
That didn't work out right
Traces of love"*

Sad to report that Dennis Yost of the Classics IV passed away yesterday.

(*written by Buddy Buie, J.R. Cobb & Emory Gordy, Jr.)

Entered at Mon Dec 8 19:39:45 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Subject: The Band

I investigated publicly in The Band GB what people who emigrate expect ordinarily as new life in new hosting lands. I had to expose what I know about the manifest reasons that motivate people to leave their native country either.
In the South to North direction clause, the all economical fact didn�t explain all, as didn�t the political nor the religious facts nor the �way of life�, and any kind of pretext usually mediated as a matter of fact. Actually the reason often lives in the head of the emigrant only. I heard the crowds of youngsters who attend the queue in front of Canada embassy repeatedly evoke a Quran verse,
�And every time you saw that the mind of your neighbor is narrow, say Allah has made for you the Earth wide spread�
for many the only verse they retained, though i find it sublime i don�t realize that width means Canada
the most clever explanation, has been suggested to me by an intellectual, as all the countries all around the Mediterranean coastline, by tradition, have been since the beginning of times exporter of persons. Very interesting, they are born with a need to see the world, and they see it for a too long time
as true there are countries which are by tradition not problematic receptacle for emigration. Australia in pole position today, dlew919, Canada in 2nd place
the morals based belief of Hillary's attachment to Zionistan is by protective measure against the Czar persecution of the chosen people � good God! what Czar? Ahmadinejad was accused of satanism (by self proclaimed humanist of The Band GB too) for saying that
Add a bit of natural aversion against the Arabic element, and you get the good recipe, btw, I missed Kim Jong-il in the list of good Arab leaders I posted lately
since the beginning of times, nature in its ever renewed work of regeneration let the simple-minded trust in their providential role

Entered at Mon Dec 8 18:58:58 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

David P: Nice to see you mention Harry Van Walls, one of Atlantic's main session pianists on its R&B records of the '50s. The guy pretty much disappeared from the scene in the early '60s and wasn't rediscovered until the '80s. Turns out he spent most of that time in Quebec - Montreal and the northern mining towns (Alma, Rouyn and Noranda) where there was plenty of well paying work for musicians. He enjoyed something of a comeback in the '80s and '90s, with festival work and even some new recordings (still based out of Montreal). Maybe Landmark and/or Steve can add more?

Entered at Mon Dec 8 18:55:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Monty Python

Eric Idle has put up a website called Pythonline. I have already spent a great deal of time there I love the recipes, especially the one for Vegetarian spam. It is an excellent place to waste time if you are a Monty Python fan. Enjoy!

Entered at Mon Dec 8 17:41:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Tor Hershman

Location: Place Of The Skull, West Virgini�
Web: My link

Subject: Speakin' of Faith Based.....

Here�s that classic Xmas parody song THE LITTLE BUMMER BOY Listen and/or download for free Stay on groovin' safari, Tor Hershman

Entered at Mon Dec 8 17:34:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


JQ, I think Hillary's attachment to Israel is at least as much faith based as political, but in US politics it's actually hard to see where one ends and the other begins.

I heard a review of Neil's Friday night concert in Toronto. It was all positive. Basically, Neil, sings, plays and rocks like it's still 1969. The person doing the review said that when Neil performed Needle And The Damage Done the effect was as powerful as when he originally did it, even the youngins in the crowd got it. Neither Neil or the song has faded .

Entered at Mon Dec 8 16:04:13 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: The Year In Song

A few more to add to the list:

Levon Helm Band -- "MerleFest Ramble 2008"
Shelby Lynne -- "Just A Little Lovin'"
Gary Louris -- "Vagabonds"
Lucinda Williams -- "Little Honey"
Various Artists -- "The Imus Ranch Record"

Entered at Mon Dec 8 15:15:46 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: Vinyl

Good find, David � sadly, what use would a Julie London LP be without the sleeve? She counts as "highly collectable" among the sleeves afficianados. There are some great ones.

My best find last week was "To Know Him Is To Love Him" by The Teddy Bears in very good condition for �1. (Phil Spector)

Entered at Mon Dec 8 14:57:15 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Location: Down in Old Virginny

Subject: Levon & Randy

Peter: I was about to put "Dirt Farmer" on my list of favorite releases of the year but noticed the year 2007 on my copy.

Thanks for reminding me of the Randy Newman. That's one of the best things from him in years and certainly one of the best of THIS year.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 14:45:11 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike (Plochmann Lane)

Web: My link

Subject: Other b'days.

Gregg Allman turns 61 & Sammy Davis, Jr. (his frmr Malibu house was The Band's brown album recording site) would have turned 83.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 14:37:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: My Top 10 CD purchases this year...

None are new, I don't think. But these have gone on high rotation on the iPod...

Genius, Warren Zevon

Elephant, White Stripes

The Best of AMH (or was that from last year? #1 if this year, #3 if last year))

The Essential Bill Monroe

The Best of the Carter Family

Johnny Cash; Teh Sun Years

Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd

Dylan; John Wesley Harding

Louis Prima; Five guys named Moe

The Best of the Blues (one of those comps which you pick up for a fiver (or five bucks) which just has winner after winner on it)

I think that's 10: I haven't heard much 'new' music this year, and that what I did hear was fairly execrable 'I kissed a girl for the first time' ... bleah...

Entered at Mon Dec 8 14:31:34 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike (Plochmann Lane)

Web: My link

Subject: Happy b'day to the Lizard King.

Jim Morrison would have turned 65-yrs old today. Too soon gone.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 14:26:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike (Plochmann Lane)

Web: My link

Subject: Poster/plaque from The Band's '74 Wembley Stadium performance for sale on eBay.

Someone is selling this commemorative item for over $1K.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 13:26:19 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: Top Ten Tracks (There are 13 of them) 2008

2008 Favourite tracks:

1) I Still Hear It . The Webb Sisters (Daylight Crossing)

2) It�s a Miracle. Was not Was (Boo!)

3) Born in Time. Bob Dylan. (Tell Tall Signs)

4) Dance Till We�re High. The Fireman aka Paul McCartney (Electric Argument)

5) Didn�t it Rain. Jim Byrnes (House of Refuge)

6) Another Day That Time Forgot. Neil Diamond. (Home Before Dark).

7) Drive Like I�ve Never Been Hurt. Ry Cooder (I, Flathead)

8) Morning Beat. Brian Wilson (That Lucky Old Sun).

9) Harps and Angels. Randy Newman. (Harps and Angels).

10) Underground. Lindsey Buckingham. (The Gift of Screws).

11) Backwoods Barbie. (Dolly Parton). (Backwoods Barbie)

12) Trouble. Little Feat & Friends. (Join The Band).

13) Jesus. Glen Campbell. (Meet Glen Campbell).

Entered at Mon Dec 8 13:20:16 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Chapter 27

Having Mark Chapman play John Lennon definitely was weirdly symbolic but I'm not quite sure of what.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 13:12:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: 2008

Charlie, thanks for getting in first with the Best of 2008. I�m a bit depressed about 2008 in music. Of the Top Fifty in two music magazines, I only had three or four (or had heard three or four) so I feel singularly unqualified this year. Most of my purchases have been reissues or compilations. I will look at your list and try and extend my 2008 exposure � I haven�t heard the Jackson Browne. I love Taj but was put off by a series of �same old same old� reviews. �Nine Lives� was initially impressive, but the incessant samey rhythms dominate and get boring. After last year�s obvious number one, Dirt Farmer, this year has been a totally Band-free zone (discounting the Merlefest download as that�s not a release).

This year, I felt albums were getting back to the sixties � two or three good tracks and that was it for most of them. �Dirt Farmer� was a �listen right through� album last year, but nothing much this year grabs me enough to stop me selecting tracks after the first couple of plays. I think I�ll do a Top Ten tracks first! But I reckon 2008 was a very dull year indeed.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 05:14:15 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Chapter 27

I never put it together before. It all makes sense now... like a little circle with a weird symbol inside.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 04:55:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: kaboom

Brien Sz - I think you're mostly right that mutually assured destruction as a deterrent has a decent track record. So then let's allow Israel & Iran to enter that scenario. That Israel has a nuke (we should know) and has no fighting or at-risk presence in Iraq or Afghanistan is a largely unheralded truth and that's an hypocrisy and a PR problem for us. Hillary has had an Israel-first mentality like any good neo-con, but that may have only been expedient politically given her constituency. So we'll see have to see how she manages these new & very choppy waters.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 00:59:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Bring In Inspector Clouseau

I'm listening to a program at the moment that is intertwined with the GB nuke posts. More than 50 nukes have been lost by the US and Russia since the 50's.

Most of the Russian ones went down with subs while the US seems to lose theirs in plane accidents. 4 fell on Spain, 4 on Greenland, one off the coast of North Carolina and a couple more when a plane carrying nukes slid off the Ticonderoga into the South China Sea while trying to land at the end of the Vietnam War.

Entered at Mon Dec 8 00:25:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Scratch my last statement - for some reason I thought Iran had nuclear weapons..,

Entered at Sun Dec 7 23:41:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Location: Down in Old Virginny

Subject: Favorite 2008 Releases

Jack: I have enjoyed that Arlen Roth CD also. For all the talk about declining CD sales, there have been a lot of good ones this year. Maybe not a lot of GREAT ones, but still a remarkable number of enjoyable CDs--several with connections to The Band in some way. Here is a list of some of my favorite releases from this year, in no particular order:

Willie Nelson & Wynton Marsalis, "Two Men with the Blues" (dynamic duo delivers)

The Waifs, "Sundirtwater" (Australian sister act matures after motherhood)

Thao with the Get Down Stay Down, "Wee Brave Bee Stings and All" (Vietnamese-American college pal of my daughter makes the big time, complete with simultaneous vinyl edition)

Taj Mahal, "Maestro"

Steve Winwood, "Nine Lives"

Sam Bush, "On the Road"

Ry Cooder, "I, Flathead"

Richie Havens, "Nobody Left to Crown"

Ray Davies, "Working Man's Cafe"

The Pretenders, "Break Up the Concrete"

Ollabelle, "Before This Time"

(Tom Petty &) Mudcrutch, "Mudcrutch"

John Hiatt, "Same Old Man"

Bob Dylan, "Tell Tale Signs: The Bootleg Series Vol. 8

Neil Young, "Sugar Mountain: Live at Canterbury House, 1968"

The Ditty Bops, "Summer Rains" (and not just because a friend designed the great, Grammy-nominated package)

Little Feat, "Join the Band"

Pete Seeger, "At 89" (with a lot of help from many talented friends)

Dr. John, "The City That Care Forgot"

John Mellencamp, "Life, Death, Love and Freedom"

Susan Tedeschi, "Back to the River" (thankfully, back to her roots, too)

Charlie Haden, "Family and Friends"

Jackson Browne, "Time the Conquerer"

Eva Cassidy, "Somewhere"

Brian Wilson, "That Lucky Old Sun"

Joan Baez, "Day After Tomorrow"

James Taylor, "Covers"

Emmylou Harris, "All I Intended to Be"

Melody Gardot, "Worrisome Heart" (also gets my nod for best new artist)

Entered at Sun Dec 7 23:24:37 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

JQ - I'm not in favor of any kind of nuclear standoff but sometimes reality might dictate differently. If someone had a bomb pointed at you and threatened to anihilate you and your family, are you going to sit there and pray that they don't or are you going to get one yourself and say - you use yours, I'll use mine. It's madness I know but that is why it was called Mutual Assured Destruction. But to answer your first question - no. But in asking a question - what is your solution?

Entered at Sun Dec 7 22:43:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Arlen Roth

I have been eying the Arlen Roth CD with Levon Helm and daughter Amy for quite some time.

I finally bought it this week and it was well worth it. What a guitar player. He and Sonny Landreth; along with Levon are amazing. An instrumental version of Ballad of A Thin Man, Levon singing Crying time, made it all worthwhile.

Entered at Sun Dec 7 22:06:35 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: The Mother of All Demos

What we need is more people like Doug Engelbart. 40 years ago he demonstrated _working_ prototypes of what we take for granted today: Computer networks and hypertext (aka the WWW), a computer mouse, graphical user interfaces, window systems, live computer controlled video conferences (!) and more. We're celebrating the historical event over here this Tuesday, by watching the original footage from "The Mother of All Demos" (see link above) with generous amounts of brew, aquavit ( and rakfisk ( for our guests.

Entered at Sun Dec 7 20:12:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Top 25 Teen Idol List

#1 - Davey Jones (of Monkee fame). I was always partial to Mickey, but I can go along with this.

I love these lists, but I don't know if I've ever thought of Tanya Tucker as a teen idol.

Entered at Sun Dec 7 19:31:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: Vinyl Siding

I stopped in a near-by used record store yesterday and noticed that the owner had a couple stacks of LPs marked "free". He had cleaned out his back room and was giving them away. They were all missing jackets and sleeves, all showing decades of wear and neglect. Out of the 50 or so slabs of vinyl, two in particular caught my eye -- a Julie London and a self-titled Joe Turner LP on Atlantic. As I studied the songs listed on the Big Joe Turner I spotted the classic 1955 classic "Boogie Woogie Country Girl". It was written by Doc Pomus, who gave partial songwriting credit to his friend Reggie Ashby for writing out the lead sheets for the band. The song features the driving boogie woogie beat of Harry Van "Piano Man" Walls and Mr. Pomus' wonderful lyrics about a down home country girl. Band connection: Dylan later covered this song on "Till The Night Is Gone: A Tribute To Doc Pomus", which also featured The Band on "Young Blood".

Entered at Sun Dec 7 19:16:13 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: BEG

Thank you for SUV City. It pretty much sums up the SUV drivers around here.

Entered at Sun Dec 7 17:29:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

JTull Fan

Subject: Cars

Since the birth of our second child I traded with my cars with my wife. She gets my 32 MPG '07 Altima and and I have her 38MPG '07 Nissan Versa. It's small but perfect for my 4 mile commute and grocery store parking lots. And very fuel efficient.

Entered at Sun Dec 7 16:25:39 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike (Plochmann Lane)

Subject: Pearl Harbor bombing remembered.

