Adoption in Islam by

  • ️Sat Dec 11 2021

Reviving the Sunnah of Adoption.This website is in the English language, catering not only for Muslims but also enabling people of other faiths
To gain a better understanding of adoption in Islam. In particular, we focus on the special upbringing of the prophets and the effect fostering and adoption had on them.

“I leave behind me two things, the Quran and Sunnah (Example) and if you follow these you will never go astray”.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Special upbringing of special children

As for many of the Prophets & great Islamic personalities who had special upbringings, their memories and stories are read and taught by billions the world over. Their special upbringing helped them in their lives to achieve...

Issues Regarding Adoption in Islam

Cultural baggage, traditions and a lack of Islamic knowledge leave many Muslims to have a negative view on this noble tradition of fostering and adoption*. In a lot of Muslim countries, there are many misconceptions..,

Useful Links

ABOUT article on adoption in Islam Adoption information Line Excellent link on Adoption and related issues from an Islamic Perspective Wiki on Adoption in Islam Muslim Web Design & Digital Marketing Agency

Watch Video

See what Sheikh Bilal Philips ahs to say about adoption in Islam

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said,
“The best house of Muslims is one where an orphan is cared for.”
(Recorded by Ibn Majah)