Epitome entomologiae Fabricianae, sive Nomenclator entomologicus emendatus : sistens Fabriciani systematis cum Linneano comparationem : adiectis characteribus ordinum et generum, specibus novis aliorum entomologorum, insectorum habitationibus, nominibus Germanorum Francogallorum, Anglorum : cum indicibus et bibliotheca Fabriciana : Fabricius, Johann Christian, 1745-1808 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

  • ️Wed Feb 11 2009

Attributed to Bergsträsser in Hagen; the BM (Nat. hist.) online catalog record for this ed. also suggests that Borkhausen was a contributor

Contains index of common names in German, French and English

Addenda: p. 208

Includes indexes

Io. Christi. Fabricii bibliotheca entomologica: p. [V]

Soulsby, B.H. Linnæus

Hagen, H.A. Bib. entomologica

extracted picklist

SCNHRB copy 39088005953856 has some ms. pencil and ink annotations by former owner H.S. Barber. A handwritten note tipped in at the front of the volume by H.S.B. reads: "July 1934. J.C. Bridwell says: this differs in no way except title page from the edition dated 1797 (borrowed from Univ. of Kans. Library), which Borkhausen is said to have published. Together we have compared a score of broken letters or other peculiarities of type and believe text is not in any way altered. Paper also seems identical but title pages are different in paper type and name of printer. Horn & Schenkling cite an 1800 edition but do not mention this 1810 title. H.S. Barber 31.7.34."

SCNHRB copy has the autograph of E. A. Schwarz on t.p., with stamps: Div. Ins. U.S. Natl. Mus.; E.A. Schwarz U.S. Nat. Museum recd. Jan 1927 from Bela Hubbard; Smithsonian Libraries Aug 01 19[8?]8. There is a crossed-through, illegible ms. ink autograph of a former owner on t.p., and a handwritten shelf-mark on the front free endpaper: D.VII.8

SCNHRB copy has an old half-leather binding with paste-paper boards and gilt-tooled spine (re-backed); housed in a later archival paperboard portfolio with brown paste-paper spine and typed spine label