
What we do

  • ️Fri May 24 2024

The UfM’s goal is to enhance regional cooperation, dialogue and the implementation of concrete projects and initiatives with tangible impact on our citizens.

The UfM has consolidated an action-driven methodology that creates effective links between policies and tangible projects and initiatives to adequately address the region’s challenges and its key interrelated priorities.

This methodology is composed of three things: policy frameworks, dialogue platforms and regional projects – the “3 Ps”.

Ministerial Conferences

to define the UfM’s priorities by adopting common regional agendas in key strategic areas.

+35 ministerial meetings tackling women’s empowerment, environmental and climate action, transport and urban development, employment promotion, trade, water and more!

Experts’ fora

that gather over 8000 stakeholders per year as a fundamental tool to exchange ideas on the effective implementation of ministerial mandates, identify best practices and promote specific projects and initiatives on the ground.

UfM label

that provides support to projects through technical expertise and networking opportunities with a view to scaling them up at the regional level.

The UfM Secretariat currently supports +60 regional cooperation projects valued at over €5 billion.

Political Framework

The UfM builds its identity around a political dimension, Ministerial and governmental representatives’ meetings, that define work priorities through the adoption of a common regional agenda. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs meet once a year at the UfM Regional Forum to define strategic areas and priorities. Declarations adopted by consensus by the 43 Ministers define the scope and objectives of this common agenda, while sectorial ministerial meetings complement this political dialogue.

Dialogue platforms give recommendations to policy frameworks based on feedback gathered on the ground in cooperation projects.

These policy recommendations are taken into account by the relevant ministries and translated into renewed strategic orientations and political mandates when applicable and relevant.

Dialogue Platforms

Ministerial Declarations allow the UfM Secretariat to structure platforms accordingly for regional dialogue and cooperation.

The UfM Dialogue Platforms gather relevant and diverse stakeholders (representatives from government institutions, experts, regional and international organisations, local authorities, civil society, the private sector and financial institutions) to bring their perspectives and know-how to the table, ultimately with the aim of implementing political mandates, which can take the form of regional cooperation projects or initiatives.

Dialogue platforms centralise and analyse the feedback and recommendations gathered on the ground through the cooperation projects. On this basis, dialogue platforms will issue policy recommendations intended for the policy frameworks.

Projects and initiatives

The UfM identifies and supports concrete regional cooperation projects that bolster partnerships among promoters, partners and beneficiaries across the region through the scaling up effect and development of innovative initiatives. The UfM acts as a catalyst of projects, accompanying promoters throughout the project lifecycle and supporting regional dialogue to create further synergies.

Projects can be identified by sectoral dialogue platforms and respond to the strategic priorities set by the relevant policy frameworks.

The experience gathered on the ground, via the implementation of labelled projects, will in turn feed the dialogue platforms: sharing best practices, challenges encountered or anticipated, and recommendations for improvements.

What is the UfM label?

The UfM label is given to regional cooperation projects by the unanimous decision of the 43 member states, acting as leverage for funding and new partners.

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