ToL Scientific Contributors Registration

ToL Scientific Contributor Registration

Before signing up as a ToL scientific contributor, you need to decide whether you should be a General Scientific Contributor or a Scientific Core Contributor. See Ways to Contribute to the Tree of Life for information about the difference between these contributor categories. Also, please make sure you are aware of your rights and responsibilities by reading the Tree of Life Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions for ToL Scientific Contributors (below). You will be asked to agree with these provisions when submitting your registration form.

New Contributors:
Registered Contributors:
Branch Coordinators:

Terms and Conditions for ToL Scientific Contributors

ToL scientific contributors may upload materials to the Tree of Life database and send emails and other communications to Tree of Life staff and contributors, so long as the content is not illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, an invasion of privacy, infringing of intellectual property rights or otherwise injurious to third parties. ToL contributors may not use false email addresses, impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise mislead as to the origin of any communication, message or other content. While the Tree of Life Project is not obliged to review all content that is published by contributors on the Tree of Life web site, we reserve the right to delete any contribution, or take action against any registered account, at any time, for any reason.

ToL scientific contributors keep the copyright for materials submitted to the Tree of Life database, and a copyright notice is printed alongside copyright-protected contributions displayed on the ToL web site. By default, ToL contributions are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License. Contributors who prefer another license can specify alternative default licenses for their text and media contributions (follow the 'Review license defaults' link in the Scientific Materials Manager). Licenses for individual contributions can also be specified in the page or media data entry forms. For an overview of available licensing options, see Tree of Life Use of Contributions.

ToL scientific contributors voluntarily grant the ToL Project and its collaborators non-exclusive, royalty-free, and full rights to use the submitted materials according to the selected license. To the best of the contributor's knowledge, use of the contribution by the Tree of Life Project does not violate any intellectual property rights and will not cause injury to any person or entity. The Tree of Life Project or its collaborators take no responsibility and assume no liability for any contribution made by the contributor or a third party.

When registering as a ToL scientific contributor, you release the ToL Project, its employees, contractors, consultants, and collaborators from any and all damages, claims, causes of action, liabilities, and expenses relating to your participation, or exclusion or disqualification from participation, in the Tree of Life Project.