It was 67-yrs ago today Pearl Harbor was attacked. We are friends w/ a gentleman nicknamed "Skins" in NH who was on the repair ship "Vestal" that was tied outboard to one of the most heavily damaged ships "Arizona" that fateful day. This late '80s man is more active than many much younger folks & we remember he & his fellow comrades.

Entered at Sun Dec 7 16:14:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike (Plochmann Lane)

Location: NH
Web: My link

Subject: Happy b'day Tom Waits!

Tom turns 59 today.

Entered at Sun Dec 7 16:11:04 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Diesels on average do about 25% more to the gallon (and the engines last much longer). There was an issue with particulates that kept me away from them for years, but they now filter all that crap out. You don�t get the glowplugs lag at all anymore and they drive exactly like petrol � I needed convincing. They DO sound clunky at idle though. The trouble in the UK is that too many people started switching to diesel to save fuel, so the government feared it would lose revenue if everyone got 25% more miles per gallon, so upped the tax on it. That�s how green they are. It used to take 25,000 miles for a diesel to pay for itself (extra cost of the engine and extra cost of the fuel). Now it�s over 40,000 miles before you�re in profit.

Entered at Sun Dec 7 16:09:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: the bomb

Brien Sz - If I understand what you're saying, then presumably you would also favor the same sort of nuclear stand-off between Israel and Iran?

Entered at Sun Dec 7 15:45:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

SUV City

SUV...The Cliks

Entered at Sun Dec 7 15:29:45 CET 2008 from (

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Location: Boston
Web: My link

Subject: Article

Entered at Sun Dec 7 15:25:34 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Thanksgiving Tradition

Comrade Stevon Farm: Thank youuuuuuuu.
Northern Boy: Touche!

Entered at Sun Dec 7 14:55:56 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Nuclear arms race was a necessity out of stupidity trumped by survival. We really had no choice in the matter but to build and then out build. It was called MAD. And guess what, nothing ever came of it because of the madness.

Nowadays things are little more sticky as the philosophy of MAD is outdated. Now the nuts are just looking for a small one to detonate.

I have a 99 Nissan Pathfinder, stick shift 4WD, almost 200,000 miles on it. I really love that car. I've gone off rode with many many times. I wouldn't mind another one, but it has to be 4WD stick. With gas down in the 1.60 arena now, I use it more than I was when gas was in the three's and fours.

Diesel is more expensive here in the states than gas. My dad has always been a diesel owner but I can see why it never took off here - it smells, you have to wait a moment or two for the glowplugs to warm (heaven forbid patience) and the noise of the engine (though the modern diesel is far less noisy than yesteryears, as well as having better pick up than they use to.)

Entered at Sun Dec 7 14:20:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

� or buy modern high efficiency Diesel ones. I get 32 mpg plus.

Entered at Sun Dec 7 14:12:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: If I Had The Biggest ,Heaviest SUV, I'd Be Safe

Peter, your argument in favour of choosing SUV's for safety's sake is the same erroneous argument used in the arms( nuclear) race when it comes to personal safety. Then there's that little global warming issue. BAN THE SUV!

Entered at Sun Dec 7 12:19:09 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: Under the template of a perfect orgasm (Parental Advisory)

or how Toto did it for me � �Africa� � the song is written under the template of the Perfect Sexual Orgasm
listen one more time, here�s my auditive sweetened reading:

0:00 � you look at her eyes, first glimmer
0:11 � under the empire of desire
0:32 � merger of nature, you feel her warmth, touch may spark
1:11 � irresistible appeal, heat of excitement
1:45 � skin against skin, can linger on its own indefinitely
2:15 � blood floods from deep inside, overflows
2:25 � erects out of dimension, as if it takes-off out of body
2:58 � you think nothing, you decide nothing anymore, lips pull apart, penetration
3:14 � the big big shiver, engorgement peaks up to the G-spot
3:53 � ejaculation
4:10 � breath rhythm returns to human level, gradually, fading

Viagra unnecessary � Condom allowed
It is clear that this post is addressed to anyone whose ears are a sexual organ, otherwise you can call it love

Roz: any correction is welcome

Entered at Sun Dec 7 10:40:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: cars

Big cars - Jeremy Clarkson often points out that he drives a Volvo SUV with seven seats on the morning school run. He takes six kids from three families, and points out that he uses far less fuel than three small economy cars doing the same run.

In the UK women on the school run are usually targeted by those attacking �Chelsea tractors� as we call big SUVs here. Gordon Brown is especially fond of talking about �women on the school run� as causing most of the pollution in the world on their two mile SUV trip to school. When we had a party for my grandson�s 3rd birthday here, a lot of mums were discussing large SUVs. They all wanted one. Their argument was fair. At that point in your life (with little kids) protecting your children is your main aim. As they all agreed, if something could be done to stop men racing round in Subaru Imprezas at high speed, or to stop male thugs in white vans or large black pick ups driving an inch from your tail when you have three small children in the back of your car, they would stop wanting SUVs for the school run. Control male aggression behind the wheel, and the mums will stop wanting defensive cars.

I thought it was madness to drive an SUV in town until I regularly started driving my grandkids around. Then I bought one. Sometimes I drive an SUV, sometimes I drive my son�s Toyota Yaris as he�s away. In fact, when I�m on my own for short trips I make a point of using the Yaris. I�ll tell you something, when you�re in the little car, vans and trucks cut you up, take precedence at roundabouts when you�re first, roll into your lane. When you�re in the SUV they don�t. It�s quite remarkable. But as many small people and small nations will testify, when you�re small you get bullied.

However, I think any vehicle with bull bars should be illegal.

Music connection. Um, there are lots of songs about cars, but not many about SUVs. Thanks too for the link to "Cadillac Records" yesterday � I had to write something about Chess on the very same day and it was extremely useful!

Entered at Sun Dec 7 07:45:45 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Ari S.

Can't say too much about Curtis's influences - not quite sure, but certainly gospel players are a big part - David P., Pat B., or Bill M., or Jeff (o) will be far more knowledgable than I...

You tune your guitar to F# two ways: 1, just tighten em up, (using a thicker gauge), or stick a capo on a standard tuned guitar at the 2nd (or the 10th) fret.

The other thing you might do is tune it to an F# chord, with your 'E' strings as D#s. It's the wrong ime on sunday to do htat... at least for me...

Entered at Sun Dec 7 06:11:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Boy

Subject: M.O.S.

...likewise, Blue Pseudo Shoes must then be made of genuine leatherette, right ? How you doin' Jeff ? I'm struggling at the moment to come up with a truly seasonal topic to take us through the holiday season. Last year Irksome and I went back and forth for weeks about all the glorious sea battles (3) fought by the Canadian Navy during WW2. While it would be hard to be more seasonally topical than that, there's still got to be something decent out there, don't you think ?NB.

Entered at Sun Dec 7 04:59:16 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter M.

Location: by the pond

Subject: gas hogs

Gas hogs. By the way, I drive my 2nd Toyota Echo. I bought one in 2002, and, aside from the "econobox" slightly bumpy ride, (due to an entry class suspension), I've been thoroughly satisfied with the car. When I had to replace it in 2002 after a wreck, I called the dealer and ordered another one, just like the other one. I found out in 2002 that the airbags work great. I get over 45 MPG on the highway, comfort for 4 passengers, and a fifth passenger can ride with only slight discomfort (dropping down to 28-30 MPG), but it's a car that I can feel conscientious about driving. A bonus is, that with a signmaker's help, I've been able to change the trunk logo to "ZYDECHO" to proclaim my support Of Louisiana Creole zydeco music. My last car was a Honda "Accord(ion)". Different signmaker, same result. I feel that it's unconscionable to suck up more gas than one needs. A bonus is that I only pay $30 too fill up, even with astronomical gasoline prices. I feel sorry for those that were sucked in by the push for every individual and family to travel in a vehicle larger than the average size of a South African home. Fuck them, they can atone at the pump.

Entered at Sun Dec 7 04:10:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


If you sneak up on'em from behind making even the tiniest bit of noise, you'll spook'em and they'll projectile shit right in your face. Believe me, you don't want to have to go to your family doctor and complain that your hog shit in your eye. They look at ya really funny. That happened to a friend of mine. He had to change doctors.

Entered at Sun Dec 7 03:18:34 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Roz, I'm eyeing up a hog myself...

Entered at Sun Dec 7 03:07:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Northern Nutjob When He Can't Locate Nutmeg

A Blue Suede Shoodonym

Maybe, maybe not. But yes, if you take your nutmeg seriously.

That's what you get for typing Suede-onym.

Silly, even by your standards.

Entered at Sun Dec 7 02:51:19 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Nutmeg (Seasonal Suede-onym)

Subject: Getting Out More ?

Irksome Stevie, (vague allusion to early Band song intended)

Thanks for your advice re: getting out more. It was, as per always, both unsolicited and unsolicitous and as such I promise to cherish it no less than all your earlier advice of the same ilk (ie. irk) . And of course you'd be completely right about me needing to get out more if it weren't for you being so stupidendously wrong. What then, would be the point of me having houseguests such as Garth if I wasn't home at the time ? See the flaw in your so-called logic now ?

By the way, have I ever mentioned that A) Rollie actually attended The Last Waltz and B) that your GB posts positively exude diffidence ? Whether I have or haven't, don't bother to thank me Irksome Stevie. Your thanks is "understood" to be there. NB

Entered at Sun Dec 7 00:15:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Subject: Curtis Mayfield

A few questions about him. Where did he draw his influences (on guitar and on his songwriting and voice)? How do you tune your guitar to F#? Did he play with a pick? (I kinda remember that he didn't, just want to make sure.) Thanks!

Entered at Sat Dec 6 23:46:33 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Hogs

I think we should make it mandatory that every family only have enough rooms to supply their family needs. If you're going to phase out SUVs, then we should phase out these large fancy-smancy homes unless, of course, they're completely solar-powered. I like that Ed Begley show cause he actually practices what he preaches. He lives in a small house, has used the same furniture and appliances forever, doesn't get new carpeting every other year and uses what there is of his lawn to plant a real food growing garden so he won't waste water on something that's primarily cosmetic.

Entered at Sat Dec 6 23:16:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


You're right Peter, they should have just stayed home, though driving cars, any cars, was much more fuel efficient than 3 guys arriving in three private jet planes. But since these are the same guys that wouldn't stop making the Axles of Evil til their companies were belly up, I think it was their image they were trying to save,not the environment.

Spicey Boy, you got to get out more, live a little, maybe really cut loose and change your pocket protector or something.

Entered at Sat Dec 6 22:25:58 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Joan, I agree, There is nothing more ridiculous than people, male or female,driving big vehicles like SUVs, when they can't navigate them, or likely even small cars properly. I see this all the time.

When they are warranted, I am a fan of large vehicles. But the ecology being what it is, there should be a good justification. I bought a brand new Chevy Suburban in 95. But, it was a 2 wheeler. First off, I would a hardly ever used the 4 wheel drive. But i did need the space of the Suburban, did use the space daily ( it was a work and personal vehicle), and did really need the nice solid but soft ride it gave. And the seat was Gawd Damn perfect for my fecochta back. The suburban gave way to a 96 Dodge Intrepid, and various vans and trucks. Long story.

Entered at Sat Dec 6 22:20:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike (Plochmann Lane)

Web: My link

Subject: Rick's Grammy pic.

Rick's Lifetime Achievement Grammy ('08) can be seen on his niece's (Danielle) Myspace page.

Entered at Sat Dec 6 22:03:04 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike (Plochmann Lane)

Location: NH
Web: My link

Subject: Altomont Speedway Free Concert anniversary.

Thirty-nine-yrs ago 300K caught "Woodstock West" '69 northern CA event headlined by the Stones, but also included the Flying Burrito Bros & others.

Entered at Sat Dec 6 21:43:45 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Hybrids

Some of the car companies do have some hybrids. I think at GM they turned one or two SUV pigs (Cadillac) into hybrids so the drivers of these very expensive cars can feel good about soiling the environment. I think one or so of the cars driven were prototypes. I'm sorry if I sound like a "tree hugger", but the SUVs really bug me. I sincerely doubt any of the rude SUV drivers where I live have ever gone "off road" Apologies for my rant.

Entered at Sat Dec 6 20:57:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Well OK, but driving long distance on Freeways, hybrid cars use more energy than conventional ones, certainly more than diesel. Plus the batteries on a hybrid use enough energy in manufacture to travel 140,000 miles conventionally on petrol.

But do any of these companies make hybrids? What did they drive, a Toyota or a Honda?

Entered at Sat Dec 6 18:24:49 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Northern Boy

Location: just beyond Hope, BC

Subject: BEG to Differ

Hi BEG. I hate to be contrary but contrary to your "quote of the day", there is in fact a word that can be used to describe the exuding (or oozing) of a lack of confidence. The word is "diffidence". It's quite a fun word because you can tell people that they "positively exude diffidence" then wait to see if they're unsmart enough to thank-you for the compliment. Try it, but don't correct them of their dlewsion. NB

Entered at Sat Dec 6 17:41:25 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: We write what we need to say?

BEG, wouldn't that be luuuuv to cook?

Entered at Sat Dec 6 14:58:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Elliott Brood: Get to know me and The Band
Posted: November 22, 2008, 9:00 AM by NP Editor

Thought of the day: "You can exude confidence, but there�s no word to describe the way insecurity oozes."
For Joan since I think one of your best posts was the letter you found in the LA Tmes from Gloria Steinem: "We teach what we need to learn. We write what we need to say." ( I hope I have that right!)

Hi Carol! In praise of people who loooove to cook!

Entered at Sat Dec 6 14:48:29 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Music Review: Rick Danko Band - Live On Breeze Hill
Written by Eric Whelchel
Published September 24, 2008

Entered at Sat Dec 6 13:51:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Just moving back to movies for a bit...

What do 'Little Feat' and 'Lee Van Cleef' have in common in a filmic sense?

Entered at Sat Dec 6 13:25:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Once I built a railroad...

Steve is right: I heard an interview on ABC Newsradio (the best stuff on it comes from the BBC or the US ...) with a car executive saying 'We've learned our lesson'). Not only did they drive, but they drove hybrid cars.

