Information about working in the AEC
Information about working in the AEC
When you join the AEC, you join a team of passionate professionals committed to giving Australians a say through our democratic processes. The AEC is a smaller agency that allows the development of stronger connections with your colleagues and networks. We all work towards a shared goal of delivering an impartial and independent electoral system that is safe, efficient and precise. To ensure a consistent and accurate process we provide comprehensive training programs to continue to develop our people and implement ongoing improvements.
Conditions of employment
The terms and conditions for all APS employees engaged at the AEC are specified in the AEC Enterprise Agreement 2024–2027. This agreement provides a range of flexible work conditions including:
- a standard working week of 37½ hours
- flex time under which you can use extra time worked to take time off work
- 15.4% superannuation
- annual and personal leave that covers a range of circumstances
- the opportunity to purchase extra leave per year
- office shut down between Christmas and New Year
Flexible work environment
Employees in the AEC enjoy a flexible workplace that supports healthy work/life harmony. The following options are available to assist employees in balancing their work and personal lives and ensure a supported environment.
- flexible start and finish times, subject to operational requirements
- opportunities to work part-time
- flexible working arrangements, such as working from home
- purchased leave, which allows employees to purchase leave that may be used to fulfil family commitments/responsibilities
- maternity and paternity leave
- personal leave for carers purposes, and
- confidential access to the AEC's Employee Assistance Program
Values and code of conduct
The AEC is committed to the APS Values and Code of Conduct contained in the Public Service Act 1999. The AEC Standard of Conduct incorporates the APS Values and Code of Conduct which were created to ensure, among other things, that all employees in the APS work in an environment that allows them to reach their full potential.
In addition to the APS Values, the AEC values electoral integrity through quality, agility and professionalism. These values frame and guide how we work and underpin everything we do.
Child Safety Policy
The AEC is committed to the safety and protection of the children and young people we serve. The AEC’s Child Safety Policy outlines the AEC’s principles and processes for providing a safe environment for children and young people in all of our offices and business operations, and most pertinently at the National Electoral Education Centre (NEEC) located at Old Parliament House, Canberra.
Additionally, the AEC’s Child Safe Policy:
- informs AEC staff of their obligations to act ethically and responsibly towards children and young people at all times
- is designed to demonstrate and monitor the AEC’s compliance with the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework. The AEC also publishes an annual statement of compliance with this Framework.
Work health and safety
The AEC is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its employees while at work in accordance with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. The AEC takes proactive and positive steps to protect and promote the health and safety of its employees whilst at work, using its facilities, or while on AEC premises.
The AEC has a range of initiatives to support employees such as:
- wellness corner
- employee assistance program
- flu vaccination program
- ergonomic workstation checks and adjustable workstations
Political and Issue neutrality
The AEC places special emphasis on political and issue neutrality because it is responsible for providing the Australian people with an independent electoral service.
It is essential that all AEC employees are, and are seen to be, politically and issue neutral, both personally and professionally.
All AEC staff, both permanent and temporary are required to provide a declaration of political and issue neutrality which is designed to ensure that there is no conflict of interest before they are considered for employment. Having had a party affiliation at some time in the past does not automatically rule someone out from an offer of employment with the AEC. There are processes in place to assess an individual’s potential conflict of interest however all staff are required to demonstrate and maintain political and issue neutrality at all times.
Hygiene and Safety Guidelines
The AEC is committed to safeguarding the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees and the wider Australian voting public.
It is the AEC’s intent to promote wellness and minimise the risk of injury and illness by applying systematic work health and safety (WHS) risk management practices, so far as reasonably practicable.
Hygiene measures will be in place at polling places and other work venues to protect AEC workers and voters. The AEC strongly recommends that temporary workers wear a face mask and strongly encourages workers to be up to date with their vaccinations. The AEC also promotes physical distancing of 1.5 metres and good personal hygiene measures.
If you are required in your role to visit a hospital, aged care facility, prison facility or community facility, there may be other measures required.
Updated: 1 February 2024