Guestbook for the Band WWW pages - June '96
The Band Guestbook, June '96
Below are the entries in the Band guestbook from June 1996.Sun Jun 30 18:07:18 MET DST 1996
Sydney McConnell
From: West Palm Beach Florida
I like the Band very much and I have enjoyed viewing the contributions from my uncle Serge Daniloff.
Sun Jun 30 01:51:27 MET DST 1996
Peter D. Nardelli
From: Scotch Plains, NJ USA
I can't imagine anyone loving this group more than
me. Their music has been thoroughly homogenized in
my blood and now my 2-1/2 year old son loves them
as well. I began listening to them in the early
1970's. God, what a legend in their own time.
I hope they all live forever. Thank you Garth,
Robbie, Richard(sleep well), Rick, and Levon.
Sun Jun 30 01:17:39 MET DST 1996
Tom H
From: Burlington, VT
Hi Jan! The Band Rules!! Very helpful info and great site. Need some ticket info concerning tour dates. Life is a carnival.
Sat Jun 29 20:48:04 MET DST 1996
Jeffrey L. Genoways
From: Rockford, Illinois USA
Appearing at our festival Labor Day Weekend:
THE BAND - On The Waterfront - Rockford, Illinois
Friday August 30th 1996 10:00 PM
Sat Jun 29 06:51:21 MET DST 1996
Chet Koenig
From: Atlanta
Since rediscovering The Band when Jericho came out,I now play their whole catalog more than anything else.Seeing them a third time several years ago was a true treat that I hope to repeat again. Great work on the page.
Fri Jun 28 12:43:35 MET DST 1996
Pentti Ollikainen
From: Finland
Welcome to Finland
Fri Jun 28 04:12:55 MET DST 1996
Christian Garvin
From: Santa Barbara
Great page man.
Thu Jun 27 17:13:57 MET DST 1996
Carole K
From: ArizonaThu Jun 27 00:18:21 MET DST 1996
matt moore
From: pensacola, florida u.s.a.Thu Jun 27 00:01:28 MET DST 1996
Arnold F. Christianson
From: Middlesbrough, UK
Great stuff. Keep up the good work.
Wed Jun 26 10:03:50 MET DST 1996
Jan Høiberg
Testing the guestbook again, after someone deleted it at around 5:35 am this morning. Most of the entries from the last two days are lost. :-(Mon Jun 24 05:40:58 MET DST 1996
Alan Bosslet
From: Hoffman Estates, Illinois, USA
keep it up. I am sorry this is so lame!
Go Band!
Mon Jun 24 05:16:38 MET DST 1996
Gene Morrow
From: Lecanto, FloridaHome page:
Mon Jun 24 03:37:35 MET DST 1996
Margaret Banks
From: Reidsville, N.C.Sun Jun 23 17:32:52 MET DST 1996
Steve Blackwell
From: Calgary, Canada
My sincere thanks to the concert reviewers. The Band is not playing anywhere near me this year and I appeciate hearing how their concerts have sounded in other parts of the world. Just picked up High on the Hog at my friendly local record store. These fellows still have what it takes. Cheers. Steve
Sun Jun 23 16:26:11 MET DST 1996
Nelson Hopwood
From: Maysville, Ky (on the banks of the Ohio River)
Was delighted to find The Band on the WWW. The Band have been a favorite of mine for many years but I've never had the opprotunity to see them live. I did have tickets to see them last year in Cincinnati,then Levon took ill and had to cancel. Sure was a big letdown. Hopefully, now that I've dicovered this Web sight, I'll be able to keep up with tour schedule and with luck be able to have that opprotunity again. Thanks!
Sun Jun 23 01:02:42 MET DST 1996
Doug Smith
From: Simcoe
they are the BEST. drop me a line!!
Sat Jun 22 22:18:30 MET DST 1996
Stilson Greene
From: Hamilton VA
In 1974, my first concert was The Band in Columbia
MD. This July I'm taking my 12 year old daughter to her first concert, of course it's The Band at Wolf Trap. Like great stories and family secrets, great music should be passed from generation to generation. The voices of The Band constantly echo in my house, I hope one day they will echo in my children's children's home.
Sat Jun 22 20:39:40 MET DST 1996
C. Speers
From: Philadelphia
Sorry Rick was out of it Julian. I've seen the Band six times in the present formation and they've been fantastic every time. High on the Hog is a good album, though nothing they - or anybody else - has done can match the first two. High Price of Love would fit right in on Stage Fright. If I could listen to one and only one group for the rest of my life, it would be - The Band.
