Correx Archives - James Randi and the Great Carlos


(Paul Willis) In our fourth Science Week special interview with the mischievous James Randi, we take a look at his investigations into channelling - the art of connecting living people to dead people, live on stage.

Randi was involved in a famous channelling fraud here in Australia. In fact he could be recognised as the Father of the Great Carlos.

(Randi) I was approached by Channel 9 in Australia to see if we could come up with something that would prove to Australians that maybe channelling was doubtful. So I came up with the idea of creating a channeller. I said, 'I will create from anybody you choose, just somebody off the street, a channeller.' And they said, 'Well, we'll get you an actor', I said, 'No, no, we don't need an actor, we want just to show that anybody can do it.' They said, 'Well have you got somebody in mind?' and my friend Jose Oliver who is an artist, was standing nearby at the time and I asked him, 'Do you want to go to Australia?' He said, 'Yes', and I said, 'You'll have to do something strange.' He said, 'What's that?' I said, 'You have to be a channeller', and he said, 'A channeller? What's that?' I said, 'That's fine, you're perfect.' So I turned to the phone, I said, 'Yes, I've got exactly the guy.'

We trained him to be a channeller. All he had to do was look at videotapes of other people speaking in strange voices, and he picked it up right away, and eventually we got it into the Sydney Opera House with a fair audience there, all handling crystals and beads and whatnot, and with charmed looks on their faces, attracted and enthralled by this man out on stage, Jose Oliver doing the Spirit of Carlos that was 35,000 years old.

He felt like an awful fool doing it, especially since all of the material that we produced was spurious. In the press releases we invented magazines, we invented towns and cities and radio stations and TV channels and whatnot, that didn't exist. And one phone call by the media back to the United States, would have revealed the whole thing as a hoax.

(Paul Willis) You made sure that Carlos threw a glass of water over George Negus. That had to be calculated.

(Randi) It was. Now you'd be surprised what will get headlines on a slow day. And so we came up with the idea of Jose just threw a glass of water right at George Negus' face. And the next day the headline 'Negus attacked on TV' and poor George was sitting there, dripping wet in the picture, and I don't know if he ever forgave us particularly. And I should like to find out: George, I'm very sorry, we apologise, in case we haven't done that already.

He went down to the beach on one occasion and he caused them to walk into the water up to their waists with all the TV equipment and the microphones on booms when he recharged his crystals. Now he was just in a white robe and sandals, he couldn't care less, and they're walking in with their trousers and their wallets, all the equipment getting wet and such; they followed him into the ocean.

(Paul Willis) What was the point of the whole Carlos stunt? Was it really to show how weak the media can be, or was it to show how gullible people can be in wanting to believe, or how easily people can be taken in by a well-calculated charlatan?

(Randi) Essentially all of those things, but particularly to show that the media can and will be manipulated. If you give them the right kind of impetus, they salivate immediately. We constructed a booklet called 'The Wisdom of Carlos'. It had statements in it like 'Gravity is not hard to explain; you see it's easier for things to fall down than to fall up.' Now we were saying nonsensical things. Sentences weren't complete, grammar was bad, things were not continued on the next page and such, but that didn't make any difference to them; they excused any errors, anything was accepted because it was the words of Carlos.

(Paul Willis) You must have been torn between dismay at how easy it was to dupe people and a bit of devilish delight that it was such good fun.

(Randi) Oh, I've got to admit it was good fun, but it was pretty sad at the same time. That's the story of this whole business, I must say, the business of being sceptical and of teaching critical thinking. You want younger people to start thinking critically. It's a little bit, well, amusing to see what you can reveal to them and they get a good laugh out of it, but you have to stop them laughing at a certain point and say, 'Wait'. People do take this seriously, they really believe that someone can look at a spoon and cause it to bend. We are thinking creatures, but often we forget that we have this power to think rationally, to come to our own conclusions. We find it easier to accept something that's already predigested, so we turn to the media and we accept whatever seems to be attractive at the moment. That's the easy way. If you go through your whole life that way, you're going to find that you are a sucker and you're going to be taken advantage of. Look around, and your skin's gone.