

Wide Angle Search for Planets (Wikipedia, Home page) database contains 17,960,328 objects.

Hosted by CERIT Scientific Cloud, on behalf of Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Faculty of Science,
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

wasp cameras

: (name for Sesame name resolver)
: (0.0-360.0 arc degree or 00:00:00.0-24:00:00.0 hours)
: (-90.0 to +90.0 arc degree or [+/-]dd:mm:ss.sss arc degree)
Filter objects:
Magnitude range: < V <
Only nearest objects.
Only objects with at least points

sky coverage
(click to enlarge map)

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WASP Data Acknowledgement

If you make use of data from this archive, please include the following acknowledgement:

This paper makes use of data from the DR1 of the WASP data (Butters et al. 2010) as provided by the WASP consortium,
and computational resources supplied by the project "e-Infrastruktura CZ" (e-INFRA CZ LM2018140)
supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.