Sat Jun 22 20:20:51 MET DST 1996
Julian Moseley
From: LondonThe Band The Forum June 20th 96 "Oh you dont know the shape I'm in" wailed Rick Danko on what was to be his last number with the Band at The Forum last night. It was all too apparent what that shape was, as for the preceding five numbers he had perched on a barstool next to his amp, occasionally pawed at his bass and gazed blankly out across the near capacity crowd who had all paid �15 a head for the thrill of seeing this band - the band who in the 60's and 70's were the definite article. It had started so well, albeit ominously late. The opening few songs off their most recent albums swung along like a train and at one point new boy guitarist Jim Weider stepped in the way off it, manfully taking control of a guitar solo that would have totally flattened a less nimble player. Mysteriously, John Martin wandered onto the stage and richly intoned the chorus of "Ophelia", then just as mysteriously vanished again. Was it to be The Last Waltz all over again - Dylan has a house in nearby Crouch End? No. Levon Helm from behind the safety of his drumkit called for "Bobby O" to come back on. Then added "He's called Bobby O in the States. He's just shy." That was just the first of the euphemisms that seemed to be circling the stage that night. Mid way through, the set began to flag and Rick Danko was beginning to look ..well..over-refreshed. His voice had failed to hit the upper octave in "It Makes No Difference", but we could put that down to age - even Brian Wilson sings in a lower register these days. It was on the absent leader Robbie Robertson's greatest work "The Weight" that the problem became apparent. Halfway through, Rick totally lost the plot and slumped back on his barstool. The crowd sang the last verse for him without too much trouble. In the earlier "Atlantic City" maybe there was a truth. "Everything dies baby that's a fact. But everything that dies someday comes back". Maybe they shouldn't have, and just let The Last Waltz say it all for them. Even Levon Helm looked and sounded like Harold Steptoe Senior. And at the end when they came back for an encore without Rick Danko, Levon destroyed the impact of Garth Hudson's dreamy intro to "Chest Fever" by lighting up a fag and apologising for the show just when he should have been kick-starting the drums. "Sad fuckers", I heard someone mutter in the crowd.
Julian Moseley 21st June 96. 420 words.
Fri Jun 21 14:50:31 MET DST 1996
Paul Pateman
From: London England
Excellent - really enjoyed browsing. I saw them last night at the Forum in London.
They were pretty good, but Rick Danko looked totally out of it. I'm sure his bass
wasn't even plugged in most of the time. I saw them on London with CSN&Y at Wembley
a long time ago (1974?) and still remember it.
By the sound of the gent from Cambridge, Rick must have had a long liquid stop
somewhere en route to London!
Fri Jun 21 13:15:52 MET DST 1996
Roger Woods
From: Birmingham, U.K.
I was at The Forum, London last night for the concert. John Martyn got up onstage and duetted on Ophelia; Rick Danko looked big and tired and Levon's singing was as good as ever. Everyone played well and the new material from Jericho and Hog came over well. The high point for me was The Weight. A great concert. I last saw them in 1971 at the Albert Hall.
Fri Jun 21 00:38:49 MET DST 1996
Michael Aicken
From: Churchill College, Cambridge, U.K.
I The Band play last night in the Cambridge Corn Exchange, and they sounded just fantastic. The highlights for me were "Blind Willie McTell" and a really rousing encore of "Chest Fever". They seemed to be really enjoying themselves which was good to see.
Recently I have been listening to Dylan's Manchester '66 tape a lot and I therefore had very high expectations of The Band which I believe they lived up to. Rick Danko's bass playing was breathtaking.
Wed Jun 19 04:05:30 MET DST 1996
From: Canada
Very cool I dig the Band and perform their songs in my personal studio daily.
Wed Jun 19 00:48:25 MET DST 1996
Daniel McReynolds
From: Corpus Christi, Texas
Simply outstanding. Excellent compiliation. Good to see this online
Tue Jun 18 19:11:45 MET DST 1996
Par Johnsson
From: Stockholm, Sweden
Best page ever !!! As a recent internet capable person my first search was for Little feat, another great band. I think it was them beacuse they were on my mind at that time. However the greatest band ever is of course the guys so well named as "The Band". This home page is really worth visiting. I have still to see them live so if anyone knows if they are coming to Scandinavia soon please send me an Email.
Tue Jun 18 18:25:09 MET DST 1996
P.G. Woods
From: Plant City, Florida USA
I have been a fan since I got "Up on Cripple Creek" 45 rpm
for my 12 birthday. What kinda bass did Rick Danko play ?
Does anyone have the tab for "Java" by Danko from 74-75 ?
Tue Jun 18 03:05:36 MET DST 1996
Dave Pomeroy
From: Rochester, NYTue Jun 18 00:55:43 MET DST 1996
Ron Brooks
From: Miami, OK.
This is a great Web Page. The BAND are one of the most unique bands to have been assembled since the BEATLES. Having been from the area where Levon Helm is from I have had many opportunities to talk with him and have him jam a few tunes with our band on drums and harmonica. A real nice FUNKY kind of guy. Keep up the good work with this Web Page.