Entered at Sat Dec 6 13:12:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Peter, I think that was the last time they went to Washington a couple of weeks ago, when they were shown the door and told to hit the road. I believe this time they actually drove themselves in cars to DC.

They even had to present some kind of plan this time detailing why they needed the cash and how it would be spent.

They're also asking the Canadian gov't for 7 billion dollars.

In the interesting cover combo department I heard Rufus Wainwright doing King Of The Road.

Entered at Sat Dec 6 10:13:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

A little story in today's newspaper. The chief executives of Ford, Chrysler and GM arrived in Washington DC caps in hand looking for tax money to bail the companies out.

All three arrived in individual executive jets.

Entered at Sat Dec 6 03:06:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Ohh My Bill O'Reilly "No Pin Head" doormats arrived today! I enthusiastically waited over three weeks hoping that they wouldn't run out before my name came up

And they had enough !

Entered at Fri Dec 5 23:37:33 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Cadilla Records

Review of Cadillac ( read Chess) Records.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 23:07:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" is a sentimental favorite of mine. A few years ago, my partner in musical crime & I got tipped $100 each for playing an impromptu, one-verse version of the song at a bar gig.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 22:51:47 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Subject: another worthwhile initiative ...

Kevin J: I must tip the hat to your post, one of the finest expressions of pure Canadianism that I've seen in a while:

"I guess it was just the use of the term 'pathological dislike' that bothered me a bit - that's all. Interesting bit about the music though."

Let's not go out on a limb now!

Entered at Fri Dec 5 22:26:37 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: Axe in question

Ignatius: That does look like either a Gibson Melody Maker or the similiar Les Paul Junior. Even though these were "budget" model guitars, artists such as John Lennon and Leslie West used them. Perhaps Robbie borrowed the guitar from one of the other musicians who were with Rick's band.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 20:54:56 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Pac NW US

Subject: Those pictures of the last show with the OQ

Hey, how about those pictures of the Orginal Quintet playing with Rick Danko's band that just got posted.

This is obviously the same backing band for Rick that you see in the YouTube of Java Blues.

How about that guitar that Robbie is playing? Hard to see, but it looks like a Gibson Melody Maker. As a Melody Maker owner myself, it is a pretty low brow instrument for such a big rock star. Seriously.

Anyone else have one of those devices they show on the CSI shows where you can zoom into the headstock and figure out what guitar that is?

Any other speculations? Just for grins.

- Ig

Entered at Fri Dec 5 20:46:49 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Pat B

The Last Waltz wasn't part of a tour. The Band had toured for most of the summer of 1976 until the speedboat accident derailed it. They lost a bunch of shows then picked it up again, eventually appearing with a full horn section, Larry Packer, and Paul Butterfield at the oft-referenced September Palladium show in NY. They did at least one show after that, in Pittsburgh, then that tour ended.

Before RR made his intentions clear, some dates were booked, including Winterland on Thanksgiving. When the concept of the Last Waltz developed, all other dates were cancelled, leaving the SNL appearance at the end of October the only show before the Waltz.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 20:22:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: New Kid In Town

According to Don Felder's book, the original idea for the song, along with the title, originated from J.D. Souther. Henley & Frey added contibutions and all three share songwriting credit. Noting the prevailing narcissism of that trio, my guess is that they were writing about about themselves, rather the someone else, as the "Johnny come lately / new kid in town".

Entered at Fri Dec 5 19:48:39 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Sorry, Ari

I could have sworn that Robbie said somewhere that the "Winterland gig wasn't even the last gig on the tour" Either my mind has lied or Robbie lied.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 19:45:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Peter: I guess it was just the use of the term "pathological dislike" that bothered me a bit - that's all. Interesting bit about the music though.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 19:41:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

bob w.

Worst accent in a movie.......Nick Nolte in "Lorenzo's Oil". Bad movie, worse accent.

"Abandoned Luncheonette" is still a big favorite after all the years gone by. Highly recommended. Daryl Hall is a great vocal talent and still sounds wonderful.

Sarah's off on a turnaround.......

Landmark, good call.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 19:14:04 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ilkka J

Subject: (Little) Boxes

Peter, Pete Seeger made my temper rise. Try the film "Boxes" instead of"Little Boxes". Jane Birkin speaks good English for being a French woman :)))) Have a very good weekend and the 2nd Adventus, btw I heard some magnificient Anglican church music in the Medieval cathedral nearby the other week!.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 19:06:10 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

let it for the eaglesophiles

Entered at Fri Dec 5 18:59:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: New Kid In Town

Friend0 : congrats for the good answer to Trivia : Rosanna Arquette is the �new kid in town�

Like the story of this poor wretch who had a terrible pain of stomach, after having gulped down the prescribed potion, the ache went more unbearable, so he came back to complain towards the doctor who, too confident of his art, rejected the admissibility ofthe claim "Never has been a mistake in my prescriptions, the mistake is surely in your stomach"
i am too much confident in my ears when it comes to Tim Schmit, it�s not forbidden to get it wrong, it�s forbidden to not take things seriously when they go back to goog music

Far East Man : thanks for the interest, i will investigate the Bob Seger direction

Answer to Trivia - �New Kid In Town � It�s impersonnal,
hmm ? not convincing for answer� ok ! before Bumbles jumps on

On the intellectual level - though the mood feels like Glenn Frey had in view a person all appointed. According to what he stated on many occasions, the song was born after he witnessed (1975) bandmates disjoining Eagles, looking for better horizons, meanwhile new others come along too late - the set of actual characters who fit the bill is limited

On the cultural level - �New Kid In Town � is a Rock rendition (tribute ?) of the story-theme of Stanley�s Kubrick movie Barry Lyndon (1975), starring Ryan O�Neal and Marisa Berenson, before Glenn Frey became himself actor by the mid �80s, the set of fictionnal Bernie Leadon characters is limited. A low spirited pun, in the same album the song Hotel California tracks-back the theme of Jean Paul Sartres �No Exit�

How Redmond Barry aquired the style and title of Barry Lyndon� lovely

I begin to be exceeded by myown theoru, so for the rest, let it for the eaglesopholes of The Band GB, and ask Roz for Stanley Kubrick� � propos, where are we with the best Western ?

Entered at Fri Dec 5 18:08:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Internet Security Watch Dog / Ilkka J

Subject: Criminal activities in the Internet

Mr. Peter Viney, author and teacher in English, living in Poole, Great Britain wrote: "It�s not a Chat Room so we�re not permanently online".

Maybe you are not, but we are. Especially on Friday nights...

Entered at Fri Dec 5 18:05:41 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: The bravest of them all

True, the Man Who Shot Liberty Valance is a masterpiece � like Stagecoach that got five stars in my old record book. Last time I saw it was about a year ago when I bought the DVD. Don't you think Lee Marvin walks away with all the star quality in it? There�s a complex story about the Gene Pitney song � which does not appear in the movie. Ford wouldn�t have it in after it had been commissioned, feeling probably rightly that it set the wrong tone. Anyway, like every British kid who saw the movie in the early 60s, I had very strong memories of the Gene Pitney song being played over the closing credits. You get the DVD and it�s not there. It seems that British cinemas, aware of how well the song was doing in the chart, put the record on over the credits � and presumably turned the sound off on the movie. There was a fuss about them doing so at the time � I hadn�t known that.

What I noticed originally was that there must have been a John Ford season in 1972 when I was cutting out the TV bits. There were more than a dozen John Ford and most got poor grades from me at the time.

Pete Seeger � well, I greatly admire Ghandi and Nelson Mandela too, but I wouldn�t buy a record of them plucking a banjo and singing �Little Boxes.� No one doubts his sincerity, his mentor role or courage. I just can�t stand his singing voice.

On The Doors, I really need an early recognisable UK Elektra single to photograph for something I�m doing. I had to bite my lip yesterday and pay through the nose for an original 1967 �Light My Fire�. As I�ve always said, I do like both Light My Fire and Hello I Love You. One consolation is that The Doors allegedly hated the single of Light My Fire, as the guitar and organ solos had been truncated.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 17:57:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Hey, let's not forget the movie called, Everything Changed After 9-11", AKA, 21st Century Crusade. George Bush, playing the part of the president delivers some of the most demented , incomprehensible lines ever witnessed on any sized screen, in an accent borrowed from Slim Picken's character in Doctor Strangelove or how I Learned To Stop Thinking and Love The Bomb.

I'd even nominate him for a Life Time Underachievers Award, in a supporting role, in The Shock and Awe Disaster category.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 17:45:56 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Here and There:

� �The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance� is a masterpiece. How can any artist with at least 3 works of acknowledged master level be considered �overrated�? Scorcese wouldn�t be with his 3 great works � would he?....... nor would F.F. Copalla who also has only 3 acknowledged great works. Would The Band be considered overrated because they have only two masterworks? Seeing John Ford even mentioned in the same sentence as The Doors is disturbing. As to Pete Seeger��he is a brave man and in a lot of ways a great man. Courage can never be overrated.

- The 1978 Band photos and Far East man�s mention of John, Paul and the lovely Ms. Pang reminds me of John Lennon describing how he and Paul were together in John�s Dakota Apt in 1975 watching a skit on Saturday Night Live about the Beatles and were very close to going down to together to perform.

- Cabbagetown: As they say in Liberty Valance � �when myth becomes fact � always print myth� Truly great storytellers understand this�.all others shop at Wal-Mart.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 17:18:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal

Jeff Beck/Jan Hammer Live. Heard "Blue Wind" and snapped it up immediately.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 16:56:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

John Wayne had charisma, and maybe when you�ve got charisma you don�t need skill. Or another way of saying it was that his range was limited. I wouldn�t buy Ford using him totally as a puppet either. The late (great) films are a case of John Wayne just being John Wayne really.

MUSIC � �She�s Gone� by Hall & Oates came on the radio and I remembered hearing it for the first time in the store which was Virgin, Oxford Street, and buying an import copy of �Abandoned Luncheonette� on the spot. I was thinking of stuff I bought because I heard it in the store � another was �Catch-A-Fire� on the day of release, though that was a case of the guy in the shop saying �Hey! You�ve got to hear this ��. But Abandoned Luncheonette was out of the blue. I�d never heard of it, never heard of them. Any you recall buying because you heard them in store?

Entered at Fri Dec 5 16:28:10 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Hi Bill M. Some people still think of certain parts of Cabbagetown as a slum. Remember it's between two really edgy and sometimes dangerous hoods of St. James Town and Regent Park. Robbie is/was a good storyteller, huh? The only people I know who live east of Parliament Street where the gorgeous Victorian homes are located are lawyers, architects, etc. Avril Lavign sold one of her homes here. Danny Marks lives one street over from us and Toller Cranston and other creative people lived here at one time as well.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 15:26:34 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Subject: Cabbagetown

BEG: I wish some of those photos showed what Cabbagetown looked like before most of it was gentrified in the last three decades of 20th century. Novelist Hugh Garner said that during the great depression it was the largest Anglo-Celtic slum in the world outside the UK. And Levon can't be faulted, as Robertson and Traynor, both from leafier Riverdale, used to claim to be from Cabbagetown because it sounded so much more dangerous. This unfortunate pseudo-gangsta tendency of adolescent males is with us to this day, as I'm sure you've noticed in your work. My favourite recent example was sitting on a full bus next to a high school student talking on his cellphone. When his stop approached and he had to get up to make his way through the crowd to the doors, he didn't say "Gotta go, my stop's coming up", he said "Gotta go, I got a situation here."

Entered at Fri Dec 5 15:03:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


I dont know Peter, Wayne had some skill, although I really dont know if he realized it. His best work were as the angry dark side of the American West, and many around Ford have always claimed that Wayne really didnt understand how Ford was Manipulating the "hero" in those films. DOnt know if I believe that or not though.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 14:55:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Subject: Accents cont..,

If there is a good story it is generally very easy to let go of such things as accents. I think in America, we are so used to British accents being the accent du jour to represent foreign types, that we half expect it and are rather comforted by it even if it makes no earthly sense. We've been cultured into accepting it by Hollywood.

Kevin Costner dons no accent in Robin Hood yet is surrounded by many that do (not that it is an example of a good movie).

Rob Morrow sports an accent that can't be located to any region in the US in Quiz Show - a good movie with a terrible accent involved by a main player.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 14:23:35 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: False memory

Sorry, I could have sworn he was doing bad Irish. Maybe everyone else was � it's been some time! I saw Genghis Khan more recently. Sean Connery obviously could not do any accent. But I guess a Russian submarine captain speaking in a Scots accent is no odder than one speaking standard British or American.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 14:11:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Neil Young inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Parts 1 and 2

Entered at Fri Dec 5 14:09:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Buddy Cage
Legendary guitarist discusses his career and riding The Festival Express.
by Spence D.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 12:43:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Who's That Man In The Plaid Shirt?

Best, worst accent has to be Lawrence Olivier doing Johnny The Trapper in the 49th Parallel/ AKA, The Invaders in the US. The accent was as bad as the movie though the Brits seemed to have liked it and it won an Academy Award for best story.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 11:22:45 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: True 'bout The Duke's inability to do accents BUT..

In the flick The Quiet Man---he's not doing one because he wasn't required to do one. He's playing an American (albeit an Irish-American) from Pittsburgh. However if you say he isn't doing a proper Pittsburgh accent.... : )

Entered at Fri Dec 5 10:31:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: The King of Accents

While John Wayne (a terrific screen presence, and could act, with the right director) did NOT do accents, so far as I know, he was only called upon to do them once - for the execrably entertaining (or entertainingly execrable) one about Genghis Khan, in which Wayne played Khan (The Conqueror). it is tinged with sadness, as most of the cast got cancer due to some nuclear dump near the set. So, not a howl-a-second like Robot Monster or Plan 9 (although there are tragic stories there too...)

But the kINg of Bad accents must be another great screen presence (and very fine actor in any case): Sean Connery - Russian Sub Captain with Glasgow accent. TIck. Chicago Irish Policeman. Tick. Yet, both of those films are really very good. Interesting, isn't it?

