VoteWA Voter Portal

Alert Alert message

Information Informational message

Information Your session has timed out.

Please login again and you will be returned to the page you were on.

Information There are no races in this election or they have not been set up yet.

Information There are no active elections at this time.

You are not an active voter.

Information You have not selected an election.

Please select an election from the list below.

Information There are no active elections at this time.

You are not an active voter.

Information Ballots have not yet been generated for this election.

Information No ballots were found for this election.

You are not an active voter.

Information Ballots have not yet been sent for this election.

Information You have not selected an ballot.

Please select a ballot from the list below.

Information Voting is not open for your selected election.

Information The ballot styles for the selected election have not yet been verified.

Information You already have a ballot requested.

Information Ballots are not ready.

Information A new ballot cannot be requested because your ballot has already been received.

Alert Please provide both your first and last name and your birth date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.

Alert The name and date of birth you provided does not match our records. If you are registered to vote, please contact your county’s Elections Office. To register to vote and get access to your voter profile, please register to vote

Alert We are unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later.

Alert Recaptcha failed.

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Accessing the portal

If you are registered to vote in Washington state, you automatically have an account with VoteWA.

If you are not registered to vote, you will not have access to the portal.