Mon Jun 17 02:18:47 MET DST 1996
Mary St. Antoine
From: Upper Peninsula of Michigan (St. Ignace, kind of)
How wondeful, I've found other people like me. I quickly found Unfaithful servant and other music that I have been playing for 25 years (but not quite right). Has Anyone ever listened to Rag Mama Rag and felt that loosey goosey raggy piano and that drum beat that almost doesn't make it back and Levon's wonderful voice and THEN "our destiny is quite well known" and a TUBA! AHWHOOOM! and a near orgasmic perfection of sound that I'll never tire of hearing. Oh, they just keep getting better. Really love "Back to Memphis" and High on the Hog.
Sun Jun 16 16:54:13 MET DST 1996
Eiji Ohtomo
From: Japan
Ichiban! Excellent!I love THE BAND!
Sat Jun 15 22:57:37 MET DST 1996
Helge Tyrholm
From: NorwaySat Jun 15 19:06:10 MET DST 1996
Les Thierolf
From: Kansas City, Missouri
Great! The Band is my favorite. I bought Big Pink for my parents when it came out. I'd glanced at a review that said it had a country flavor but my parents didn't like it and I discovered it. Last year the boys were supposed to be in KC and the media kept saying they were coming. But they were at the rock and roll hall of fame that night. Vassar Clements played. Maria Muldaur joined him for a song! Hot Tuna played a set. But I kept thinking The Band might show up. I need to see the new configuration!
Sat Jun 15 06:54:06 MET DST 1996
Frank Fitzgerald
From: Walpole, Ma
Excellent home page. Nicely laid out with a maximum
of information and a minimum of frills.
The discography and lyrics are superb.
The pages are wonderfully laid out with simple pictures
and easy to follow links.
There are two songs on "the Best of the Band"--
Twilight and Don't Do It-- do you know what album(s)
they were originally on??
Frank Fitzgerald
Fri Jun 14 02:00:59 MET DST 1996
Jim Rea
From: London Ontario
Nice web page. Enjoyed the photo section. Love the Band. Keep up the good work.
Thu Jun 13 21:20:05 MET DST 1996
![[guest photo]](
Berkeley Fleming
From: Sackville, New BrunswickHome page:
This was a great find! Actually, I discovered from the listing of concert dates that The Band was playing at Lulu's in Cambridge, Ontario the very night that I was arriving in Toronto for a conference. For various reasons, including the temporary misplacement of my luggage by Canadian Airlines, I wasn't able to make the concert. How was it?
Wed Jun 12 20:46:18 MET DST 1996
Rick Woodward
From: Welland, Ontario
I've been a fan of The Band since I first saw them open for Dylan at Place des Arts in Montreal in 1967. Haven't bought High on the Hog yet, but will pick it up as soon as I find it. We have visited Big Pink in West Saugraties, New York on several occasions. The house was for sale recently. The owners said the novelty had worn off. It was interesting to find the Band's web site. More info on concert dates would be appreciated.
Wed Jun 12 13:20:41 MET DST 1996
Rune Ingebrigtsen
From: Bergen, Norway
A great page for a truly great band. My favorite band since 1968 to present.
Wed Jun 12 11:54:23 MET DST 1996
Kimmo M.T. Kangas
From: Tampere, Finland
Just great! I only had a quick look, but I'll be back for more!
Tue Jun 11 23:21:02 MET DST 1996
Swarup Nanda
From: India - Now in California
This page is the most comprehensive and intelligent stuff on any band anywhere. But sadly missing is the details about the song "The Well" from Last Waltz
Tue Jun 11 04:25:53 MET DST 1996
Stefan F
From: Indiana
The Last Waltz is one sad end to the legacy of The Band. The way Scorcese portraid the group, one would think they were called "the Robbie Robertson Band". The Band was supposed to be about music as a unit, with no standout member. Sure, Robertson may have written most of the songs,but they would have not been half as mystical without Richard's soulful baritone or Levon's southern twang. Throughout the movie almost all we see is Robbie conducting the band and boisterously crooning into his mike (it was probably off), yet there is hardly a shot of Garth nor are there near enough of Richard. The Last Waltz, despite its rave reviews was a horrible closure to the career of one of history's greatets ensembles, and anyone who has even a remote undertanding of what The Band represented should see this.
Mon Jun 10 23:48:53 MET DST 1996
John Shoesmith
From: Toronto
Just here for a quick browse. Did a search because I'm currently listening to The Last Waltz.
Sun Jun 9 21:42:10 MET DST 1996
Nevin Robinson
From: Bangor Co Down Northern Ireland
Just found this page. It's really good. Amazing to find so many Dublin gigs listed. Off to see the Band on 22 June in Dublin. I'm really looking forward to it. Good luck Nevin
Sun Jun 9 19:53:41 MET DST 1996
Hiroko Saisu
From: Japan
I am so glad to find here!
