Entry for Dallas, TX / Budget - US City Open Data Census
- ️Open Knowledge
Municipal budget at a high level (e.g. planned budget by unit of appropriation with a programmatic description of each unit of appropriation). This category is about budgets which are plans for expenditure (not actual expenditure in the past). (More info)
Data Location
Operating Budget https://www.dallasopendata.com/Budget-Finance/Operating-Budget/e2fs-y4nb
Explore the City’s operating budget at different levels including by department and service. Expenses are organized by fund as shown in the City’s adopted budget book.
Revenue Budget https://www.dallasopendata.com/Budget-Finance/Revenue-Budget/rtn4-pmj9
Explore the City’s revenue sources at different levels including by revenue category and department. Revenues are organized by fund as shown in the City’s adopted budget book.
Open Data Commons Attribution License https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/by/1.0/
Terms of Use https://www.dallasopendata.com/stories/s/Dallas-OpenData-Terms-of-Use/5dr7-2kgq/
Reviewer comments
Looks good
Data Availability
- Y Openly licensed
- Y Is the data available for free
- Y Is the data machine readable
- Y Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis
- Y Available in bulk
- Y Publicly available
- Y Is the data available online
- Y Does the data exist
- Y Is data in digital form
- Yes
- No
- Unsure
- No data
Date the data became available | Unknown |
Format of data | CSV, JSON, XML, CSV, Excel |
Reviewer | Ben Franklin |
Submitters | anonymous |
Last modified | Tue Feb 07 2017 19:33:54 GMT+0000 (UTC) |