written 庇. The area surrounding the *moya
母屋 or core of a temple building. A narrow aisle-like area, usually only one bay
wide. It can extend entirely around the moya or on one, two or three sides. The
floor of the moya and the hisashi is the same level throughout.
Hisashi may also refer to an unenclosed veranda or corridor protected by
either additional eaves underneath those of the main roof or by the extension
of the eaves of the main roof over the open hisashi. Although the architecture
of Shinto shrines was affected to some extent by the importation of Buddhism,
the interior floor plan remained relatively simple, with the exception of that
of Kibitsu Jinja Honden 吉備津神社本殿 and Haiden 拝殿 (1390-1425), in Okayama prefecture.
Both the worship hall and the inner sanctuaries are surrounded by narrow corridors
like enclosed hisashi. The rooms of palaces and mansions of the mid-Heian
period were surrounded by corridors. Example: the residence of Fujiwara Teika
藤原定家 (13c) in Kyoto. The plans include core areas surrounded by corridors which
resemble the moya and hisashi of temple buildings.