Entered at Fri Dec 5 10:23:33 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Maureen O�Hara is lovely, but any director with half an ounce of sense should have looked at The Duke and said to himself, �Well, he stands and stares beautifully. He looks tough. Probably is. He walks a bit funny, but that looks as if he�s been in the saddle all day rather than just haemmorhoids. But the man doesn�t do accents.� Some actors don�t do accents at all. Others can do any. Stage Irish, like stage English �country� (Mummerset) or stage Cockney (�Mockney�) or stage English butler are accents that many a good actor (Brando in Mutiny on the Bounty springs to mind for bad stage English butler) have fallen on their bottoms with.

The Ruling Class has an often quoted line. The Earl of Gurney (O�Toole) belives he�s God. He�s asked why and replies, �Because whenever I pray to him I find I�m talking to myself.�

Entered at Fri Dec 5 10:14:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: Roxy, LA

Ari � the chances are you ask a question, and it�s 12, 24 or 48 hours before someone signs in who knows the answer. It�s not a Chat Room so we�re not permanently online.

Rick Danko played The Roxy in LA on the 1st March 1978. It was called �The Picnic in LA� show and it was a Rick Danko band show, part of the tour. Because it was in LA, Levon, Richard and Garth sat in and Robbie came on stage for a couple of numbers. Notes on the circulating cassettes used to say �and Robbie also jammed later.� The setlist is on the TAPE ARCHIVE on this site, under Rick Danko. It doesn�t mention that Robbie played and is in a different running order to the one that was doing the rounds ten years ago.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 09:54:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Far East Man

Location: Union, ME

Subject: New Kid In Town

Ari - The Last Waltz was the official last gig. Heard about this gig a few times, never saw any pictures though. The pictures say that they were on good terms in 1978 - I think the gig had something to do with A Rick Danko release. Very unique shots to say the least. It reminds me of the only picture I ever saw of John & Paul after the breakup. it was in a book about Keith Moon (who was also in the shot). A very casual, poolside picture. Here are two men who were in millions of pictures together, and this is one of two that I've seen post 1969. The other is in a recently released book by May Pang. I think it was taken on the same day, in LA, say 1973. It may be Ann Arbor, Michigan lore, but I know that I read at one point that "New Kid In Town"was somewhat related to Bob Seger. He and Glenn Frey were friends and short term bandmates in the 60's. Like the Band, Seger was around for long time before he "made it." Speaking of the old hometown, if you are in any way a Neil Young fan you should get his new release "Live at the Canturbury House". It was recorded in Ann Arbor shortly after he left the Buffalo Springfield, or maybe after they broke up. It's voice and guitar, and it is stunning. Stripped down versions of BS tunes - just an amazing talent at captured at an amazing time.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 07:08:58 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


No, The Thanksgiving show wasn't the last show of the tour. Boy, I bet that was a real ugly situation. Sam and Dave indeed.

Entered at Fri Dec 5 06:22:15 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Wait, can someone answer my last post?

Entered at Fri Dec 5 04:33:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Neil Young inducted in Canadian Hall of Fame by Robbie Robertson

Entered at Fri Dec 5 03:48:23 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Many sides of Cabbagetown, Toronto. As Bill M pointed out to me......The info in Levon's book is not correct. Robbie lived in Riverdale, Toronto not Cabbagetown. Thanks again to former poster Cupid who wrote a song for me called....that's right...."CG". :-D

Entered at Fri Dec 5 03:29:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Checking out Robbie Robertson / Dylan photo

Uploaded on November 2, 2008 by ccsbandwagon

Entered at Fri Dec 5 03:27:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Robbie Robertson, Moondoggies + Long Winters @ EMP

Uploaded on November 26, 2008
by Moltron 3030

Entered at Fri Dec 5 00:34:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Empty, whilst i certainly sympathize with any man whom Rosanna Arquete ever left behind, and I do think Rosanna was a catchy song, I must say Toto never did it for me. They all are great musicians, and yes had their share of hits. Fine players, catchy tunes. But to me, just another throwaway band, throaway songs. But, I must stress once more, I admire their musicianship.

Pat, you came back just in the nick of time. It was just a matter of time till Angelina would accuse Jan H of banning you.

Empty, Schmidt did tons of session work. Background vocals more than instrument playing. I was under the impression you were counting him as a member of Toto. No. He was not on Hotel California.

Westocaster, are you gonna peform down the coast at Bumbershoot next year?

Empty, another way to look at things, Arquette did do the guy a favor by leaving him.He wrote & recorded the song. That song made him a ton of money, and the longer she stayed, the more she'd a cost him.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 23:50:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Abby

You go girl! But you might get a fight about Rick (Merit cigarettes and all)

Entered at Thu Dec 4 23:18:23 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


PETER ! Shame on you! I was going to question your patriotism but it's done occurred to me that YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN anyway! Ya got to admit tho... Maureen O'Hara was worth the cost of admission. Wayne and O'Hara had a wonderful chemistry.

Bill - That's a good point. Actually I did watch The Ruling Class ONCE.. years ago. I don't like people walking around using God's name in that way. That's why Westcoaster pisses me off.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 23:05:46 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Ari S.

Subject: Last Waltz wasn't the last time they played?

It said on this website and in pictures that the Band played one last time with Rick Danko's band. Was that the last time they played? I'm confused.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 22:45:23 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: this desert island thing

Okay - in the GB "what would you take on a desert island series" here's what I've claimed - so far - to take w/ me: I'm taking Rick (even w/o his friggin' cigarettes) - musical choices that Bumbles said were incredibly, ridiculously laughable - and "The Unforgiven". Hey, screw Bumbles. I'm happy.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 22:35:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Rosalind: I agree about "Stuntman" - brilliant movie. In some ways very similar to the also brilliant "Pleasantville". Re sacrilege, I'd say that the 'lesson' of "The Ruling Class" is that it is sometimes better to swallow your sensitivities on that score and let the harmless guy who thinks he's Jesus continue to think he's Jesus rather than try to convince him that he's really Jack and risk him thinking that you mean Jack the Ripper.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 21:48:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Subject: Ford & Ruling Class

I found three old exercise books, 1972-74 last week. At that time I was lecturing on film studies part-time (and wanting to do it full time) and so I used to buy the TV Times and Radio Times (our UK TV Guide) which in those days gave a B&W picture, a summary and cast list for every single movie on TV. It would be like a column of a magazine per movie, but we only had three TV stations. Anyway, I used to cut out and paste every movie I saw in the book with comments. First, there were several B&W classics on every week. Second was the comments. Stagecoach got five stars, but most other John Ford got the thumbs down in a big way. The Quiet Man got zero plus �one of the worst films ever made�. I realized that I had a pathological dislike of John Ford akin to that I hold for Pete Seeger & The Doors. Funny, because now I quite like most of Ford, but then I loathed the stuff. I reckon it was partly political, partly that John Wayne was fantastic in Stagecoach and got steadily worse. He was the world�s worst actor, but if typecast in the right part was very effective. I have seen The Quiet Man since and it�s an appalling film � script, acting, direction; all as bad as you can get. But some of the other John Ford I dissed mightily is actually OK. But mainly because the cinematography was wonderful. I still think as a director he was hugely over-rated.

On �The Ruling Class� I have the DVD of the O�Toole performance and performed myself in the stage play. The trouble is that the first act is great and the second act is dreadful sub-Pytonesque nonsense, but act one is an exellent drama.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 21:39:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: New Kid in Town?

I think Springsteen too. (It's not a vote, btw)

Entered at Thu Dec 4 20:46:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: Randy Meisner

Randy Meisner's departure from the Eagles was chronicled by Don Felder in his book "Heaven and Hell". Although Meisner decided to leave the group during the tour in support of Hotel California in 1977, he stayed on to complete the tour. According to Felder, he was taken to the limit by Glenn Frey, with the two actually coming to blows during the intermission of one of their concerts.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 18:55:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Pat B

Empty Now, I think it's pretty well established that Randy Meisner played bass and sang on Hotel California, but I do recall reading that Meisner left mid-tour and was replaced by Schmitt in 1977. Schmitt did guest on tons of albums, Toto IV being one.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 18:47:41 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal

Isn't it about Springsteen?

Entered at Thu Dec 4 18:39:08 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: Friend0 / Eagles trivia

1st you are missed, 2nd you are considered the main and most reliable Poco documentary source in The Band GB
- Timothy B. Schmit - Vocals : is cited in the credits of Toto IV album [link]
- Schmit was hired before becoming Eagle for Hotel CA album
if it is an homonymous name, i said voice signature, thus as far as i remember i clearly heard Tim's voice in both songs since the first listening(s) - i always assigned the uncredible financial success of Toto IV to that touch of Tim

Trivia to the rest of the GBers : Who is exactly the "New Kid In Town" ? no googling allowed

Entered at Thu Dec 4 18:21:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: 180 gram Vinyls

"Music from Big Pink" and "The Band" has been reissued this year on 180gram audiophile vinyl. Has anyone bought or listened to them? They are quite expensive but if the sound is topnotch and the packaging great I have to buy them..

Entered at Thu Dec 4 18:15:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:



Subject: The Fucking Eagles /Lebowski

Hmm, I thought it was a real Eagles interview. Never heard of Bumbershoot, or this band. So the interview really caught me by surprise. A little searching, i found this first paragraph pretty funny. Rather inventive radio station advertising. But it also tells how the band chose their name.

personally, I find David P.'s post about the Burritos book far more helpful.

Einarson gets to write about great subjects.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 17:54:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: For Viney

A Tim Schmidt intervioew about Garvin basses. I got as far as where talking about a bass they made for him, " i didn't expect to like it" and cracked up.

Peter, all this talk of westerns, and I haven't referred to you as Tex once since your GB shut down. I still haven't, just noting that. Hope you don't miss that too much.

Most interesting about the above link, is the slew of Eagles interviews on the right side of the you tube page. Though I haven't yet viewed it, The Bumbershoot Fucking Eagkes interview looks interesting. Hope you all, especially Peter, enjoy it.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 17:44:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Empty, you must miss me. You know as well as I, Schmidt wasn't in Toto, and not yet in The Eagles for New Kid In Town.

Poco up top, without Schmidt. From a few years ago. Furay still has his voice, George still sang great high harmonies. Had a stroke since then.

Furay and Mesina will be joining Poco for live gigs soon, presumably for the 40th anniversary.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 17:10:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: Hot Off The Press

The highly anticipated "Hot Burritos: The True Story Of The Flying Burrito Brothers" by John Einarson with Chris Hillman has just been published. This trade paperback edition is from Jawbone Press, who also published Sid Griffin's "Million Dollar Bash: Bob Dylan, The Band, and The Basement Tapes".

Entered at Thu Dec 4 12:31:11 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

For me Unforgiven is a far better film than the lighter, friendlier, Tombstone, where that is an good movie, Unforgiven is a far superior movie in both its study of character and craftsmanship of script.

Recent movie I saw was Eastern Promises - very interesting film, well acted by Viggo Mortensen.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 11:26:16 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: Timothy B. Smith vocal signature

As true as there is a Don Henley vocal signature, there�s is a Timothy B. Smith vocal signature, enjoyable and sometimes dominant btw, if you have any doubt listen to the studio original recordings of :
Toto �Africa�, Poco �Roz of Cimaron�, and �New kid in town� where both met for the 1st time

The linked version is so perfect that one would swear Poco are lipsyncing

Entered at Thu Dec 4 07:19:42 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bob W.

Location: New Orleans

Subject: Chords/tablature

Does anyone have the guitar chords and/or tablature for any of the songs from Dirt Farmer, specifically "Wide River to Cross"?

Entered at Thu Dec 4 06:28:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: damn it!

I hate it when it doesn't go through right away!

Entered at Thu Dec 4 06:27:53 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Grammy nods/has this been posted yet?

Nice to see Pinetop Perkins and My morning jacket! As well as a few nods for the Robert Plant/Allison Krauss album "Raising sand."

Entered at Thu Dec 4 06:23:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: might have been postes

Pinetop Perkins and My morning Jacket!. As well as quite a few nominations for "Raising Sand," Robert Plant and Allsion Krauss.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 05:42:35 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: garth /westerns

Garth Hudson is also to appear on Neko Case's new album. She is amazing and has great taste in musicians who back her and record with her. And "the ox-bow incident" is a great movie, and "No country for old men." Cormac Mccarthy has the market cornered as far as writing the "modern western." "The Road" has been adapted into amovie starring Viggo Mortensen!

Entered at Thu Dec 4 04:25:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Other westerns I like

I love the Magnificent Seven, A Fistful of Dollars (two Band connections: movies, and Dashiell Hammett, the American writer, whose plot it was...). High Noon. Yes. (I love how 'Coop' is genuinely scared, but goes ahead anyway). tombstone (love to have that on dvd); I love 'Once upon a time in the west', and I think 'The Shootist' (John Wayne's last film) is wonderful as well... (though I hate that they changed the ending...)

Entered at Thu Dec 4 03:38:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Cinema, Aspirins and Vultures

Forgive me - I didn't mean it that way. You're so defensive...

On the other hand, if you knew anything at all about film, you would have corrected ME when I referred to "Das Boot" as Das Boots!

Entered at Thu Dec 4 03:24:13 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Pacific Northwest

Subject: westerns

OH! and I forgot to say. One of the gawd damn best westerns by another guy who is a real cowboy. Tom Sellick, "Quigley Down Under."

Entered at Thu Dec 4 03:21:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Pacific Northwest

Subject: Redemption

At-a-girl Roz. I knew I could count on you. I know Gene's been dead for many years, that's why I put it there.

It drives people crazy, when they think you've made a mistake. They just gotta tell you they know better. It proves they is watching. Anyway, as far as westerns go that big mouth fat fart John Wayne, (Marion Morrison), on his best day never did a movie to equal, "High Noon". Also, "Along Came Jones".

Some of the best work of Gary Cooper. Sam Elliot is a cowboy in the same vien as Gary Cooper.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 02:42:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


You don't want to be with Gene westcoaster, he's been dead for about 10 years. He died of brain cancer.

I never even attempted to watch "The Ruling Class". Too sacreligious for me. Katherine Hepburn once said of Peter O'Toole, she said, "He's one of the best actors in the world. too bad his choice of roles is shit!" A Lion In Winter is an acception of course. I loved "The Stuntman" No one else could have pulled off that crazy director like O'Toole!

