JAANUS / noyane 野屋根
- ️Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System
A hidden
roof. The roof structure built above an exposed roof. It has its own support
system and hidden rafters that are set at a different angle from the rafters
of the exposed roof. The earliest example is the hidden roof built in 990
over the aisles *hisashi
廂, surrounding the core *moya
母屋 at Houryuuji *Daikoudou 法隆寺大講堂 in Nara. With a noyane, the base rafters
*jidaruki 地垂木, could
be given a gentle incline. A base *sasudai
扠首台, was laid across the base rafters and diagonal struts were set upon
them to support the purlins that carried the hidden roof. From the 12c onward,
hidden roofs built over entire buildings became common. Examples: Upper
Daigoji Yakushidou 醍醐寺薬師堂 (1121), Sanzen-in Hondou 三千院本堂 (1148) both in
Kyoto, and Taimadera *Mandaradou
当麻寺曼茶羅堂 (1161) in Nara.