Arlington Heights Facts at a Glance ...

  • ️Mon Feb 09 2009

Arlington Heights Facts at a Glance

Village Government (

Mayor, Village President




O'Hare is 6 miles away, Chicago Executive Airport -- Palwaukee is 2 miles away.


Area Codes
224 overlay. Nearby area codes: 312, 630, 708, 773, 815


Cable Television
WOW! Internet, Cable, Phone


Memory Gardens, Wheeling Townhip Cemetery


Chamber of Commerce

Churches (see Around Town, Arlingtoncards)


Cook County


Court (nearest in Rolling Meadows, see Circuit Court of Cook County Rolling Meadows Courthouse, Third Municipal District, 2121 Euclid)


Salt Creek & McDonald Creek



Extended Care Residences
Church Creek, Lutheran Home, Manor Care, The Moorings


Fire Stations (AHFD)
MABAS | Division 1


Front Line Equipment
ISO Class 1 Fire Dept

Command Vehicle (#403)


Ambulances (#1, 2, 3, 4)


Rescue Squad (#1,#2)


Fire Engines (# 2, 3, 4)


Tower (#1)




Special Teams Vehicle
Urban Search And Rescue (USAR)


Water Rescue


Forest Preserves
Preserves near Arlington Heights include the following in Cook County and Lake County:
Forest Preserve District of Cook County has acquired over 67000 acres of open land (approximately 11 percent of Cook County's total land). Total land authorized to preserve is not to exceed 75000 acres.
Cook County preserves nearest Arlington Heights:
Crabtree Preserve, Deer Grove (first property acquired), Ned Brown Preserve (Busse Woods), Paul Douglas Preserve, numerous woods and play areas along the Des Plaines River.
Lake Country Forest Preserve District has acquired over 24000 acres of peaceful, natural settings.
Lake County preserves nearest Arlington Heights:
Buffalo Creek, Cuba Marsh, Ryerson Conservation Area


Arlington Heights Garbage

Golf Courses
Arlington Lakes, Nickol Knoll, Rolling Green Country Club


High Schools
Hersey & St. Viator within village limits. Buffalo Grove, Prospect, Rolling Meadows, Wheeling serving Arlington residents.
Christian Liberty Academy includes grade school and high school age students.

2 (6)

Historical Society
Arlington Heights Historical Society Museum

Hospital (




Internet (Broadband)
AT&T, Comcast, WOW!
Verizon Wireless Broadband High Speed Wireless (coming soon)


Lake Arlington, Lake Terramere, Arlington Park Race Track, Memory Gardens/Regency Subdivision

In Palatine, Donut Lake/Twin Lakes Recreation is located adjacent to Arl Hts just west of Route 53 and just north of Route 14


Land Area within village limits (square miles)



42N 87W

Library, Public
Arlington Heights
Memorial Library


Major Retailers
Barnes & Noble, The Bombay Company, Best Buy, Gap Kohls, Pier 1, The Sport Authority, Target, Toys 'r' Us, Ulta


Metro Area Facts [more ...]
There are 133 nearby municipalities (cities, villages and incorporated towns) within
Cook County's 956 square mile area. The City of Chicago is 227 sq. miles. Suburban cities and municipalities comprise 573 sq. miles. Unincorporated areas makeup 156 sq. miles.  The population combined exceeds 5.3 million persons, making Cook County the second most populous county in the nation and the 19th largest government in the United States, with the largest unified criminal justice system and the third largest public health system. Lake County is adjacent to Arlington Heights to the north -- just north of Lake Cook Road. Lake County includes 50 diverse communities.

Military Base
Army Reserve 85th Division


Arlington Heights
Park District (

Approximately 66 parks and facilities. Five outdoor pools and one indoor pool.
See also ...

Police Station



2000 Census


























See also ...

Post Office


Rivers (N Illinois Rivers)
(nearest rivers are Des Plaines River and Fox River)


School Districts (public) serving Arlington HeightsTownship HS District 214AH School District 25Community Consolidated School District 21 (Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Mount Prospect, Prospect Heights, Wheeling)PH District 23 (Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Prospect Heights, Wheeling)


Schools (private) serving Arlington Heights
Chicago Futabakai
Japanese SchoolChristian Liberty AcademyOur Lady of the WaysideSt. James SchoolSt. Peter Lutheran
Church and SchoolSt. Viator


Tornado (Steady)
Air Raid (Wails up & down)
No 'all clear' -- tested 1st Tue of month at 10 am


Sports (Professional)
Arlington Park


Streets (miles)


Streets (number)
alphabetical list)


Swimming Pools, Public
Camelot, Frontier, Heritage, Olympic (indoor), Pioneer, Recreation (


Tallest Building (stories)
Dunton Tower


Time Zone CST (-6) CDT (-5)
Central Standard Time with Daylight Savings Adustment


What time is it in
Arlington Heights, Illinois?