Entered at Thu Dec 4 02:16:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Pacific Northwest

Subject: westerns

Bill: I think you're talking about Seargent Rutledge. He was a black man, I'll have to google to get the actors name, it escapes me at the moment.

He was "Top Soldier". In doing the critics on these modern day westerns, I'm in agreement over "Tombstone". A fine job by all, including, young Bill Paxton as Morgan Earp, and in a western, any one who can stand up to Sam Elliot is doing good. Val Kilmer of course is supreme in that role.

For me one thing about the movie that is erie. Kurt Russell with that handlebar mustache, and black hair is a dead ringer for my oldest brother. It is unreal. My father and all my brothers wear mustache, and inthe youger years,. quite a few years back, handlebars were the style. I never did, but now that I'm a "MISERABLE OLD SEA CAPTAIN", I wear a beard, very silver and fashionable, along the style of Roger Whitaker. But back to the westerns, and the newest series style Robert Duvall has done. "Broken Trail". Very different, but a really great piece of work. Y'all need to see it, not at all a bang, bang shoot'em up western. As I mentioned a little while ago, done again on that Bow River in Alberta.

Not many places for a real western more beautiful than that. LOOK FOR IT, IT'S GOOD!

Gawd damn it......I'm gonna join Syskel & Ebert

Entered at Thu Dec 4 02:00:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Web: My link

Subject: Garth appears on another new CD

The link above will take you to a review of several new bluesish CDs, including one - by Terry Blersh - that Garth Hudson plays on. I saw Blersh play a bunch of times when he was with Danny Brooks' band (the Rockin' Revelators if big and gospel, the Memphis Brothers if slimmed down for rock and roll) - including a couple times with Richard Bell at the keyboard. Of the other musicians, Lance Anderson produced and appeared on "2B3: The Toronto Sessions", which features Bell and a couple of Band tunes.

Rosalind: Another great '60s movie where O'Toole's a killer is "The Ruling Class". He spends most of the movie as a guy named Jack who thinks he's Jesus.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 01:48:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Considering Peckinpah's "The Wild Bunch" received an X rating when it came out and twenty years after that initial release when they re-released it, it still garnered that X rating... Dang! It held up fine. Too bad the violence is the only thing really remembered from that film. Peckinpah was a poet and unfortunately, hardly anyone knew it! Things never change..

Entered at Thu Dec 4 01:23:53 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Subject: Lonesome Dove

If pressed to take one Western to a desert island, "Lonesome Dove" would be it. But it is hard to compare a 12 hour mimi-series to a 2 hour movie. One is a conventional movie and one just isn't. For what it is worth, I have heard Robert Duval say that Lonesome Dove is the best thing that he a has ever done - and as they say - he has done some things!

Entered at Thu Dec 4 01:19:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Westerns

I watched The Wild Bunch, The Shootist and Little Big Man again this year and I have to say they didn't hold up too well. LBM & The Shootist looked & felt like a 70s TV western and WB has lost a lot of its power; likely because its graphic violence is pretty ordinary today.

On the other hand McCabe & Mrs Miller holds up fine.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 01:09:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


I was transfixed by a movie called "Night of the Generals" when I was a teenager. Had Peter O'Toole as a Nazi women killer. Man, what a movie! Got bad reviews... who cares!

For those interested, Turner Classic Movies is playing "Das Boots" on the 14th of December at 2:15 am. Jurgen Prochnow is so incredible an actor.. He alone made me a German cinema fan. Hollywood is so stupid for not picking this man up and givng him those great roles he was so deserving of. I have never watched The Terminator" but if the role had gone to Jurgen, I would have!!

Frank Stallone was in Tombstone? Sly was in Farewell, My Lovely.. has the greatest noir theme song of all time. If I knew how to link something from youtube up on this site, you folks would get that wonderful video I found! Please tell me how to link.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 01:06:26 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


If we can count The 1989 Mini series, Lonesome Dove as a movie you guys are nominating movies for second place.

Angelica Huston, Robert Duval, The GB's favorite, Tommy Lee Jones, Danny Glover, Fredrick Forest and many more great actors and roles make this my favorite " modern western". OK what's number two?

By the way, I don't usually do windows but if I do , I want credit.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 00:43:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Roz: Frank Stallone also sat in his dressing room on the set of Tombstone making faces in the mirror........nothing ever came of it.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 00:40:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Kevin J: And whose gonna fix the air conditioning if Steve's rolling the lawn?

Good westerns - tough question. "Little Big Man" for sure, and a more recent one where a dandy Tom Berrenger (sp?) travelled with a wardrobe. I also remember being transfixed by Sergeant Something back in the '60s. Not the famous one, but one where a soldier was being tried for murdering a girl.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 00:22:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Subject: Modern Westerns

1970 is the line that I use to separate Westerns - and it's a thin line used mostly to account for "The Wild Bunch". 1960 is probably a better line.

1992�s �Unforgiven� is often credited with being the first classic modern Western. I disagree and also support Jack�s take that �Tombstone� is the best modern Western. �Outlaw Josey Wales� made in 1976 would also rank in that class. Dlew: The remake of 3:10 to Yuma is very good � very much worth renting.

Entered at Thu Dec 4 00:00:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

I forgot how I enjoyed him playing oposite Robert Downey Jr. He played a guy name Gay Perry .. He was fabulous!

Entered at Wed Dec 3 23:55:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: I Spit On Clinton's Tombstone

The previews to that Elvis Costello thing has Bill Clinton saying that without music he probably would never have became president.. Yeah, right. He means without Hillary and a murder here and there he never would have became president!

Jack - Tombstone looked good. I actually tuned in to see Billy Bob Thornton. During one of his bit parts played forever behind Val Kilmer, he was sitting in his "dressing room" making faces at himself in the mirror cause he felt so miserable about how his "career" had been going. One of those faces was Carl Childers... Could have been this movie that helped produce Sling Blade. Kilmer was hlarious in Tombstone!

Entered at Wed Dec 3 23:48:37 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Subject: Joan

Interesting that the owners rent out the basement of Big Pink for private events! Perhaps that long awaited meeting of the GB crowd has a place to happen after all. Steve will take care of the lawn and fix the screen door while the rest of us will make some music in the basement. Note that song credits will be handed out accordingly.....

Entered at Wed Dec 3 23:44:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Tombstone

Jack: fully agree with and endorse your comments on Tombstone. Probably Kilmer's best role (after 'Top Secret!').

Anyone see the remake of 3:10 to Yuma? I thought it really very good.

Entered at Wed Dec 3 22:21:17 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Big Pink

It seems to be in good hands.

Entered at Wed Dec 3 22:04:56 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Web: My link

The above link is Stanly Jordon's take on a sad song. Worth checking out.

Thanks to Landmark for mentioning "The Mexican" as I had spent the last day wondering just how big Babe Ruth must have been in PQ if he was considered proportionaly bigger there than elsewhere. "They got it now Bill M!"

Someone asked me at lunch today whether Big Pink was protected in any way as a heritage site or if not had the local government considered this in any way. I responded by saying no not as far as I knew.....though I was able to confirm that the house was still pink......We all laughed about someone buying it and wanting to change its colour. This is probably all clear to most here but what is the score on this front? If B. Dylan is wandering around Winnipeg looking for Neil Young's house, you have got to figure that that there is a market for some sort of museum at Big Pink.

Entered at Wed Dec 3 21:33:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Elvis Costello's Interview show

For those of you who get the Sundance Channel, this is a link to a review of Elvis Costello's new show. Tonight's guest is Elton John. Interesting guests in the future including Loou. (for you BEG)

Entered at Wed Dec 3 20:35:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Val Kilmer & Ros

Ros. Check out the movie "Tombstone" starring Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday and Kurt Russell as Wyatt Earp. I think it's one of the best modern day westerns made. I believe from '93.

Entered at Wed Dec 3 19:23:00 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: Woody Guthrie Tribute

JQ: Bringing things full circle, Odetta and Ry Cooder both were featured on "A Tribute To Woody Guthrie Part One", which also included three rousing performances by Dylan and The Band. Mr. Cooder was among the musicians who accompanied Odetta and Arlo Guthrie at the concerts. Odetta performed a powerful version of "Rambling Round Your City" that included some fine bottleneck guitar by Mr. Cooder.

Entered at Wed Dec 3 19:12:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Subject: dlew919

i am flattered, ok, take it and make it better

i always defended the principle "as soon as you write something on a public media, it belongs to whom read it"

Entered at Wed Dec 3 18:56:32 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Dave Van Ronk

David P - It's coincidental that you bring up Dave Van Ronk in that he and Odetta were right there together in NYC in the earliest days of the folk music revival thing.

Entered at Wed Dec 3 18:09:09 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal

Thanks Bill, I forgot about Babe Ruth. Hated "The Mexican" but loved their take on Frank Zappa's "King Kong" (hello Charlie Young!). At the same time as them, they were playing "Tubular Bells" by Mike Oldfield over and over. Never liked it then, still hate it now.

Entered at Wed Dec 3 17:34:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: High, Low and In Between

Townes Van Zandt's' "Mr. Gold and Mr. Mud" is a great gambling song with lyrics shuffling through a deck of cards. Ry Cooder covered "One Meatball" on his eponymous debut album. Dave Van Ronk also recorded the song. That brings to mind a great Ry Cooder rarity -- "River Come Down (pka Bamboo)", a Dave Van Ronk song he recorded for a Lee Jeans commercial. It was included the WB Japan import CD compilation "Ry Cooder / River Rescue: The Very Best Of". The original version was included on the 1961 Folkways LP "Van Ronk Sings".

Entered at Wed Dec 3 17:05:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Charlie Y: Thanks. I can't bring myself to use smily faces so have to hope that people realise that I'm just kidding (when I am).

Landmark: Don't forget Babe Ruth. Big nowhere but PQ.

Peter V: For the Richard Bell discography, the details are Fred Eaglesmith, "50-Odd Dollars" (Razor & Tie 7930182843-2; 1999). Richard's on "Ten Ton Chain", "Gettin' To Me", "Carter" and "Bullets".

Entered at Wed Dec 3 17:02:56 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Toronto

Subject: Iron and Wine and Calexico

I guess it's obvious that I've got a little time on my hands right now. So, I'm asking:.... Aside from "I'm Not There" soundtrack from the movie, has anyone taken a liking to the work of these 2 bands (Iron and Wine and Calexico). I'm a latecomer to these 2 bands, having become aware of them from that movie. They follow in a great tradition of music and reaffirm for me that if you search and look in some of the corners that are not in the main stream, there are riches to be found.

Entered at Wed Dec 3 16:44:03 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Toronto

Subject: Hank Williams

Never having been a country music fan (Johnny Cash being an exception for me mainly because of his voice and phrasing), I have always been intrigued by the attraction to Hank Williams by people like Dylan and so many others. Having now listened to the new (recently discovered) 3 cd radio set (released this month or late last month, and then listening to the recorded work from the studio, my admiration for Hank Williams and his body of work in about 8 or 9 years total (died at age 29) has grown and been nurtured. Highly recommended.

Entered at Wed Dec 3 16:34:12 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Toronto

Subject: Odetta and Dylan

Odetta RIP ---- "The first thing that turned me on to folk singing was Odetta," Bob Dylan once said, and listening to that Tradition album helped persuade the young rocker to switch from electric to acoustic guitar. Odetta returned the favor in 1965, recording an LP of Dylan songs with an emphasis on the antiwar numbers rather than Dylan's sheaf of civil-rights ballads.

Entered at Wed Dec 3 15:50:38 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

JTull Fan

Subject: Roger Waters

Roz, Roger Waters did return to play with the other three members of Pink Floyd back in 2005 at Live 8 and expressed a desire to rejoin the band after that but David Gilmore was cool to the idea. Nick Mason also joined him on some shows in 2006, but Rick Wright turned him down. So at this late date it seems Roger at least has some regrets over leaving the band, at least on the bitter terms that he did.

Entered at Wed Dec 3 15:44:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

That's a lot of pianos in one barn.

Entered at Wed Dec 3 15:32:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Mike (Plochmann Lane)

Location: NH
Web: My link

Subject: R.I.P. Odetta.

The folk legend who influenced Bob Dylan & Joan Baez, passed away @ age 77 of heart disease while @ NY's Lenox Hill Hospital.

Entered at Wed Dec 3 13:15:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Music For The native Americans.
"I love this CD and wanted to portray my feelings of it through my art."

Entered at Wed Dec 3 13:12:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Another Rick Danko Tribute missed...

The Atkinson Band -Rick Danko Tribute - Saturday November 29/08 - Angelo's

348 Main St Port Dover, Ontario 519-583-0416

Entered at Wed Dec 3 13:08:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Empty

One fo he things I occassionally lecture on is migration to Australia (which is moving 'North' economically, though of course, we're in the 'south' geographically.) I really liked your approach, and may, with your permission, rip it right off, if hat's ok?

Entered at Wed Dec 3 13:08:39 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

"Ah - Grace Seldner! You are the mystery woman we've all wondered about. The only picture we have of you is of your back - going up to the swimming hole with Rick. No doubt you're a beautiful woman - anyone to snag Rick had to be beautiful. It's nice that you looked in here. Kind of made you real to us Danko fanatics."

