
TGN Full Record Display, English (Getty Research)

Note: Originally a settlement of Celtic Brigantes. Occupied by the Romans in 71 CE; it was the Romans' northern military headquarters and later capital of the province of Britannia Inferior. Emperor Severus died here in 211; Constantine proclaimed emperor by his troops in 306. York was the center of the Norse kingdom in the 10th century. In the Middle Ages it was a wool production and adminstrative center. Site of 12th-century York Minster church, as well as the ruins of medieval St. Mary's Abbey.

York (preferred,C,V,English-P,U)
יורק (C,U,Hebrew )
Caer Ebrauc (H,V)
Eboracum (H,O,Latin,U)  ............ Roman settlement name
Eburacum (H,O)
Eoforwic (H,O)  ............ early medieval name
Jorvik (H,O,English,U)

Hierarchical Position:
 ................  York (unitary authority) (P)
 ....................  York (inhabited place) (P)

Additional Parents:
 ....................  York (inhabited place)
Place Types:
inhabited place (preferred, C)  ............  originally a Celtic settlement, it was a founded as a Roman legionary fortress ca. 71
city (C)
commercial center (C)
episcopal see (C)  ............  since establishment of St. Paulinus church in 7th cen.
industrial center (C)
capital (H)
provincial capital (H)  ............  of Roman Britannia Inferior and Britannia Secunda provinces, until they withdrew in 400; of Anglo-Saxon Northumbria from 6th century until captured by Danes in 867
fortification (H)  ............  was a Roman fort
Ancient Roman (H)
Romano-British (H)
regional capital (C)

Related geographic places:
capital of ....  Britannia Inferior .......... (province)
..................  (World, Roman Republic and Empire, Britannia) [6000961]
capital of ....  Britannia Secunda .......... (province)
..................  (World, Roman Republic and Empire, Britannia, Britannia Inferior) [7030356]
..................  from the early 4th century CE

Sources and Contributors:
York..........  [BHA, GRLPSC, IMJ Preferred, VP Preferred]
...........  Bartholomew Gazetteer of Britain (1986)
...........  Blue Guide: England (1980) 619
...........  Cambridge World Gazetteer (1990) 720
...........  Canby, Historic Places (1984) II, 1038-1039
...........  Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1961)
...........  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) XII, 851
...........  Israel Museum Jerusalem contribution (n.d.)
...........  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
...........  Times Atlas of the World (1994) 220
...........  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1984)
Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-2014) accessed 29 June 2004