TRON LEGACY: Cool Details From L.A.'s Post-Trailer Q&A! First Film Coming On Blu-Ray? Info Re:...
- ️@glenoliveraicn
- ️Sat Dec 29 2012
Published at: March 1, 2010, 2 p.m. CST by merrick
Published at: March 1, 2010, 2 p.m. CST by merrick
It turns out my buddy and I were sitting right in front of Lisberger and we overheard him talking about how he just finished over-seeing complete color-correction and major enhancements to the original TRON for BLU RAY! It sounded like he basically kept the movie the same (no CGI inserted) but corrected the colors throughout the entire film and enhanced everything. He said it was a dream to go back to something he made thirty years ago and correct it to look exactly how he would want it for the Blu Ray release (which he made no mention of when that would happen). Anyway, Lisberger never mentioned any of that in the Q and A and I thought you guys would want to know about it.Promotion in Disney Parks A highly trusted source conveyed the following about TL's forthcoming presence in Disney parks. This is, by no means, the only way TRON LEGACY will be evident at Disney Parks - this is just one piece of a larger push.
RON Legacy checking in with you from Central Florida. Last week I was having lunch with one of my [[[POSITION OMITTED BY MERRICK]]] in Orlando who filled me in on something cool that is going to be unveiled next week at the Walt Disney World Parks. Something internally they are calling the 'TRON-O-RAIL'. Apparently the Motion Picture design team out in California have created a vinyl wrap that will encompass one of the Monorails that circle above the park. From what he's seen, it will make the Monorail look like a light-cycle from the upcoming TRON movie is riding the rails above you. I guess the cab is the cycle and the rest of the cabins are the light trail? Sounds pretty neat. Not sure if there are any lights, sounds or effects that accompany it - but I for one can't wait to see it. Very cool that the parks are allowing this to be done to their transportation system! Hopefully it will run long enough to time out with the film's release. A step beyond the old People Mover that featured TRON in it years ago thats for sure. Too bad they didn't update the ALICE in WONDERLAND ride to make it tie into the new Tim Burton movie. Only a matter of time I bet. Ron L.The...TRON-O-RAIL?? Need some pictures of that. How bad-ass would it be if the outline of the TRON-O-RAIL glowed? If anyone out there ends-up in Disney Parks over the next couple of weeks, snap a few shots of this & send 'em in. Upcoming ENCOM Press Conference I hear ENCOM may be holding a press conference of some sort at a forthcoming convention - no word on whether CEO Alan Bradley might publicly address the marked upswing in Flynn Lives tagging and propaganda appearing both on the Internet, and across various visible locations across the country. Details On TRON LEGACY's IMAX Release /film has some details about how TL is gonna look in IMAX.
Kosinski revealed to me that five action sequences from Tron Legacy will be shown in 1.7:1 aspect ratio, exclusively in IMAX Theatres. [EDIT] With The Dark Knight, Christopher Nolan shot a few sequences and establishing shots with IMAX cameras, allowing the screen image to switch aspect ratios and fill the entire huge IMAX screen. If you pay to see Tron Legacy in IMAX, you will see something similar. [EDIT] I was also told that Disney would be releasing a special IMAX trailer online to show moviegoers the difference.You can find more information HERE. More Details From Post Trailer Q&A My man Nick Nugent - who authored THE KNIGHT RIDER COMPANION which I'll soon telling you about (a few details HERE) sent in a write-up of the Joseph Kosinski/Steven Lisberger Q&A which went down after the new trailer's L.A. screening. Some good details here - more than we've seen in many reports. Like: no "Bit" in TRON LEGACY!?!?! Kosinski also says that, contrary to a great deal of confused information on the Net, the first ACTUAL snippets from Daft Punk's TRON LEGACY score can be heard in the film's new trailer (anything else on the Net claiming to be Daft Punk's TRON LEGACY music is not correct). There's more here...check it out. Thanks to Nick for taking the time to write this up!
Unlike Harry's reports from other viewings, I got to see the Tron Legacy trailer at the Bridge in Los Angeles twice today and both the original director of Tron Steven Lisberger and the new director of Tron Legacy Joseph Kosinski were in attendence! I'm not going to describe the trailer because you already have that in triplicate. We demanded to see the trailer more than once and were granted our overwhelming request by the directors themselves who proclaimed they didn't drive through the pouring rain 30 minutes across town just to see the trailer once and were going to see it again. Joseph informed the audience that he actually shot on something called "film" and that it took 20 minutes to rewind the reel to show the trailer again. While we waited, they had a Q&A session Joseph who also pointed out that Steven was in attendence and they both fielded questions from the audience. I'm paraphrasing here because we were not allowed to have any recording equipment... Why did they (Disney and the Directors) chose to wait so long to make a Tron movie and why now? - Technology caught up with the story they wanted to tell and make it feel more real and relevant to today. Also because Disney decided to move ahead with the project. Is Tron 2.0 part of Tron's canon and will it be reference in Tron Legacy? No. Tron 2.0 is not part of the Tron "movie" canon. Why did they decide to do it in 3D? - Mostly the success of Avatar and that the direction of movies are going the way of 3D especially with Disney. They shot in 3D because they wanted to immerse the audience into the world of Tron. Would Bit show up in the movie? - No Bit doesn't appear persay but another character inspired from him with more dimensionality does make a debute. Would the MPC be in the movie? - No, the original "old construct" was destroyed in the first Tron. There will be a new more relevant threat to address this time. Would other characters from the first Tron make cameos? - Yes many, some glimpses of some of them are in the trailer if you look close enough. How did Joseph work with Steven to make Tron Legacy faithful to the original movie? - Both Joseph and Steven said they wanted to make sure they were careful to include nods to the original movie while taking Tron into another more contemporary direction. Will we see the return of the games from the first Tron? - Joseph stated we would see updated takes on the original gladitorial games as well as some new ones. Is Daft Punk in the movie? - No, but their music is. Is the track that was leaked on the internet the music Daft Punk did for the movie? No. There are many fake tracks out there online. No one has heard Daft Punk's score except for now which was used in the trailer you just saw. Were they concerned that today's audiences would even remember the original Tron? - The answer from Steven is that they would remember too much about the first Tron. Joseph when on to explain that people would see Tron Legacy just like the original Tron was supposed to be viewed but more in line with the level of effects they intended with the first movie - Tron Legacy will feel more realistic. Why did they use a minimalistic approach to the new suit designs? - Joseph stated that they didn't want to rely on the traditional cel/rotoscoping techniques and that it took too long to hand draw and process that style. They went with real illuminated suits instead that could be further enhanced with CG without relying on inverting the negatives and overlaying facial details. It was easier to do this effect with today's technology over CG bodies. Did Jeff Bridges have any involvement with the script? - Joseph and Steven both answered that Jeff was very much involved with the script writing process and was hands on in making sure the movie was in line with his character. Jeff found the idea of an older Flynn vs. a younger Flynn very appealing to explore and develop. Is Disney planning on making any new Tron Legacy based attractions at either Disney World or Disneyland Park? - Joseph answered, many things are in development for both Disney parks but he could not disclose details. Those are all the questions I can really think of off hand. There's some I missed and I'm fairly bad with names but most of them delt with guest stars from the original Tron. If your question was answered, they gave you a free Tron Legacy poster signed by both Steven and Joseph. Unfortuantely I wasn't one of the lucky people who managed to snag one. After the trailer ran a second time, we were escourted out to the lobby but some fans snagged some autographs from Steven and Joseph as well. Once in the lobby we were given FLYNN LIVES T-shirts and that concluded the prestigious Tron Legacy trailer viewing event. Good times!