Entered at Wed Dec 3 11:51:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: Thanks Steve / more North & South

Great post Steve, and thanks for expressing what I was unable to express, this image of the sky as �smooth continuation of the ground� which makes you fell really closer to it, and the stars within the reach of the hand�
I often thought it must be what was at the origin of so many prophets
but in this circumstances, it must have been some prophets from the Grand North whom news haven�t reached me, otherwise they were not very talkative

. �Our Lady Of The Well� it�s neither sad nor song, maybe it�s rather an Exile Song
Rarely any exiled one, let�s call it immigrant, admits his basic lack of knowledge � officially named misunderstanding � of the hosting land, and it�s reality. At the origin of all the shit starts with whom are oblivious of the law of nature �Be free to chose another country where to live, don�t export your bullshit�
For people who move from North to South, whatever is the Meridian, the most frequent and common state of mind is �They will be happy to welcome somebody who, for the first time in their life, is going to teach them to peel the banana before eating it�
Conversely, the most frequent and common state of mind for people who move from South to North is rather "They will be happy to welcome somebody whom, for the first time in their life, they will express their highest interest to get rid of WASPs power and all what civilization need is more moonlighters�
In both alternatives* they are entirely mistaken, and if the human civilization survived and thrived since Adam until 08, it is indeed because there were always been wars (�overcome by the good ones� would have added Dylan�)

Ready to start the thread? � What is the best �exile song�, maybe more exactly �homesickness song�

The answer is straightforward for all of us, who are a bit different of all of you, if you see what I mean, there�s one song in which all and everybody (of us) identified, the hymn today for everybody who moved far away from the motherland,
�Ya Rayeh� (Oh Emigrant) - originally sung by Dahmane Harrachi [previous link of mine] � Translation (for who are neither like us neither different of us),

Oh Emigrant, Oh where are you going?
Sooner or later you must come back home
How many ignorant people have been deceived
Before you and me

How many crowded cities have you seen and how many empty lands?
How much time have you wasted? How much have you yet to lose?
Oh emigrant in a land belonging to whom is different of us
Do you even know what's going on?
Destiny and time follow their course and you ignore it

Why is your heart so sad? And why are you staying there miserable?
Hardship will end and you no longer learn or win anything
The days don't last, just as your youth and mine didn't
Oh poor fellow who missed his chance just as I missed mine

Oh traveler, I give you an advice to follow right away
See what is in your interest before you sell or buy
Oh sleeper, your news reached me your project holds not the road
Thus, the heart returns to its creator God the Highest

Moral: in definitive, the best place where to emigrate is neither North neither South

Entered at Wed Dec 3 04:42:16 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Subject: Out of Context...

"The Doors stand out as pretty good..." -Peter V.

My God--next he'll be naming the new Pete Seeger disc as album of the year!

Entered at Wed Dec 3 04:38:23 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Subject: The Dead and The Boss

Bill: I got your wordplay on "substance" relating to the Grateful Dead (which I did refer to at one time in my life as "the Grateful Dull").

Anyway, today I was driving in New Jersey and NYC so I naturally switched from the Grateful Dead channel on XM/Sirius over to the all Springsteen station and didn't wander away all day. I wish there were a channel devoted to The Band with as much good quality live material as those two satellite radio stations have in their archives.

Entered at Wed Dec 3 04:32:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Pacific Northwest

Subject: Gambleen

Auzzie Kid! Do you know the "Deck of Cards" from Tex Ritter David?

I'm gonna try and fly you over a couple of tunes from the CD I'm trying to wind up

Entered at Wed Dec 3 04:15:10 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Song lists

Thoroughly enjoying the 'sad songs'/'happy songs' list: got me to thinking. Have been collecting the never less than excellent 'Classic Albums' tv series: have about 9 or 10, I guess. Last two I bought (for ten bucks each! Bargain) was Frank Zappa's Apostrophe and Motorhead's Ace of Spades. (Yes, I live in contradictions)...

Anyway, Lemmy (the fifth head on Mt Rushmore, should they ever carve it) wrote one of the great gambling songs: 'Ace of Spades' (You only ever lose, and gamblings for fools, but that's the way i like it baby, I don't wanna live forever the Ace fo Spades ...)

It then occurred to me that our guys have three great gambling songs: 'Cripple Creek', '4% Pantomime' and 'Evangeline'.

How many more are there, I wonder? Kenny Rogers' 'The Gambler': 'You got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them'; I know there's others - my mind's gone blank!

Happy songs? 'We are the Champions', Queen; Celebration day, Led Zeppelin;

A friend of mine once claimed that there were no cool happy songs. I soon disabused him of that ...

Again, my stupid blank mind ...

Entered at Wed Dec 3 04:15:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Haven't you heard, Robbie left the Band like Roger Waters left Pink Floyd n-e-v-e-r t-o b-e h-e-a-r-d f-r-o-m a-g-a-i-n

I don't like Val Kilmer too much but Thunderheart is a good film. Sam Shepard's in it. I'm watchin' it It's got Sam Little Weasel in it!

Serenity -- Shame on you! Pornography by mistake...? Bad News Grandma! What if that'd gone to one of your grandchildren? What would they have though of their beloved cookie baking grandma sending dirty pictures to them through the internet. You could be arrested for that. (grin)

Entered at Wed Dec 3 03:17:47 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

The song I've been playing over and over the last couple of days. I can get like that sometimes as I know some of you can as well....Thanks to Lizzz who used to post for helping me to distinguish between Lucinda Williams and Victoria Williams at the time.

Subscribektoop July 18, 2008 Steve Earle and Lucinda Williams - You're Still Standin' There.

Entered at Wed Dec 3 03:06:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Robbie playing live at EMP Awards for Serenity 'cause she just sent a naughty

It's amazing how some people rag on Robbie 'cause he doesn't play live much and when he does....He's not even honoured by having his photos on the Band site. Shame, Shame, Shame!

I was checking out different covers of Louuu's "Pale Blue Eyes"....I didn't really like Patti Smith's cover but she did tell us that the song was actually about a boy from Sweden. I think Louuu was getting a divorce from Betty around the time of "Berlin" so it couldn't have been about her as he wrote this song during his VU days. Thank you Patti....

Entered at Wed Dec 3 02:55:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Johnny Depp as Robbie Robertson

Uploaded on October 28, 2008 by tgbusill

Entered at Wed Dec 3 02:41:48 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Steve, if only Brien was part Native American, we could call him B2Ds.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 23:32:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:



Well, come to think of it, they coulda put a head cam on one of those get-ups she's so famous for and had her stand back between Garth and Richard so that we could of gotten shots of all five members of the Band as they played their hearts out... OR... she could have come in handy in the back stage "line-up". You know how rock and rollers get when they're all coked up!

Don Henley used to line'em up like football players and go down the line pokin' each one of them until he was satisfied. He had'em a script all written and if they had bad timing or refused to say the "You're The king, Don" shit to him on time, he'd throw'em out of the game!

Entered at Tue Dec 2 23:08:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

I got the Elektra box set "Forever Changing" the other day (cheap). In the context, The Doors stand out as pretty good. There's a lot of dire crap on it, but is David Ackles the worst thing you ever heard?

Entered at Tue Dec 2 22:04:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal

Yeah Kevin, Quebec in the 70's had a history of breaking acts big before the rest of North America. Especially British prog bands. Groups like Genesis were playing sold out, multiple dates here in the Peter Gabriel era. Supertramp was huge as was Chris De Burgh which explains why Garfield hit. Thanks to you, "Old Time Movies" is now spinning in my mind.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 21:22:37 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Friendo - Jack's comments were made several years prior to me meeting Rick. I had nothing to base anything on. I remember being surprised by the comments because that is not how I envisioned Rick or Levon. After meeting Rick, I couldn't see where Jack's comments came from, but Jack dealt with Rick and Levon in his own, time, place and manner and he has the right to his opinion. He had his reasons for them and they weren't made up - they were just his impressions. On the other hand, Jack, who was a pretty funny guy, also was one to admit that he wasn't always a walk in the park to deal with, so we can take that into the equation as well. But for me and my wife, Rick was great.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 21:21:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Roz: Thanks for that information. Great to have you back��We were all truly sorry you were on the sidelines for the �Cher should have been invited to play TLW� discussion some weeks back������. If only Julie, Carol and Al Edge would return! After all, photos of a reunited Band from 1978 have just surfaced���.anything is possible! Oh, on that subject, Steve�.. notice that the great photos from 1978 ( not 1974 as indicated ) feature RR sharing vocals with Rick and Richard ( on drums! ) being obscured in most photos��. Did RR hire the photographer? Or do ya think that just the way The Band looked to most neutral observers through a lens?

Landmark: Thanks. Funny about the title�..I remember that it was a bizarre one! I also remember that some acts that would play to relatively small crowds in the Rest of Canada would be massive in Quebec in the 70�s. Shawn Phillips, Garfield French are two examples.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 21:05:46 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Peter M. I met Gailard Sartain. I was an extra (with a little extra to do) in Alan Rudolph's film "Trouble in Mind" back in the early-mid eighties. Gailard played some guy named Fat Adolph. He was neat! I also got to spend a little time with Divine and the rest of the cast. Good people all around.

I remember seeing Busey on the David Letterman show one night when he talked bout his first trip to California, playing drums in a rock and roll group. He said they were playin in a place near Disneyland and there was a barmaid walking around collecting tips in a bedpan. This statement had obviously intrigued Letterman and he spent a few seconds thinking about it while Busey went on to talk of some other experience he'd had. After a few seconds, Letterman looked at Busey with his head cocked and asked, "Why was she using a bedpan?" Gary, annoyed, looked back and retorted "Well I Don't Know!" Gary later went on to say that he couldn't wait to get back home so that he could get his bike out of the shop and take her for a spin... the rest is well,.. history.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 20:30:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Abby: What, Steve's line about the northern lights? Me, I think he should turn the two closing sentences of his post into a song. A nip here and a tuck there and he's got himself a hit!

Entered at Tue Dec 2 20:11:27 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter M.

Location: by the pond

Subject: Busey

In the early 70's actor Gailard Sartain hosted a late Saturday night movie show in Tulsa. It was called "Dr. Mazeppa Pompazoidi's Uncanny Film Festival and Camp Meeting". It showed bad horror movies and sortof "underground" films, with outrageously goofy, spacey comedy bits interspersed during the breaks. There were a number of other characters featured on these comedy bits, and one of them was Gary Busey, playing a good old boy, Teddy Jack Eddy. Sometimes he would play a slightly different, Polish version of him, as "Teddy Jackeddi". They would occasionally have musical guests like J J Cale or Eric Clapton wander through the procedings. Busey would sometimes play raucous, wild rockabilly with his own band, on the show. I later saw Gary Busey's band headline at an outdoor festival in '75 (?) or so, called the Tulsa Intergalactic Seltzer Festival. Wild, near out of control stuff. Leon Russell was a regular surprise guest on Mazeppa's show. About 10 years ago I was pleasantly surprised (or, should I say, NOT surprised) to learn that Leon named his son after Busey, in a way. He saddled him with the name Teddy Jack Russell.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 20:08:25 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Montreal

Kevin the title is: "She was waiting for her mother in station at Torino but you know I love you baby but its getting too hard to laugh". Something like that anyway. It's off the album "Second Contribution" which I still have. He was huge here. Now he's back living in Texas and a member of his town's volunteer fire dept.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 19:58:33 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Hopefully that wasn't the hundreth time that line has been posted her....

Entered at Tue Dec 2 19:57:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Kevin, I have full confidence in Madame Jean and the system. I think it's one of the strong points of a British styled parliamentary democracy where there's actually a referee with a rule book who's on neither side who gets to weigh the arguments and make the call. All this talk about constitutional crisis is foolishness. No crisis just part of the package.

Empty, I've never seen the night sky in a desert but have seen the northern sky in Northern Quebec many times where there is no ground light for hundreds of miles. The intrepid Irish travel writer Dervla Murphy has crossed both mid east deserts and Siberia and says the night sky in both places produce the same peace of mind and are her favorite places to be. I'm guessing the Northern Quebec sky must resemble that of Siberia.

IN northern Quebec when the sky is really clear and the humidity levels( like the desert) are minimal, the stars are visible right down to where the ground meets the sky.

On nights when the northern lights are really impressive you can hear them cracking in the sky.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 19:57:15 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: i'm a BEG wannabe - at lunchtime

From Margaret Moser and Bill Crawford's book Rock Stars Do The Dumbest Things: "Neil Diamond collaborated for many years with guitarist Robbie Robertson of The Band. In 1976 Robertson invited Diamond and Bob Dylan to perform at The Last Waltz, The Band's final concert, which was documented by Martin Scorsese. Diamond sang first, went backstage, and smugly said to Dylan, "You'll have to be pretty good to follow me." Dylan snapped back, "What do I have to do, go onstage and fall asleep?"

Entered at Tue Dec 2 19:56:16 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Hey Brien,

For a digital guy, you sure are as ensitive sucker.

I'll stick with real anyday. And my ears, recording and sound preferences are in damn good company. Digital ain't real, it ain't even Splenda.

I been meaning to comment on something I noticed. I vividly recall your post about Rick,Levon and Johhny Roig(?), the old Stone Pony owner, as you described him. You posted he said Rick was a dick and Levon was far worse. You did not indicate that you contested that description to Roig.

I'm surprised, because anyone who had dealings with Rick would know, and you especially should have known, that Rick was kind, friendly & decent to everyone and anyone he met. Rick was not the type to be rude, arrogant or testy. Brien, you can bet your digital dick (you can always digitize another) that the only reason Roig the club owner spoke that way of Rick is that Roig probably tried to fuck him.

I've met rick enough and seen him in action enough to know that Rick was always friendly and nice, at shows & in real life, othing to do with shows. I mean at breakfast, in gas stations, in stores, on the street, real life evryday shit.

Rick was friendly, kind, attentive, accessible, outgoing, & senstiive to people. But, he was no schmuck. Push him a little, Rick woulda responded enough to let you know to back off. Outright try to fuck him, i'd say Rick would get right up on ya. No question about it.

You, and your wedding party, being the beneficiaries of Rick's humanity and personality, beyond the paid for performance, which is all a arrogant, dick , rock star woulda provided, I was surprised that you told Roig's comments without bothering to say that you knew better and that you understood that Roig musta had a agenda. I also figured that you woulda told Roig that he must be a real schmuck, if Rick had to behave that way towards him.

Of course, there are other options to Roig's story. It could be as simple as Roig trying to fuck him out of money, And Rick say hey buddy, not this cowpoke. And Roig settling right down like a good little boy, but badmouthing Rick every chance he has. Of course levon might react a little more animated right away, therefore Roig's description of him was a little rougher.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 19:35:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Kevin - Busey was initially suppose to play the role of Tom Frank that eventually went to Keith Carradine while Carradine was slated to play the husband of his real life girlfriend at the time, Cristina Raines. Don't know what happened.

