On-Line Texts
Books, Papers, Music and Photos of Hazrat Inayat Khan
Volume I | The Way of Illumination |
Volume II | The Mysticism of Music, Sound and Word |
Volume III | The Art of Personality |
Volume IV | Mental Purification and Healing |
Volume V | Spiritual Liberty |
Volume VI | The Alchemy of Happiness |
Volume VII | In An Eastern Rose Garden |
Volume VIII | Sufi Teachings: The Art of Being (revised edition) |
Volume VIIIa | Sufi Teachings (older edition) |
Volume IX | The Unity of Religious Ideals |
Volume X | Sufi Mysticism |
Volume XI | Philosophy, Psychology and Mysticism |
Volume XII | The Divinity of the Human Soul |
Volume XIII | The Gathas |
Volume XIV | The Smiling Forehead |
--- | Sayings: Gayan, Vadan, Nirtan and Bowl of Saki |
--- | Biography and Autobiography of Hazrat Inayat Khan |
A Collection of Unpublished Papers:
The following papers have not been published in book form, but most have previously been privately circulated, from teacher to student.
In general, these papers express the same message as given in the more widely available books listed above, yet these may help to clarify certain concepts by expressing the topics in somewhat different words.
Note: Since most of these papers have traditionally been privately circulated, there may be multiple versions in existence. Consequently, I make no claim that these versions of the documents are authoritative or "the best", but merely that these are the versions which I have received from various sources over the years.
Unfortunately, I have no information regarding the provenance or accuracy of these papers, yet I have personally found these papers very useful and offer them here in that spirit.
Additional Resources, by or about Inayat Khan:
Free Daily Email -- Bowl of Saki -- with Commentary by Hazrat Inayat Khan:
On-Line Search Engine for the Spiritual Topics section of this web site:
Search Examples:
Use quotes to search for an exact phrase:
"mind is the
surface of the heart"
● Search for these three words in any order:
mind surface
● Search for anything starting with Jala,
such as Jalal, Jalaluddin:
For additional search engine tips and details, please see:
Sufi Message Search:
Hazrat Inayat Khan - circa 1926
Availability of Published Books:
The original volumes of The Sufi Message of Inayat Khan (the "orange books") are out of print and are now very hard to find. However, there are paperback versions of the original set of "Sufi Message" volumes available from India.
Inayat Khan Biography:
Biographical Books (available from Amazon): Biography of Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan, East-West Publications, 1979
A number of the Inayat Khan texts have been translated into other languages including Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Italian and Chinese, and are freely available in PDF format on the web site at:
Additional Web Sites related to the Sufi Message of Inayat Khan:
Web sites of some Sufi Orders in the lineage of Hazrat Inayat Khan:
http://www.nekbakhtfoundation.org ... has
produced a series entitled Complete
Works of Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan, Original
Please note that the original Complete Works series, the "Brown Books", are rather scholarly volumes intended to record as accurately as possible, in an unfortunately tedious and unpleasant manner, the actual words which were most likely spoken by Hazrat Inayat Khan in each of his lectures. Due to the cluttered, disjointed style of presentation, these are best considered to be scholarly tomes, not really well suited for casual reading. In general, the Sufi Message volumes and the other papers available on this web site will be more pleasant to read, and easier to become engrossed in, without sacrificing the essence of the Message.
Fortunately, the latest "Green Books" series from the Nekbakht Foundation strive to maintain accuracy and historical context while providing a more pleasant, easy-reading format. This new series, with the first volume released in 2024, is a wonderful addition to the legacy of Hazrat Inayat Khan.
You may download (for free) any of the volumes of the Complete Works series, including the newest, more readable "Green Books" in PDF format directly from the Nekbakht Foundation using the following link: http://www.nekbakhtfoundation.org/publications/online
http://www.petama.ch/pagese/E-index.html ... many excellent Inayat Khan resources, a wonderful web site, the Petama Project by Puran Füchslin in English, German and Spanish.
Although the Centrum Universal website created
by Kaivan Plesken is no longer online, most of the
pages of his website have been preserved on the
Internet Archive.
Photos of Inayat Khan:
On-line photos of Inayat Khan ... free, on this web site
On-line photos of Inayat Khan ... free, at the Nekbakht Foundation web site
Music of Inayat Khan:
Available on this web site:
A translation of Surat Mullar by Harunnisa Khanim Maula Bakhsh:
Without the name of Rama no comfort can come. Without a guru, no wisdom can be attained. Whoever pays full attention to the guru, is always blessed with the darshan of God, Who draws all unto Himself.
That one who opens the door of his heart, he is the one who attains the darshan of Rama. Never leave the repetition of Rama's name. Without mentioning the name, remembrance is not kept up. The need for remembrance lies upon everybody; therefore, hold on to this attention every day.
In 1909, Hazrat Inayat Khan made a series of musical
recordings in India. In 1994, a CD version of the recordings
was produced by EMI. (EMI CD NF 1 50129/30 Inayat Khan,
The Complete Recordings of 1909).
(Note: The HTML versions of first 13 volumes
were initially released on the internet as a Christmas
gift to Murshid Isa Kadre by his friends and loved
ones, who did a great service for us all, and to
whom I say thank you.)
updated 3-Jun-2024