Letters From The Labyrinth: CDs & Vinyl

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Amazing and loved it

Amazing and loved it

Amazing and loved it,as you see the Amazon prime price is lower than the $13 plus shipping and tax everywhere else.I am a big fan of the Orchestra and enjoy their winter tour and listening to their album, either on Christimas in July on around Christmas season its a family album, has a rock flavour in to it but also a very relaxed and seasons theme like no one else, it is like watching the Polar Express but into music.Gives me chills and their new album is none like other and just as good as their previous ones. I recommend as a must.

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  • 5.0 out of 5 stars It's rock with a bit of classical intertwined and there are some excellent vocals and harmonies

    Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2016

    I got this for my husband for Christmas. We are both huge TSO fans. But he enjoys listening to them in his car a lot whereas I can only take them in small doses. With that said, if you think that this is the typical TSO Christmas album you are absolutely wrong! This is quite a different change from what most TSO fans are used to as it's all original pieces and it's not Christmas themed. It's rock with a bit of classical intertwined and there are some excellent vocals and harmonies. I think TSO gets stuck in the whole Christmas themed category to where that's all people expect of them and want. But if you've seen TSO live several times like we have ( the best concert experience of a Lazer light show & rock show of your life by the way!)and you listen to their music, I think you will agree that they are much more talented and should be doing a lot more projects like this one. So if you want a truly different experience from TSO that you can rock on to in the car, go ahead and give this a chance. Please do keep an open mind as I said, this is not a Christmas based album and it is completely different from what TSO fans are used to. In terms of ordering this album, I HIGHLY and strongly recommend that you listen to the samples before you push buy. You will know immediately if this is going to be an album for you or not. In our case we enjoy it very much.

    7 people found this helpful


  • 5.0 out of 5 stars Bite the Bullet; Get the CD!

    Reviewed in the United States on November 21, 2015

    I would advise anyone thinking about this title to bite the bullet and get the CD. The included booklet is well worth it. There are two short stories, a graphic story, and lyrics. Then there is the lovely artwork by Greg Hildebrandt. Fortunately Amazon has Auto-Rip for this title so that you don't have to slide the CD in and out of the cardboard sleeve.

    Now on to the music. Beethoven is listed on Madness of Men and Prometheus, Borodin on Mountain Labyrinth, Rimsky Korsakov on Prince Igor, and Bach on Lullaby Night. My CD's track eight says it is the Sun Version of Forget About the Blame; the Moon Version featuring Izzy Hale is listed as a 15th bonus track.

    I truly enjoyed the music. It speaks to the times when some people are so focused on the end goal that they forget to live in between, to the people who have lost their way due to hatred, to those who have forgotten how to live with respect and honor. It is about loss and redemption, about discovering who you are and who you are meant to be.

    I strongly recommend this CD. I think if you already enjoy the Trans-Siberian Orchestra that you'll at the very least like this.

    46 people found this helpful


  • 5.0 out of 5 stars Trans Siberian Orchestra Letters From The Labyrinth a Christmas Miracle

    Reviewed in the United States on December 22, 2020

    after ordering this album on November 27th it got shipped on November 30th not knowing where it went or got lost it has finally come 3 days before christmas just in the nick of time I am so happy this is in the mail i's a christmas miracle I now officially own all of Trans Siberian Orchestra albums finally after waiting 5 years after seeing them in concert which is worth it if you have not the album sounds amazing & came in awesome condition I can't wait to play them at my guitar lessons starting next month it should be fun I am just glad it's in my cd collection it made my day & was so pumped to find out it got delivered I yelled when it said got delivered woo hoo yeah baby :]

    5 people found this helpful


  • 4.0 out of 5 stars Trans Siberian Orchestra - Similar Formula

    Reviewed in the United States on December 2, 2015

    The new album from TSO sounds well……pretty much like the old albums from TSO. Loud guitars, big choirs, rocked up versions of classical pieces, a Savatage remake, and big bombastic vocal tracks. Thankfully this album is not Christmas themed which IMO has been done to death. There is a long story and even a comic that is included in the liner notes, but to be honest I have not really had the time to sit down and read through it all yet, so not really clear what the story is all about. As with most TSO albums there are parts of this I love and parts that are slightly cringe worthy. Overall I think this is another solid TSO release. If you like the band, you should enjoy this. If you don’t like them, this is not likely to win you over.

