Taco Bell Digimon Promotion

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posted on 2000-09-30 00:27 EDT

Food chain Taco Bell and Saban Entertainment, producers of the popular "Digimon: Digital Monsters" cartoon series, have announced a big Digimon promotion for the upcoming October 6th theatrical release of "Digimon: The Movie."

A special promotional package of 3 "collector cels" will be available with purchases of a Taco Bell Kids Meal. The cels are see-through cards that offer a "freeze-frame" look at your favorite Digimon scenes from the movie. A total of 48 different framed cels will be offered, as well as a movie strip decorated with characters designed for stacking and collecting the cels. Random three-cel packages can also be purchaced for an additional 99 cents.

The promotion is scheduled to run until November 15th while supplies last.

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