Mertensia ovum, Arctic Ocean biodiversity
Mertensia ovum (Fabricius, 1780)
A common near-surface ctenophore of the Arctic and its marginal seas
- Juveniles 2-3 mm
- Adults up to 10 cm
Color & Characteristics
- Transparent, red/pink color along the comb rows
- Body shape oblong to spherical slightly flattened
- Tentacles bulbs prominent
- Tentacles with number long side branches (tentilla)
- Deployed tentacles 10-20 times body length
- Specimen preserves, but poorly
- Panarctic, mostly in surface waters down to 50 m
- Eats copepods and small crustaceans trapped on sticky tentacles
Life cycle
- Generation times are unknown, probably 1 year
Page Author: Russ Hopcroft
Created: Oct 30, 2008