About ACM Publications
ACM publications bring the discoveries of computing researchers and practitioners to the world’s attention
For more than 60 years, the best and brightest minds in computing have come to ACM to meet, share ideas, publish their work and change the world. ACM Publications offer the premier venues to showcase cutting edge research, breakthrough discoveries, practical solutions to real world challenges, technology news, and commentary from the computing world’s thought leadership. Through conference proceedings, journals, magazines, newsletters and books, ACM provides the resources that inspire tomorrow’s innovations.
Conference Proceedings – Rapid dissemination of research findings
Conference proceedings capture the cutting edge of innovation across the spectrum of computing fields by publishing refereed research findings and invited papers from ACM conferences, workshops and symposia. More than any other field, conferences are a vital publication venue in computing, where the most cutting edge research is presented and discussed. ACM and its Special Interest Groups convene more than 170 conferences, symposia and workshops each year. Proceedings from these events are included in the ACM Digital Library.
Browse a listing of ACM’s Conference Proceedings.
Journals – Facilitating Innovation & Discovery
ACM’s high-impact, peer-reviewed journals publish emerging and established computing research for both practical and theoretical applications. Available in print and online, these subscription-based scholarly journals offer content of the highest scientific quality in their respective fields. Taken together they constitute a vast and comprehensive archive of computing innovation that includes data mining and management, architecture and accessibility, programming languages and software engineering, graphics and networking, Internet and Web technology, computational logic and storage issues, and computer-human interaction among many other specialties.
ACM publishes more than 50 scholarly peer-reviewed journals in dozens of computing and information technology disciplines. ACM journal editors are thought leaders in their fields, and ACM’s emphasis on rapid publication ensures minimal delay in communication of exciting new ideas and discoveries.
Browse a listing of ACM’s Journals.
Magazines – Leading Research, Views, and Opinions
ACM’s print and on-line magazines include its flagship Communications of the ACM (CACM), which features trusted insights for computing's leading professionals. CACM provides in-depth coverage of emerging research in computer science, new trends in information technology, and practical applications for the computing community through its news, blogs, viewpoints, and research highlights. The roster of ACM magazines also includes a publication by and for students as well as magazines that help readers make sense of developments in computer science education, human-computer interaction, online and workplace learning, online entertainment technologies, and future trends in the rapidly expanding computing field.
ACM's eight magazines deliver articles, news and opinions from thought leaders throughout computing and information technology. From ACM’s flagship magazine, Communications of the ACM to ACM’s magazine written and edited by and for students, XRDS: Crossroads, readers receive compelling features that keep them coming back month after month.
Browse a listing of ACM’s Magazines.
Published by ACM in conjunction with Morgan & Claypool Publishers, ACM Books is a new series of advanced level research monographs and graduate level texts for researchers, practitioners, educators, and students authored by those working at the forefront of technology.
ACM SIG Newsletters
In addition to conference proceedings, many of ACM’s Special Interest Groups publish regular newsletters that keep SIG members current on what’s going on in their respective disciplines and subject areas.
Browse a listing of ACM’s Special Interest Groups.
ACM Digital Library – An Archive of Original Research
The ACM Digital Library (DL) is the world’s most comprehensive database of full-text articles and bibliographic literature covering computing and information technology. This renowned repository includes the complete collection of ACM publications plus an extended bibliographic database of core works in computing from scholarly publishers.
The DL’s integrated features, functionality, and content constitute a critical resource for computing professionals. The DL is designed to facilitate information dissemination and sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration for computing professionals, practitioners, researchers, and educators. It offers a window on the digital world, with access to ideas and innovations -- great and small -- that continue to foster and form the information age.
What Sets ACM Publishing Program Apart
ACM is a leader in redefining scholarly communication for both the computer science community and the broader scientific community by developing subject-specific tools and services for computer scientists and by taking a true leadership role in many of the publishing industry’s most significant technical and policy advances over the past two decades.
ACM’s unique approach to publishing, which engages the expertise of its volunteers, authors, editors, reviewers, and professional staff, creates an environment of inclusiveness where the contributions of the scientific community truly drive decision-making and innovation. ACM is committed to publishing policies that advance the goals of scientific discovery, innovation, and education in a sustainable and responsible way, while at the same time continues to be one of the most affordable publishers in terms of content value and subscription prices, showing its commitment to the mission of advancing the field.
The ACM Author Rights policy allows authors to choose from a range of rights options, post on their own websites, and distribute via ACM Author-Izer, a unique service based on the strong belief that the computing community should have the widest possible access to the definitive versions of scholarly literature. Additionally, authors can reuse their own work, create derivative works, and retain perpetual rights.
Authors who publish with ACM have the freedom to post peer-reviewed pre-print versions of their papers to personal websites and institutional repositories. They can add a single-click link to their final published papers, and re-use any portion of their published work with the inclusion of a citation and DOI link.
A Leader in Scholarly Communication
ACM is an active partner in the library and research community, with leading roles in key industry initiatives that preserve and safeguard access to computing research.
ACM is partnering with CHORUS (Clearinghouse for the Open Research of the United States) to provide public access to published articles reporting on US-funded research. This initiative reduces duplication of effort, minimizes costs, and ensures the continued availability of research literature. By enabling public access, this partnership delivers value to funders, publishers, researchers, institutions, and the public, which enjoys toll-free access to federally funded research.
ACM’s Digital Library content is preserved for future generations of researchers through partnerships with Portico and CLOCKSS. Portico ensures that the full-text content of the DL will transition to new formats, providing a smooth transition for users, and guaranteeing that the most important computing research is perpetually available. CLOCKSS uses Archive Nodes housed at libraries selected to be the custodians of the archived content. These agreements enable ACM to meet a growing demand in the library community for a trusted, reliable third-party archive, and to ensure that digital collections remain accessible to future scholars, researchers, and students,
ACM also supports the ORCID (Open Research and Contributor ID) initiative, a registry of unique researcher identifiers, and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers. By attaching this identifier to their records, researchers can link their ACM Author Profiles with this global registry. ORCID also provides readers with the ability to easily discover an author’s publication history by tracing the evolution of ideas and research paths through the growing body of published works.
ACM is also a member of the Society Publishers Coalition (SocPC). The Society Publishers’ Coalition (SocPC) is a group of likeminded, not-for-profit learned societies, community publishers and charities who publish as part of their charitable objectives and who re-invest the surplus from their publishing into the disciplinary communities they serve.
SocPC members share the common ambition to see an orderly and sustainable transition to open scholarship and to improve the efficiency of the scholarly communication ecosystem for the benefit of researchers and society at large in a fair and sustainable way. In order to help achieve this, we wish to work with researchers, funders, institutions and other stakeholders.