Handbook of Mathematical Formulas and Integrals, Second Edition: 9780123822512: Jeffrey, Alan: Books
From the Back Cover
The solution of mathematical problems requires the successful manipulation of a great variety of functions, the use of general mathematical results and the evaluation of integrals. The purpose of this Handbook is to simplify this task. ADDITIONAL FEATURES INCLUDE: * The integrals, functions and mathematical results used in most applications of mathematics are easily located, and they are presented in the most common form instead of the standard form that usually requires manipulation. The
This Handbook provides reference material that helps simplify the solution of a problem, both by easing the task of locating important functional relationships and also by removing the tedium of evaluating most of the integrals that arise.
This Second Edition is an enhancement of the first. It covers important formulas, functions, relations and methods from algebra, trigonometric and exponential functions, combinatorics, probability, matrix theory, calculus and vector calculus, both ordinary and partial differential equations, Fourier Series, orthogonal polynomials, Laplace and Fourier transforms. Additional material has been added such as proof by mathematical induction, the acceleration of convergence of series, and properties of spherical Bessel functions.
* Tables of Laplace and Fourier transform pairs have been simplified by the inclusion of the most useful results.
* A new section on numerical approximation gives information on interpolation, PadE approximation and finite difference approximations to ordinary and partial derivatives.
* A new section on the Z-transform
* Equations are validated with Mathematica.r
* The thumb-tab indexing feature provides an easy reference system.