    One person found this helpful


  • 5.0 out of 5 stars Mesmerizing rock and roll music with Christian and uplifting lyrics!

    Reviewed in the United States on May 12, 2018

    TSO is a very unique rock and roll group offering Christian and uplifting lyrics. We love their music and have all of their CDs up to now with this purchase. TSO never disappoints us! We look forward to hearing more from them. If you've never been to a TSO concert, you must go! Whether you like Christian music or not, their rock and roll music is uplifting and mesmerizing. These talented artists are superb in their craft, and their concerts are wonderful entertainment so we try to go every time they come near to our town.

    12 people found this helpful


Top reviews from other countries

  • 3.0 out of 5 stars The weakest work from TSO.

    Reviewed in Mexico on March 1, 2021

    Since the first time I heard TSO, immediately fall in love with the music. It was clear that the Savatage legacy was well combined with Christmas eve and songs; every TSO album had been awesome, until Letters from the labyrinth, I must say. The compositions does not propose something new, it was kept within TSO boundaries, no risks, no moments of grace, strenght or deep emotions. Just enough to have TSO collection complete.

  • 5.0 out of 5 stars Trans-Siberian Orchestra Success

    Reviewed in Canada on November 10, 2016

    We absolutely love the Trans Siberian Orchestra and had the opportunity to see their concert a couple of years back. As we expected this cd offered us the same quality of music as everything else that they have performed. The tracks on this CD were
    WHO I AM
    FORGET ABOUT THE BLAME (Featuring Lzzy Hale)

    My all time favourites were Not the Same and Stay. The CD is well worth buying especially if you have had the pleasure of enjoying Trans-Siberian music. This is a top quality product that I highly recommend to all. This would be a perfect gift for anyone and wonderful to enjoy with the lights dimmed and candles burning.

  • 5.0 out of 5 stars finally... good music.

    Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 27, 2016

    I have been waiting so long for this... and it was worth it. I am very amazed by the music. TSO are really great, I enjoy listening to this album a lot. However, I think my always-to-be favourite will be Beethoven's last night. :-)

    Nonetheless, letters from the Labyrinth are so great, sometimes, songs reminded me of older songs TSO did and Prince Igor's beginning of the song reminded me of Two Steps From Hell.

    It is very good music, I can only recommend it to people who enjoy orchestral music and are looking for something easy to listen to.

  • 5.0 out of 5 stars Trans-Siberian et c'est tout!

    Reviewed in France on August 19, 2016

    Encore un nouvel univers mêlant musique classique et rock-symphonique.
    Je vous le recommande si vous ne connaissez pas ce style de musique.

  • 5.0 out of 5 stars Quando 5 stelle non bastano: La sesta corona dei re del prog-operistico sinfonico firmato Savatage

    Reviewed in Italy on November 27, 2015

    Come non scrivere al volo una descrizione di cosa possa essere questa straordinaria opera dei Trans Siberian Orchestra che altro non sono che la continuazione dei Savatage nella sua espressione più operistica e sinfonica?
    Dalle menti geniali di di Paul O'Neill e Jon Oliva, ecco nascere "Letters from The Labyrinth" sesto album del gruppo.
    Album tra i più strumentali della discografia, si avvale di una chiave musicale di lettura impeccabile, ricca, suonato in modo magistrale da musicisti ultra apprezzati e icone del genere da tre decenni, con un risultato non meno definibile in superlativo.
    Parlando della sostanza di questo concept, la narrazione parla di saggezza e speranza, un vecchio e un bambino, un dialogo su temi come il bullismo, l'economia e la storia, mentre davanti a noi passano le note che la musica ci tatua nel l'anima, un fantastico luna park di sonorità che travolgono, trasportano e struggono emozioni potenti come quest'opera.
    Tra le meravigliose interpretazioni, (praticamente tutte), emergono quella di Jeff scott Soto in "Prometheus", Kayla Reeves in "The night Conceives".
    Dal solo ascolto, ogni amante ed intenditore musicale, ne trae bellezza operistica, sinfonica, musical, metal-prog dal valore eccelso!