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Our Recent Loss…
It is with great sadness that we must report the passing of my father, Warren Murphy, on Sept 4, 2015. Murphy passed away peacefully in his Virginia Beach home. The literary world- no, the world in general- has lost a true champion.
One of “The Good Guys,” this loss will be felt by many. Please keep our family, friends and his ever-faithful fans in your thoughts and prayers.
You’re loved and loved, Champ!
First things first: Who is that masked man?
“The Alexander Dumas of the mystery genre, Warren Murphy is able to write prolifically to a standard of excellence and able to work with many and varied collaborators (or without them) in any sub-genre of the mystery field yet maintain a distinctive voice…
“Murphy’s work ranges from classic locked room mysteries to taut thrillers to the satire and raucous humor of The Destroyer and the Trace series…
“He has served as a mentor and teacher to a whole generation of crime and thriller writers.”
From Prentice Hall’s “Encyclopedia Mysteriosa”
Write right. The Professional way.
Starting now and right here!!!! A new, practical plan for doing your novel.
Your instructor is Warren Murphy who says: “Get started on your novel here. Stick with me. You’ll finish your novel and you’ll like it.”
Warren Murphy has written movies and books with sales of 50 million copies. He has won a dozen national awards including two Edgars from the Mystery Writers of America.
Here, from a lifetime of writing, are Murphy’s thoughts — (learned through sometimes-painful experience) — on how to plan, write and finish your book.
This is no crash course; It’ll probably be quite a few months before Murphy is done. Stay with it. You will learn:
to think like a writer.
to plot like a writer.
to write like a writer.
to finish like a winner.
Warren Murphy says: “My usual fee for teaching is $7 million a week — but for the next year, you can get the special bargain rate of zero. Join us now.”
To get started on a path to your completed novel, follow the link above to the Writing Class page. Or, simply CLICK HERE…