Edit Image Data Preview
Preview of the Edit Image Data Form
Here is a preview of the form that lets ToL image contributors provide metadata about their pictures. This is just a picture, so you cannot edit any of the information. For more information about this form, have a look at the Image Data Entry Help Topics. For more information about available licensing options, see Tree of Life Use of Contributions. After you have entered information into this form, you need to click on the Submit Image Data button. You will then get a Confirm Image Data window with an overview of all the data you have entered. Clicking the Accept Image Data button on this page will then save all your information to the ToL database.
In order to be able to upload your own pictures and then use this form, you first need to register as a ToL Media contributor. If you are registered already, you can log in on the Tree of Life Media Contributors Log-In page and start uploading your pictures.