The Usage Panel
- ️HarperCollins Publishers
Sherman Alexie
Poet; fiction writer
Eric Alterman
Author; Distinguished Professor of English and Journalism, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
Roger Angell
Writer; editor
Natalie Angier
Science journalist; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Kwame Anthony Appiah
Laurance S. Rockefeller University Professor of Philosophy and the University Center for Human Values, Princeton University
Margaret Atwood
Kathryn H. Au
Chief Executive Officer, SchoolRise, LLC; former Dai Ho Chun Professor of Education, University of Hawaii
John Baugh
Margaret Bush Wilson Professor in Arts and Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis; Professor Emeritus of Education and Linguistics, Stanford University
Alison Bechdel
Carolyn Wilkerson Bell
Susan Duval Adams Professor of English Emerita, Randolph-Macon Women's College
Harold Bloom
Sterling Professor of the Humanities and English, Yale University; MacArthur Fellow
Paul Bloom
Professor of Psychology, Yale University
Roy Blount, Jr.
Writer; radio commentator; former president, Authors Guild
Katherine Boo
Author; staff writer, The New Yorker; MacArthur Fellow; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Leo Braudy
University Professor and Leo S. Bing Chair in English and American Literature, University of Southern California
Joan Bresnan
Sadie Dernham Patek Professor Emerita in Humanities and Senior Researcher at the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University
Rachel M. Brownstein
Professor of English, Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York
Stephen Budiansky
Lorene Cary
Michael Chabon
Writer; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Walter C. Clemens, Jr.
Writer; Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Boston University; Associate, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Writer, The Atlantic
Robin Cook
Physician; writer
Maureen Corrigan
Writer; book reviewer; Lecturer and Critic in Residence, Department of English, Georgetown University
Anne Curzan
Professor of English, University of Michigan
Gene D. Dahmen
Attorney; former president, Boston Bar Association; partner, Verrill Dana, LLP
Lydia Davis
Author; translator; Professor Emerita, State University of New York—Albany
Junot Díaz
Author; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Joan Didion
Annie Dillard
Writer; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Mark Doty
Poet; Distinguished Writer, Rutgers University
Rita Dove
Writer; Commonwealth Professor of English, University of Virginia; recipient, Pulitzer Prize; former US poet laureate
Esther Dyson
Chairman, EDventure Holdings
Freeman J. Dyson
Writer; physicist; Professor Emeritus, Institute for Advanced Study
Connie Eble
Professor of English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Anne Edwards
Biographer; novelist; former President, Authors Guild
Louise Erdrich
Carolly Erickson
Historian; writer
James Fallows
Writer; national correspondent, The Atlantic
Drew Gilpin Faust
Historian; President, Harvard University
Frances FitzGerald
Writer; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Margalit Fox
Author; senior writer, The New York Times
Elizabeth Frank
Writer; Joseph E. Harry Professor of Modern Languages and Literature, Bard College; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Jonathan Franzen
Mary Gaitskill
Catherine Gallagher
Eggers Professor of English Literature, University of California, Berkeley
Sara Garnes
Linguist; Associate Professor of English Emerita, Ohio State University
Michael G. Gartner
Former president, Board of Regents, State of Iowa; language columnist; former president, NBC News; former president, American Society of Newspaper Editors; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Alphonse Fletcher University Professor and Director, W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research, Harvard University
J. Edward Gates
Lexicographer; editor; Professor Emeritus of English, Indiana State University
James Gleick
Author; columnist
Rebecca Newberger Goldstein
Writer; MacArthur Fellow
Adam Gopnik
Writer; staff writer, The New Yorker
Peter Gordon
Puzzlemaker; crossword editor
Annette Gordon-Reed
