Arab Decision


General Comrade Ali Mohammad Habib Mahmood

General Comrade Ali Mohammad Habib Mahmood
Date of Birth1939
City of BirthTartous Governorate  Syria
1962 Graduated from the Military Academy  (Syria)
Commandment and Staff Graduation  (Syria)
High Graduation in Staff  (Syria)
Past Occupation
1959 1959 Joined the Syrian Army  (Syria)
1959 1986 Evloved in army grades up to Major General  (Syria)
1971 1975 Commander of a Regiment  (Syria)
1975 1978 Chief of Staff of Mechanized Infantry Division  (Syria)
1978 1984 Commander of an Infantry Brigade  (Syria)
1982 1982 Commanded the Battle of Sultan Yakoub against the Israeli invading forces to Lebanon  (Syria)
1984 1994 Commander of a Mecanized Infantry Division  (Syria)
1994 2002 Commander of the Special Forces  (Syria)
1998 1998 Nominated General  (Syria)
2002 2004 Deputy Chief of Staff  (Syria)
Current Occupation
Member of the Central Committee  (Syria)
2004 Chief of Staff  (Syria)

(last updated: 11-June-2005)

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