Design and analysis of ecological experiments |

Theories, hypotheses, and statistics / Samuel M. Scheiner

Power analysis and experimental design / Robert J. Steidl and Len Thomas

Exploratory data analysis and graphic display / Aaron M. Ellison

ANOVA: experimental layout and analysis / Catherine Potvin

ANOVA and ANCOVA: field competition experiments / Deborah E. Goldberg and Samuel M. Scheiner

MANOVA: multiple response variables and multispecies interactions / Samuel M. Scheiner

ANCOVA: nonparametric and randomization approaches / Peter S. Petraitis, Steven J. Beaupre, and Arthur E. Dunham

Repeated-measures analysis: growth and other time-dependent measures / Carl N. von Ende

Time series intervention analysis: unreplicated large-scale experiments / Paul W. Rasmussen, Dennis M. Heisey, Erik V. Nordheim, and Thomas M. Frost

Nonlinear curve fitting: predation and functional response curves / Steven A Juliano

Logit modeling and logistic regression: aphids, ants, and plants / Ted Floyd

Path analysis: pollination / Randall J. Mitchell

Failure-time analysis: studying times to events and rates at which events occur / Gordon A. Fox

The bootstrap and the jackknife: describing the precision of ecological indices / Philip M. Dixon

Spatial statistics: analysis of field experiments / Jay M. Ver Hoef and Noel Cressie

Mantel tests: spatial structure in field experiments / Marie-Josée Fortin and Jessica Gurevitch

Bayesian statistics: estimating plant demographic parameters / James S. Clark and Michael Lavine

Meta-analysis: combining the results of independent experiments / Jessica Gurevitch and Larry V. Hedges