Sat Jun 8 20:42:18 MET DST 1996
Judy McNutt
From: Nashville, Tennessee, USA!
I have enjoyed browsing around on these pages. The Band is an important piece of our history as well as a uniquely wonderful and rich musical experience. The Last Waltz is one of my favorite films! Keep adding stuff and I'll keep coming back to see it!
Fri Jun 7 21:01:23 MET DST 1996
Scott J. Downes
From: Atlanta, GA, USA
I love the song listings with chord changes.
Does anybody have tablature for "Acadian Driftwood"?
I'd love any tab on The Band, actually. Feel free
to e-mail me.
Fri Jun 7 01:25:01 MET DST 1996
Dave Pickel
From: Reno, Nevada
The world has been a better place since the Band came on the scene. May God bless them all!
Fri Jun 7 01:18:45 MET DST 1996
Linda Whalen
From: Virginia - now in Dallas, TX
Love them...was elated to find them..I love The Band!!
Fri Jun 7 00:30:08 MET DST 1996
Mike Mayhue
From: Canada
An excellent site.
I used to watch them in the 60's when they were Levon and the Hawks.
Probably the finest set of musicians anywhere at that time.
Wed Jun 5 15:28:16 MET DST 1996
Matt Acenowr, Lana Crosby, Khyle Sherman
From: Norwich NY
Add more pictures to your page;) :) :)
Wed Jun 5 03:26:43 MET DST 1996
Joe Frey
From: albany, new york
Jan, i,ve been reading your page ever since i plugged into the 'net. the first search i did was for the band - and your page appeared. it's an excellent historical picture of a seminal band and it continues to grow each day. we all may be a little fanatical about this group, but your page will continue to serve as an exhaustive and fairly objective electronic library for anyone seeking factual information on the band. keep it up, it adds real value to the legacy of the band. joe
Tue Jun 4 04:57:07 MET DST 1996
Julie Benard
From: Bogalusa, La.Tue Jun 4 02:08:27 MET DST 1996
bob siebenberg
From: calif
i'm having trouble finding phone numbers to order the japanese import videoes. any help would be appreciated
Mon Jun 3 22:49:34 MET DST 1996
smith donaldson
From: lexington kentucky
Nice Job. I know Levon's godson. He likes the
page. I play in a band, much like the Band. We
Incorporate all kinds of stuff in our sound from
the contemporary to the blues and folk. Most of
the people who sign the guest book are gonna get
some of our stuff. Like it or not! Thanks.
Mon Jun 3 21:19:40 MET DST 1996
Thom Dombrowski
From: Saugus, Ma.
F.Y.I. For those people that belong to BMG Music Service, they are having a summer clearance special. StageFright .89 cents and To Kingdom Come $3.99
Mon Jun 3 05:19:05 MET DST 1996
Dan Blood
From: San Bernardino, Ca.,USA
Can anyone help me locate a copy of Garth Hudson's
solo work "Our Lady Queen of the Angels"? I've been interested in the Band since 1971 when my high school English teacher played selections from Stage Fright in class. I first saw them during the Before the Flood tour 1974. Next at Nassau, N.Y., 1975 and finally in 1976 at Winterland, San Francisco. Twice now I have seen the re-configured Band in Los Angeles at the House of Blues. I loved singing at the top of my lungs with Rick or Levon on Rag Mama Rag or It Makes No Difference. "Chest Fever" blows the windows out. I can't imagine maintaining that intensity now for nearly 30 years. Two weeks ago I was at the House of Blues and I regret not finding a way to ask Garth in person how to get a copy of Our lady...
(Our Lady Queen of the Angels is no longer available, all tapes were destroyed in a fire a few years ago. --JH)
Mon Jun 3 04:58:14 MET DST 1996
Joyce Blyth
From: Longbow Lake Ontario CanadaSun Jun 2 19:00:07 MET DST 1996
Brian Haberer
From: London Ontario
I have been a fan since tha Hawkins/hawks days. I've yet to see a bad Band concert. Last night at Lulu's in Cambridge Ontario was super. Keep up the great page, and thanks.
Sun Jun 2 18:38:02 MET DST 1996
From: DAPHNE, ALABAMASun Jun 2 16:39:59 MET DST 1996
Kunihiro Hashimoto
From: Kyoto, Japan
Hi, I'm listening The Band's music since '70's.
Now, I have all The Band Original Albums,
And wondering that I should try bootlegs or not.
Is there anybody who can advice?
Sun Jun 2 15:36:00 MET DST 1996
jerome BRAUD
From: France
you guys did an outstanding job! Everything you need
is available ... and fast. (although i still could
not figure out how to get the MPEG audio files)
Keep on rockin'
Sat Jun 1 17:58:25 MET DST 1996
Juan P Arriagada
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