Lifehouse - Almeria - Music

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  • 5.0 out of 5 stars Perfection

    Reviewed in the United States on December 12, 2012

    I will start by saying that I have been a Lifehouse fan for over 10 years, I own all their albums, and I have seen them in concert 5 times. When the song snippets for this album were released on itunes and I listened to them, I figured this album would take a few spins to grow on me. Other than Jason's voice (still phenomenal), this sounds nothing like anything Lifehouse has ever put out before. However, when I bought the album and gave it a listen, I was blown away with how great it actually is. I think what they have done here is absolutely brilliant, and I think the song snippets really don't give you a good idea of the work as a whole. I cannot really choose a favorite because a majority of the songs are outstanding for different reasons and in different ways. The standouts for me are: Nobody Listen, Slow Motion, Only You're The One, Where I Come From, Barricade, Lady Day, and Pins and Needles. These songs are all so different, but all incredible. One last thing: this album is very mellow and understated, in a way. I kept expecting them to rock out at certain points, like they have in the past, but that element just isn't present here. This is not a criticism on my part in any way, and does not detract from this collection of songs whatsoever. My advice as a major Lifehouse fan is to give this one a chance and I think you will definitely hear the magic.

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    Reviewed in the United States on February 3, 2013

    I couldn't wait until Almeria came out. I'm a long time die hard fanof Lifehouse. Let's face it. After "No Name Face" and "Stanley Climbfall", the band took a slight turn. With their Self titled CD and "Who We Are" they were a little different from the first two CD's I've grown to love "No Name Face" and "Stanley Climbfall." I have been a fan since 2000 and finally got to see them 2010- Which was the "Smoke and Mirrors" tour. I just died. I love the CD and their concerts are awesome, they go alllllllll out. So my anticipation grew for "Almeria"...When I first got it - I was "ok" with it,but the CD now, after listening to it for the past 2 1/2 months - had grown on me tenfold. This is ver much the "old" Lifeouse we know. Especially the ballads Baricade and Aftermath And a few that the old, guitaring sounding Lifehouse. They literally through a little bit of everyting into it. Right down to and 1980's sounding song. I really love it - I'm glad I bought it!!

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  • 4.0 out of 5 stars Great songwriting, fresh arrangements

    Reviewed in the United States on December 20, 2012

    I'll start by saying that I believe Lifehouse to produce some of the best songwriting out there. However, I've noticed that they have a tendency towards respecting a formula which ultimately would be their downfall if falling victim to it. With ALMERIA, I noticed very little formula-driven songwriting, if any at all. This album comes across as a breath of fresh air. They've managed to re-create themselves without turning their back on a "Lifehouse sound". I've always felt their stronger songs are the more up-tempo, "rebellious" tracks and the love-song ballads weaker (boring). There might be a couple of the ballad-type yawners on ALMERIA, but not as many as on the "No Name Face" album. The up-tempo songs are stronger than ever on ALMERIA and they've managed to go outside the box on some of their arrangements. I'm thrilled to have a new Lifehouse album that will have legs for a while. I just wish these guys would get more recognition in the pop/rock music world than they do.

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  • 5.0 out of 5 stars Lifehouse just gets better and better

    Reviewed in the United States on January 22, 2013

    I like this album much better than the last one. I'm a big fan of their work and love Jason Wade's voice - he could make the alphabet song sound great. I noticed several songs are written by Jude Cole and I am totally digging the duet with Natasha B., even though some may balk and claim it is too pop. My immediate favorites are Where I Come From, Slow Motion and Aftermath. I don't enjoy bands where every album sounds the same and I appreciate that Almeria has some great blues sounds. I think Lifehouse purists will enjoy or at least I hope they will...

  • 3.0 out of 5 stars A slight change from their sound.

    Reviewed in the United States on December 19, 2012

    As a huge fan of Lifehouse, I was anticipating this album for a few months. It doesn't quite reach the greatness of Stanley Climbfall and No Name Face, but the songs are enjoyable and some very catchy. The standout tracks are the recent single Between the Raindrops, Nobody Listens, Only You're the One, and Pins & Needles. There isn't a terrible song that you would think was completely out of place, just aren't as memorable or good as previous efforts. If you are a huge fan of Lifehouse, then it is worth the purchase just for the tracks I've mentioned, but if you are a casual fan who only enjoys their biggest hits, you would be fine downloading the newest single and skipping the rest.

  • 5.0 out of 5 stars Fast becoming a Favorite!

    Reviewed in the United States on October 13, 2017

    I became acquainted with this group by listening to the pulse channel on SiriusXM in my new car.. While the song that drew me in to buy the album was Between Raindrops, I found other favorites too! I prefer music that is upbeat and helps me stay young at heart. This music helps me begin each day in an upbeat mood. I have to laugh though, my friends don't think this is typical music for a grandma to listen to.

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  • 5.0 out of 5 stars Not Your Usual Lifehouse

    Reviewed in the United States on July 25, 2015

    I've been a fan of Lifehouse since I figured out who they were a few years back, and have since bought their whole discology. Wasn't sure I'd like the album based on some of what was said here. Well, now it's in heavy rotation on my computer. 'Between the Raindrops' is fast becoming a favourite of mine (played it five times today, alone), as well 'Only You're the One'. Not your usual Lifehouse, but I'll play it along with 'Stanley Climbfall' and their Yellow album any time.

Top reviews from other countries

  • 5.0 out of 5 stars 落ち着いた大人のロック健在

    Reviewed in Japan on December 15, 2012


  • 5.0 out of 5 stars perfecto

    Reviewed in Mexico on January 17, 2018

    un disco en perfecto estado la portada especial esta increible y el disco suena muy bien recomendado para los fanaticos del alternativo :)

  • 5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent CD de Lifehouse

    Reviewed in France on October 16, 2021

    Excellent CD de Lifehouse, tout comme tous les autres, celui-ci vaut le coup de l'acheter. Si vous aimez ce groupe et si vous choisissez d'acheter celui-là, vous ne serez pas déçu(e).

  • 5.0 out of 5 stars Lifehouse

    Reviewed in Canada on January 12, 2013

    Heard them perform at the end of a TV show......never heard of them before and just loved the music. Ordered two CD's as gifts and they loved the group too! Plan to get the other CD's as well.

  • 5.0 out of 5 stars Worth the wait!

    Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 13, 2013

    Being a UK Lifehouse fan it has taken over a year for me to get this, due to it not being available as an iTunes or Amazon MP3 download until recently. In the end I decided after all the waiting to plump for the physical CD copy.

    I have to say, I am in love with this album. Jason's voice sounds better than ever, and although the idea of Lifehouse country-ing up their sound worried me, it sounds fresh, and new, and bloody gorgeous! My personal highlights are Only You're the One, Barricade and Aftermath, although I find myself humming Pins and Needles to myself often, so that one is definitely under my skin too!

    Only disappointed with myself for not getting the Deluxe version really!