
World Clock - 36 Time Zones at a glance

One day has exactly 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds. It isn't always exactly noon, where the sun reaches its highest point. This is because every country can choose its time zone itself. For example, huge China only has one time zone, Russia has eleven. The time in every zone of the world is displayed in this world clock.
UT near London means Universal Time. This is the time at the prime meridian, which has the longitude of 0° and runs through the Greenwich Observatory in London. UT is often given as reference time for worldwide relevant dates.

The time of day in the time zones is always normal time (wintertime). The usage of daylight saving time is in each country, sometimes even within one country, very different. It is therefore not included. Daylight saving was introduced in different countries at various times. The intention was to have longer sunlight in summer in the evening, when people are more active. By this electricity should be saved, something that didn't work out, but the daylight saving was kept.