Charles Warren Professor of American Legal History, Harvard Law School; Carol K. Pforzheimer Professor at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study; MacArthur Fellow; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Jonathan Gottschall
Author; Professor of English, Washington and Jefferson College
Philip Gourevitch
Writer; former editor, The Paris Review
Francine du Plessix Gray
Georgia M. Green
Writer; Professor Emerita of Linguistics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Stephen Greenblatt
John Cogan University Professor of the Humanities, Harvard University
Robert Lane Greene
Author; Correspondent and language columnist, The Economist
Linda Gregerson
Poet; critic; Caroline Walker Bynum Distinguished University Professor of English, University of Michigan
Alma Guillermoprieto
Writer; staff writer, The New Yorker; MacArthur Fellow
Jessica Hagedorn
Novelist; poet
Patricia Hampl
Writer; Regents’ Professor of English, University of Minnesota
Sam Harris
Author; neuroscientist
Robert Hass
Former US poet laureate; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Joel Havemann
Author; former correspondent, Los Angeles Times
Marti Hearst
Professor, School of Information, University of California, Berkeley
William Least Heat-Moon
Mark Helprin
Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham
Victor S. Thomas Professor of History and of African and African American Studies, Harvard University
Oscar Hijuelos
Author; recipient, Pulitzer Prize and Rome Prize
Douglas R. Hofstadter
Distinguished Professor of Cognitive Science and Comparative Literature and Director of the Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition, Indiana University, Bloomington; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Jenny Holzer
Artist; writer
Gloria Hom
Educator and consultant; former professor of economics, Mission College; former trustee, California State University
Garrett Hongo
Writer; Distinguished Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Oregon
Laurence Horn
Author; Professor of Linguistics and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Yale University
Jennifer James
Cultural anthropologist; writer
Edward P. Jones
Author; Professor of English, The George Washington University; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Erica Jong
Poet; novelist; essayist
Wendy Kaminer
Alice Kaplan
John M. Musser Professor of French, Yale University
Elizabeth T. Kennan
President Emerita, Mount Holyoke College
Tracy Kidder
Writer; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Barbara Kingsolver
Maxine Hong Kingston
Writer; recipient, National Book Award, National Book Critics Circle Award, Anisfield-Wolf Book Award, and PEN Center USA West Award for Fiction
Jeremy K.B. Kinsman
Columnist; former Canadian Ambassador to the European Union
Laura Kipnis
Writer; Professor of Radio-TV-Film, Northwestern University
Elizabeth Kolbert
Journalist; author
Ed Koren
Cartoonist, The New Yorker
Robert Kuttner
Coeditor and cofounder, The American Prospect; columnist, The Boston Globe
Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot
Emily Hargroves Fisher Professor of Education, Harvard University; MacArthur Fellow
David Leavitt
Writer; Professor of English, University of Florida
Jill Lepore
Author; Professor of History, Harvard University
Wendy Lesser
Writer; Editor, The Threepenny Review
Lawrence Lessig
Professor, Harvard Law School
Beth Levin
William H. Bonsall Professor in the Humanities and Professor of Linguistics, Stanford University
Michael Lewis
Mark Liberman
Professor of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania
James Lindgren
Professor of Law, Northwestern University
Phillip Lopate
Writer; Professor and Nonfiction Director, Columbia University School of the Arts
Lois Lowry
Heather Mac Donald
Author; John M. Olin Fellow, Manhattan Institute
Megan Marshall
Biographer; Charles Wesley Emerson College Professor, Emerson College; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Suzanne R. Massie
Writer; lecturer on Russian history and culture
Armistead Maupin
Jane Mayer
Alice E. Mayhew
Editorial Director, Simon & Schuster
Terrence McNally
Playwright; recipient, four Tony Awards
John H. McWhorter
Linguist; writer; Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute
Hassan Minor, Jr.
