
Consultation Paper


The AJIC has contracted for a number of discussion papers on issues within its priority areas. These papers do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission. They are published here to encourage public debate and comments.  If you wish to comment on any of these papers or any part of the Commission's work click here.

The 1985 Qu�bec National Assembly Resolution on Aboriginal Rights: A Brief Commentary

Discussion Paper (pdf)

Aboriginal Justice College

Contents and Executive Summary (pdf file)
Discussion Paper - Final (pdf file)
Appendices (pdf file)

Aboriginal Employment Strategy

Table of Contents and Appendices (pdf file)
Discussion Paper (pdf file)
Recommended Work Plan (pdf file)
Appendix G (pdf file)

Aboriginal Policing in Manitoba

Discussion Paper (pdf)

Background Paper on Options for a Successor Body

Discussion Paper (pdf)

Consultation with Aboriginal Peoples by Th�r�se Lageunesse

Final Report (pdf)

Crime Prevention in Aboriginal Communities

Discussion Paper (pdf)

Innovative Provincial Aboriginal Funding Programs (April 23, 2001)

Discussion Paper (pdf)

Making Aboriginal Issues Matter in the Government of Manitoba

Discussion Paper (pdf file)

Recognition, Reconciliation and Healing

Discussion Paper (pdf file)

Report on Domestic Violence Policies and Their Impact on Aboriginal People

Discussion Paper (pdf file) (large file - please be patient while it loads)
Policy Directive (pdf file)

Toward a M�tis Policy

Discussion Paper (pdf file)

Trust Responsibility and the Coordination of Aboriginal Issues in the United States: Potential Applications in Canada

Federal Aid Coordination (pdf file)
Federal Aid (PowerPoint file)
The author can be contacted directly by e-mail at BARSHR@juris.law.nyu.edu

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