Wadi Araba Archaeological Research Project
to the Home Page of the Wadi Araba Archaeolgocial Research Project. If you are new to this site, please read the project's mission statement. Dr. Andrew M. Smith II developed the project in 1996 as a forum to coordinate and to discuss the cultural and environmental resources of Wadi Araba as an integrative region in its entirety and to provide a venue for the development of archaeological research projects in the valley. Several projects are now affiliated with WAARP and there are many others with which WAARP is associated. The project also draws support from both Jordanian and Israeli scholars and institutions.Enjoy your visit.
Also, check out What's New on this site and in the Araba!
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copyright ©1996 Wadi Araba Archaeological Research
Most recent update: May 26, 2009
For more information contact amsii@hotmail.com