Values for ToL Image Data

This page is for ToL contributors who want to batch upload image files to the ToL database. It gives an overview of the data that can be included in the image batch data XML file. None of the elements are required. Only fill out the ones for which you want to provide information. However, note that some elements have default values; i. e., the system will assume that the person uploading the image batch (= you!) is the copyright owner, unless information is provided in the copyrightowner element. Also, if you do not provide information about the license (use permitted by the copyright owner), the system will assume that it's ok for us to share the image file with ToL partner projects (media licensing option 3, minor modification only).

Element What to Enter? filename Enter the file name for each image. File names should end in an extension of either .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .png. Copyright Information copyrightowner Leave this blank if the person uploading the zip archive and XML file is the copyright owner.

If the copyright owner is a registered ToL contributor, enter that person's ToL Contributor id number, so we can link this image to their other ToL contributions, and they automatically get editing access to the file after it is uploaded. You can find the relevant id on the person's Contributor Profile Page.

If another person who is not a registered ToL contributor owns the copyright for the image, enter that person's name as a string of text.

If the image is in the public domain, enter pd.

copyrightemail Enter the copyright owner's email address only if the copyright owner is not a registered ToL contributor. For ToL contributors, this information is already in our database. copyrighturl Enter the url of the copyright owner's home page only if the copyright owner is not a registered ToL contributor. For ToL contributors, this information is already in our database. Be sure to start the url with http:// copyrightdate Enter the four digits for the copyright year. This is usually the year the image was created or when it was first published. license Enter 1 to select the Restricted to one-time use in specified location–Do not modify license.
Enter 2y to select the Tree of Life use only–Modification permitted license.
Enter 2 or 2n to select the Tree of Life use only–Minor modification only license.
Enter 3y to select the Use on ToL and share with other scientific/educational projects–Modification permitted license.
Enter 3 or 3n to select the Use on ToL and share with other scientific/educational projects–Minor modification only license.
Enter 4 to release the image to the public under the Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Creative Commons License license. Other Credits reference If the image is taken from a book or article, enter the bibliographic reference in plain text. Note that you should not copy images from other people's publications unless you have their permission or the work is in the public domain. creator Enter the name of the person who created the image. In most cases, the copyright owner and the creator will be the same person, and it's not necessary to credit the creator separately. acknowledgements Enter names of persons or institutions that have facilitated the creation or distribution of the image. You can include HTML markup here, if you would like to link to relevant web sites. Attached to Groups group Enter the name of the group to which your image is most relevant. If you have an image of a specimen of a certain species and that species is represented in the ToL database, you should attach it to this species. If the species is not yet represented in the ToL database, you should attach the image to the group that is closest to the species, e.g., the genus or the family that the species belongs to.

Be sure to spell the name of the group exactly as it is spelled on the ToL. If your entry cannot be uniquely matched to a group name in the ToL database, it will be ignored.

If your image is relevant to more than one group (e. g., if it shows specimens of two different species), you can attach it to each of these groups. In this case, be sure to use separate elements for each group attachment; i. e., if you are using the spreadsheet template, use a separate group column for each group (you can add more columns with header group to the spreadsheet if needed); if you are using the text template, include multiple <group> elements in an individual <image> tag.

