Raymond Kevorkian on Lecture Tour in Canada, US

  • ️The Armenian Weekly
  • ️Thu May 05 2011

Renowned French Armenian historian and academic, Raymond Kevorkian, is embarking on a lecture tour of Canada and the United States in May to present and discuss the new English translation of his important book, The Armenian Genocide: A Complete History. In this major 1,000-page history, Kevorkian, who is also a lecturer at the Institute Français de Géopolitique, University of Paris, and director of the AGBU Nubarian Library in Paris, gives an authoritative account of the origins, events, and consequences of the Armenian Genocide. Kevorkian considers the role it played in the construction of the Turkish nation state and Turkish identity, and explores the ideologies of power, rule, and state violence. Crucially, he examines the consequences of the violence against the Armenians, the implications of the deportations, and the attempts to bring those who committed the atrocities to justice. The book is the first to make extensive use of the archives of the Nubarian Library, which has an important collection of papers, documents, and photographs related to the Armenian Genocide.

Canadian Stops

Kevorkian’s tour begins on May 3 in Toronto, where AGBU Toronto will host the visiting academic at the AGBU Manoogian Center. On May 4-6, the author travels to Montreal, where he will present three separate lectures: “Armenian Refugees in the Near East during the 1920s” on May 4, under the auspices of the AGBU Manuel Keusseyan Armenological Lecture Series; “The Geopolitical Situation in the South Caucasus” on May 5, which is sponsored by the AGBU Young Professionals of Montreal; and a book reading on May 6, which will focus on Kevorkian’s new book and its remarkable findings.

Coast to Coast

On May 9, the author will travel to California’s Silicon Valley to speak to the local AGBU chapter. The following evening, Kevorkian will give a presentation at the AGBU Pasadena Center hosted by the Pasadena-Glendale Chapter. His tour will continue in Detroit, where he will speak at the invitation of AGBU Detroit at the Hagopian Showroom on May 12. The Detroit event is co-sponsored by the AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian School, the Tekeyan Cultural Association, the Knights of Vartan, and the Detroit Armenia Fest Committee. The final stop of the tour will be the AGBU Central Office in New York, where he will speak on May 13.

Raymond Kevorkian will be available to sign copies of his book at all of the above events. All of his lectures during the North American tour will be delivered in Armenian. For more information about the tour, call the AGBU Central Office at (212) 319-6383. For more information about the AGBU and its worldwide programs, visit