uboat.net - What's New
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20 December
7 December
5 December
4 December
13 November
18 October
28 September
16 September
15 September
14 September
1 September
30 August
28 August
27 August
26 July
8 July
29 June
27 June
19 June
15 June
14 June
3 June
30 May
26 May
21 May
20 May
18 May
28 March
14 March
14 January
31 December
12:02 - Just before the start of the new year, detailed Allied warship history number 500 has been added to the database. This was for the battleship HMS Nelson. For a complete list of these 500 detailed Allied warship histories see this page.In 2024, we will, of course, continue with adding more of these Allied warship histories to the database. Besides that revisions of the current Allied warship histories will also take place. For instance at this moment work is ongoing on British and other Allied Navies submarines that had been operating in the Mediterranean. The pages of several of the British T-class submarines have recently been revised.
To aid in our research a total of four weeks of research at the National Archives in London will be undertaken in the first half of 2024. Main focus will be on photographing convoy files. Besides that in 2023 some documents have also been ordered from the Canadian and New Zealand Archives and some more will be ordered in 2024. Also there are plans for a two week visit to the Canadian Archives at Ottawa in 2025.
8 December
21 November
19 November
8 November
7 November
31 October
6 October
4 October
1 October
27 September
20:31 - Italian submarines. Events on this date added
We have added Events on this day page to out Italian submarines. This page will be improved over time with new sections within it.
24 September
23 September
20 September
18 September
15 September
9 September
6 September
4 September
18:09 - Wrecks of U 5 and UC 14 in a new articleA new article in in Dutch published today covers the discovery of the wrecks of U 5 and UC 14 off the coast of Zeebrugge, Belgium.