Try other cities, too!

Townships (% of Arl Hts)
Wheeling Township (85%)
Elk Grove Township (~14%)
Palatine Township (1%)


Union Pacific
Metra :: Northwest Line


Train Stations (Metra: NW)
Downtown & Arl Park


ComEd, Gas: Nicor, Telephone: AT& T, Comcast Digital Telephone, SBC


Water Sources
Lake Michigan and reserve local wells


Average Water Consumption (gal/day)

9 mil

Water Storage (gallons)

31 mil

Maximum Pumping Capacity (gal/minute)


Water Treatment Methods (City of Evanston)


Flocculation, Sedimentation, Rapid Sand Filtration and Disinfection

Water Additives (Evanston Plant)


Flouride, Chlorine & Polyortho-phosphate (corrosion inhibitor to guard against lead and copper contamination)

Zip Codes
60004 (north of Rt 14)
60005 (south of Rt 14)
60006 (PO Boxes only)


More info Illinois Department of
Commerce & Economic Opportunity

Arlington Heights History (for more history, view year-by-year in the archives & local history)

The Village of Arlington Heights was founded in 1836 with the name of Dunton and incorporated in 1887.

************* Purchase Circle (currently undergoing renovation):
What books are people reading in Arlington Heights?*************
With the help of William Odgen, Chicago's first mayor, a railroad was built connecting Chicago with prairie settlements such as Dunton, the future Village of Arlington Heights. 'The Pioneer' a wood burning engine was put into service in 1848. In 1854 the railroad extended as far as Barrington.

1855 First Presbyterian Society of Dunton was founded.

1856 The First Presbyterian Church of Dunton was formally organized and a church building was constructed at Dunton and Eastman -- the current site of The First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights.

1860 A methodist church and St. Peters Lutheran church were organized in 1860.

1880 The village population was 995.

Arlington Heights had its own post office in 1885.

Village of Arlington Heights incorporated in 1887.

1889 The village population was 1424.

1892 C&NW Railroad built a second track and a new depot.

October 8, 1894, Volunteer Fire Department organized. First engine was purchased (a Howe hand-pumper) for $650.

1895 the first major well was constructed ... delivered forty gallons a minute

1897 the first telephone was installed as a toll station in R.C. Nehls Drug Store on E. Davis

1899 Frederick Redecker built a brick building for his general store at the corner of Vail and Campbell streets  (now Harry's).

First sewer line in 1899.

1900 The village population was 1380.

1902 St. Johns Church organized and water main work begun.

1903 A water tower (60,000 gallon steel tank & tower) was built at the corner of Chestnut and Hawthorne

1904 Gas main work begins and the completion of the first water main, which is located from downtown area along Vail Street to Euclid Ave. and west to Chestnut.

1909 Electricity is installed.

1910 The village population was 1943 and the first high school class graduated.

1914 First paved streets installed.

1918 Mail delivery was established.

1920 The village population was 2250.

1922 Arlington Heights Township School District 214 High School building was completed ...

more ...

1925 Northwest Highway opened and became the major road between Jefferson Park and Barrington. Arlington Heights Park District was founded.

1929 Arlington Park Race Track opened and Scarsdale, Stonegate and Sherwood subdivisions started. Vail Davis Building constructed.

1930 the village population was 4952.

1936 Works Progress Administration approved Park District project to build Recreation Park.

1939 Recreation Park pool and fieldhouse dedicated and officially opened.

1940 the village population was 5600. As World War II started US government bought 100 acres south of Central Rd. to construct auxillary air field to Glenview Naval Air Station. German prisoners were held there.

1942 Navy designated 360 acres (Arlington Field) at the southeast corner of Wilke and Central as an auxiliary air training station field to use in conjunctin with the Naval Air Station at Glenview.

1943 Construction of housing and a hangar began at Arlington Field.

1945 German prisoner of war camp opened at Arlington Field near Central and Dwyer.

1947 Area Code 312 is assigned to Chicago and suburbs.

1950 the village population was 8727. Population boom begins as thousands of homes are constructed.

