
Guy Selvester


specialist in ecclesiastical heraldry

This website provides information on my priestly ministry as well as some information on my heraldic design work. You'll find my opinions and thoughts on a variety of topics and links to other things on the internet.

November 4, 2004


Congratulations to President George W. Bush on his re-election as President of the United States AND to Senator John Kerry on a campaign conducted with dignity, honor and dedication. The people have spoken and the high voter turnout shows a lively democracy and a campaign that got people to think about the important issues of our time.

God Bless America!

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2004.11.01 | 2004.10.01 | 2004.09.01 | 2004.08.01 | 2004.07.01 | 2004.06.01 | 2004.05.01 | 2004.03.01

I'll make changes to this site on a regular basis. Please add me to your list of favorites and check back each week!

THE ARMS OF THE REV. FR. GUY SELVESTER, M.Div., M.A. (click to see a larger version)

The Christian name "Guy" means "A Guide". Therefore, the motto above is a play on my given name.

Be sure to get in touch so I know you're out there!

Last updated on

"Arma Virumque Cano"

The Aenid