Society of the Golden Fleece

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La Confrérie Amicale de la Toison d'Or is an association of those interested in the Order of the Golden Fleece, working to preserve its history and further the aims of the Order in bringing the peoples of mankind together for the common good. For Duke Phillip it symbolised the union of Flanders and Burgundy and the rebirth of the central Lotharingian kingdom of Charlemagne's descendants. The Habsburg heirs of Burgundy continued the union of an empire of many peoples spanning the world, with the Golden Fleece as the highest reward for piety, service and loyalty to principles wider than individual gain.

We especially honor the following of those ideals by Archduke Karl of Habsburg and His Majesty King Juan Carlos of Spain, the current heads of the two branches of the Order of the Golden Fleece. Through their efforts the Golden Fleece remains the symbol for the highest service of mankind through a life of selfless duty.

The Confrérie Amicale de la Toison d'Or is open to any person deeply interested in the order and desirous of furthering its aims and principles. It is organized as a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Washington in the United States.

For more details or to join please contact Stephen Herold, cancelier of the Confrérie.

Note that the the application form is no longer active.
Please use the PayPal account for dues payment.


A spectacular find, pictured above, was made some 40 years ago in Gelderland in the Netherlands of a highest quality golden fleece while some students were having a picnic next to some ruins The fleece is now identified as being made for Claus Vijgh in 1559 by order of King Philip II of Spain and .is now on permanent display in the Tiel Museum, at Tiel in the Netherlands, in a fine custom display including a contemporary portrait of a daughter of Claus Vijgh (seen at right). It is worth seeing if you visit the Netherlands. Complete details can be seen on our Aldenhaag Golden Fleece Report.

The famous and essential Insignie Orden book is now available with a copy we recently received back from an original purchaser. The original distributor still has one copy at over $3,900 U.S. and our is available for only $1,800. Samples of the book can be seen at our Insignie Orden page. Contact us to puchase it.

Other things the Confrérie has done can be seen at the Recent Activities page.

History of the Order

A brief history of the Order and the origins of its symbols.

Insignia of the Order

Pictures and descriptions of the collars, bijous, miniatures and other insiginia of the order.

Knights of the Order of the Golden Fleece

A complete list of all of the knights who were awarded the order of the Golden Fleece -- Burgundian, Austrian and Spanish.

Knights of the Order Appointed by Joseph Bonaparte

A complete list of the six knights who were awarded the order of the Golden Fleece by King Joseph.

Knights of the Order Appointed by Carlist Pretenders

A complete list of all of the knights who were awarded the order of the Golden Fleece by the six Carlist pretenders to the throne.

The Schwarzenbergs & the Golden Fleece

A brief, illustrated history of the important Schwartzenberg family from Bohemia, members of the Order since 1627.

A Brief Note on the �Habsburg Chin�

An introduction to the history of the famous Habsburg genetic aberation, by member John Sipple.

Medals, Orders & Decorations

A site of historical objects where period orders and medals can be found, including Golden Fleece bijous.

The Most Illustrious Order of the Golden Fleece

An account of the early (Burgundian & Habsburg) history of the order by Guy Stair Sainty with much useful detail. An essential reference. His pages on the Spanish Fleece and the Austrian Fleece are equally good, but his internal navigation links are often old and unreliable.

Wearing of the Golden Fleece on Armor in the 16th Century

An illustrated monograph of the solutions to wearing the collar of the order with armor. Based on the Real Armería collection in Madrid that was willed by Philip II to the nation.

La Insigne Orden Del Tois�n De Oro

A review and some sample pages and art from this magnificent reference book.


His Majesty King Juan Carlos

The official website of His Majesty Juan Carlos of Spain.

Otto Von Habsburg

The personal website of Archduke Otto von Habsburg.

Hungarian Historical Archive

Center for Austrian Studies

Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire

Habsburg Biographies

Schönbrunn Palace Home Page

The Société Napoléonienne

Please send comments or suggestions to:
The Editor

Copyright © La Confrérie Amicale 1996-2010. All rights reserved.