
  • ️Simon J. Greenhill

Language: Dibiyaso


Glottocode: dibi1240
ISO 639: dby

Also Known As: Bainapi

Sources: Franklin and Voorhoeve (1973) , Reesink (1976) & Shaw (1986)

Classification: Trans-New Guinea, Bosavi


IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
27203all (of a number)otomətɛReesink (1976)
1885all (of a number)inigutoFranklin and Voorhoeve (1973)
18146all (of a number)ɔtɔmʌteShaw (1986)
27202all (of a number)ninigututeReesink (1976)
1895armtapiarmFranklin and Voorhoeve (1973)arm
27214armtapiarmReesink (1976)arm
18156armtapiarmShaw (1986)arm
27247asheskamuReesink (1976)
27246ashesdamokopaReesink (1976)
27245ashesdupuReesink (1976)
18180ashesdupuShaw (1986)
18165back (body part)butʌkuShaw (1986)
18235bananamaseShaw (1986)
1923bark (of tree)boaFranklin and Voorhoeve (1973)
18184bark (of tree)bosa bauaShaw (1986)
27253bark (of tree)bauaReesink (1976)
27216bellykupaReesink (1976)
1897bellykupaFranklin and Voorhoeve (1973)
18158bellykupʌShaw (1986)
27261biggututeReesink (1976)
18191biggututeShaw (1986)
18187birdmɛtaShaw (1986)
27256birdmɛtaReesink (1976)
1926birdmetaFranklin and Voorhoeve (1973)
27269blackdaputəpaReesink (1976)
18197blackdaputʌpaShaw (1986)
18162bloodbalipaShaw (1986)
27220bloodbalipaReesink (1976)
27221bloodmemereReesink (1976)
1901bloodbaripaFranklin and Voorhoeve (1973)
18164bonekiShaw (1986)
27223bonekiReesink (1976)
1903bonekiFranklin and Voorhoeve (1973)
1896breastburukopaFranklin and Voorhoeve (1973)
18157breastbuShaw (1986)
27215breastbuReesink (1976)
18205cassowarykauliShaw (1986)
18236clawkapaShaw (1986)
27631clawtupalegReesink (1976)
27632clawkapanailReesink (1976)
27233clouddoReesink (1976)
27232cloudpaupaReesink (1976)
18170cloudpaupaiShaw (1986)
18201cold (weather)babitShaw (1986)
27273cold (weather)soso-Reesink (1976)
27274cold (weather)babit-Reesink (1976)
18185dogsapoShaw (1986)
27254dogsapoReesink (1976)
1924dogsapoFranklin and Voorhoeve (1973)
27293dry (be dry)seyau-Reesink (1976)

Showing 50 of 263 Lexical Items