Image Content specimen Categorizing the content of your image will help people find ToL images based on certain criteria. Enter 1 or y in the column for each category that applies to your image. Leave the columns for the other categories blank. For example, if you have an image of a specimen that also provides a good view of the organism's habitat, you'd want to enter 1 in both the specimen and habitat columns, while leaving the bodyparts, ultrastructure, equipment, and people columns blank. bodyparts ultrastructure habitat equipment people subject Some images may be particularly suitable to illustrate a particular subject. Use the numbers below to represent subjects. Enter numbers for all the subjects that apply, separating individual subject entries with commas. 1 Evolution
Conservation Biology
Paleobiology   9 Morphology & Anatomy
Life History & Development
Neurobiology & Behavior
Histology & Cell Biology
Genetics & Heredity
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Methods, Techniques, Apparatus keywords Additional subjects that are not covered in the subject list can be entered as key words. Place & Time geolocation Enter information about the location where the image was taken. If the organism shown in the image was found in a different location, this information may be more relevant than the place where the image was created. If the organism is not native to the location where it was found, you may also want to provide information about its origin. time For some images, it may be good to know when exactly the image was created. For example, when a photograph was taken will tell you things like when an organism is out and about in a given location, when a plant is blooming, when an animal is displaying a certain behavior, etc. Specimen Information condition Enter live or l, if the image shows a live specimen. Enter dead or d, if the image shows a dead specimen. Enter model or m if the image shows a man-made model of an organism. Enter fossil or f, if the image shows a fossilized specimen. period If the specimen is a fossil, you can also enter the geological period in which the fossil specimen lived. scientificname If you are attaching an image to a species node, there's no need to also provide the scientific name in this column.

If the species of the specimen shown in the image is not yet represented in the ToL database, you should provide the scientific name of this species here. This will allow us to attach the image to the species as soon as it is added to the ToL database. If the image shows organisms belonging to different groups, you can enter the scientific name of each organism and separate individual entries with commas.

identifier Enter the name of the person who identified the specimen. This element is particularly useful, if this person is a known expert of the group. behavior Enter information about the behavior displayed by the organism shown in your image. Possible kinds of behavior are courtship, mating, feeding, predator avoidance, pollination, etc. sex Enter m for male, f for female. If you enter anything else in this column, the sex of the specimen will be coded as Other, qualified by the text you enter. stage Indicate whether the specimen is a juvenile or adult. You can also enter more specific information, e.g., second instar larva, pupa, etc. partofbody If the image focuses on a particular body part, or if it provides a particularly good view of a given body part, you can enter this information here. view Here you can enter information on the view provided by your image, e.g., dorsal (from the top), ventral (from the bottom), lateral (from the side), frontal (from the front), etc. size Enter information relevant to the size of the organism, indicating what part of the organism has been measured, e.g., body length, diameter, length including appendages, etc. Specimen Documentation collection Enter the collection that holds the specimen in the image. type If the specimen is a type specimen, enter this information here, e.g., holotype, paratype, syntype, lectotype, neotype, isosyntype, paralectotype, paraneotype, isotype, epitype, iconotype, hapantotype. If you enter anything else in this column, the type status of the specimen will be coded as Other, qualified by the text you enter. vouchernumber If the specimen is part of a voucher collection, enter its voucher number. vouchercollection Enter the name of the voucher collection. collector Enter the name of the person who collected the specimen. Additional Information comments Here you can enter any information about the image that you think may be of interest but that is not covered in any of the other elements. For example, you can provide the common name of the organism or point out certain features in the image. alt Enter a brief description that can take the place of your image if somebody looks at a web page using a browser that does not display images. imagetype Enter photo for photographs. Enter painting (or drawing) for scans and photographs of drawings or paintings and for computer-generated drawings. Enter diagram for simple drawings, including maps, charts, and graphs. artistic Enter 1 or y if the image is not a scientifically accurate illustration. technical Enter technical information about the image; e. g., camera, shutter speed, aperture, etc. for photographs; information about materials and techniques for drawings and paintings. notes The Notes element should be used for internal ToL communication about your image. You can use this element to leave reminders for yourself or messages to ToL editors. Also, other ToL contributors will have access to this field and can leave messages for you about your image (not yet implemented). For example, somebody may let you know if they think an organism is misidentified or they may be able to provide additional information that is not included in your original image data. After reviewing the information provided by other contributors, you can decide whether you want to use it to revise your image data.

The content of this element is not printed on the ToL web site along with other image data. Also, the general ToL Image Search ignores the Notes text. However, when you do a search across all image data fields in the ToL Media Manager, the text of the Notes element will be included.