Everlasting Love: Rex Smith: 0664140749429: Books

I love this CD. With each suceeding album Rex Smith put out, he got better and better. The songs selected for this album were great. I do not know if this was a joint effort or Rex alone picked the songs, but there is not one song that I do not like. "Still Thinking of You" was co-written by Michael Bolotin (who later changed his name to MICHAEL BOLTON -- can't top that!) The duet with Rachel Sweet on "Everlasting Love" is great and the video is very tongue-in-cheek. She is so short they had to put her on a step at the altar, so Rex wouldn't tower over her. Riding off on the motorcycle was icing on the cake!

Rex's version of "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted" and "Oh Girl" are on the money. Very heart-felt songs that he put his own spin on. "Oh Girl" is a definite sloooow dancing song. "Don't Go Believin'" sounds like a song from the 50's. He could do an entire CD of old classics and I would be one happy camper.

Sometimes the first few chords of a song or the lyrics will make me immediately think of a certain person or a past situation. And I am there, back in time, remembering what was happening, good, bad, whatever. "Remember the Love Songs" is one of those songs that reminds us of better times when things aren't so great at the moment.

"Love Will Always Make You Cry" and "Rock Me Slowly" round out the CD and are very good songs. "Rock Me Slowly" is a definite s-e-x-y song with the lights out.

This CD has to be added to your Rex Smith collection!! A friend of mine who is 25 years old, had me to order this CD for her. She loves Rex's version of "Oh Girl". His music is timeless! (Oh, and the pictures on the cover aren't bad either!!!)