1955 Arlington Field becomes part of the Integrated Fire Control Site for the Nike surface-to-air battery C-80 of the 45th Antiaircraft Brigade ... gradually obsolete as an air field.

1957 Pioneer Park fieldhouse, pool and maintenance garage officially opened. April 28, 1957, new fire station (AHFD Station #2) was dedicated at 709 N. Arlington Heights Road as first paid firefighters began service.

1959 NIKE base at Central and Wilke becomes a more advanced Missile Master guidance system. Heavy land acquisition and annexation program began for Arlington Heights Park District.

Photo on file at the

Arlington Heights Historical Society Museum. See also On Air Defense Radar Museum.

1960 the village population was 27878. NIKE base becomes fully operational as five radar towers with golf ball-like domes were constructed and used for a long-range air defense radar unit.

1961 The 45th Artillery Bridade Air Defense (NIKE base) was manned by about 1000 soldiers. The 755th Air Control & Warning Squadron relocated to the NIKE base from Williams Bay Air Force Station in Wisconsin.

1962 Municipal Building was constructed at Sigwalt and Arlington Heights Road. The NIKE base began SAGE (semi-automated ground environment) operations, which was a system for collecting, tracking and intercepting enemy bomber aircraft used by NORAD from the late 1950s. The SAGE computers were made of 55,000 vacuum tubes, occupied 1/2 acre of floor space, weighed 275 tons and used up to three megawatts of power. The automated system replaced a manual system that wasn't fast enough to intercept low-flying Russian jet bombers.

1963 Hasbrook Park fieldhouse opened.

1967 a special census showed Arlington Heights growing to 52800. John Hersey High School opened.

1968 the Arlington Heights Memorial Library Building at 500 North Dunton was constructed.

1970 the village population was 64884. Fieldhouses and swimming pools opened at Camelot, Frontier, Heritage, and Olympic Parks. Olympic Pool operated and funded jointly with High School District 214. NIKE base radar towers were dismantled in the 1970's. Russian ICBM's (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles) made the NIKE SAGE system obsolete.

1973 Forest View Tennis Club (6 indoor courts) opened. Portion of Nike Base site (12 acres) on East Central Road conveyed to Park District by Federal government.

1974 Additional 52 acres of the Nike Base site on East Central Road conveyed to the Park District by the Federal government.

1979 Arlington Lakes Golf Club opened on Nike Base site. A training center and maintenance building was constructed for the

Army Reserve 85th Division.

1980 the village population was 66116. Sunset Meadows Driving Range and ballfields opened.

1982 Park Place Senior Center opened.

1984 Arlington High School closes in June, 1984.

1985 Land acquired (11.1 acres) through land dedication in the Lake Terramere Subdivision. July 31, 1985 The Arlington Park Racetrack was destroyed by fire (the largest fire in the history of the village). New Police/Fire Building attached to Municipal Building.

1986 Dunton Tower (first major high-rise) opens.

1987 Arlington Heights Park District purchased North School from School District 25 for $465,000 to develop as park district headquarters.

1988 Village of Arlington Heights and Arlington Heights Park District jointly purchase the North School Playlot for $400,000. Arlington Heights Park District Administration Center opens at former North School. Grand "re-opening" of Recreation Park Pool.

1989 Area Code 708 is assigned to Chicago suburbs including Arlington Heights.

1990 the village population was 75460. North School Park and Lake Arlington were developed.

1991 North School Park with fountain, playground and amphitheater was officially dedicated in July 1991.

1994 Arlington Heights Park District entered into an intergovernmental agreement with the Mt. Prospect Park District, Village of Mt. Prospect, and Metropolitan Water Reclamation District to develop the west side of Melas Park into an athletic complex.
The 12th 'Special Forces' Group (Airborne) based at the former NIKE base was deactivated.

1995 Lake Arlington Boathouse construction completed. Nickol Knoll Clubhouse construction completed at a cost of $412,747.

1996 Area Code 847 is assigned to the northern region of Chicago suburbs, including Arlington Heights. Later in 1996, Area Code 773 is assigned to closest suburbs of Chicago and parts of City of Chicago outside the Loop. Area Code 630 is assigned to west and south suburbs.

2000 The village population was 76031. Arlington Town Square is constructed, after Davis Street is closed at Arlington Heights Road. Major downtown re-development with Village Green, a new train station and Metropolis theater on the west and Arlington Town Square and Arlington Theater on the east of downtown.

2002 Area Code 224 is assigned to overlay Chicago suburban area code 847 including Arlington Heights.

More Info:
Arlington Heights Directory
Arlington Heights Weather