
LoC fencing completed: Mukherjee | India News - Times of India

LoC fencing completed: Mukherjee

NEW DELHI: The construction of fence along the Line of Control in Kashmir valley and Jammu region has been completed on September 30, the government informed the Lok Sabha on Thursday.
It was an operational requirement and India had been compelled to start fencing work on the International Border and the LoC because of cross-border infiltration and terrorism sponsored by Pakistan, Defence Minister Pranab Mukherjee said in a written reply.

He said Pakistan has, from time to time, claimed that the fencing activity undertaken by India along the International Border and LoC is in violation of some bilateral agreements.
The Government of India has, however, made it clear to Pakistan that fencing work was not in violation of the Simla Agreement or the December 1972 Agreement on the Delineation of the LoC, Mukherjee said.

The fencing on the 734 kms of the LoC has significantly enhanced the Army''s capability to detect and intercept terrorists attempting to infiltrate or exfiltrate and is acting as an effective deterrence against terrorists, he said.
Barak: The procurement of Barak anti-missile defence system from M/s IAI, Israel, was one of the cases under investigation by Justice Venkataswami/Justice S N Phukan Commission constituted by the previous government to inquire into transactions mentioned in the Tehelka video tapes, he said, adding the Commission has since been wound up.
Mirage: Keeping in mind the last Mirage-2000 accident, night flying syllabus is being re-worked, Mukherjee said.