What is a deacon?
- ️Thu Jun 08 2017
On June 10th, D.J. Johnson and Robert Little were ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons in the Anglican Church of North America. But what exactly does that mean? Many denominations use the term "deacon," but what they each mean can be vastly different. Since so many folks at All Saints are new to Anglicanism, I thought that perhaps a quick primer was due. What is the Diaconate? How does one become a deacon? If the committee approves, the diaconal aspirant then meets with the Vestry and Rector. If there are no stumbling blocks, the Rector will recommend the aspirant to the Bishop. In some dioceses (like Pittsburgh), there will be a diocesan Commission on Ministry that will evaluate each aspirant and make a recommendation to the Bishop. The bishop then decides to reject the aspirant or accept him or her as a postulant. Requirements for postulants vary from diocese to diocese but usually involve classes and other course work, regular communication with the Bishop, and perhaps some practical ministry experience in a parish or hospital. Eventually the postulant becomes a candidate, which means that ordination has been approved and an ordination date has been set. Finally, the candidate is ordained through the laying on of hands by the Bishop in a public service. Since deacons are ordained for the entire church and not just a parish, they are typically ordained in the Cathedral of a diocese along with several other diaconal candidates. What does a deacon do? What is a deacon unable to do? What do deacons wear? What do I call a deacon? For more information on the diaconate in the Anglican Church, please take a look at the ordination service by clicking here. Revd Gwynne Lawlor, Deacon in the Diocese of the Highveld, South Africa. 10/17/2018 05:18:21 am
Thank you for a clear and concise explanation of what a deacon is and what a deacon does. One of the problems in our Anglican Church of Southern Africa is that many parishioners and some of our priests do not fully understand the specific vocation and the role of a deacon, as opposed that of a transitional deacon. Deacons are often seen as "failed" priests. Dani 12/6/2020 08:35:11 am This is an issue in the United Methodist Church as well Im a deacon and my names deacon. haha ironic Resegofetse 3/3/2025 10:39:53 am Haha! Very ironic, Deacon Deacon! Rhonda Buckingham 11/5/2019 09:08:55 am In the above very helpful article you say, " deacons are ordained for the entire church and not just a parish," and that deacons are ordained for life. Yet the vow of obedience is to a particular bishop and his successors. What happens if a deacon must move to another parish? Thanks for your help. Clarence Roberts 1/14/2020 03:36:17 am Information about Anglican Deacons Deacon Chandra 11/6/2019 09:24:44 am Deacons have to be licensed in a Diocese by the Bishop, to work at a particular church, just as Priest are. So if you did have to move to a new Diocese, the Bishop would need to talk with the Bishop in that Diocese and you would first need to get a license by that new Bishop, to work as a Deacon in the new Diocese. You now work directly under this new Bishop. Chuck Martin 12/21/2019 05:34:49 pm
I am a little long in the tooth, however my ministry has been primarily in the area of the homeless. I also have served as reader, cup bearer and acolyte in the Anglican Church. I am a brother of the Benedictune Congregation of our Savior (BCOS). Interested in serving in the ACNA as a deacon or in wherever capacity I am needed. Thank you for writing this. Ella 6/19/2020 11:28:11 am Hi Ollie smiths 6/19/2020 11:39:03 am Deacons wear stoles that are green,red,white and purple and they wear special Deacon tops Ella 6/28/2020 05:06:40 am Goo goo ga ga Rain stool 6/28/2020 05:05:56 am I like it when it rains Rain stool 6/28/2020 05:08:55 am
I am a deacon Cannon mole 6/28/2020 05:11:53 am
I have a deacon called foxly loxly Stuart boon 9/22/2022 06:04:11 am I would like to become a Deacon from stuart boon I a. From stuart I am from Derby Bonolo 5/16/2023 11:53:07 am
Can I ask.. How many times is a Deacon censed with incense? can I humbly get that clarity. Rev'd Dcn John Woloszyn 5/24/2023 01:41:44 am Thank you so much for this article. It is exactly what I needed to find as I prepare a talk on the Diaconate at our 1st ever diocesan conference in June. I was originally ordained in 2000 in the Roman Church but subsequently transferred to an Anglican Diocese. I hope you don't mind if I use parts of your post in my talk. I am a Deacon in the Anglican Province of Christ the King. I am interested in learning if there are any ACNA parashises withing a reasonable distance from Miami, OK; which is in Ottawa County Oklahoma. Leave a Reply. |
The Rev. Eric ZolnerFather Eric is a 3rd generation Anglican and the Rector of All Saints Anglican Church in Springfield, MO. Archives
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