Fishing in many waters |

Originally published in 1950, this book presents a comprehensive anthropological discussion of fishing written by the renowned British ethnographer and zoologist James Hornell. The text begins with an account of methods and tools used in fishing, before moving on to the processes of fishing in different parts of the world.

Print Book, English, 2014

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2014

xv, 210 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

9781107475434, 1107475430


List of plates; List of text-figures; 1. Weapons of the chase borrowed by the fisherman; 2. Angling of sorts; 3. Animals trained to fish and fishes that angle for their living; 4. Shark-fishing; 5. The Negro as a fisherman; 6. Kite-fishing; 7. Fisheries that ring the world: the Bonito, Albacore and Tunny industries; 8. Baiting for crocodiles and alligators; 9. Catching and curing the Bombay-duck; 10. The grey mullet takes evasive action; 11. Netting for hilsa, the Indian shad; 12. Fishing at Port Said; 13. Catching flying-fish off the Indian coast; 14. The fatal attraction of the shadows; 15. Fishing for octopus, cuttlefish and squid; 16. Trapping devices; 17. The greatest eel-farm and eel-trap in the world; 18. Poison-fishing; 19. Seeking pearls and chank shells in Ceylon and Indian waters; 20. The women divers of Japan; 21. Fruits of the sea; Bibliography; Index.