Invasive species and human health |



Introduction. from local strategy to global frameworks: effects of invasive alien species on health and well-being / Angeliki F. Martinou and Helen E. Roy

1. Poisonous and venomous: marine alien species in the Mediterranean Sea and human health / Bella Galil

2. Invasive alien plant impacts on human health and well-being / Lorenzo Lazzaro, Franz Essl, Antonella Lugliè, Bachisio Mario Padedda, Petr Pyšek and Giuseppe Brundu

3. Human health impact by alien spiders and scorpions / Wolfgang Nentwig

4. Ticks and dust mites: invasive and health-affecting borderline organisms / Sauro Simoni and Giulio Grandi

5. Bugs, ants, wasps, moths and other insect species / Alain Roques, Cristina Preda, Sylvie Augustin and Marie-Anne Auger-Rozenberg

6. The invasive mosquitoes of medical importance / Roberto Romi, Daniela Boccolini, Marco Di Luca, Jolyon M. Medlock, Francis Schaffner, Francesco Severini and Luciano Toma

7. Invasive freshwater invertebrates and fishes: impacts on human health / Catherine Souty-Grosset, Pedro Anastácio, Julian Reynolds and Elena Tricarico

8. Risks for human health related to invasive alien reptiles and amphibians / Olivier S.G. Pauwels and Nikola Pantchev

9. Do alien free-ranging birds affect human health? A global summary of known zoonoses / Emiliano Mori, Saverio Meini, Diederik Strubbe, Leonardo Ancillotto, Paolo Sposimo and Mattia Menchetti 10. Impact of alien mammals on human health / Dario Capizzi, Andrea Monaco, Piero Genovesi, Riccardo Scalera and Lucilla Carnevali

11. Climate change and increase of impacts on human health by alien species / Stefan Schindler, Wolfgang Rabitsch and Franz Essl

Conclusions / Giuseppe Mazza and Elena Tricarico