Managing Director, datablack; former Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer, Howard University
Lorrie Moore
Writer; Delmore Schwartz Professor in the Humanities, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Lance Morrow
Author; biographer; essayist, Time
Alice Munro
Author; recipient, Nobel Prize in Literature
Cullen Murphy
Editor at Large, Vanity Fair
Thomas M.T. Niles
President Emeritus, United States Council for International Business
Marsha Norman
Playwright; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Susan Orlean
Author; staff writer, The New Yorker
Cynthia Ozick
Novelist; essayist
Suzan-Lori Parks
Writer; MacArthur Fellow; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Margaret Sayers Peden
Translator; Professor Emerita of Spanish, University of Missouri
Merrill Perlman
Editor; language columnist, Columbia Journalism Review
Ivars Peterson
Director of Publications and Communications, Mathematical Association of America
Steven Pinker
Chair (2008–2018)
Johnstone Family Professor, Department of Psychology, Harvard University
Robert Pinsky
Poet; translator; former US poet laureate; Professor of English, Boston University
Michael Pollan
Author; Professor of Journalism, University of California, Berkeley
Virginia Postrel
Author; columnist, Bloomberg View
Alvin F. Poussaint
Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Francine Prose
Jane Bryant Quinn
Journalist; financial columnist
Claudia Rankine
Poet; playwright; Frederick Iseman Professor of Poetry, Yale University; MacArthur Fellow
Richard Rhodes
Author; recipient, National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize; MacArthur Fellow
Frank Rich
Author; former columnist, The New York Times; writer-at-large, New York magazine
John R. Rickford
J.E. Wallace Sterling Professor in Linguistics and the Humanities and Pritzker University Fellow in Undergraduate Education, Stanford University
Jason L. Riley
Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute; columnist, The Wall Street Journal
Mary Roach
Richard Rodriguez
Robert J. Samuelson
Columnist, The Washington Post
John Sayles
Film director; writer; screenwriter; actor
Lloyd Schwartz
Poet; music critic; Frederick S. Troy Professor of English, University of Massachusetts, Boston; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
David Sedaris
Writer; humorist
Will Shortz
Puzzlemaker; crossword editor, The New York Times
Elaine Showalter
Avalon Foundation Professor of the Humanities, Emerita, Princeton University
Leslie Marmon Silko
John Simon
Drama and film critic
Mona Simpson
Novelist; Professor of English, University of California, Los Angeles
David Skinner
Anna Deavere Smith
Playwright; actress; professor; MacArthur Fellow; recipient, National Endowment for the Humanities Medal
Tracy K. Smith
Poet; Professor of Creative Writing, Princeton University; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Christina Hoff Sommers
Author; resident scholar, American Enterprise Institute
A.E. Stallings
Poet; poetry program director, Athens Centre; MacArthur Fellow
Susan Stamberg
Special correspondent, National Public Radio
Margaret O’Brien Steinfels
Codirector, Center on Religion and Culture, Fordham University; former editor in chief, Commonweal
Farah Stockman
Reporter, The New York Times; former columnist, The Boston Globe; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Amy Tan
Deborah Tannen
University Professor and Professor of Linguistics, Georgetown University
Shane Templeton
Foundation Professor of Literacy Studies, University of Nevada, Reno
Paul Theroux
Novelist; travel writer
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
Peter Tiersma
Professor of Law and Hon. William Matthew Byrne, Jr. Chair, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
Elizabeth C. Traugott
Professor Emerita of Linguistics and English, Stanford University
Calvin Trillin
Staff writer, The New Yorker
Mark Turner
Institute Professor and Professor of Cognitive Science, Case Western Reserve University
Anne Tyler
Novelist; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Helen H. Vendler
Arthur Kingsley Porter University Professor, Harvard University
Paula Vogel
Eugene O'Neill Professor (Adjunct) and Chair of Playwrighting, Yale School of Drama; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
William T. Vollmann
Eugene Volokh
Gary T. Schwartz Professor of Law, University of California, Los Angeles
Barbara Wallraff
Author; editor
Fay Weldon
Writer; Professor of Creative Writing, Brunel University
Colson Whitehead
Writer; MacArthur Fellow; recipient, Pulitzer Prize
Tobias Wolff
Writer; Ward W. and Priscilla B. Woods Professor of English, Stanford University
Richard A. Young
Writer; editor; lecturer; publisher; engineer; Executive Director, National Registry of Environmental Professionals
We regret that the following members of the Usage Panel, who participated in the program for this edition, have died.
Louis Auchincloss, Sheridan Baker, Letitia Baldrige, Jacques Barzun, Daniel Bell, Kallia H. Bokser, Julian Bond, William F. Buckley, Jr., Gabrielle Burton, Claire Kehrwald Cook, Robert W. Creamer, Frank Deford, William K. Durr, Howard Fast, John Kenneth Galbraith, Mark O. Hatfield, Molly Ivins, Alfred E. Kahn, Justin Kaplan, Stanley Kauffmann, Galway Kinnell, Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, Maxine Kumin, Anthony Lewis, Robert Manning, Leonard Michaels, Bharati Mukherjee, Edwin Newman, Geoffrey Nunberg, Ellen F. Prince, William James Raspberry, Edward W. Rosenheim, Antonin Scalia, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Harvey Shapiro, Carlota S. Smith, Theodore C. Sorensen, Stewart L. Udall, David Foster Wallace, Calvert Watkins, Jacqueline Grennan Wexler, Tom Wicker, Alden S. Wood, William Zinsser