Don't forget that Busey was also in "A Star Is Born" playing the semi-manager (gopher) of the Kris Kristofferson character. That movie literally sucked a blue streak. Kris ain't no James Mason and what's-her-name certainly ain't no Judy Garland (no matter how much she needed everyone to believe otherwise.) Kristofferson hated workin' with that broad! I remember him saying that when the time came for him to knock her on her ass down into the mud, he accidently, on purpose kept screwin' the scene up so he could get "One More Shot At The Bitch!" Something about her and her then boyfriend Jon "Shampoo Me" Peters not allowing Kris to use his own band.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 19:22:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Ain't Real Life Sad

" A little man walked up and down
He found an eatin' place in town
He looked the menu through and through
To see what fifteen cents could do

One meatball, One meatball
He couldn't afford nuthin' but one meatball

He told the waiter near at hand
the simple dinner he had planned
The guests were startled one and all
To hear the waiter oddly call

One meatball, One meatball
This her "gent" wants one meatball!

The little man felt ill at ease
Said, "Some bread, Sir, if you please"
The waiter hollered down the hall

one meatball one meatball
ya get no bread with one meatball"

It's the holiday season folks....remember that song when you're asked to help out. Please help the "Feed The Children" in your area. If you don't have one in your area, do an internet search and find one please. It's cold and hungry this year. Give while ya can.. next year it just might be you or me.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 19:21:49 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Steve: As seen through the eyes of the ROC wing nuts in the media. I just call it democracy. Let�s just hope that the lovely GG acts appropriately.

Gary Busey: I watched �Nashville� on the weekend and noticed that he wrote a few tunes used in the movie. This was pre his Buddy Holly star turn.

I also heard Shawn Phillips �Women� on the radio this weekend. I know that that is not the real title but a very good song. What ever happened to the long haired Texan?

Entered at Tue Dec 2 18:55:08 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: for everyman his own South

Steve : Oh! La! La!... �a se complique�

Alex Haley randomly landed on a multipost thread of mine,
everything started with a most underrated song of Jackson Browne �Out Lady Of The Well�, from album �For Everyman�, the text is sublime, though I played it thousands of times since its original release 1973, I still have no exact reading about it, the context, the inspiration, listen, the line is heartbreaking when Jacky sings
��and it's a long way that I have come, cross the sand to find this peace among your people in the sun��
is that linked with some life experience? even in a diehard fans site there�s exactly nothing about that song, in that sense,
as someone who experienced stellar sky nights in the desert,�.
it�s undescribable in a GB� whom is Jackson Browne singing about? I guess an answer may be found somewhere down the Tijuana area, eh oui� for everyman his own South�
thus I jump on the present post to call officially and once for all The Band population, for any help on the topic, comment, clue, info, will be much appreciated, pull your unique Empty out of the darkness
though I roughly feel that the theme has something to do with this extremely rare situation after 1960, of some Northern native who moves down South, voluntarily or following some kind of displacement, it makes no difference.
maybe it has no link with real realm, the truth is that it�s a tremendously cherished theme of mine, in fiction as in reality, from Norman Mailer�s tropics to that heartbreaking scene I recently dedicated to Roz in a recent post featuring Yvonne de Carlo, who is native of Vancouver for The Band connection, living in a dream
otherwise, add it to that amazingly imaginative �sad song� thread
such that I won�t completely feel outsider on board

WAW! a lot of literary references, as a desperate attempt to catch up my last blunder
talking of last blunder, le sieur Obama yesterday�s release "Sovereign nations obviously have a right to protect themselves" �sounds familiar, his perspectives about the Indiani-Pakestinian bilateral relations
binuclear should be the word, some days [sigh] i just feel like if i am not fittest at all
for a World Saver candidate, I sincerely believe that he still enormously has to learn�

�from Rai singers, starting by listening my previous linked song, heartbreaking B L M L, it�s just a little of politics which harms to nobody, bien au contraire

Entered at Tue Dec 2 18:56:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Charlie Y: Nice that you've found the Dead, but I don't think your realisation that there were substances behind the scenes rates as news.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 18:45:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Happy Songs

In keeping with my last post, "59th Street Bridge Song" by Simon & Garfunkle.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 18:43:09 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: NY

Subject: Suicide rates

Interesting that NY has the lowest suicide rates. I wouldn't have thought so, but I guess to survive in NY (at least the city) you need to be pretty tough. Also, living in NYC can be a very insular (and sometimes lonely) life. I guess it goes back to that tough, survival of the fittest thing.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 18:40:31 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Kevin, coup?, please, tell us more. What's happening and where?

Entered at Tue Dec 2 17:55:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Kevin J

Subject: Sad Songs

Sad Songs: �Stairway to Heaven� at about the 7 minute mark of the song at most Friday night High School dances in 1977, I realized that I would be going back to Spike�s house to drink beer rather than going out back with Chantal. Very Sad!

Happy Songs: A coup underway in Canada������ Roz is back and Steve has a new name for the author of the song that makes him so happy!

Entered at Tue Dec 2 17:53:13 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Pat B

Steve, the Chicago media noted Pit Martin's unfortunate accident last night. A great member of the stellar Hawks teams of the 60's and early 70's. At least he was doing something he loved.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 17:20:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Wisconsin

Subject: ROZ

Wasn't there a song called "One Meatball"? The words "all you get for fifteen cents is one meatball". If my mind has gone, don't tell me.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 16:43:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Cat's In The Cradle , follow up

Charlie, sorry to continue on the sad song theme but I thought it important to do a little follow up on Harry's song since it actually made it to #1 and so many of us know it.

The song lyric wasn't written by Harry, it was written by his wife Sandy and it's about the relationship between her first husband and his father. Sorry for letting the cat out of the bag in the GB, Harry.

FriendO, this digital dick thing seems to be taking on life of its own, almost getting out of hand.I hope Brien gets a grip on it shortly, before it's long'n gone.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 16:38:44 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Two things:

1.Satan is a myth - there was a lengthy discourse written but opted to not include it here for nearly everyone elses sake.

2. Friendo - your ED problems/issues are yours. Why all the references to male phalic symbols, especially when addressing myself? Are you not creative enough to use other illustrations to vent your obvious anger? With such free useage of the implied reference, I can only imagine that it must be a frequent illustration point in your daily life. Maybe you have other issues that need to be worked out. Good luck with that but I'll bank good money on your continuing denial and the inability of you to embrace the present as good and to work within the parameters of today, both in thought and in technology.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 15:16:40 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Subject: Whistle a Happy Tune...

Steve: I had no idea about the Inuit suicide rate. But enough about those sad songs.

How about a list of happy ones? I think one of the happier songs by The Band would have to be "Time to Kill," and maybe one of their overlooked gems as well. The lyics might be pretty elementary, but that songs just WORKS. I'd also list McCartney's "Good Day Sunshine" and John Sebastian's "Daydream" near the top of my happy tune list.

Finally, since the merger of XM and Sirius I've become addicted to the Grateful Dead channel and their 24 hour stream of that prolific band's decades of work--most of it stellar quality live stuff. It's given me a new appreciation of a band that is too often the butt of jokes. There was a lot of substance behind the scene there. And "Sugar Magnolia" is a great happy tune.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 15:12:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Steve, I'm not sure where this fits into an attempt for a natural analogue prgression of a digital conversation. But, Brien definitiley indicated full awareness of the short comings of his inevitable, eventual digital dick. The man embraces Satan.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 14:15:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Calvin Russell. The man from Austin Texas.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 13:43:18 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: This And That Around The GB

Pat, former Blackhawk, Pit Martin, plunged through the ice on a lake while driving his snowmobile in northern Quebec yesterday and has drowned. They're trying to retrieve his body today.

You're right Peter, British/ American. As my mother is fond of saying, age before beauty. She sometimes, depending on the situation and being from a farming background, will use, "shit before the shovel", but that's reserved for special occasions. I can explain that one if necessary, I don't know if it floats outside the farming community.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 12:59:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Cool man, a post on creation by Jeff, followed by a post on evolution by Roz followed by a post on creation, with complete instructions on how to be saved by Brien. I hope this doesn't get out of hand.

Charlie, you might make a connection between the % of the population which is aboriginal in Alaska which at 19% is the highest in the country and the suicide rate.

When the first census was taken in the US and Canada suicide among the Inuit/Eskimos was almost unheard. It was literally a foreign concept, they had no word for it in their language. Now they lead Canada the US as well as Greenland in percentage of their population that take their own lives.

Canada, the US and Greenland removed the Inuit from their life on the land and into settlements in the middle of the last century, each country app. one decade after the other. I think the order was Greenland , US then Canada. The suicide rates exploded in each community at the same intervals as they been resettled. Interestingly, it didn't happen to the generation that was moved off the land and resettled but it was the children and grandchildren and following generations that started killing themselves.

The theory is that the people who were removed were not effected because they were well based in their own culture whereas the following generations were missing the ties that bind. In Northern Quebec suicide among Inuit people is almost epidemic.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 09:13:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Dlew, that's tight for a thesis, but I guess even if you're doing a statutory six copies or whatever, it's publishing. History theses are in a hard place because by definition you need archive stuff, so will have to pay. Because my stuff is so photo heavy, I decided to brush up my skills so if I need a road sign or a tree or whatever, I go out and take it myself. The same for some conversation pictures. I rarely use my own stuff large though, because I'm aware that a point comes where professional skills really show.

A few years ago, we had some professional sequences done in London with actors / models to show some simple conversations. It was done in pouring rain on a grey drizzly day, and the shoot manager had dressed everyone in grey or beige and it looked miserable. I disliked the proofs which arrived on a beautiful sunny day, so I took my son and my daughter's friend, went down to the beach and retook the whole sequence. The publisher used mine (free) and scrapped the expensive ones, but it's an unusual case. And it doesn't help with historey theses.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 07:23:57 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Anybody ever heard of Calvin Russell around here? One Meatball? Sam Brown? No? Okay.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 07:01:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Web: My link

Subject: Sad Songs - Emmylou Harris 'Red Dirt Girl'

'Red Dirt Girl' is pretty sad. Here's some of it. This is one of the songs that she did at Levon's Ramble a couple of years ago. It was pretty moving to hear this sung live by Emmylou from about 8 feet away. But the thing that makes a great sad song better than just any old sad song, is when the sadness is strangely beautiful in some way....when it brings people together....
Complete lyrics at the link above.

Nobody knows when she started her skid,
She was only 27 and she had five kids.
Coulda' been the whiskey,
Coulda been the pills,
Coulda been the dream she was trying to kill.
But there won't be a mention in the news of the world
About the life and the death of a red dirt girl
Names Lillian
Who never got any farther across the line than Meridian.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 05:28:43 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Subject: Sad Songs...and Ends

Paul McCartney's "Yesterday" is certainly the best-selling sad song of all time.

Relating to the sad song thread is a statistic I read recently: that Alaska has the highest suicide rate in the US and New York State the lowest.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 04:49:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Getty Acquires The Michael Ochs Archives (Previous quotes posted from this site.)
By Chris Ferrone February 27, 2007

Yeah, Alanna was previously married to George Hamilton. During an art therapy session Sean Stewart shared with the group that he was teased a lot for not having his dad Rod the Mod around much and Sean was beat up by school mates. The reruns are this Friday and Saturday nights in Canada and then Sundays new session. Former drummer Steve Adler from Guns and Roses as well as Gary Busey (another Band connection as he performed with Rick)....all have many issues and emotional baggage. I wonder if Rod will show for a sesssion as Adler's Mom did.....wasn't a very pretty encounter either.....

Entered at Tue Dec 2 04:15:10 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Brien Sz

Digital photos are encoded with time of creation and all sorts of tech stuff. If an image is stolen and claimed elsewhere, at least you have your own digital master file as a source of proof (especially if you shoot RAW) - kind of good as opposed to evil. Now I'm sure their are folks who can manipulate that original digital DNA but that takes a lot of effort. Besides, all you have to do with an image now is do a touch edit which can be so slight as to not be able to recognize the change and Save As. The modification is recorded as are all changes. It is an excellent feature of digital technology that helps solidify ownership.

With slides, an expert copyist could duplicate your work making it very ambiguous as to who has the original. But the copyist would have to be very talented.

If digital technology is like this photography, then I'll assume in audio there is a similar technology that always contains a history. The one who owns the earliest history will more than likely be the originator of the work.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 02:52:35 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Everyting looks better in black and white... (or worse, if you're singing it live)

Photo libraries here are gouge merchants: if you wish to put a photo in a thesis - an honours, masters or doctoral thesis, which, in all probability, wll have been read by all the people who it was going to be read by when you deposit it, it STILL costs 120.00 (about 75.00 USD, and 60.00 EU), and you must acknowledge the library!

I can understand charges for books, but theses?

Copyright here is a nightmare, too: a friend of mine who's a photographer just signs away her rights - it's easier... and she finds people tend to acknowldege her work far more readily (and ask her for repringts, more as well) ...

Entered at Tue Dec 2 02:43:36 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Whatdaya know!

Sean Stewart has two Band connections. Albert Grossman was also the manager of Janis Joplin who once smashed a bottle over the head of a peer at a party at the home of George Hamilton who was a husband of this Alanna Hamilton babe who later married Rod Stewart who once recorded a song written by Robbie Robertson... and the kid don't even know who Buddy Holly was... So much for evolution.

Entered at Tue Dec 2 02:32:05 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


technically the act of creation is the copyright. In the U.S. too. But then, go prove it. Of course, there is the poor man's copyright, the self addressed envelope.

It's sure worth the money and time, to properly register a copyright. COuld avoid more effort later. And get you your money more quickly. Or just get you less screwed more quickly.

I imagine photos would be the same as songs in the regard of being able to register / copyright a collection.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 23:55:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Yes, many books that use numbers of archive photos end up putting a disclaimer in such as "Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders of the pictures on pages 13 and 75. Please contact us if you are the copyright holder." And 99% of the time or more no one ever turns up. But once something is registered on Getty Images (which has taken over most of the other libraries by the look of it) then payment would have to be made according to a scale � the scale is usually how large an image you want, with a book cover coming in higher again.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 23:41:20 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Norm, if Joni bites, and prefers plain old Huggers & Tuggers, that's also a purty Gawd Damn catchy title for your collaboration.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 23:32:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Peter: I imagine that many were publicity photos commissioned by the respective record labels. Over the years, Mr. Ochs has registered the photos in his company's collection and now licenses the rights for commercial use. Whether any of the original photographers has come forward to legally challenge this is quite possible, but probably an exception to the rule.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 23:17:22 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Don't know about the USA, David, but in the EU you don't have "to copyright" something. If you can prove you did it, your copyright is automatic, so I'm told. Of course a lot of early rock photos turned up in the hands of people who didn't actually press the shutter.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 22:54:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Subject: Michael Ochs Archives

It's my understanding that many of the early photos of music artists in the Michael Ochs archives were literally abandoned by various records labels over the years and Mr. Ochs saved them from being destroyed. Many were probably not even copyrighted at the time.

