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by Andrew Osmond, Mar 26th 2011

Welcome, and please do not adjust your web browser! Yes, this is Anime News Network, only with a slightly more local flavour that we hope you will enjoy. You may notice that, alongside ANN's normal news service, we're now offering stories tailored specifically for English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish fans. Expect many more to follow (and if you have a story yourself, don't be shy – we'd love to hear from you!).

A few weeks ago, Studio Ghibli's film The Borrower Arrietty, based on our very own cultural export The Borrowers, won Japan's Academy prize. It's hard to think of a better demonstration of cross-cultural exchange (well, except for maybe that “Thomas Land” park based on Thomas the Tank Engine, right in the shadow of Mount Fuji). May that happy thought spur us along, as anime on these shores enters its third decade A.A. (*)...

(*) After Akira. Before Akira, we had to make do with this kind of thing:

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