Brian Michael Bendis’ Jinxworld headed to Dark Horse Comics

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  • ️Mon Aug 16 2021

Brian Michael Bendis' Jinxworld headed to Dark Horse Comics

Comic Books

Brian Michael Bendis’ moves Jinxworld imprint to Dark Horse and announces new series ‘Joy Operations.’

Today, THR had the exclusive scoop that Brian Michael Bendis will be moving his creator-owned imprint to Dark Horse Comics. Originally published through Image Comics, Jinxworld moved to DC Comics in 2018 when Bendis became a DC Comics exclusive creator. Jinxworld is the imprint behind series like The United States of Murder Inc. and Powers. Any titles published under DC Comics will also get new editions like 2018’s Pearl, which will get its Dark Horse edition in March 2022.

This news also revealed there will be a new creator-owned sci-fi title Joy Operations. Set for release on November 17, Joy Operations is a five-issue series and will feature art by Stephen Byrne.

“I am so proud to call Dark Horse Comics home! From Dark Horse Presents all the way up to Black Hammer, Dark Horse has been at the forefront of the kind of creator-owned comics I personally adore and aspire to. This partnership has been brewing for a very long time,” Bendis said in a statement to THR. “Mike Richardson, Daniel Chabon, and everyone else at Dark Horse has welcomed us with open arms and it’s very exciting to start rolling out our brand-new epics like Joy Operations and reintroduce you to some of our classic Jinxworld titles like Powers, Torso, and Jinx. Any of my friends will tell you I wished those books were published by Dark Horse back when we first made them. To the future!”

Brian Michael Bendis' Jinxworld headed to Dark Horse Comics

“Brian Bendis is one of the comic industry’s premier talents and we are so excited to welcome him here to Dark Horse,” Dark Horse Comics president and founder, Mike Richardson said to THR. In a statement “As Brian can confirm, I’ve been chasing him for a very long time. Not only will Brian be bringing new stories here for his many fans, but we will be re-releasing new editions of his existing work for a whole new generation of readers.”

Dark Horse’s Jinxworld editor, Daniel Chabon added, “We have some really amazing books in the works right now and I can’t wait for folks to see what we have in store from them and Dark Horse’s expanding creator-owned universe.”

So what’s Joy Operations about?

Joy Operations takes place 55 years in the future. It centers on Joy, who is EN.VOI — special agent of one of the Jonado Trust. In this world, trusts are corporate-owned cities for whom she rights its wrongs. She is a legendary figure in some parts due to her job, until one day she hears a voice in her head urging her to betray here everything she has ever believed.

Dark Horse Comics continues to make compelling moves in the industry, including their recent deal to publish ComiXology Originals in print. At this rate, and the upcoming need for a publisher to take on print duties for Substack projects, Dark Horse Comics continues to stay relevant in an era of comics that feels uncertain nearly every week.