I believe that one of the famous photos of Levon & the Hawks, with the boys all clean cut & dressed in suits, is part of the Ochs collection.

Many photographers have either donated or sold the rights to their collections to Mr. Ochs.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 21:45:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

rozzzz: Sean Stewart's Ma is Alana Hamilton.

You're welcome abby girl. I guess I know what to put in the search engine. Some people like to have a drink or a smoke to relax...I find links and smile when I find the occasional gem.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 21:37:42 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: sad

"perfect day" Lou Reed. "you just keep me hanging on....." and many, many leonard cohen songs. Although, a lot of times I think his music just has a certain melancholic quality about it that makes it sound sad when really the lyrics are more about love and longing.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 21:18:47 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Steve: Passes muster. Truly sad. I knew there was one by Chapin, but all that came to mind was "WOLD", which would do well on the 'maudlin' list.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 19:04:53 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Geez It's with a tad of trepidation I add my sad song to the list, just in case it's not really sad, I'll be waiting for your call on this one Bill. Cat's In The Cradle, by Sandy and Harry Chapin, always makes my day a little blue.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 18:38:35 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Bill M

Most of the songs on the list of 'sad songs' don't strike me as particularly sad, even if the subject matter is objectively 'sad' (if that's not totally oxymoronic). They're just good records. What strikes me as sad is "My Father" by Judy Collins, "My Old Man" by Noddy Clegg and the Civilians, "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman, "The Light Brigade" by Fred Eaglesmith, "Rocking Chair" and "Lonesome Suzy" by our guys, "Strange Fruit" by Billie Holiday, any of Fairuz's Easter songs, "Do they Know It's Christmas by Live Aid. And, from the original list, "So Sad To Watch Good Love Go Bad" by the Everlys.

Peter V: Something else to add to the Richard Bell discog would be Fred Eaglesmith's "$50,00" from the late '90s. I found it and Fred's first at a 2nd hand store on the weekend and was surprised to fine Richard II on four tracks.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 18:30:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Sad songs

Rick's Driftin Away from DFA.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 18:25:53 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


That would be "Chapter 27" of course .... told ya I hadn't seen it BUT .... it's showing on the seventh of December on "The Movie Channel" in case anyone else hasn't seen it and is interested. Whatdaya'll think? Good? Bad? Shoulda never been made?

Owls Do Cry

Entered at Mon Dec 1 18:13:52 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Hi everybody - It's nice to be able to post here again.

Brown Eyes - I'm glad to see that I ain't the only one who loves scarves.. I have an animal print pashmina that goes wherever I go because it goes with everything in my closet. It dresses up. It dresses down.. looks good with a black turtleneck. Looks good with a white button down collar and everything!

I heard that Busey was going to be on that Celebrity Rehab deal this season so I'm tuning in by DVR every Thursday to watch. Rod Stewart should be incarcerated. I have always said it, If you don't want your dirty laundry aired in public, don't have kids. They'll expose you for exactly what you are! Who is that kid's mother, anyway?

Still goin' off on the sad songs, huh?

I'm watching last night's installment of DEXTER and boy is he Pissed!

Hey, Anybody seen that airing of "The Killing of John Lennon" that played on The Sundance Channel the other night? What about Chapter 24? I haven't seen that yet. Did Yoko try and have those films banned?

Entered at Mon Dec 1 18:02:11 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

"All American and British" works in order of alphabetical sequence, Steve, but I like to work in order of seniority and say "All British and American."

Entered at Mon Dec 1 17:23:01 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Empty, that should be, " all American and British patronyms look the same".

Entered at Mon Dec 1 16:51:09 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Norm, I know you are a orderly man, so, I don't suggest you start any new recording projects till you finish the first one.

Let's forget the other one I proposed to you, y'know, the one with Garth & levon. I've come to accept that you just aint ever gonna leave your comfort zone territory wise. But, learning that Joni Mitchell summers in sechelt, or on Sechelt, I've got a new idea. It's odd enough, Joni may go for it.

No material yet, but i could come up with some winners. Actually the tugboat captain song I wrote would fit.

Anyway, the Joni/Westocaster collaboration I propose would be titled Tree Huggers & Tree Tuggers. After all, you do haul for the mills and jack companies.

sorry, Joni gets first billing. Ladies first.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 16:34:32 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: BEG!!

I love all your links....(how on earth do you find all of these??) but...are you on leave from teaching? It just dawned on me that someone's got to be taking care of your kids while you're doing all this web-searching!! Not to be nosey - well, yes, I AM being nosey.... I know how you love your kids.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 16:33:15 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Empty Now

Web: My link

Subject: Wisdom Won�t Last...

Lyrics � Mohamed Ben Ali Ould Erzin

The Wisdom won�t last for the one who didn�t study letters B L Eli M L
Without which a man brought out of his sleep, wakes up deprived in deep desert
The traitor who contrives, cares little to share your meal
But every misfortune on my road entails the good
My only fear was to damage her youth as they took her away from me
A sorcerer intended her malefic formulae and let her go adrift
If she had consulted me I would have destroyed the evil spell
I warned my partner as I shall do with sensible beings
The beauty lives only in the beautiful, and a brave heart too
Of all wild animals, I say myself, this one spoiled my collection
To complain would delight the mean man full of hostility
I recorded this tale to make a lesson to meditate
And he who didn�t see the ancient Fes saw nothing
He will be the subject of how much rumours from Oued Noun to Hamada
As was the Lumberjack�s daughter whose story crossed plains and mountains
A long time ago Khaddoudja was brave
Regrettably she exchanged solid gold for copper of Soussa
I greet those who can understand my parabolae
The respectable ones, wise men and brilliant poets
My name is formed by letters M M H and D and more clearly expressed as
Cherif Ben Ali Ould Erzin from the descent of Zahra

Hi Roz, ^^^^
Thanks dlwe911 for the A. Haley correction, for me all those American patronyms look the same

Entered at Mon Dec 1 16:19:29 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

David P.

Lots of great songs mentioned here in the last few days. "You Don't Know Me" was co-written by the legendary Cindy Walker and country crooner Eddy Arnold, who, along with Jerry Vale, was first to record the song. Of course, as with so many of the songs he covered, Ray Charles recorded the definitive version. In the early '90s, the late-great Charlie Rich recorded a beautiful version on his "Pictures and Paintings" album.

"Across The Borderline" was a collaboration between Ry Cooder, John Hiatt & Jim Dickinson, recorded for the soundtrack of the 1982 Tony Richardson film "The Border", starring Jack Nicholson. Freddy Fender sang the original soundtrack version, which Mr. Cooder later recorded himself, along with the multi-talented actor Harry Dean Stanton.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 15:02:59 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Pacific Northwest

Subject: I'm UP!

Peter; I certainly understand where you're coming from. However with this guy, Eddy is just Eddy. There are a lifetime of stories about things he has done and does. We all just laugh most of it off, he's just haywire.

But there comes a time when it isn't funny anymore. Some guys are like that. You cut 'em a lot of slack, and it becomes a way of life to them. I would bet it happened a lot of the time in the BAND.

There are a lot of guys who are good guys and don't really see the whole picture, and what their nonchalant attitudes really cost them.

Some one just mentioned Roy Orbison's "Crying" in the sad song category, which of course is supereme. However I'd like to add, that "Leah" is another. Roy Orbison hits notes in that song, that sets him apart from any one.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 13:05:55 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

I hope the American posters here had a thankful Thanksgiving weekend. I forgot to post this earlier. November 26, 2008 from Dugout Chatter: Thanksgiving Edition

"How many typical Thanksgiving foods can you cite in the lyrics of rock songs? For what is a veteran rock star more thankful in his autobiography: the patience, love, and support of his first wife, who raised their children almost singlehandedly during the rocker's long journey to unfulfilling superstardom, or the "on-the-rebound" support of his younger, new edition wife? Which rock musician or entire band would you most like to invite to your Thanksgiving dinner - and why?

When you think pre- or post-song "thank you" from the onstage patter of a live album or concert film what's the first one that comes to mind? (See my choice, above.) What's your favorite song of thanks, specifically a song with the words "thanks" or "thank you" in the title? Finally, if you haven't gotten around to it yet, here's an opportunity to give thanks to a fellow Townsperson for turning you onto something during your time in the Halls of Rock!"

Entered at Mon Dec 1 12:30:03 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Subject: Built For Speed?

Let's see, Fast Eddy vs Tug Boat Norm.

BEG , now I know you're egging me on. I won't bite. I won't suggest "wind" as the alternative power source most identifiable with Old Sings With Mike Off, nice try though.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 11:32:50 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Ten Things We Learned at the Opening Ceremonies
By JESSICA REAVES Saturday, Feb. 09, 2002

9. Robbie Robertson is a great untapped resource, much like solar power. He should be invited back to open every future Olympic Games.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 11:29:10 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Photos from A Tribute To Rick Danko and Richard Manuel

Entered at Mon Dec 1 11:24:30 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Guest Book for Richard Manuel

Entered at Mon Dec 1 11:23:03 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

'Tribute': The Band plays on
By Bill Meredith
Special to The Palm Beach Post

Friday, November 28, 2008

Entered at Mon Dec 1 10:54:14 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Peter V

Norm, the hassle with any creative enterprise involving several people is the guy who falls down on the job. I've had it with writing teams. When we were doing weekly comedy / revue shows in the 70s, we had one guy who was a so-so actor, but a brilliant singer. He could sing just like Garfunkel (which with an international audience of English learners was no bad thing). Anyway, as he always got a fantastic audience reaction, he started turning up later and later. We always ran the comedy sketches through before each show, startting at five for an eight o'clock start. At the same time the band ran through their stuff.

He started turning up at six thirty, then seven, then seven thirty, and we all kind of tolerated it and cut back the acting because his singing was so popular. Finally, one night I phoned his house to ask whether he was coming or not and his wife told me that he'd left home for the rehearsal at 4.30 just as he did every week. He arrived at seven thirty to tell us his wife had flu and he'd had to put the kids to bed. We fired him on the spot. Then his wife did about a week later. She found out who he'd been with when he was allegedly rehearsing with us. It happens!

Entered at Mon Dec 1 05:38:27 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Subject: Duh...

Of course I meant "single most" below, not "most single." Time for bed...

Entered at Mon Dec 1 05:35:13 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Charlie Y

Subject: More Sad Songs...

Did anyone mention "Crying" by Roy Orbison? I once saw him perform that live at Wolf Trap and it was one of the most single memorable concert moments in my life.

Then there are those Tim Hardin songs:

"Don't Make Promises"

It'll Never Happen Again"

"How Can We Hang on to a Dream?"

"Black Sheep Boy"

"Tribute to Hank Williams"

"The Lady Came from Baltimore"

"You Upset the Grace of Living When You Lie"

"It's Hard to Believe in Love for Long"

"Red Balloon"

Entered at Mon Dec 1 04:35:51 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Little Br�ther

Location: the past
Web: My link

Subject: Read It and Weep

Calvin, I don't have cable teevee, so I never heard of it before either. But-- gack-- check out "My link".

Entered at Mon Dec 1 03:30:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


In the name of all that is holy BEG, please tell me you were joking and there is not in face a show called "Celebrity Rehab".

Entered at Mon Dec 1 02:59:02 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Little Br�ther

Location: the past

Subject: sad songs

Cat Stevens, "Sad Lisa"...duh.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 02:29:07 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

brown eyed girl

Web: My link

Here you go Norm. Robbie Robertson and scarf.jpg.

I was watching Celebrity Rehab and was shocked that one of Rod the Mod's children...28 year old Sean didn't know who Buddy Holly was! Gary Busey in "The Buddy Holly Story" had to tell him just before the group watched.....

Entered at Mon Dec 1 02:24:06 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

JTull Fan

Subject: Sad songs

Warmth of the Sun, Caroline No, and Surf's Up.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 01:57:24 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:

Little Br�ther

Location: the past

Yeah, Hank Williams "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry", of course.

I thought of "Lonesome Susie", too, but I agree that the sun kind of peeks out from behind the clouds there at the end.

The boys were wise to use the version they did for release. I can't fault the musicianship of the alternate, up-tempo version with horns, but once you've heard the "real" version, it just doesn't work, IMO.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 01:49:10 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Well Westocaster Jones, i recall you posting awfully highly of Fast Eddie Molynski. I recall you typing how great a guitarist, friend, engineer and producer he was. And I doubt you were exaggerating. I recall you typing how he pushed you for over 30 years to finish this cd, and that for different reasons you gave you were always the one dragging your ass. So now the guy is going thru some changes, and you berate him to strangers on the worldwide internet. Like I said he'd probably piss himself laughing.

Entered at Mon Dec 1 01:29:54 CET 2008 from (

Posted by:


Location: Pacific Northwest

Subject: Slapstick

Well Jeff, your stupid remarks are consistent with your usual babble. I probably shouldn't have shown you the respect of even answering your question.

We seem to have a problem. Brian, Eddy's life long friend, who has played bass guitar with Eddy over the last several years, is also a good friend of my brother Lorne and I.

When I spoke with Lorne on Friday after talking with Eddy, Lorne told me. Chris who plays drums on my CD has quit Eddy, and won't work with him anymore. Brian told Lorne, "I haven't heard from him for weeks. I don't know where he is. We have gigs to do, but he'll probably do like he usually does. Show up 5 minutes before we have to play in dirty clothes with his shirt half tucked in.

Unfortunately over the years, Eddy hasn't improved. I won't elaborate, but if anyone saw what his home and studio have become over the years, it's hard to believe. There are guys like that a lot of us have put up with over a long time, because they are friends, and they have a talent. But we all have our boundaries, and some times, enough is enough. That has been proven in a lot of bands.

I can imagine how well my business would function if I ran it that way.

[See the guestbook archive for more]

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